I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 167: Might Makes me Right part 2.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



AN: I have a New Fic in my Patreon called:

In DC with the Pet Pet Fruit. This fic will be NSFW. I'm updating it as we speak. The first few chapters are free. 

(General P.O.V)

"Before you foolishly attack me, ask yourself one simple question girl."

Desaad sneered.

"Why aren't you locked up with the rest of those idiot children who thought they could take on the might of Apokalips!"

Grail stopped.

"It has crossed my mind."

She admitted.

"But then I realize, I don't give a fuck. I just want to punch your face in."

The minute she got within a few paces of Desaad, the ship's floor opened up under her. The lens of a huge device appeared from beneath, producing a unique pulse of orange energy that covered her in a sudden cocoon.

"Target successfully detained."

The ship's AI said.

"Energy reserves at 100%"

"Excellent work Fatherbox."

The cloaked villain said to the clunky device placed on a pedestal next to his seat, his fingers running over the box.

He then advanced forward, stopping before the energy capsule, a cruel smile on his face.

Grail tried to shout but her voice couldn't be heard through the capsule. She pulled back her hand and begun raining punches across the bounds of her prison but nothing seemed to work.

Her eyes lit up, filling the chamber with scarlet light. Then twin Omega beams launched off them.

The beams bounced around the cocoon ineffectually before slamming onto her and getting absorbed into her body, without leaving behind a single scratch.

Desaad wheezed in laughter.

"Struggle all you want Child but there is no way you're getting out of there. The capsule absorbs energy to sustain itself, so the more you strike it, the stronger and tougher it will be."

The New God rattled off a few facts.

"It is so powerful in fact that I theorize, nothing can break through-"

That's when a massive purple energy arrow, surrounded by a vortex of dark energy speared through the Main deck, nailing Desaad onto the wall of the chamber.

The ship trembled, rocked by a massive shockwave caused by the impact of the arrow.

It was sudden.

It was fast.

It was unavoidable.

Desaad coughed out a mouthful of blood. What was that?...

The New God staring disbelievingly at the projectile sticking out of his chest. Even Grail looked on with a perturbed expression on her face.

It hadn't taken long for her to value anyone else opposed to Apokalips as a potential ally. Maybe she was was going to get out of here sooner or later.

Back to Desaad, he could feel pain!

How was he feeling Pain?! He had eliminated that weakness ages ago! And not only that, the energy within the arrow seemed to be going erratic.

Desaad premonition screamed at him to do something.A very big thing was about to happen.

The New God could feel himself fading away. No- Could this be death? It couldn't be. He needed to live! Desaad was needed for his master's grand plan.

He gathered all the energy he could, lifted his trembling hands and grabbed the shaft of the massive arrow.

The black vortex of energy surrounding the arrow jumped onto him, disintegrating his fingers and wrists.


Was all he managed to say as the arrow on his chest blew up, spreading a wave of destruction across the entire chamber.

Grail smiled when cracks begun to appear around her prison.


(Earth's Surface.)

Metropolis had been turned into a battlefield of epic levels of devastation.

The Justice League had tried to hold on. They had fought back valiantly, putting their lives on the line to protect the civilians being evacuated.

The almost endless waves of Para-demons from the spaceships coming through the Boom-tubes were dealt with extreme prejudice.

The information provided by Kalibak had been accurate so far.

The League had beat back the forces of Apokalips almost too easily. The battle seemed to be over, the only thing left do being to save the Teen Titans.

That's when 'he' decided to arrive. He wasn't alone either. He had with him Lanterns from across the entire universe. All of them infected by something.

A red and green virus.

A false Anti-life equation.

And that's when everything changed.

(A few gruesome minutes later)

The remains of skyscrapers jutted out in the beautiful skyline of Metropolis.

The skyline itself was filled with dust and smoke that heavily hang over the city. Swarms of Para-demons patrolled periodically, seeking out people to abduct.

In a certain leveled block, at a clearing surrounded by the remains of buildings,

Darkseid, the embodiment of malevolence, levitated, triumphant amidst the fallen heroes tasked to defending the world.

The Justice League...had failed.

Superman, the symbol of hope, his uniform torn apart, was now held captive by two enslaved heroes, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter.

The former's ring pulsed with a murky green light that sent waves of weakness across the Man of Steel's body. The effect was similar to Kryptonite, ensuring Superman was too weak to defend himself.

Both Hal's and J'onn's eyes glowed with an eerie, crimson light as they kept the Man of Steel on his knees.

"How the mighty have fallen"

Darkseid gloated while advancing forward, an entire platoon of Lanterns hovered in the space above him, all under his control.

"I thought you had more fight in you, Kryptonian."

He mocked the kneeling Superman.

The God of Evil next surveyed a spot on the ground.

Batman, the Dark Knight, lay on it, a gruesome wound in his chest where Wonder Woman's sword had pierced through him.

Alfred's incessant calls for him to hold on through the ear piece were the second loudest thing he could ear. The loudest thing reaching his ears being a whistling sound.

Coming straight at them.

He couldn't move, he'd lost so much blood any strenuous activity would make him keel over immediately, dead.

