I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 139: Child Of Death.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

Limbo as a dimension was separate from the main universe timeline.

There was also only one Limbo but with different versions in it's infinite expanse.

It was connected to just about everything though wormholes in space.

In some universes, the connection was strong enough that select sorcerers and magic practitioners could sense it.

In others it's presence was dimmer.

But one thing that remained constant throughout Limbo, was the ever asleep Entity that was Limbo's essence given sentience.

And this entity was called Aethyr.

And after eons of hibernation, Aethyr was beginning to stir awake.

(General P.O.V)

(Universe ??)

Raven loved her teammates.

But they were too noisy. Beast boy especially. While the change from her normally tragic or boring existence was welcome, the other side of having friends was that they were bothersome.

Which is why she always made sure to have some time for herself. That time was used mostly to reinforce her mental barriers and meditate to keep her other side's urges in check.

The more she approached her 16th birthday, the more her demon side grew stronger. And with that strength came irritable mood swings.

Meditation was crucial, though she knew it was only a temporary measure. The gem on her forehead was going to shatter soon whether she wanted it to or not.

And with it's destruction, 'He' would emerge.

She shook her head, forcing herself to think of happier things. Like Beast Boy's face when Blue Beetle took the last cookie on the plate. Or Starfire's glee at...

The thought disappeared as she felt something.

Her chest felt constricted and she unceremoniously fell out of her meditation. Raven briefly lost control of her power, causing her to land on the mat under her.

Her eyes glowing black, she called onto her magic, creating a portal that she immediately jumped into.

She had to tell the rest.

Something was coming. Something very dangerous.

(Davian's P.O.V)

It feels like I'm in water.

It's so dark in here. And peaceful too.

What was I doing before? I feel like I'm forgetting something.

I remember training in Infinity Island.

I remember sparring with Shiva and Cheshire.

I remember...pain.

Anger and a deafening roar that had shaken me to my core. I remember... Doomsday. The face of the Kryptonian Monster came to the forefront of my mind.

And with it was the fury from earlier. Only this time, there was no clarity.

It started with a purple point of light, pulsing above me.

I stretched out a hand, trying to swim to the surface. To escape these deep dark waters.

Strings as black as death threads, coiled out from under me, ensnaring my body and pulling me down.


No matter how much I struggled to push through, I couldn't. My mouth opened up in a shout. The strings tugging at my back became too much.

I was...I was going to die here...

I couldn't sense Chase or feel any of my powers and I was losing strength in my limbs. What a sucky way to go.

I should let go. Maybe it was time to rest. Maybe I had done enough.

(Say it)

The words appeared in the recess of my mind. I opened my eyes.


Water flowed around me as I looked around for the source of the words.

Eventually NY gaze took me down towards the bottom of the water, where a pair of green glowing eyes opened up.

The Grim Reaper.

The eyes were like burning flames. So powerful.

(Say It)

The statement came again, this time in my own voice.

'I don't know...'

(Say. It.)

My voice was filled with a note of frustration.

I was confused.


A rush of heat started spreading out across my entire soul form, gathering around my Saketsu in the form of a sphere.

And then finally, the sphere exploded.


An echo rose up from the dark depths.

(General P.O.V)

Dark spectral wings burst out from a black cocoon in the sky above Limbo.

Silence reigned as all nearby entities bore witness to the emergence of something that made the whole Phantom Zone struggle to maintain its structure.


Zod stood at the very edge of a Rock Island, staring out into the battlefield.

"By Rao, they have rearranged this entire section."

A Kryptonian soldier commented. He couldn't even blame them for their surprise.

This level of devastation had surpassed anything Zod or his people could bring to bear. While Limbo operated on Will and fortitude, no amount could cause a permanent scar in the never changing realm.

"What should we do Husband?"

Ursa enquired.

Zod stared at the black sun above Doomsday. Before he could answer, the cocoon burst open, revealing one side of a shadow wing.

Darkness surrounded the skeletal form of the wings. A pulse of energy surged out as another wing broke free as well, fully revealing the creature to them.

Ursa took a step back.

"What is that?"

It was a skeleton. A skeleton wearing a crown and burning in black flames.

He'd never seen anything like it before.

Zod rubbed his chest, noticing the difficulty in breathing. A pressure that was growing heavier by the second.

And then it instantly disappeared. He couldn't feel it any more. However, instincts honed over countless battles in service to Krypton told him of the growing danger.

He narrowed his eyes.

"We're leaving."

He immediately stated, turning back and walking away in full gaze of his soldiers.



Nothing spoke.

Even the wind seemed to have quieted down.

The Spirit King gazed down, his body covered with dark flames. A white crown was placed above his skull.

He had in his left hand his signature green scythe and his eyes were like miniature green suns glowing with intense light.

