I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 193: Call To Arms!

Advanced chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)

( A Few days ago)

On the roof of a tall cathedral, a blue sphere materialized.

The sphere's light waned, fading away to reveal a group of 2 and a cat.

"And where is this supposed to be?"

Grail questioned, surveying the old architecture around. 

"Welcome to Gotham."

Chase replied with a wide grin. 

"Davi and I holed up here some time back."

He explained, languidly stretching his back on Grail's shoulder.

"Mmh soo comfortable."

The Cheshire Cat purred, settling his haunches down.

"Oi, get off, you stupid cat! I'm not a horse!"

Grail barked out, throwing him aside.

A figure appeared on Chase's path, intercepting his body and gently catching him by his two front legs.

"How rude, little New God."

Cheshire hissed from his new position, legs wildly kicking the air.

"You trying to dirty my beautiful fur?"

"Are you alright Master?"

The figure holding him up, turned out to be one of the numerous soul lanterns Chase had within the Inner World.

This particular Soul Lantern was a beautiful brownskinned woman with an ample chest. She slowly held the trickster cat to her torso, craddling him in her bussom.

Chase who had been angry at the blatant disrespect Grail was showing him, forgot all about that. A dopey smile appeared on his face.

"My fur smarts a bit, could you hold me... even tighter?"

The Trickster Cat asked innocently. 

Grail stared at Chase in disgust. To think the Reaper's cat was this perverted. 

"Do you want me to annihilate her for laying hands upon your divine fur?"

The Soul Lantern offered, unsheathing her short sword and pointing at Grail. 

The latter of whom was watching the whole incident with folded hands.


Chase yawned dismissively.

"No need for all that. Besides, I consider it an Upgrade. No meat on her really."

"Excuse me?"

Grail questioned, eyes glowing scarlet. No meat on her? seriously? Was he blind? She had a sizable bust, thank you very much!

"Fur-smarting aside, we have a duty."

Manhattan cut in, walking between the two.

"Let us focus."

The Cat and the New God glared at each other, before Chase started chuckling,

"Things got heated there, little New God. You have fire in you."

He complimented.

"I don't need to hear praise from you Cat, but I appreciate it none the less."

Grail responded.

"Now that the Drama's over, we best be getting to what brought us here."

Chase said, his playfulness gone. He jumped ontop of the Soul Lantern's head.

"We can't keep Davi waiting. We need to collect the few allies we can and go back him up."

"Not to sound pessimistic, but what kind of allies can we expect to find here?"

Grail asked, looking down at the quiet city.

"I don't sense anybody strong."

"Strength is much more than the ability to stomp whoever is in your path, young lady."

A new voice called out.

All around them, shadows shimmered as figures in red Oni masks appeared, prompting Grail into a battle stance. 


Her eyes lit up with the Omega Effect. There were 10 of them, surrounding Grail and the other two in a loose circle. 

Before she could release her eye beams, something landed on the ground right in front of her.

Black fleshy wings spread out, several feet in length. The wings led up to a lightly muscled physique that was a cross between a human and a Bat.

The creature growled, a menacing sound that rumbled forth from its chest. Orange eyes stared back at her scarlet ones fearlessly. Warning her not to make any sudden moves. 

Despite the Intimidating aura, Grail could tell that the new arrival was a bit on the young side. 

The fact that a child was brandishing sharp claws her way made her hesitate.

"Put those away Kid."

Danny Fulio, leader of the PRT told Jason Todd, The Bat of Crime Alley.

"I believe they're friends."

The old man stated with a knowing smile thrown Chase's way,

"In fact, I guarantee it."

Chase jumped off the Soul Lantern, shifting into his Human Form midair. 

A young man dressed in a Victorian era suit with coattails, a pair of snowy white cat ears and a purple tail, appeared by the time his feet landed on the floor.

Chase held out his hand in an amicable greeting, 

"We haven't had the pleasure of a proper introduction. You can call me Chase."