This was bad... Darkseid had caught then unprepared.

And the rest of the League faired no better. Each one of them suffering something worse than the one before.

Across the desolate street, Wonder Woman's body was torn limb from limb. Her golden lasso was used to bind her to a streetlight like a gruesome trophy.

The Amazonian warrior's strength had been no match for the sheer brutality of Darkseid and Kalibak after he'd been rescued by his father's arrival.

She had lost copious amounts of blood, most of it pooling on the ground below her.

Darkseid's gazed passed over her to the next victim, the speedster.

In a realm of never-ending torment, The Flash found himself trapped within a capsule of relentless red energy.

His body spasmed as he relived life after life in a never-ending simulation, one created by the Omega Effect.

With the Speed Force unique abilities, time had become his prison, each life seeming longer and even more painful.

There didn't seem to be a way out of this never ending cycle of torment.

The Evil God's final gaze fell to the Champion of the gods. The Old Gods, he corrected himself. Dealing with him had been simple.

Shazam's once-mighty form had been reduced to a charred husk on the very Earth.

Darkseid hadn't wasted time and had focused the full might of his Omega Beams on the champion, burning his skin to nothing.

The hero who had once summoned the power of six powerful beings was nowhere to be seen.

On his previous location was the small smoking form of a child.

A job well done.

Darkseid smirked, looking up at the news chopper flying in the sky while filming everything that was happening.

He waved a hand. Murky green energy left his right palm and the aircraft was immediately pulled towards him by thousands of misshapen hand constructs.

The chopper came to hover before Darkseid. It's rotors rotating closer to The Evil God. He

Said god held his hands behind him, his intimidating aura scaring the news crew silent.

It was clear what he wanted, so with a nudge from the reporter, the Camera man gulped and rolled the tape, beginning to film.

The God of Evil motioned around him at the fallen heroes.

"Behold the fate of those who dare to oppose me," Darkseid begun, his voice a deep baritone one with a resonating effect.

His red eyes blazed with power as he continued his speech,

"Your heroes have fallen, and now, there is no hope left. I have taken the very essence of existence, and there is no one left to stand in my way."

Across the world, everyone watching was chilled to the bone by his words. They had a ripple of power in them. As if anything he declared was law.

"I expect rebellions, I expect revolutionaries...I expect weaklings battering against fate. For that is what you are. A tribe of insignificant beings that exist to be under my rule."

He turned away from the Camera, flying down towards Superman.

"I want you to watch me as I corrupt the best among you. I want your despair to fester. Your revenge to simmer. You hatred to magnify and burn true."

He brought his hands closer to Superman's head.

"One simple touch and the symbol of hope you so vehemently look up at shall be the instrument for my destruction."

His palm inched closer to Superman's head when...

A shower of purple filled the smoky sky. Millions and millions of arrows rained down on them at fast speeds.

Over a hundred were headed exclusively straight for Darkseid.

The God of Evil did not move an inch from his position. That said, the furrow in his brows and tightening of his left hand showed that this was something he wasn't familiar with.

'Could it finally be 'him?' The one prophesied to bring Darkseid down and usher in a new world, the fifth world?

Darkseid truly did not have an answer. A bloodthirsty smile spread out across his face. He hadn't met a good challenge on Earth but maybe this could be it.


Darkseid hummed, his one active eye managing to make contact with someone a long distance away from the planet. Something about those eyes...

(Davian's P.O.V)

The planet was burning.


That said however, I found myself concerned with a more immediate problem. How the fuck did I get here?

Did someone teleport me out of Limbo?

That wouldn't make sense, the only way that would happen is if they were immeasurably more powerful than I was.

And even if they were, I would still have felt it. No. There had to be another explanation.

Not to mention, why dump me in space of all places?

I closed my eyes, concentrating on my link with my Zanpakuto.

"Chase, can you hear me?"

I called out.

"Yes. I can. But where are you? You just disappeared on us."

Chase said, voice projected through the link.

Before I could answer, he popped up on my left shoulder.

"Why are you in space?"

He enquired, looking around at the cold and empty environment.

"I don't know."

I spoke to his mind. This was the only viable way to communicate, as sound could not be transmitted through a vacuum.

"But if I had to hazard a guess...I would say it has something to do with the attack happening to the planet. My theory is someone pulled me out so that I could help out with..."

"Actually I think you're responsible."

Chase cut in musingly. He teleported off my shoulder, appearing infront of me, paws under his chin as he studied my body.

"Your body is teeming with Limbo's energy. No doubt a consequence of absorbing Aethyr into you."

I looked down at myself, probing my body with Reikaku. An Ethereal swirl of grey energy continuously circled the outline of my soul.

"You're right. It's echoes of Phantom energy. Coming from...Limbo."

I said in realization.

"I don't think you were forcibly teleported out of the Phantom Zone. I think by absorbing Aethyr, you also absorbed the Phantom Zone into you, thereby expelling you out of the Dimension. I wouldn't be surprised to find an expansion to your Inner World."

Chase concluded.

And sure enough when I closed my eyes, his suspicions rang true. My Inner World had massively expanded. It was now split into two distinct areas.

