I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 28: The Power Goes Out.

12 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

Dull sounds rang out across the training room. Fists rained down on a punching bag with a ferocity and speed that was surprising to see in a 12 year old. But Dick Grayson was no normal 12 year old, he was Robin.


Someone cleared their throat from the entrance of the gym.

"What do you want Alfred? You've been standing there for the last 5 minutes."

Dick said, narrowing his eyes at the punching bag.

"Oh so you noticed?"

Alfred asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Hard not to, when I can feel your judgemental gaze at my back."

Robin was only too quick to counter.

"No, not judgemental sir. I surely wouldn't dare."

Alfred replied, placing a tray with a towel and a misty glass of orange juice on top of a rack.

Dick made an annoyed grunt as his frown changed into a scowl.

"Just say it. You're disappointed in me."

The young boy punctuated his words with a heavy punch to the bag, jostling it back roughly.

"Sorry Alfred, I didn't mean to be rude."

He begrudgingly but quickly apologized with a sigh.

The Butler said nothing. Then a palm gently landed on Dick's shoulder.

His hands went slack as he turned towards the older man with a confused expression.

"A glass of Orange juice, Master Dick?"

Alfred offered.

Dick blinked, the confusion deflating out of him. He smiled.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind."

(30 minutes later)

"And remember, manners maketh a man."

Alfred told the young boy as they stood before a door.

Dick rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes. I'll be careful not to ruin the Wayne family reputation."

He replied in an over the top British accent. The unimpressed look Alfred sent his way made him straighten his shirt and clear his throat.


He muttered.

"Stop fiddling with your bowtie."

Alfred simply huffed at him before stepping forward and knocking politely.

"Yes. Who is it?"

Raven's bored voice asked from within the room.

"You have guests, miss Roth. The polite thing would be to answer the door."

Alfred response was soft but firm.

There was silence from the other side.

A few short seconds later, the door swung open. Raven stood in the doorway wearing...

"He got you too, huh?"

Dick snickered at the Purple dress, a silver necklace and short heels that Raven was in.

The goth girl narrowed her eyes.

"I hate myself for agreeing to this. And I hate you for reminding me of it."

Robin chuckled. Then a hand landed on his shoulder and he tensed.

"Ah...you look good."

He lamely corrected himself.

"You look lovely, miss Roth."

Alfred added with more genuine honesty, slightly pushing Dick forward.

The meaning was very direct. Introduce yourself.

Robin gulped,

"Uh...hi, Dick Grayson. Bruce Wayne is my adopted Father."

The younger boy offered his hand for her to shake.

Raven took a minute before answering, studying his face with a slight suspicion.

"You can call me Raven. I have never seen you before. Not once since Zatara abandoned us here."

Raven shook his hand.

Dick looked at Alfred from the corner of his eye. The Butler was as silent as ever. It was up to Dick as the Wayne scion to give a proper answer.

"He...didn't abandon you. Zatara is a Justice League member. He's probably too busy dealing with crazy sorcerers trying to take over the planet."

Raven crossed her arms over her chest and snorted.

"Doubt it."

Then she turned to Alfred.

"I wouldn't really care about it that much, but he's the only one who can tell me anything about Kent, because apparently you don't know anything."

The statement was delivered in a dry monotone.

'Oh crap'

Dick tried hard not to spare a look Alfred's way.


Dick shook his head.

"Details about League affiliates are kept under tight security. There's not much to tell."

Dick tightened his hand into a fist to the point the nails almost bit into his skin.

Raven studied his eyes for any falsehoods before looking away.

Dick sighed, stepping forward.

"Hey look, I'm sorry about all this."

Raven nodded, smiling slightly.

For Dick, the smile only made him feel worse. He hated they were lying to her but...Batman had decided to keep the news of Kent's passing a secret. Why? Dick understood that it was because he didn't trust Raven and Davian but according to him, it was wrong not to tell them.

It was why they had gotten into a shouting match that had ended up with Dick shouting at Bruce, telling him that he wasn't his real dad. Bruce's taciturn eyes had flashed with hurt and anger, then he had turned away and left.

Dick felt bad about that but he still hated that he had to keep such a secret.

"We must make haste. I think I left something on the timer."

Alfred clapped his hands and turned to gesture at the hall.

"If you wouldn't mind, The dining room is just this way."

Raven looked unsure, glancing at the door right next to her room. It had been almost been 2 weeks already and Davian was yet to wake up.

"I assure you miss Roth, your friend will be fine. We have measures in case of anything."

Alfred told her.

With one final glance, Raven shrugged and followed after Dick, catching up to him as Alfred walked on a little ahead.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your friend." Dick expressed his understanding.

"It sucks to be stuck in a bed."

"Mmh." Raven hummed, thinking about how crazy her life had gotten. Just over a week ago, she was part of a suicide group with killers. Now she was in the home of one of the richest men on the planet.

"You never answered why I've never seen you around before."

Raven told Dick as they rounded up the corner before taking the stairs to the ground floor.

