I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 156: Demise of the Old Gods.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

(Eons Ago)

(The Reign of the Old Gods)

A distraught farmer who had lost so much, once lived in a world of mortals and Old Gods.

The mortals worshipped these Old Gods due to their immense power. They were giants. Walking concepts that fed unilaterally on faith.

Faith offered to them by mortals. Yet the Old Gods were more interested in waging wars than actually hearing the pleas of their subjects.

The Farmer had suffered loss after loss. And eventually, he reached his limit.

He became disfranchised.

He became faithless.

Uxas, the son of Yuga Khan decided to take matters into his own hands. He approached the gods while they were asleep and whispered to them.

He told each that the other Old Gods were plotting to kill them and seize their power. Due to his machinations, the Old Gods already predisposed to battle, evolved their conflict into a war for supremacy and survival.

Eventually Uxas saw his plans come to pass. An Old God lay mortally wounded before him.

'What an ugly thing,' he had thought.

"Why do we have to be subservient to such... unworthy beings? Beings more concerned with fighting amongst each other than helping those who sustain their very essence?"

He had mused to himself, standing behind the massive head of the Old God.

"Little worm...pray to me."

The Old God had wheezed out, life leaving it's body.


Uxas had asked.

"Because, I shall...*cough* give you what you desire..."

The Old God had answered.

Uxas had hoisted up his tool for tilling the land.

"Very well. Then what I desire...is death to all of you, undeserving wretches. Death to The Old Gods!"

And so his weapon had struck true.

And the Old God had died.

Uxas had absorbed his essence, becoming the first of the New Gods. His essence was no longer that of a mortal or a man. And that first taste led him to wanting more.

Now tied to his new divinity, the Old Gods left, immediately felt him through their God Essence.

Eyes glowing with the light of the Omega Effect, Uxas, now Darkseid looked out into the infinite expanse and felt their terrified stares.




Darkseid had laughed.

"I am coming for you all. No longer shall we be lesser. Your era is over. So says Darkseid."

The Old Gods had rallied together. Darkseid had kept good on his promise, destroying their brethren and taking their power.

And so, they had come to a consensus. To save themselves and stop the Madman Uxas, they chose his brother Izaya, giving him power on par with Darkseid.

Thus, Izaya dubbed as HighFather became the positive Counterpart to his brother.

War raged, the Fourth World underwent massive upheaval between the factions of Darkseid and HighFather.

Eventually the Fourth World was separated into two massive planets orbiting around each other, forever locked in a battle between good and evil.

HighFather established New Genesis, a place of peace and beauty. It was the closest thing to heaven.

Darkseid established Apokalips, a place of war and suffering. It was the closest thing to hell.

Polar opposites, just like each other.

Their father, Yuga Khan seeing the destruction brought about by both, decided to take matters into his own hands and wrest control of Apokalips from Darkseid.

He failed.

Darkseid locked him away in the source wall, the final barrier separating the multiverse from the Overvoid.

The source was the creator of all.

Before Yuga Khan's will was forever intertwined with the Promethian Gods stuck within the Source Wall, he had left behind a prophecy.

"Just as you have betrayed your Progenitor Uxas, so shall you be betrayed. And the End of all shall come for you. Death itself lurks under your shadow, unseen. Only visible when you look at the corner of your eyes!"

(Many years later)

Myrina Black was the chosen Amazonian Assassin.

But she believed her sisters had abandoned their duty to protect man's world. Coming across the Evil God Darkseid, she saw his power and his plans for domination.

Eventually he would come for Earth. So she sired a child in hopes that one day that child would bring about Darkseid's End.

Yet during the birth of the child, the Amazonian high priestess had a vision. One that foretold of a great calamity.

Two immensely powerful beings locked in a battle that would shake the very foundations of the Cosmos.

Myrina escaped, knowing they would blame her child and seek to kill it.

And so the years passed, she trained her daughter into a fine Amazon and an even finer Warrior.

Her daughter's name was Grail.

Yet, Myrina knew that just because she was a New God, Grail lacked the level of power wielded by her father and so they consulted the three fates.

They denied her audience.

They denied her acceptance.

They called her Forsaken.

Which had left only one option left. Grail was a New God. Hence, she could absorb the essence of other gods.

And so begun Grail's excursion into many worlds, seeking out the power of the Old Gods. With a Mother-box, something procured by her mother, dimensional walls became easy to traverse.