Danny grabbed the hand and shook it with a firm grip. He knew who this was. He could feel it instinctively through his mask. 

"Danny. The young brat growling over here is Jason and this is my crew. Well, the Reaper's Crew anyway. We owe a lot to the Boss."

"Well, turns out he'll be in trouble soon."

Grail interjected, understanding that these guys were who they had come for. 

"At least according to him."

She pointed her thumb Manhattan's way.


A member of the PRT behind Danny questioned.

"Sounds like Fun. Ever since we cleaned up Crime Alley, things have been kinda boring."


Jason agreed, changing into his human form. A small boy that was just entering adolescence was revealed. He had blue eyes and was dressed in a loose T-shirt and a pair of grey shorts.

A black half mask covered his upper face.

"If it's a fight, I want in! You guys promised you'd let me help."

He pointed his finger at Danny.

The older man sighed.

"As you can see, we're not exactly lacking the eagerness to help out. Tell me, what can we do to assist the Boss?"


(Location: ???)

(The Headquarters For the League of Shadows)

In an Unknown Island, the new headquarters for the League of Shadows was recently built. 

Surrounded on one side by a tall mountain, and the other by the sea, the large complex constructed near the coast, was crawling with the best assasins in the world. 

The training yard itself was at the very edge of the complex, facing a cliff with a sheer drop. Sharp coral reefs and stones waited at the bottom. 

Various dummies were set around the training field, each one occupied by a single shadow.

"Remember! Your body IS the weapon."

Ra's explained from the top of the stairs overlooking the training yard. 

"Harden it, sharpen it. To the point you do not need a pointy metal to make a kill."

He raised a single hand, and swiped it out, decapitating the wooden Dummy's head in one move.

"Your body is a far deadlier weapon."


The shadow trainees shouted out in acceptance.

The familiar light of the blue sphere appeared next to Ra's. His personal guards jumped in to intercept whoever it was, but Ra's raised his hand.

"Return to your training."

He ordered the shadows below the steps.


"Ra's Al Ghul,"

Chase called out. 

"It's time to repay your debt."


(Prime Earth)

(San Francisco)

A press conference was being conducted in front of the tall Titan tower.

The glass walls gleamed beautifully in the vibrant day.

Prime Earth had fully recovered despite the planet experiencing Darkseid's invasion just a week prior.

"My father, Trigon is a- monster."

A black haired girl said into the mic.


She stood on the stage, looking out onto the sea of both heroes and regular people. A couple of rogues and some villains were present too.

Everyone had gathered for the momentous occasion.

"He's cruel, vindictive, uncaring but most of all...powerful."

She continued.

"For the longest time, I believed and justifiably so, that I couldn't fight my destiny. That I couldn't escape my fate. That my legacy was to serve him."

Her voice carried over softly, filling the entire field.

"But then 'HE' arrived. And everything changed."

Her face lit up into a small smile.

"By 'He' you all know who am talking about right?"

The crowd laughed. 

"I mean, it would have been hard to miss the single man fighting Darkseid's hoarde alone."

The crowd hollered. 

"When everyone else had been taken out... he not only persisted, he also achieved victory."

Cheers escaped them, growing rowdy at her words. 

Behind Rachel, Nightwing and the others watched on with various happy expressions.

"And if that wasn't enough, he fixed all the damage wrought by the forces of Apokalips. Collapsed buildings, shattered streets, broken dams."

Rachel paused. 

"Even those who died during the invasion...he brought them back. All of them."

The cheering and applause this time was deafening.

Rachel stepped back, gesturing with one hand at something behind her. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am of course talking about none other than, Davian! The Reaper!"

Something gigantic was hidden under a large grey sheet behind her. The sheet was pulled away to reveal...

A huge statue carved in the image of Davian.

Strands of his silver hair hang on the left side of his head, an uncaring and slightly arrogant smirk forever etched onto his handsome face and his left hand laid on the handle of Chesha Neko, poking from his hip.