"Yeah... Sorry about that." The dark haired, blue eyed boy scratched his head.

"Between school and huh...extracurricular activities, I had a really packed week."

He laughed a little. 'Kicking Clayface on the face after he escaped Arkham.', he added to himself.

Raven stared at him weirdly before she decided to be 'nice'. Davian had told her she needed to work on her people skills.

"Believe it or not, I can relate."

She replied neutrally.

Soon they arrived at the dinner table and while Raven was used to such opulence settings back in Azarath, she was still surprised by the set up.

There were scarlet curtains framing a huge window that looked out into the Wayne Manor's backyard, a huge long table that could seat 10 people at a time. Then on the ceiling was a chandelier that reflected light beautifully from the dozens of scented candles in the middle of the dinner table.

The walls of the room were covered in all manner of art. Raven even recognized some famous art pieces despite knowing nothing about art.

'It looks like a fancy ball room.'

The most outstanding thing inside the chamber was the massive chair at the head of the table. Polished black with beautiful cursive decorations, there was no mistake that the 'throne' was meant for the head of the house, Bruce Wayne.

She took one of the chairs, pulling it out before Dick could do it for her. The boy shrugged and took the seat next to her, vaulting over the table in a backflip, when Alfred's back was turned.

"I saw that."

Alfred stated, setting up a few cutlery. Dick threw up his hands.

"I swear, it's like you have eyes at the back of your head."

Alfred held up a plate.

"They're called reflections, sir."

He delivered in a tone dryer than what even Raven could make.

Raven tried hard not to smile.

"You do acrobatics."

She noted, placing her hands on the table. She needed to have free range of movement in order to quickly cast a spell in case of an emergency.

"Yeah. Since I could remember. My family used to work in a circus."

He replied with a fond smile. Then it slipped off his face.

Raven understood without Dick saying more. Anyone who had lost someone important knew that look.

"Is there someone else joining us?"

She asked, motioning with her chin at the plate set before the chair at the head of the table.

"Master Bruce is occupied at the moment. He should be joining us in about an hour."

Alfred answered, standing at a spot next to the chair with a few napkins folded over his arm.


"I scouted the place."

Canary informed the room as she pulled up images of a small manor, standing in between a portion of land, covered by a small woods.

The hall itself was less than half occupied. Most of the Justice League members were not present. Superman was dealing with a tsunami situation in Japan, a couple of others were off world to see the Flash.

Those who were around, 5 in total, sat around the meeting hall, listening as Canary explained her findings.

"The Orphanage was founded over 30 years ago. Though it used to be a summer home belonging to one of Gotham's elite families, the Crowne family."

A reel with a few pictures showing a family of 3 standing infront of a large black gate appeared on the holographic projection. Behind the gate was a relatively small manor.

"Then it was procured by a very interesting party after The Crowne's family downfall."

Batman frowned as a picture of a certain crime boss appeared on the display.

"The Calabrese crime family. It was supposed to be a high end casino due to its location near the outskirts of the city."


Batman frowned. Catwoman, real name: Selina Kyle was the daughter of Rex Calabrese. Batman hoped there wasn't a connection between them and whatever else was happening. His worries were put to rest upon Canary's next words.

"The city officially acquired the property after the Calabrese family was destroyed and some of it's members imprisoned, during a gang war in 1977. The city decided to turn it into an Orphanage."

"Quite the history lesson but forgive me for asking what this has to do with anything."

Captain Atom spoke up.

Canary nodded in understanding, her eyes briefly gazing at the gloomy looking Dark Knight.

"19 years ago, a basket with a baby was left at the doorstep of the orphanage. The matron remembers the gate being closed and in the morning there were no discernible steps around the Orphanage grounds. So the case was pretty strange."

The display changed yet again to show a picture of a brown parchment of paper with a few words written on it.

"Then it got even stranger."

Canary breathed out.

"Well, for me at least. You see under the blanket was this note, which if you read..." She magnified the image.

"To the man who fears the bats, you will kill him again."

Aquaman read it out loud, every eye snapping towards Batman.

The Dark Knight interlocked his fingers.

"A message. For me."

He growled out.

"Let me guess, the word 'bat' gave it away."

Green Arrow joked, smirking while blocking the quick slap to the back of his head from his girlfriend. Then he was flicked on the forehead by her other hand.


He rubbed the spot and glared at her.Black Canary turned to Batman.

"The message is from 19 years ago. Before Batman was ever a thing. It's sound like this boy and you are connected to something deeper, Batman."

"Maybe we can..."

"Beep beep"

"Beep beep"

Batman was up on his feet in a split second, fingers running across his wrist computer.

A hologram of floor plans appeared in 3d above his arm. He frowned, turning to leave.

The others who had watched the whole thing looked at each other.

"Wait, Batman..."

Green Arrow tried to stop him.

"We'll continue this later."

The Dark Knight said, approaching the Zeta tube, cape flaring behind.

"What happen..."

Canary tried to ask.

"Security Alert at Wayne Tower. The power went off."

"Recognized Batman: 02."

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