I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 153: I Did Good.

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(General P.O.V)

Breath in.

Breath out.

She focused on the movement of her breath. At the gentle waves and pulses from the center of her demonic energy. A spot within her chest.

Like a second heart.

The bridge to her soul. 

Then the energy would be automatically cycled around the body. First to the gem on her forehead; her father's prison.

The liquid like energy would flow around the lattice. Inspect the spell work even without input from her. After so long, her powers were her. She was both the energy and the physical vessel.

This unique trait was only shared by one other individual. From her initial inspection of Davian anyway.

Yet, in other ways he was even more special case. A being that could exist as both a soul and body.

A true Enigma.

It wasn't like Trigon whose entire being was entrenched into a singular concept so much, he didn't need a soul or a body to function.

She knew without a doubt that her father would never die. Not in the truest sense. As long as Evil existed, then so would Trigon.

"That's right daughter and soon enough I shall escape my prison."

Trigon reached out with his intent upon feeling Raven's soul energy.

Raven's eyes opened.

"I would rather die first than let you out!"

She barked, her eyes glowing with darkness.

The shadows in the room seemed to intensify.

Trigon begun laughing maniacally.

"It's not up to you now, is it?! You've felt it too right?"

Raven clenched her jaw. She had. For the past few weeks. She had initially thought her emotions were influencing her powers due to trepidation over her coming birthday.

But that wasn't it.

That would have been the favorable outcome. Alas! life was not that easy for her. She was always playing it on Hell mode difficulty.

"You know the truth. You can't hide from it, daughter."

Trigon's voice rumbled through her mind once again.

"A source of power, very much like my own. A piece of me from the wide multiverse, brought to this world."

It was true. There were two Trigons in the same dimension. One of them was bad enough...two would be a catastrophe. It would be the end of the...

"No! I'll go to the League with this. As long as we can keep you separate then you will go nowhere."

Raven said in a determined tone.

"For how long? You're soon to come of age daughter. Soon to bloom into what you were meant to be. A true daughter of Trigon. I can give you this world as a gift! Join me before it's too late Raven."

Trigon's tone took a softer approach.

"This could be your Legacy daughter..."

Raven shook her head

"A legacy of pain and suffering? I refuse! I will shatter my very soul just to keep you from winning, Father."

She spat out with as much vitriol as she could.

Trigon's rage was like a volcano simmering with hot Lava, about to blow.

"Yet again you spit at me."

Like a thick blanket, his will pressed onto her chest, making it hard for her to breathe, yet Raven stood in defiance. 

"How dare you deny me...you INSOLENT WHELP!"

Trigon bellowed.



A bored voice greeted, coming out of a yellow vortex.

The glow of the boom tube washed away some of the shadows in the room, as a man walked out.

Davian looked around the room, then at the device in his hands that was gently pulsing. The mother box.

"I swear I was aiming for the roof."

He shrugged.

"Oh well, this will work too."

Raven could only watch, alongside Trigon as Davian stepped out fully and behind him came a spherical green bubble that was holding 3 people within.

All of them were passed out. 

Or at least it seemed so.

But one of them in particular filled Raven with fear and worry. Because their presence here was a risk. 

There was no mistaking it. She could feel her Father's essence within him...

"What do you think you're doing!?"

Raven hissed, her demonic energy surging to her hands as she warily looked towards Constantine.

"You shouldn't have brought him here!! You don't know what you-"

"Jeez, relax. It's not the end of the world."

Davian said, groaning while stretching his neck.

"Nice room, brighter than I thought it would be."

Raven blinked in surprise.

How could he be so nonchalant about this?! Trigon could...

Constantine's fingers twitched. A crack appeared on the gem imprinted on her forehead. 

'Oh no,' her heart skipped a beat. It was already happening.

"Hahaha! It's Too Late!"

Trigon laughed from within the gem.

"I can feel it! My salvation! Soon I shall be free! unopposed!"


Davian said, pointing a finger at the gem and sending a black beam towards it. The beam smacked onto the gem and immediately the entire thing shattered.

Time seemed to stop for a minute. 

The air grew thick.


