I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 189: Death’$ Gift.

Advanced Chapters in my Patreon. 



(Davian's P.O.V)

I could scarcely believe it.

The last time I saw the Tower, it was whisked away into space and time right after Nabu had been defeated.

And now it was back. Right before my eyes.

"Is it just me or is it even bigger?"

I wondered, flying down to the chunk of rock the Tower was built on.

The closer I got, the more apparent it became that I was right. The Tower of Fate was much much larger in scope than I remembered. 

While before it was just a little over 5 storeys, now it was the size of a hundred Burj Khalifas. All stacked up on top of each other. 

And yes, it's an overused comparison but nonetheless true. 

That was well over 100,000 meters. 

It made the rocky planet the tower stood on, which was actually the relative size of the Moon, seem small.

The tower itself was also unique. Or more unique than before if that made sense.

The very tip of the jutting structure had a massive clock that was slowly ticking down. 

Further study with Reikaku informed me the Clock was not just for Aesthetic purposes.

It seemed to be connected to the entire universe. A link that I didn't spend more time investigating due to it's complexity and my own impatience. 

By then I had broken through the atmosphere of the small planet, descending to the ground along the tower's length, while silmuteneously studying it as much as I could. 

It seemed to have multiple levels that I couldn't peek into, even with Reikaku; the first time something had entirely blocked my perception.

It intrigued me, increasing my desire to enter the Tower and find out the mysteries hiding within.

Quickly, the ground appeared below me, hiding behind a golden cloud cover. Past the clouds and I finally got a real look at the planet.

My senses were assaulted by a wide range of stimuli. The air hung heavy with energy. Energy in the form of golden mist. Had I had a body, every breath taken would have filled my lungs with a load of magic.

The cloud cover turned out to be part of the golden mist, permeating the lower levels of the Tower, floating closer to the ground due to it's richness and weight. 

And through it, the landscape was revealed, a land of wonder and mysticness. 

The terrain was mostly rock but still possessed an alien beauty that painted this place as far from mundane as possible. 

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect, were the huge collection of boulders lying around everywhere. 

Some were gigantic enough to appear as hills. A large collection of them formed ranges that surrounded the Tower. 

The ground itself was predominantly black and fertile with the same energy that was everywhere. 

However, instead of various plants and vegetation, the whole area was dotted with huge purple crystals that were dozens of meters tall. The Crystals grew along side said boulders and rocks.

Even more gems and precious minerals glowed brightly on the ground. And from a brief scan with Reikaku, the surface of the entire planet was the same everywhere. 

A miner's wet-dream. 

My feet gently landed on the steps leading to the Tower. 

Before me was the courtyard and right in front of the entrance, were two massive statues glowing with power. 

Before walking in, I bent and picked up a single purple gemstone, studying it with Reikaku. 

The energy within this simple gemstone astonished me. Not only was it similar to magic, it was so concentrated that the energy had been compressed into a solid form. 

"No, not magic."

I said to myself, staring at the sky and the massive purple sun sending down waves of rich energy onto the planet. The root cause of the golden mist and the strange energy gems. 

"Davi Energy."

I muttered to myself. 

The name resonated with the energy across the planet, causing the very air to gently tremble. 

I stood up, rolling the gemstone across my fingers. I didn't have a body but could give my soul enough substance to interact with anything. The sensations were muted though. 

'After I study the Tower and name the Universe, creating a new body will be the next step.' I decided. 

For now though, I couldn't hold back my curiosity. Shunpo deposited me right at the entrance to the tower, which was a large wooden door with veins of purple energy across its face. 

I was seeing a theme here. The Sun was purple, the gemstones were purple and even the door itself had purple. 

That wasn't all. 

On either side of it was a statue.

The first was strangely enough, me in my Grim Reaper form. Or rather, the form I took on after absorbing millions of Shrouds. 

I gotta say, whoever carved it really captured my image. 

Even the eyes, which glowed with a...you guessed, faint purple light. Bony wings were spread out on my back and a long scythe was slung over the statue's shoulder. 