Eventually her path brought her across someone unique.

A being of pure strength and power. One without equal. Also one who didn't want their vacation to be cut short because of some upstart beings bringing near to Earth.

And so Lucifer had allowed her to take the soul of a certain resourceful Magician to aid her, wanting to see this entire matter through.

The Devil had knowingly caused a massive shift in the timeline. And in doing so, the future was now uncertain.

Lucifer couldn't wait to see what would unfold as a result...

(Davian's P.O.V)

It's official. Every superpowered chick I meet is crazy.

Powergirl made good on her promise by coming at me like a rage fueled beast. I dodged every haymaker, punch, gouge and kick with minimal ease.

We flashed across Limbo at dizzying speeds, me jumping from one Rock Island to another while she followed right after.

Her body burst through each island without even slowing down, face set in a frown.

Her heel came down on my previous position, tearing apart the rock island into two separate chunks. The dust died down to reveal me standing in mid air, one eyebrow raised at the destruction she had left in her wake.

One thing you couldn't say was that Kryptonians were weak.

I speculated that Deimos wouldn't have held a candle to her. Which meant 90% of the prisoners in the Phantom Zone wouldn't stand a chance either.

"Gah! Stand still will you?!"

Powergirl yelled.

I frowned.


She blinked at my answer before smiling while cracking her knuckles.

"Really? Don't blame me when I take your head off!"

What a violent woman.

She gave out a roar before shooting towards my direction, leaving a sonic boom behind her.

"Eat Thisss!!"

The air screamed around her fist in its path towards my cheek.

(General P.O.V)

Constantine felt it before he heard it. A vibration in the air, then a wind storm passed him by, blowing his coat and almost lifting up his body.

"They're mad."

The Exorcist stated, kneeling on the ground.

"This is as good a time as any to get the hell out of here."

He bit his thumb drawing blood before using it to draw a magic circle.

"I need an anchor."

Luckily he had Trigon within him. The latter was connected by blood and heritage to a certain female teen superhero.

Using his blood as the conduit (magic demanded a price in return) he could tap into that connection Trigon had with Raven and simply leave Limbo.

Meanwhile the fighting happening between Davian and Powergirl seemed to have entered a lull.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"What?! How!"

Powergirl demanded after her fist had failed to move me even an inch.

The impact had produced a pressure blast bigger than a nuclear bomb. In the immediate area around us, nothing remained. Everything had been blown back, the rock islands shattering into thousands of smaller pieces that floated in the inert atmosphere.

"I thought you wanted to take my head clean off?"

I questioned her, tilting said head while staring at her in mockery.

Powergirl grit her teeth.

"I wasn't done yet!"

She pulled back her hand but faster than she could see, I backhanded her to sleep.

The blow cracked the air loudly.

Her body went limp in my arms.

"Did you really think I was going to let you get another punch in?"

I questioned the woman in my arms, before disappearing in a blur.

My next step deposited me right beside Constantine, spooking him.

"Bloody hell! Why would you scare me like that?"

He asked, one hand over his chest. His body posture was angled slightly as if to hide something.

He stared at the girl in my hands and raised an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

I pointed at the pentagram on the ground he was trying hide away.

"Oh this?"

He shrugged.

"Just an insurance incase things went bad. For you."

At least he didn't lie. I was ready to leave him here if he had.

His eyes landed on the girl in my arms.

"I mean look at her, she's jacked mate. 10 times out of 10, I would bet on her winning over anyone."

"He does have a point."

Chase spoke into my mind.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

"Great, now you're on this Asshole's side?"

My Zanpakuto spirit snorted.

"I'm on the side of jiggly..."

I cut off the transmission, shaking my head at his antics.

Still, something needed to be said.

"I'll only say this once-"

I paused.

Then sighed, turning around to regard another uninvited guest. Or rather guests. It was a group of men and women, all wearing one piece body suits.

The leading man was muscular underneath his outfit and on his chest was a very familiar logo.

It was a stylized "Z" within a shield like design and Nick's memories immediately identified it as the Emblem of the House of Zod.


These guys?

"Greetings, I am General Zod."

The man on the lead introduced himself, his voice deep and commanding.

He continued,

"The woman in your arms is a part of my group. Release her to me and we shall have no quarrel, stranger."

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