I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 198: Shukai part 3

Advanced chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)


Zeus was irrate with Fury.

All the gods could feel it. Even Poseidon who was normally vocal in opposing any of the decisions the King of the Gods made, was silent.

The matter at hand was that serious.

"My worthless offspring should have been here by now."

Zeus clenched his jaw.

"Hermes, prolong my wait further, and I'll unleash my wrath the moment you appear!"

His bellow resonated in the heavens, thunder rumbling across the Skylands in the wake of his words.

"Patience brother. Yelling serves no purpose other than making you look like a loudmouthed brute."

Demeter huffed.

"I have no time for your nonsense Demeter!"

Zeus roared.

"My wife, your Queen, has been kidnapped. It's an affront, not just to me but to all of Olympus. So, keep silent, woman!"

"Are you sure that's all there is to it?"

Poseidon asked from his position.

Immediately the atmosphere in the throne room turned frigid cold.

"This...is about to get ugly."

Dionysus muttered, eyes jumping from his father to his uncle.

"What are you getting at, brother?"

Zeus questioned in a low menacing tone. Sparks of blue energy danced around his body, his eyes glowing an electric blue.

Poseidon sat up straighter, his own divinity boiling within him.

"It's straightforward, brother. You summoned this meeting only after Earth vanished. Why the delay? If you truly cared about our sister's well-being, you wouldn't have procrastinated."

Zeus grit his teeth, furious eyes glaring at Poseidon, who refused to back down.

The tension grew thicker to the point breathing became almost hard.

"Father, Uncle, we're wasting time arguing when we could be working to save the Queen."

Athena, usually the voice of reason tried to appease the two.

"She turned a deaf ear."

Zeus declared, slamming his hand on the armrest of his throne, gaze fixed on Poseidon.

"I urged her to escape, to come back to Olympus, but she. Ignored. My. Pleas! What else was I supposed to do? By the time I could have reached her, the damnable Reaper..."

He trailed off with a sigh.

Then abruptly, Zeus jumped to his feet, eyes cast towards the ray of light approaching Olympus.

The light passed through the archway, landing right in the middle of the throne room.

"Hermes! You've finally arrived Boy! Tell me, did you deliver the message?"

Zeus questioned.

"Greetings Father. I did as you commanded." Hermes stated, going silent with a soft smirk on his handsome face.

"WELL?? Out with it then!"

Zeus' voice thundered.

"The Asgardians declined collaboration, but I anticipate Thor's usual involvement. That war-monger wouldn't pass up a battle for anything."

Hermes clarified.

"I'll crush him this time."

Ares promised, flexing his muscles.

"You say that and then get your ass kicked. It happens all the time." Aphrodite rolled her eyes at him.


Zeus intervened, bringing a hush to the entire Throne chamber.

"Hermes, proceed."

"The Egyptians refused an audience with me. Again."

Frustration was in the God of Messenger's tone.

"And the same thing happened with the Shinto and the Hindu. Only the Jade Emperor was willing to stand with us. The rest of the Pantheons are too afraid of the Reaper. They call him the Anti-divine."

Hermes concluded.

"I see."

Zeus said, sinking down to his throne. A pensive look was on his face.

"He's that intimidating then..."

"Brother...perhaps Earth is not worth it?"

Hades spoke up for the first time.

"We've been ruling over Humans for Millenial. That has shackled our power and fate to their worship. Perhaps, letting them fully go, could be a new beginning-"

"Silence, Hades! I'm the ruler here! I give the orders!"

Zeus interrupted brusquely.

"If the Reaper craves war, so be it. Even if we stand alone, Olympus will respond to the challenge! We will reclaim my Queen and our subjects!"

"I warned you he wouldn't heed reason. To him, it's about saving face."

Poseidon informed Hades.

"At least we can count on the Jade Emperor's assistance."

(Jade Palace)

"That accursed Monkey!"

The Jade Emperor's voice echoed with frustration.

"He pilfered my special robe! I'll be late for the battle!"

Laughter trailed behind his irate exclamations.

"Hahahahaha! Where do you think you're rushing off to? Stick around and let's have some fun!"

Sun Wukong's laughter could not be contained.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The light of Bankai washed away to reveal me.

On my hands, I wore two gauntlets – one obsidian, the other glistening in gold.

I aimed the Hand of God, pulsing with holy light, the light of God himself, at the Heavenly Host.