Trigon's shadow manifested above Raven's body in a smokey form. 

His form seemed to be disintegrating into the air, body devoured by the rampant energies of Respira. 

"No...no no NOOOO!!"

Trigon couldn't believe it.

"What are you?! You're not Human!!"

He cast a terrified look Davian's way. The soul reaper merely sank onto Raven's bean bag. (a gift from BeastBoy)

"Hey, that's racist man."

He said in the same bored tone from before, blowing strands of hair out of his face while sinking his whole weight onto the bean bag.

"Man,this is comfortable. Gotta get one of these."

Trigon could feel himself being spread out across multiple time Instances. His essence was getting scattered into the past, present and future.

It was a pain unlike anything the dimensional entity had experienced. He extended his hand out to his counterpart inside the Bubble.

"I- we only need to merge! Yes, that will work!"

His scarlet form turned into tendrils of power that extended out towards the shield..

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Davian called out, grabbing the remote off the table before clicking the TV on.

Trigon ignored the being. He only had to combine with his alternate self to keep himself grounded in this timeline and then they would pay. All of them!

Including Raven! He would chain her up and use her to grow his own army of human-demon hybrids. And then he would use that army to conquer everything once more! Yes! YES! YES! 


The first tendril touched the green bubble. 

The spherical shield vibrated. Immediately the time erosion working on destroying his body seemed to be dramatically amplified. 

"WHAT! IMPOSSIBLE! I am an Extra-dimensional Entity! A god! Nothing should harm me!"

The Lord of Evil cried out in terror.

Davian had used Fullbring to pull on the soul of Respira, not only enhancing it's properties but it's power.


Trigon could only watch as his left side completely dissolved into the air. 

"Told you so."

Davian added, surfing through the channels.

"Nothing good to watch. That's a bummer. I wanted to just chill for a while. Fighting in the desert can take a lot from a guy."

Trigon could feel his mental capabilities slowly deteriorate. A consequence of having pieces of his consciousness strewn about.

"I curse-"

He begun, only for Davian to turn towards him.


Then the second surprise of the day happened. One instant there was nothing then the next, a giant purple cat emerged from Davian. 

It opened it's jaws wide and with one clean chomp swallowed Trigon.

"Yuck." Raven was even more shocked at the human voice that came out of it's mouth.

"Next time feed me something tasty. That was disgusting."

The Zanpakuto spirit complained to Davian, before plunging back in through his chest.

"So ungrateful."

Davian shook his head.

That's when everything finally caught up with Raven and she made a noise at the back of her throat. 


She muttered to herself, running her hand over the spot on her forehead.

"He's really gone."

She repeated, sinking to the floor in both shock and relief.

"Yeah. He's not really dead but having your consciousness scattered across the infinitude of the fourth dimension is as close to that as we can get with Trigon. It will take him approximately 7 million years to come back, according to Chase anyway. That's the cat you just saw by the way."

Raven's mind finally caught onto the fact that the man infront of her...

A stranger she had only known for a few days, had been the one to save her. 

Davian instantly found himself tackled by a hug from the much shorter girl. 


He slung an arm over her shoulders to return the hug.

Shuddering sobs rocked Raven's body as for the first time ever, she let go and cried.

She cried for Azarath, she cried for her mother, she cried for herself. At having to always be in control, lest the world paid the price of her mistakes.

All the things she had endured. All of it came pouring out. 

Davian rubbed her back gently, a soft expression on his face 

"It's okay. He will never hurt you again."

His hands tightened around her while his jaw clenched.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you from him earlier. Truth is, that attack was the only one with any chance of working and I hadn't got the hang of it."

'Until now.' He thought. 

It had been a novel idea. Why not use Fullbring to directly influence his other abilities? 

"He can't hurt you anymore."

He reiterated, his own eyes misting as he remembered his Raven. She was gone now but... looking down at the crying girl in his arms, one who shared so many similarities to both him and that other Raven...

"I did good..."

Davian muttered low to himself.

Within his inner dimension, Chesha Neko looked out into the Inner World. The trickster Cat's face was illuminated by the cloak of power surrounding him.

"Yes. You did, my Wielder. Yes you did."

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