I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 151: And So It Begins.

15+ chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

A massive impact shook the entire rock formation.

Within the crypt, the rest of Intergang, composed of Manheim, Whisper and 5 more men perked up warily. Manheim looked back the way they came, grabbing his radio.

"Squad 2 come in."

He called out.

What answered him was only static.

He switched to the next channel. The squad guarding the perimeter.

"Squad 3 report."

More static. Static that was followed by another earthshaking impact. The radio turned on briefly.

"Stay bac- HEl-Ack!"

There was the sound of the laser cannon humming before the channel went completely dead.

"Something is going on up there."

Whisper O'daire, the beautiful red head by Manheim's side said. 

The stocky, muscular man with a hard squarish face hummed in agreement.

Manheim stared at the open space before them. At the carvings and hieroglyphs on the wall, all leading down to the center of the chamber where a massive stone pillar shaped like a prism stood. 

This was the mother load. He couldn't have complications. The client expected success. He would deliver.

"Do it. Take 3 men with you and..."

Thats when the ceiling above them collapsed.

"Get back!"

Manheim yelled out a warning while he himself slammed onto Whisper, throwing the both of them out from under a massive piece of rock.

Manheim rolled to his feet, his hands tightly gripped on the laser cannon he had with him.

"What was that?"

Whisper groaned as her and the rest of Intergang got to their feet. The ones left alive at least.

2 bodies had been squashed under a boulder. The fact that Squad 2 and 3 were not responding meant that whatever this threat was, they'd taken them out as well.


Manheim demanded angrily. Losing the men wasn't the sore point. It was the powerful weapons in their possession he was worried about.

Acquiring those weapons hadn't exactly been easy. 

The leader of Intergang ground his teeth at the setback. 

"Whoever you are, I will make you pay for this."

He promised, turning the cannon upwards, readying to shoot.

A seductive chuckle rang out.

"Oh will you now?"

Two very fast scarlet beams shot out, zig zagging around the chamber and tagging everyone within.

Manheim could only stand rooted in place as the Omega beams destroyed his men.

Whisper reached out her hand towards him, eyes wide as the energy consumed her from within. She let out a panicked scream that sent shivers down Manheim's spine.

All that remained were their ashes, drifting in the air. Manheim's heart skipped a beat as his body instantly went cold.

He gulped, looking up at the source of the beams.

With glowing red eyes and a mocking smile on her face, Grail descended to the ground.

"Oh don't look so glum human. Your death shall be swift and painful. Thank me for the mercy."

The walls of the cave were filled with the flash of scarlet light. Manheim managed a brief shout of agony before him and the laser cannon disappeared under the deadly Omega beams.

Light from above hit the floor of the chamber. It's source being the hole Grail had burst through.

Constantine looked down at the dust filled chamber. Grail's strength was almost as much as Big blue. She would be nigh impossible to beat if she managed to get her hands on the powers of the Old Gods.

'Come on you monumental arsehole. I need your assurance when the fight breaks out.'

Constantine patted the side of his chest.

The left side of his face changed, the skin shifting to red with Trigon's features.


Constantine's face returned to normal with a scowl. Fuck. Trigon was still refusing to cooperate. 

"Well magician, will you keep me waiting the entire day? I have a father to overthrow!"

Grail's voice reached his ears from inside the chamber. 

Constantine bit back a litany of curse words and cast a levitation spell on himself.

Then he descended into the chamber, his coat flaring in the air.

Once on the floor, Constantine looked around.

"An awful lot of dust here."

He observed.

"Ashes from slain ants."

Grail answered off handedly, eyes roaming around the chamber and the massive stone prism at the center. This was it. The deepest level. 

The Champion of the Old Gods had to be here, inside the prism. And with him came the connection to an entire Pantheon. 

"How did these guys even get here? The magical traps in the crypt were so annoying you had to punch through multiple floors."

The exorcist wondered out loud. 

Grail bent down to the ground, grabbing something left behind after Manheim's death. 

"Of course."

She said, holding up the Mother box. The device pinged, sensing her blood and heritage. 

"Agents of Apokalips."

She said. 

"To a degree."

Constantine added.

"These guys looked more like mercenaries than agents."

"Desaad must have anticipated my actions and now seeks to deny me of my path to strength."

She frowned.

"Meddlesome fool. I will string him up by his organs before the glorious fire pits of Apokalips."

Constantine blinked. 

"That seems... excessive but you do you, Luv."

"You need not concern yourself with my plans Magician. You do your part and I'll do mine. Break the seals."

Grail replied. 

Right. He hadn't forgotten why she'd brought him here in the first place. He turned to study the symbols on the walls and the prism at the center. 