A sort of commotion begun among the Angels as they tried to figure out what was about to happen.

And thus they retaliated.

Millions of light attacks, energy lances, sword auras, beams and arrows shot towards my position, each aimed to stop what I was about to accomplish.

But my anger fueled my actions, stoking my resolve.

"I'm not letting any of you escape."

The Hand of God pulled on the web of existence around each angel. And then I severed their connection to The Light.

In an instant, all incoming attacks lost their trajectory, dissolving into shapeless streams that spilled into the emptiness, unable to reach me.

Deprived of the Light, many angels, particularly the weaker ones with one or two pairs of wings, suffocated in the vacuum of space.

Those with three pairs of wings and above while finding it difficult to breath, could very likely hold on longer.

Not if I had something to say about it.

I kicked off my heel, sending myself forward in a burst of crazy speed, culminating in a ripped out wing belonging to a six winged angel.

The angel opened his mouth in a cry of anguish, only for my left hand to wrap around his head and crush his skull.

Brain juice spilled through my fingers.

A few of the angels that were still active, dove towards my position, dealing sword slashes and spear thrusts, that I danced around with multiple ease.

The Hand of God pulsed.

The web of existence was woven in a new way, unleashing an omnidirectional force, I created a wave that thrust them aside, causing collisions among themselves and escalating the pandemonium.

Then I reasserted the Web of Existence, going a step further. Instead of a push, I pulled them in towards me.

My body started to spin rapidly, arms extended, the Gauntlets on both of my arms converging into a lethal, whirling blade of death that shredded anything that ventured too close.

I was in the thick of it now, surrounded by angel body parts, wings and blood.

By the time I stopped spinning, I had taken out thousands.

Not nearly enough to put a dent in their number, but coupled with the fact I had cut off their connection to the light of God, they were nothing but sitting ducks.


A powerful voice was projected into my mind.

[Stand down Reaper or face my wrath]

A 12 winged angel.

An Archangel.

His splendor was majestic. All the other angels, stepped back, giving him way and space. Flanking him were two Cherubims.

Each with a bow. Each with 8 wings.

The one on the left was female, the one on the right male.

And the presssure they exerted was only just a bit lower than the Arch-angel, who could only be Uriel. A sandy haired, tall handsome figure with an holy lance.

[You started this. Where the fuck is Chase?]

I projected the thought out, halting in my attack.

Uriel had the gall to sneer.

[I don't answer to you, Mortal. You might have everyone fooled but you're not a God. You're merely playing dress-up! I shall endeavor to strike you down, false God!! Attack!]

Looks like it's a battle then. Why bother wasting more time on conversation?

The Cherubims flanking him pulled on their bows, creating arrows of energy that shot out toward me.

Uriel on his part, raised the lance in his hand, making it hum with his own personal energy as he swung it down. They were cut off from the Light, yet this strong? Angels are hax.

A storm of phantom lances shot out, boxing me in with the wave of arrows descending upon my location. Now I was cut off from all avenues of escape.

I dashed forward, vibrating my molecules and phasing through all attacks.

My punch found itself buried through Uriel's belly. The Arch-angel coughed, blood spilling onto my chest.

"Master Uriel!"

One of the Cherubims cried out. Both pulled on their arrows once more.

I exploded with Reiatsu, stunning their minds and instantly sending the entire Heavenly host into a state of unconsciousness.

Strong or not, without the Light, none of them could face me. Trying resulted in this exact scenario.

All the angels dropped like flies. The only one left standing was Uriel, held upright by the fist I had, buried through his belly.

[Where did you take Chase?]

I questioned once more.

"You heathen...you can't beat God." The Arch-angel spat, sneering once more.

I increased the potency of Respira, making him gasp in pain.

"I won't stop you know..."

I whispered into his ears, forcefully projecting my voice through space.

"And this particular skill is quite relentless. You will die a slow agonizing death."

Respira begun to eat through him faster, devouring his torso.

Only for an arrow to lodge through his head as I used him to block the sudden projectile.

That arrow could only have been shot by a God or something just as powerful.

It had been hundreds of times faster than light, and imbued with the divinity of archery.

There was no avoiding the arrow once it was released. It would follow the target to the ends of time.

I was only able to redirect it by reconnecting the web of existence to my favor.

The result was Uriel's head exploding apart with Lunar Energy. His headless form slumped over. The Arch-angel died without even knowing who his killer was.