Normally he would have needed to absorb shrouds and other spirits to enter this form but this time it was different. This time he had tapped into something else.

His darker side. Death in its purest.

Reiryoku unrestrained by a physical vessel filled the air. Too potent for anyone to sense, yet the reserves surpassed even the Head Captain himself.

The skeletal shadow wings beat periodically, holding the Grim Reaper aloft. Like a god looking down at creation and finding it unworthy.

There was a distant roar. Then an impact rippled out from below on the surface of the rock island, sending a pressure wave of wind exploding out.

The cause turned out to be Doomsday's lunge.

The Kryptonian Monster cut through the air, clawed hands pulled back and ready to tear anything into tiny pieces as It rose up to attack Death itself.

The latter looked unfazed by the coming danger.

A few feet away from collision, the Spirit King finally made a move. He raised the scythe, it's edge gleaming with deadly promise.

"Denial of Existence."

And then the Scythe was swung down. The slash was simple. But it was everything.

All in its path died. Strings of existence severed completely.

Doomsday's figure was split into two.

It's body separated by the surge of darkness that rose up like a curtain while the slash continued on it's way, cutting through deep layers of Limbo.

Doomsday's soul was shredded in the process. Nothing remained of the immortal unstoppable juggernaut. It's flesh could no longer knit together or regenerate. Not while reality denied it's presence.

An inhuman cry sounded out.

This one felt more like the dimension itself weeping at the wound inflicted upon it.

The slash from the scythe having cut too deep into the dimensional veil.

Matter was collapsing through the scar, pulled by a force from within.

Aethyr, bearing a presence that was no weaker than the Reaper himself, awakened.


Aethyr's essence was connected to the dimension at all levels. Which is why it could sense everything and anything at once.

"Who dares disrupt my slumber?!"

His influence spread out as he swept his gaze throughout Limbo.

Then his eyes landed on It. A being of such uniqueness that Aethyr was given pause.

Rocks and stones gathered around and with Limbo's energy's acting as a binding force, a figure was formed.

An old man, dressed in a gray cloak with a hood and a long gnarled staff.

"Child of Death. What do you seek in my Realm?"

The old man enquired, moving closer to the Reaper.

The Reaper gave no answer.

"No matter. This is my realm. I am it and It is I."

Saying that Aethyr raised his staff and the wound in the dimension begun healing.

The dark curtain of energy caused by the slash was compressed upon itself into the form of a small marble ball that floated calmly above Aethyr's palm.


Aethyr commented at the roiling exotic energies contained in the sphere.

"Such potent power."

His eyes glowed.

"Mmmh I see. You were not the instigator of this matter."

Aethyr added after casually perusing time and watching the events that had unfolded.

"Regardless, Child of Death. Your presence in my realm is too risky. The longer you stay here in that form, the more Limbo will begin to collapse around you. Begone."

Aethyr declared with a wave of his hand.

Space twisted as a repulsive effect begun to act upon Davian.

Still, the Reaper made no move even after the repulsion increased dramatically and booted him out of the Phantom Zone.

Once gone, Aethyr frowned.

"Strange that he did not fight back. Then again, as the concept of Death, perhaps it can sense hostility and lacked to find any within me."

He was about to go to and investigate the curious energy contained in the dark sphere when another presence made itself known.

"That does not belong to you."

Death of the Endless spoke from Aethyr's back.

The Essence of Limbo stiffened, turning around with a reverent bow. You do not show disrespect to any of the Endless.

"Mistress Death."

Death looked at him coldly.

"You overstepped your boundaries Aethyr. We need to address such...behavior."

All Aethyr could do was bitterly think to himself, 'how could I have overstepped my boundaries if I was just safeguarding my dimension?'


(Universe ??)

(The Titan Tower)

In an open field behind a massive T shaped building, energy begun to gather on a single spot in the air.

The wind begun to pick up.

"Raven was right. Everyone get ready."

Starfire said, floating to the air while her fists lit up with green light.

"Oh man. Now I'm gonna miss the game."

Blue Beetle complained, his hands forming into an energy weapon.

Streaks of dark power struck out at the surroundings, carving grooves on the ground. None made it near the team as they were protected by a shield created by Raven.

Finally the energy reached a breaking point and a portal formed, throwing something out into the physical world.

"I'm not sure that's the end of the World situation you were painting Raven. That looks more like a homeless dude."

Beast boy joked as they approached the figure on the ground.

"But...what I sensed..."

"Was hopefully nothing."

Nightwing said, stepping out of the Titan building.

"Star called me, said you might need backup. Now what's..."

He stopped as he spotted a man with silver lying on the ground with a sword gripped in his left hand.

"So who wants to explain this?"

Nightwing sighed.

Everyone looked at Raven.

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