I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 21: You.

12 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

"Azarath metrion Zinthos."

Raven chanted lowly.

Black tendrils rose out from her cloak, washing through the ground to cradle Davian and Kent on dark stretchers constructed by her demonic energy.

Zatara stiffened slightly at the dark nature of her energy but returned to carrying out scanning spells around the room. He was afraid that most of he magical materials spilled around would cause some unwanted issues. No one wanted a magical node of mystical energy with different effects just lying around.

However he knew he couldn't get rid of the demonic, mystic and whatever the boy, Davian's powers were, completely. They were like a dark cloud, hanging around in the air. They twisted and clashed against one another. The air was tainted by mysteries. He was going to need an expert.

Davian groaned at the slight jostle. While Kent was relatively fine, Davian's body was covered by burns and other wounds that seemed to heal slowly. His enhanced healing seemed to be faster than a human but nothing to really write home about.

"He's in pain."

Raven informed Zatara.

"Help him. Please."

She pleaded.

Zatara gave a single nod and stopped whatever he was doing, kneeling infront of Davian. He placed a palm on Davian's forehead, running the same diagnosis spell he had on Kent.

Zatara reached for Davian's torn t shirt, straightening it out to reveal a hole in the middle of the clothing. Raven gasped, gripping the material and tearing it away. A long red scar laid on Davian's chest. She traced the edges with her fingers.

"I can only boost his own healing."

Zatara sighed, placing a comforting hand on Raven's shoulder. She bit down on her urge to shake it off. Raven usually recoiled upon physical contact. She wasn't used to it and the intention behind the contact usually wasn't good. She had met alot of bad people. Most of them hid behind kind expressions. Except Kent, Davian and now Zatara.

So she allowed it.

"I remember this happening." She began narrating.

"The two of us were walking down the hall. We were coming from the Alchemy chamber when all of a sudden, a portal appeared. Fate entered, declaring that Davian did not belong. And to some extent even me."

She looked up at Zatara.

"He shoved a glowing yellow sword through his chest. Davian burst through a wall and it's only because I managed to attach a line to his ankle that I was able to save him from falling to his death."

Zatara looked around, a thoughtful expression coming onto his face.

"Fall?...ah, the magma pool. It's still there?"

"According to Kent, it's important for forging. A Sorcerer's tower should have an Alchemy chamber, a spell chamber and..."

"A forge."

Zatara added with a slight chuckle.

"As old school as ever."

He shook his head.

Raven smiled a little, eyes passing over Kent's sleeping form. The smile fell away.

"This wasn't right. Nabu got off too easy."

She shook her head, anger flaring inside her.

"He'll get what's coming to him. The Lord's of Order do not tolerate failure."

Zatara said, getting to his feet.

"Right now we need to make sure we lock up tight before we leave the Tower."


She wondered what he meant. Leave and go where?

Zatara nodded.

"There is no sense in staying here. Nabu could very likely find a way back and that would be a problem for you."

She frowned at the logic behind his statement. To Raven though, it sounded like running. Running when they had already won the fight. She was tired of always running.


She muttered, eyes passing over Davian's sleeping form.

"But before all that, we need to handle this mess."

Zatara gestured around them.

Raven winced.

"Yeah, I don't suppose you can magic it all away?"

"You remind me of my daughter."

Zatara snorted placing his wand in-between his arm and chest before digging a hand into his pockets.

"Magic it all away? No, no I cannot. Magic has rules. The magical artifacts and potions lying around are causing a...bonfire that I cannot absolutely try to add to. One strong spell cast, no matter the effect, would be like a fuse being ignited."

Raven could admit she wasn't a fan of the grim reality.

"Fear not, my dear. I am not without a solution."

His hand came out holding a tarot card. The fool.

With a single snap of his finger, the card went up in blue flames.

"Now we wait."

Zatara sighed as the magic died down. His left hand opened the pocket watch on him, revealing his young daughter's face beaming up at him from the small picture. He might miss her when she wakes up to go to school. Zatara shook his head. He was needed here.

"Zatara to Console."

He rattled off at the comms in his ear.

"Go on Zatara."

Green Lantern's voice was there to answer.

"Oh, Jordan, I thought you were off-world?"

There was a frustrated intake of breath.

"I got sent back forcefully. The Guardians said I was too... passionate about saving Barr...the Flash. Stewart was reassigned to him."

"How is he?"

Zatara wondered, sitting on the surface of a table that was resting on a mound of stones.

"He's... hanging on. It might take some time until the brain washing is undone."

Jordan's voice took on a grave tone.

"They were surprised that something could do that to a speedster."

There was silence for a short while between the two men. This job was not a safe one. Yeah year showed that. He could only imagine what Iris was going through. Or any of Barry's family.

"Batman thinks there is more to this than meets the eye." Jordan continued.

"I think so too. If you ask him, it begins with..."

"Davian Mabuz."

A voice said from the shadows. Raven jumped up, standing before Kent and Davian, spheres of black energy covering her fists.

"Console, I'll get back to you. Calvary has arrived."

"Okay Zatara, over."

Green Lantern switched off.

"Bloody hell." Another voice exclaimed.

"I'm very glad we took the staircase. Portalling into this room with all this magic hanging around would not have been good for our health, Mate."