"I don't think Heaven's gonna take kindly to that."

I winced at Artemis who had grown a shade paler.

"Damn you! You tricked her!"

Apollo shouted, from the back of his chariot.

The entire Greek Pantheon was in front of me, arriving in a shower of golden light, decked out with all sorts of divine weaponry. All 12 Deities, all looking ready to attack.

Soon as I dealt with a few pesky flies, some more joined the party. Fine. I don't care how many I have to kill.

"Is there a reason for this confrontation?"

I asked Haephestus as he turned into a large metallic dragon that spewed divine flames my way.

"Release my mother!!"

Using the essence of pride, I dominated his energy, absorbing it within my body.

Then I snapped a finger, letting loose a shockwave that destabilized a Hermes' footing as he was headed my way from the left.

Shunpo took me close to him, Stabbing into his chest and weaving Chesha Neko's strings within him. I devoured his form, his divine essence and body turning into eberhy within me.


A goddess with stormy gray eyes called out. Athena.

She turned my way, her domain spilling out into space.

Before it could actualize, I flexed my cosmic authority, bursting it apart. Athena was thrown back, unconscious.

"Damn you!"

Zeus cried out, sending forth a large blast of divine lightning my way.

I pushed my hands forward.

"Hadō #63. Raikōhō (雷吼炮, Thunder Roar Sear; "Fiery Lightning Howl!"

Yellow lightning materialized in front of my palm, coalescing into a burst of energy that streaked forward with electrifying speed.

"Next time, teach your kids how to behave."

I advised Zeus, watching as he pulled on all of his divine energy.


The King of Gods exerted, channeling every bit of his divine energy into striking me down.

"I will reclaim my wife! And my DIGNITY AS THE KING OF THE GODS! AARRGGGG!!!"

My vision was briefly occupied by blue light.

His divine lightning collided onto my hado. And for all his determination, this was a gap in power that couldn't be covered by resolve alone.

The hado spell engulfed Zeus' lightning, consuming it before advancing toward the Olympians.

Shadows rose up around them, creating a barrier of darkness that my hado 63 clashed against, tearing through with minimal effort.

But the Olympians were nowhere to be seen, for a second or so, before another dome of darkness materialized a couple thousand miles away, deep in the asteroid field of the Kuiper belt.

They had teleported away from Raikoho's path.

Unfortunately for them, that was still within attacking distance.

I raised the Hand of God, constructing a bow woven from the gauntlet itself, a golden bow that pulsed with holy light.

The Hand of The Devil joined it's partner, pulling on the humming string of holy light.

There was a bit of energy clash. I had never used my Bankai like this and it was fighting me. Luckily, with the ability to manipulate the strings of existence, I was able to give it structure.

A dark arrow full of anti-god energy, his wrath and malice appeared, strung on a bow brimming with positive energy.

Enochian script danced around the Anti-divine construct.

I aimed the attack at their center, just as Hades' shield spell was dematerializing. Then faster than light, the arrow sped forward.

It cut through space with nary a sound, twisting and distorting reality in its path. It was an avoidable attack, sort of similar to Artemis'

This was my payback.

The Arrow struck true, lodging itself right on Zeus' Chest. I saw his eyes widen. Realization settling in that Hera was permanently out of his reach. That humanity was no longer theirs to rule over. That there was a new God in town.

That instant was enough for them to understand what kind of trouble they'd gotten involved in, then-

Tens of thousands of miles ahead vanished in a massive explosion of darkness.

Respira washed out through the entire region, devouring asteroids, godly flesh and essence. Space itself boiled.

Once it was all over,

I waved a hand and 12 pristine divine souls flew to me.

The Olympians were dead.

"Welp, that was fast."

I muttered to myself, sending their souls into my pocket dimension. I hadn't has the chance to play around with Divine Souls yet, so this was going to be fun.


I looked to the side, with a frown.

"I could've sworn I felt someone there..."

(General P.O.V)

Loki and Thor leaped through various pocket dimensions linked to the 9 realms, all in a bid to evade 'his' watchful eye.

The lunatic wreaked havoc among Heaven's army and the Greeks. Lingering around carried the risk of them becoming his next targets.

They had arrived, sneakily of course, to witness the fight between the Greek Gods and the newest rising star, a Death God by the name of the Reaper.

Word had spread fast through the Sphere of the Gods, about a being capable of taking on the New Gods and destroying Apokalips.