I couldn't wait to see it for myself. Something told me that there was more to the Sins' abilities than my initial thought.

"We can check it out later. Right now, we're needed. The Earth is under attack."

I told my Zanpakuto, eyes on the dozens of Spaceships that I could now spot around the Earth's atmosphere.

My enhanced senses seemed to have been amplified even more. I didn't think they came from any particular Sin, so it must have been more of a general enhancement due to the fact the Sins were canonically demons.

Anything that increased my abilities was welcome however. Anything to protect Raven. Besides, I lived for this. The challenges.

My decision making had never the best and that had led to me getting into many dumb situations.

I had fought for so long it was virtually the only thing I was good at. Take that away and I was nothing. Just a guy with a past he couldn't escape from.

So if my purpose was to be a death machine, a power hungry maniac with a monstrous cat roaming from one place to the another in search of conflict or Death, so be it.

I gladly accepted it.

I would play my role as the Grim Reaper to perfection.

It didn't hurt that a welcome change to owning my guilt and accepting myself was something good for once.

Power. Incredible Power.

One that would allow me to selfishly protect what I wanted and to ruthlessly dispatch those I wanted gone.

This was my playing ground now. And I dared anyone to challenge me for it.

"Oh my, what an intimidating aura that is."

Chase commented, on the shroud of Reiatsu around me.

I smirked, stretching out my left hand. Chesha Neko, woven across my clothes after I'd absorbed Aethyr, run down my form, several purple threads waving along my body.

The threads converged on the palm of my left hand, combining and creating a majestic bow half the size of my body.

I turned to fully face the planet, the glare of the sun casting a beautiful shade on one side of the Earth.

"Chase, I need you to do something for me. Use your sensory abilities and give me some targets."

I informed my Zanpakuto.

Chase stared at the bow in my hands then at me as if I was crazy.

"You can't be seriously considering what I think you're considering?"

The smile on my face widened.

"If what you're thinking involves making a certain New God mad and scared shitless at the same time, then you'd be right. I'm about to fuck up Darkseid's day."

I pulled the bowstring back.



Reiryoku surged through my left hand, then Tairyoku came from my right. Both energies roiled around each other. A chaotic chain of purple and gold, each the opposite of one another.

Chase shook his head in defeat.

"I'll bark like a dog if you make a shot from this distance."

He wagered.

'oh you poor cat... don't you know you don't bet against me?'

"Targets. Now."

I replied with an hungry growl, eager to prove to him that I wasn't just a good shot, I was a phenomenal one.

Chase turned his focus fully on the Earth.

A pulse of Reiryoku, very much like my own rushed out of him, spreading out across the entire region of the moon's orbit around the planet.

"Mmmh...That is one serious invasion." He begun,

"There's multiple Portals around the world acting as a gateway for the invaders. Swarms of... Those creatures - I recognize them."

He turned to me with a serious expression ok his face.

"They're called Para-demons."

The word sent warning bells across my mind. My grin spread even further.

"Darkseid. Guess he couldn't wait for death to come to him. Well, if he seeks my attention that badly then...it's on."

This was it. Nick's memories painted this dude as a god. Undefeated, unbowed. If there ever was a battle I wanted to partake in, this was it.

I closed a single eye, the other one, penetrating through space to tag anything my mind triggered as hostile to the planet.

"Keep going."

Chase complied,

"41 massive spaceships across the globe. Hovering above some of the world's most populated locations. They also seem to be abducting people."

Reikaku paired up with my enhanced sight provided an almost Omni-present awareness across the entire world. So everything Chase said I followed and brought within my sight.

"Among the ships, there's the largest, the 41st, which is floating above New York and is most likely the main command station. I can't quite get a read on this particular one. It- seems to be shielded somehow."

His tone was tainted with frustration.

"Let me see."

I suggested, before then fully unleashing the power of my Reikaku's sensory prowess. The true limits, or lack thereof on this particular skill, were fully displayed here.

"2000 Para-demons- no wait a couple of them have just been blown out of the ship by..."

My face changed as I cursed.

"The teen titans are on that ship. Raven is on that ship!"

"Well then, I believe it would be prudent if you introduced yourself."

Chase told me, jumping back onto my shoulder.

"In the process, we can find out what you can fully do. It's a two birds one stone situation. You ready?"

I snorted at his question. Was I ready? Why don't I let my skill speak for itself.

"Combo attack: Demonic Lightning Respira!"

I semi playfully chanted, pulling back ok the string and causing massive arrows to form from the purple strings around my body.

There were tens of thousands, then hundreds then millions.

The arrows spun at my urging, gathering momentum and power. Then I pushed Respira through the attack, creating a vortex of time erosion around each Individual arrow.

My target? Each of the 41 spaceships and the scores of creatures they held.

"I feel like this moment needs a cool line."

I said to myself.

"'How about, Death has come knocking and you have no choice but to answer'?

Chase suggested.

I shook my head.

"Nah that's too long. Oh I know."

I released the bow string. With a sudden pressure wave, the arrows sailed forward towards the planet at supersonic speeds.

"He shoots...and scores!"

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