"He didn't ask for anything in return...even after he saved all our lives."

Rachel added softly, gazing up at those eyes. If she squinted, she could almost imagine them glowing purple.

"Join me in celebrating this statue, for there in lies a gratitude we cannot repay."

Her words touched everyone's soul, leaving them staring up in awe at Davian's likeness.

The Statue was built right before the entrance to the tower. It was tall too, measuring 10 feet in height. Like a silent Guardian, forever looking out into the bay.

The light of a blue sphere manifested on the stage next to Raven.

The light died down to reveal a group of 3 and a Cat.

Chase's eyes immediately fell on Davian's Statue. The Zanpakuto whistled.

"He was arrogant before...but now he'll be downright insufferable. Nice statue though."

Rachel gasped upon seeing Chase.


She squealed in happiness, running forward and tackling the Cat in a hug, surprising her team and the Justice League.

"Hey, you ever seen Rachel this happy?"

Beastboy asked the others.


Starfire answered with a sweet smile.

"And even then, he was still the reason."

She made it known who she was talking about by staring at the Statue.

"Yeah yeah I missed you too kiddo."

Chase said, allowing the other girl to hold him in her embrace.

Fortunately it was brief, to which Chase was grateful. He'd only allowed it because, next to Davian, Raven and her parralel selves were his second favorite human.

Rachel backed off, eyes gazing around, looking for something. Or rather someone.

When she couldn't find him, she turned to Chase.

"Where is-"

"That's why we're here."

Chase said in a serious tone.

He popped right onto the podium, staring down at the gathered capes. 

"Listen up. I'm not here to collect some debt you feel you owe Davi or some other dumb shit like that. My aim is to recruit you for a battle unlike any you've ever seen."

Murmurs broke out from the crowd.


Chase commanded, releasing a smidgen of intent their way.

"If you live for glory, for grand purpose, then I can assure you, nothing will ever come as close to this. If you sign up, know that you might definitely die, but we will absolutely win and bring you back. This... Is a call to Arms!"

His voice and face were broadcasted throughout the world. The unveiling of the statue of the Man who saved the world, having been made an international affair.

It wasn't just North America that had been saved after all. 

Regardless, this turned out to be a good opportunity for Chase to find allies. 

But never was he expecting the kind of numbers that stepped up to join the fight.

"We are coming."

Superman said assuredly, floating above his colleagues.

Nor was he expecting the Prime Justice League to be the first in line.

He wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Their enemies thought Davian was fighting alone. Boy would they be surprised when Chase turned up with an Army. 

"Wait for me, Master."

The Zanpakuto Spirit said to himself.

Only one last place to go. Atlantis. Enlisting the help of the Atlanteans was a good idea. 

(Davian's P.O.V)

I was back in my body, staring at the sky.

Reikaku surged out, scanning the local universe to find out my location.

Central City Park, the North West region, close to the lake. I was alone...

Lying on my back, the grass under me a soft bed, with my focus on the sky.

It was cloudy. The kind of clouds that carried rain. It only took a few minutes before big fat drops started falling from the sky.

I felt each individual drop intuitively, instinctively. I could see into its make up, 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom.

It was...knowledge. And with knowledge came control... 

The raindrops slowed, inches away from my body. By then my surroundings were pouring, heavily.

"2 sets of enemies."

I muttered, remembering what I had learned from the Quintessence and the Great Darkness.

"God and the Devil."

I stopped freezing the drops in midair, allowing them to splatter on me. In seconds I was drenched.

But I remained unbothered and with an hungry smile.

"Another challenge. Something tells me that this will blow everything else away."

But I couldn't win as I was. If I was going to go up against not only the Presence but the Great Darkness...then I had to get even more powerful.

First, I'll consolidate the power I have now and then, it will be time. Time to acquire more Authorities.


A/N: Kinda excited for what's coming. 

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