On its other hand however, was something strange. 

A Motherbox. 

The very same one I had in my Pocket Dimension. I removed it, a hum of foreign energy spreading out across the entire planet. 

The golden mist which I was now calling Davi Energy, was instantly attracted to the Mother box. 

The New-God sentient computer started going haywire. It beeped and begun absorbing loads of Davi energy, so I sent it back to my Pocket Dimension. 

The Motherbox disappeared back into storage, only for it to be pushed back out. 

"Oh, so you don't wanna go back to that stuffy place huh?"

I mused, trying to make sense of the intent and emotions it gave off. 

It beeped and hummed in my hands, confirming my suspicions. I could hear it, and indeed it didn't want to go back to the Pocket Dimension. 

Or rather it couldn't, one taste of Davi energy and the Motherbox wanted more. 

I chose to let it keep absorbing energy. There was more than enough after all. Besides I was curious to see what would happen to it afterwards. Maybe it would evolve and provide me with some new tricks. 

There was a lot I could do with a Sentient Computer. 

The second Statue was of Raven.

I had noticed it from my peripheral but now staring straight at it, took me back. 

Back to those simple days when it was just me, her and Chase. She had tried to teach me magic only for us to come to the realization I was a talentless noob who could only swing a sword. 

You ask me, the Statue while impressive, still failed to really capture her face. 

She usually twisted the corner of her lips when she was in deep thought. Her eyes hadn't glowed white like the Statue's but in a way they had been even brighter. Especially when she gave one of her rare smiles. 

I sat cross-legged before the two statues. 

For 20 minutes, I stayed there, reminiscing about a time long gone by. And the promises made. 

Promises I was yet to keep. I sighed, running a hand down my face. I had been so vocal about bringing Raven back and also killing Batman's rogue gallery. 

Yet, even with all my power, both things seemed insurmountable now as they did back then. 

Logically, I was afraid of failure. And that had led to me simply coasting by. I acted like it was her memory I was trying not to tarnish, but I had had more than enough chances to resurrect her. 

"Forgive me Raven."

I whispered, touching my forehead onto the ground before the Statue. 

The Motherbox beeped softly, as if to offer some measure of comfort. Hah! Consoled by a machine. My life was strange. 

"I promise you Raven, I will get you back. One way or another."

I got back to my feet, a little less burdened. 

The Motherbox in my hand had also stopped absorbing energy and had suspiciously gone silent. 

I secured my Zanpakuto, prepared myself and with the device still in my hands, walked to the huge doors of the tower. 

My palm laid flat across the door's length. I exerted a little strength and pushed it open. 

With an audible creaking, the door swung open slowly, revealing a warm and comforting Hall on the other side.

The ground was laden with a soft looking carpet, the walls were framed with paintings of me and Chase in various battle scenes, the ceiling had a massive chandelier that sent warm light down and-

I was about to walk in when I stiffened in place. The Motherbox in my hand fell to the ground on account of the sudden surprise that hit me. 

I don't know what I was expecting, but not this. 

"Hello, Davi. Long time."

Raven smiled, greeting me from a plush couch at the end of the Hall. 

(General P.O.V) 

"What is this?"

Hera demanded from Batman, standing to her full height. 

"You have lowered a planet wide barrier. Are you confident in your ability that you would risk being trapped in here with us? The Quintessence?"

"You're wrong, my Queen."

Wonder Woman told her, the Justice League coming to stand with Batman and the Flash, making their loyalties known. 

"You are the ones trapped in here with us."


Hera raged, divine power rolling off her, pressing down and making the air in the conference building heavy.

A sparking lance appeared in her hands.

"I should have killed you when you were still a child, Diana! You and your whore mother!"

"Bring it on, bitch."

Wonder Woman shot back, grabbing a hold of her Lasso. 

The League prepared itself for a fight. Already, the commotion was causing armed soldiers to enter the building due to the panicked screams and noise from the delegates. 

[Acrra Avante]

A loud but calm voice stated, casting a spell. 