Being the God of Chaos and the God of Strength, the duo of Asgardian deities naturally decided to investigate, marking a rare moment of collaboration between them.

Thor's chariot, pulled by his two goats, dove through another portal, leaving behind Muspelheim and arriving into the cold atmosphere of Jotunheim.

Yet the pressure of that gaze remained. All throughout their entire flight, both gods never looked backwards...

Loki would create a portal that Thor would guide the goats through. They chose not to go straight to Asgard so as to protect it from his sights.

"He...killed the Olympians."

Loki said the first statement after their escape.


Thor agreed, his blue eyes narrowed, hands holding onto the leash in a white knuckled grip.

"You know what that means, right?"

Loki spoke up again, creating another portal that took them to Vanaheim, a beautiful realm of the Vanir gods.


Thor stated.

"One that we'll surely lose."

"That sounds about right."

A voice stated from their side, flying close to the Chariot.

Both Asgardians were rendered mute with shock, as Davian had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Why do you look so surprised? I felt your gaze before. Naturally, I sent my Time Remnant to investigate."

He disclosed, pulling on reality itself to immobilize the Chariot in the air.

"See, I have a particular dislike for prying eyes."

Davian informed them, eyes glowing a stormy purple.


Loki yelled to the skies.

A beam of rainbow colored energy fell on their position from the heavens. Only to meet a layer of inverted space that caused the light from the Bifrost, to be redirected straight towards Davian, denying Thor and Loki their chance to escape.

Davian was hit by the energy, which he absorbed into himself with Energy Transference.

"Mmh, I see, it works similar to a Zeta Tube. Disassembling a target's molecules into light before reassembling them in a different location, what if we tweaked this...and a little bit of that..."

The Reaper mused, playing around with the dimensional energies he had absorbed.

Aiming a palm at the fleeing Asgardians who had decided to high tail it, he released a beam of energy that was similar to the bifrost.

Loki chanced a look back and what he saw made his body freeze in fear. There was nothing they could-

Before the thought was complete, the bifrost energy washed through the chariot.

Both Asgardians were shredded apart, their essences scattered across the 9 realms.

Davian stared at their last position, before space twisted around him and he disappeared.

The real time Davian stared at his Time Remnant, who had popped out beside him.


The Time Remnant shrugged at the question.

"It was nothing. Just Loki and Thor, I dealt with it."

Davian gave a nod, fist bumping his Time Remnant and melding their temporal frequency, thereby merging into one body.

"Its time to get him back."

Davian decided, looking around at the massacre he had wittingly caused.

Billions of Angels all laid out, floating in the vacuum of space like space debris.

A few had survived, merely stunned by Davian's Reiatsu attack.

Davian pulled one of them his way, encasing the angel entirely in Chesha Neko's strings.

The strings tore into the angel, devouring the dregs of light within it. Once he held the energy within hin and the angel was a husk of its former self, Davian threw it away.

Then he dragged his hand down, just like he had seen Aden do.

Getting to a higher realm like Heaven was not a simple matter of teleporting there, he needed a guide.

And by tracing the origin of an Angel's connection to the Light, he could open a portal there.

It was the same thing with Empty Hand. He had only interacted with the Great Darkness through the former's connection to the realm under.

A portal was ripped opened, sending rays of Holy Light cascading right through.

Davian stepped into it.

Immediately, his physical body was assaulted by the very air on the other side of the portal.

The entire realm denied anything material.

This was a place meant for spiritual entities, and the body Raven had created for Davian was anything but.

His skin begun to crack and bleed, bones breaking and lungs exploding within the first breath.

A body that could stand up to the power of a white dwarf star, was being suppressed by the realm of Heaven.

And that was not all.

Before him, the Pearly Gates stood tall, taller than even the Tower of Fate, it was an astounding sight.

And standing guard before the Gates were all his enemies.

There were thousands of Fifth Dimension Imps led by a smirking Mr. Mxyzptlk, the Lords of Order in their full form and regalia, multiple Minor and Major Gods recruited for the cause and even more Angels.

To be precise, the rest of the Arch-angels and the Pax-Dei, a squad of warrior angels dedicated to the art of battle.

It was a force too great for anyone to face alone.

Yet, despite all that, despite the grim nature of his situation, his breaking body, Davian took it all in and smiled.

For he could sense not only Chase, but Rama Kushna as well.

They were here.

Half the work completed; now, he just needed to reach them. 

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