With the light shining from the hole on the ceiling, he could see how it seemed to highlight a few almost invisible lines of text binding each symbol to each other into a massive network.

Constantine whistled.

"Whoever put him here knows what they were doing. This magic formation will not be easy to unravel."

"Can you still do it? I have no need for you otherwise."

Grail mercilessly told him, her eyes lighting up with the promise of death.

'You can't keep Killing everyone you psychopath.' Constantine thought to himself.

"Of course I can do it. Might take time though."

"Time that you won't get."

A new voice said from above. 

Constantine stiffened.

"Oh blood hell."

He said, turning his head up to establish eye contact with the last person he ever wanted to see.

"I was wondering when you'd show up Mate. But did you have to follow me all the way to another universe?"

The Brit questioned, grinding his teeth together.

This was bad. He'd thought stopping Grail from unleashing Teth-Adam and stealing his power was a problem. Now he had to deal with Davian Fucking Mabuz. 

"Another meddlesome fool. Man's world is truly a place of idiots."

Grail muttered, her Omega Beams lighting up before blazing a trail through the air.

Constantine was about to stop her when he realized this was perfect. He should let them fight it out. Meanwhile, he could release Teth-Adam from his prison, turning the fight into a three way between juggernauts.

Davian turned his attention from Constantine to the Omega Beams cutting impossible corners while headed towards him.

The beams slammed onto the Fullbring shield he constructed and bounced off.


Grail said, shock apparent on her face.

"Nothing can block or dodge my Omega Beams."

"Well, I just did."

Davian responded imperiously.

"Hado 7: Akai Inazuma."

The soft incantation was followed by the air within the chamber humming.

"Do something or we're both dead!"

Constantine yelled at Darkseid's daughter, looking up at the red streaks of lightning about to drown them under a storm of Reiryoku.

"Handle your part Magician, I will deal with this pest!"

Grail declared, taking flight and plowing through Akai Inazuma's lightning and onto Davian.

She slammed into his midsection and the two of them burst out through the roof of the ceiling, then a few more floors before they were outside, flying through the air. 

Davian looked down at her. They were both suspended in midair, pushing past the lower atmosphere while headed to Outer Space. 

"It's useless you know."

The Soul Reaper said, slamming an elbow onto Grail's back. 

The impact made her release him.

The New God coughed out, breath leaving her lungs. Davian grabbed her hair, using it to spin her before he let go. 

Then he appeared on her body's path and backhanded her. Slipping into another Shunpo, he appeared before her once more and slammed a knee on her belly. 

He did this a few more times. 

Grail's eyes widened even further in pain. She was actually in pain! Someone was capable of hurting her. Who was this man? And how could a mere human be this powerful?

Finally she was grabbed by the neck. The Soul Reaper pulled her face closer to him. Grail found herself lost in his purple eyes. 

"Now that I'm here, your small conquest is over, New God." 

Davian declared.

With bloodied teeth, Grail begun to laugh. Her eyes lit up with the glow from the Omega Effect. This close and even Davian would need to be cautious against their effect. Yet, he displayed no fear.

A shiver went up Grail's spine. 

"Finally a worthy challenge!"

Darkseid's daughter laughed maniacally.

"Before that fool succeeds I shall enjoy breaking you."

She promised, unsheathing her swords and swinging out.

Davian let go of her in a nanosecond, pulling Chesha Neko put of it's scabbard half way and using it's flat side to receive the slash.

The impact produced sent a pressure wave rippling out. 

"You could have used that chance to back away yet didn't. Why?"

Davian asked Grail, a little curious.

"Why would I? I always move forward! I never turn back. That's a coward's way!"

She punctuated the statement with a left hook that would have devastated anything else but which was received by Davian on his palm.

The Soul Reaper shook his head, a small smile on his face.

"I swear, you're worse than me. Reckless but powerful. Let's see what you can really do!"

Before Grail's eyes, his previously crazy speed went up a few levels. She never saw where the blows were coming from. 


Down at the Crypt, Constantine looked up and all he could see were flashes of red and streaks of purple.

He turned his attention to the Magical seal and concluded his preparations. 

He couldn't go slow like he'd initially planned. If either of them were to win, it would either spell doom for Constantine or the world. 

He bit his thumbs, producing blood. Then he slammed the digit onto the floor. With his blood as the conduit, the exorcist could connect to the Formation.

He couldn't break the formation from the outside; that would take too much time, but he could give some assistance to the prisoner and let them do so themselves.

With a loud sound, a crack appeared on the prism in the middle of the chamber. Constantine stepped back.

"And so it begins."

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