Immediately, all sound in the room disappeared. 

Mamaragan the Wizard, sighed from his seat. 

"We did not come here looking to fight."

He said, his voice the only thing audible in the chamber. 

All eyes were on him. 

"If you truly care for this world, then listen. Davian, the one you call the Reaper is now in a class of his own. He has achieved power that few could dream of. Power that scares those of us in the Quintessence."

His words had everyone enraptured. 

"And anyone with that kind of power will seek to exercise it. That means getting vengeance on those who have wronged him, taking what he desires for himself without opposition and just generally being an headache that an organization like the Justice League cannot handle."

Another sigh escaped him, his gaze far away. 

"Truth be told, this is a selfish endeavor. The Reaper needs to be contained. One way or the other. And I know you understand that. I have been where you are. Protected the world when it needed me. It's your choice but your best option, is to work with us."

"And you think anyone will buy that crap?"

A new voice cut in. 

Right in the middle of the stage, a garganta manifested into existence. From it's dark depths, a red costumed individual floated out. But he wasn't alone.

"The League might."

A second voice mocked, this one distinctly female. 

"It's like them to be shortsighted like that. As if they stand a chance against Davian."

"You two. Stay focused."

A third female voice pitched in. This one was more authoritative than the other two. 

Deadman, Cheshire and finally Lady Shiva fully emerged out of the Garganta in full view of the world. 

The spell of silence the Wizard had cast was somehow broken by the three's entrance. 

"""Supervillains?! Here?"""

"""Wait, I know her!"""

""" What do they want!? First aliens and now assasins and ghosts"""

"""The ghost guy...I think he's a hero."""

"""Now I remember! That's Lady Shiva! Our government has files on her involvement with a certain shadow organization!"""

Most of the delegates here were privy to secret information unknown to the world.

And Lady Shiva was infamous and dangerous enough that almost everyone in the know, would immediately recognize her visage. Crappy for an assasin? 


But she was more a fighter than an assasin. She wouldn't kill you from the shadows. No, she would face you down and absolutely wreck you. 

"Batman, that's-"

Zatara begun. 


Bruce finished, narrowing his eyes behind the cowl. 

"With Cheshire and Shiva."

"Anyone have a guess what the three of them are doing together?"

The Flash asked. 

"A few months ago, Deadman went off the grid. The three of them were in Infinity Island minutes before it sank."

Batman answered. 

"Yeah. And we all know what happened there, don't we Batsy?"

Deadman taunted his former friend. 

"I wonder if you told your team what you and the Flash did. What you and the Flash have been doing from the start..."

The Flash standing next to Batman widened his eyes. How?! How did he know!? Immediately, his head turned to the rest of the League, hands raised up. 


"Come on, don't lie now."

Deadman added, walking closer to the League. 

"You should have known that the truth has a nasty habit of always coming out."

With every word, Barry felt his world shake. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He couldn't even bear to look at his teammates. He knew what he would see would be questions on their faces. 

"... Flash?... Flash!"

He heard someone calling him. But their voice sounded so far away. The only thing Flash could hear was Deadman's voice. 

"Surely, they have the right to know, that you and Batman are-"

Instantly, the world slowed down for the flash as he entered Flash Time.

Barry didn't want to hear it anymore. He needed some time to think. Everything was catching up to him too fast. 

He didn't want Iris to hear of his screw ups. She would never look at him the same. 

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

Flash was now in a crouch, hands wrapped around his shins as he had a mental breakdown. 

"I can't! I can't! I can't! Stupid! Stupid!"

He slapped the sides of his head. 

He stayed like that for more than a minute in FlashTime. 

Then he sighed, getting to his feet. All the while, the world stayed on pause. 

"I don't have a choice..."

The Speedster said lifelessly. His body started vibrating. 

"They will understand one day. That everything I've done has been to protect this world. They will understand one day."

It was decided then. To keep his secret, he was going to have to kill everyone in the building. 


AN// WTF Barry!? You're going to kill EVERYONE?! 

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