A blonde, 6 foot middle aged man with a scruffy beard stepped out from within the shadows.

"Say Zatara, you mind helping me out with a lighter, old chap?"

He asked, holding out a cigarette between his fingers. Zatara raised his eyebrows. He had magic, why not do it himself?

"I'll need all my juice for this one."

Constantine shrugged.


Zatara gave a nod before snapping a finger and lighting up the cigarette.

"We need to talk."

Another figure, the first one that had spoken, swooped down from the ground, falling next to Zatara.

"What the...?"

Raven exclaimed in surprise at the entry.

"Yeah he does that..." Constantine chuckled, taking a drag of the cig. Then he felt someone's intense gaze on him.

"Wait... Raven?"

"You... I'm surprised you recognized me."

Raven bit back with a growl. Her tone was filled with as much Vitriol and hate as she could. Constantine was shocked, the cigarette falling off his lips. A hard expression appeared on his face. That day, a few months...

"Raven I..."

He stepped forward, holding out a hand towards her.

"Stay back!"

She refused, holding up her fists threateningly. Batman and Zatara shared a look.

"You know each other?"

The magician asked.

Raven let out a bitter laugh.

"Know each other? He's the reason why I was captured by Waller in the first place!"

Zatara threw a hard look Constantine's way.

"If it wasn't for his obsession with contacting my father and making a deal to heal someone, then an entire town of Cultists would still be around somewhere. Granted, most of them were religious fanatics, but you indirectly caused the deaths of over a thousand people. Then you left me behind."

There was a cloud of silence hanging in the air. Constantine had a regretful look on his face. Hearing his sins get thrown back at his face was jarringly off putting.


"We don't have time for this."

Batman cut in, walking forward to stop infront of Davian's sleeping form. Raven held his gaze for a second, stubbornly refusing to move.

"It's okay, Raven. He won't hurt them."

Zatara assured her.

"Touch a single hair on their heads and you'll know the true meaning of darkness, Dark Knight."

She warned. Batman's lips quirked up in a small smile.

"I believe you."

He told her, stepping around her form and crouching infront of Davian.

His fingers ran over his wrist computer and a green scanning light washed up and down their bodies.

"One seems to be healing, though it will take some time before he is back to full health. Mr. Nelson on the other hand, needs medical attention."

He stood up, facing the group.

"What happened here Zatara?"

"Before that, I need to know. What is he doing here?"

Raven interrupted, pointing a finger Constantine's way. Zatara sighed.

"We can't leave the Tower like this. A lot of magic activity would spring from the energy signature hanging in the air. We need someone to expel the power. Someone to exorcise it all away."

"The great John Constantine."

Raven muttered sarcastically.

"Raven you..."

Constantine began but was interrupted by her glare. The mood was tense and awkward.

The air above them begun to hum as the Batwing arrived to hover outside the scar formed by Davian's attack. A ramp withdrew from the craft, providing them a way in.

"Let's go."

Zatara said to Raven.

She gave a nod, threw another scathing look Constantine's way and left for the ramp, behind her floating on dark constructs, Davian and Kent followed.

Zatara watched her walk off before turning to Batman.

"I'm not sure how much I can tell you on the way. The helmet of Fate simply went crazy, it controlled Kent and tried to harm the children."

"Mmh. But they're safe. You did well Zatara."

Batman responded.

"Oh you flatter me Batman. Believe it or not, they were giving him a good fight before I arrived."

Then he turned to Constantine.

"John, you and I have our... differences but thank you for coming. Take care of the Tower in 'his' absence."

"Of course mate."

Constantine answered softly.

Then Zatara walked away too, leaving the Dark Knight and the expert exorcist alone.


Batman bit out.

"What's there to explain?" Constantine asked, removing another cigarette before lighting it up with a flame at the tip of his finger.

"It's the usual fair with me. I got cancer, tried to fight it how I know how."

He shrugged.

"By making a deal with the devil?"

Batman growled out.

"Hahaha, oh no. Not the real deal. The real deal is way cooler and an actual good friend... sometimes. No, Trigon...Trigon is a nasty bloke. A multidimensional mystical entity hellbent on conquering our dimension and taking over. In some ways he's worse than your normal run of the mill Demon."


Batman questioned.

"They have a lot of false bravado. Showmanship. He's the real thing Bats. Full access to earth for 5 minutes and it's gone. No ifs and buts, swallowed up by his dimension."

Batman tightly grabbed his trench coat.

"And you tried to make a contract with him?! Why?"

He barked out.

"I was desperate!"

Constantine tore himself away.

"Blimey mate! You have no idea how it's like!"

Batman shook his head.

"Nothing can justify the deaths of over a 1000. If she's right Constantine, then you and I will see each other soon."

Then he shot a line and disappeared.

The Batwing rose away and disappeared into the night air.

"Well, Fuck my luck."

Constantine muttered.

(Central City)

A steak of lightning passed through Gorilla Grodd's left, swiping his legs out from under him. He tumbled before rolling right into a street light, head hitting the metal and disorienting him.

A power dampening cuff found it's way onto his wrists as he tried to get up.

The flash of Scarlet light happened again. This time, the light disappeared to reveal a costumed older gentleman. He had on a signature metal cap and a blue and red costume.

"Stay down Grodd."

Jay Garrick, the first Flash advised.

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