I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 4: Timely Intervention.

11 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

"Flash, status update."

The fastest man alive brought his fingers to the earpiece under his costume.

"It's like you said Batman, they were waiting. They are ready to intercept the trucks."

He answered the Dark Knight.

"Copy that. Prioritize the guard's safety, then move in for primary target."

The Dark Knight ordered.


The Flash increased his speed as he saw three high tech bikes break off from the deserted landscape and cover the sides of the middle truck. He had to let them stop the transport.

"Batman...are you sure about this? It doesn't exactly scream hero you know."

He made his reservations known.

"Flash, I need you to keep your head in the game."

"Yeah I am, it's just..."

"Can you do that? This is important. We need to make sure that everything goes according to plan."

Batman interrupted.

Barry slowed down in his run before stopping on the side of the road. He removed his mask and ran a gloved palm down his face.

"Look Bruce, we're breaking god knows how many laws by helping a supervillain crew break out one of their own from a prison truck. So excuse me, if I'm not too keen to do this."

There was a few seconds of silence from the other side.

"I understand. You can abandon the mission anytime, Flash."

Then the comms went dead.

"Son of a..."

Barry cursed out, his hand slashing out at the surroundings in a fast motion and slicing off the corner of a boulder by using a jagged steak of yellow lightning.

"Flash, can you hear me?"

Barry blinked looking around.

"Yeah, J'onn. I can hear you."

"Above you."

The Flash wore his mask before turning his head skyward.

The air rippled, Martian Manhunter appearing.

"J'onn, what are you doing here?"

Barry wondered in confusion. He thought only he and Batman knew about this 'off the books' mission.

"Back up. Batman sent me."

Manhunter replied, descending onto the empty road.

"Why am I not surprised?"

The Flash rolled his eyes. That was such a Batman thing to do.

Manhunter looked at the road ahead of them. The convoy could be seen a few hundred meters away. A blast of sound reached them as the first vehicle skidded on the road, derailed by an attack from the front.

"The Royal Flush Gang have begun their attack."

Manhunter noted.

The Flash lowered his body, ready to use his superspeed to interfere.


Manhunter stopped him.

"Do what you need to do, we'll discuss everything after this is over."

The Flash rose up.

"Do the others know?"

Manhunter made no reply.

"This has the potential to break us J'onn, I hope you understand that."

Streaks of lightning surrounded the Flash and he was off on his first step, blazing along the road in a red blur. Manhunter watched him to before taking flight and following behind him closely.


Batman's voice came in through the earpiece.

"We are moving in. Communications will be down."

Manhunter told him while drifting along the air, quickly coming up on the three derailed vehicles.

In the middle was the transport truck, ahead of it and flipped on the side of the road, was the lead car and behind both was the last car. The latter was parked sideways.

The Flash had quickly come in and saved the soldiers on the lead car, running them far away to safety due to their injuries. The other soldiers hiding behind the last car had their weapons trained on Ten, who was standing on top of the transport truck.

Queen and Jack covered the front of the Transport truck.

"I'll handle the Flash, cover Ten."

Queen ordered Jack.

Manhunter decided to go with Batman's plan, waiting for the Flash to return. J'onn had his reservations but he knew that this would go much more smoothly if he was involved. He could only hope that the fall out from their actions would not be too great.

(A few minutes earlier)

(Davian's P.O.V)

Having your face slammed onto a metal wall was not in any way fun.

I felt a sting on my upper lip and ran my tongue on the spot, tasting blood. It was busted.

There was a loud thump coming from one of the cells, followed by shuffling feet and then a burst of gunfire.


I ducked back onto the ground and scrambled further inside the cell, placing myself at the corner.

"No! No! stay back!"

One of the guards cried out, a heavy set woman who had looked at me as if I had stolen her lunch. From my position, all I could see was the overturned table they had been playing cards on and one of the guards huddling behind it, his gun shaking in his hands.

We made eye contact and I could see the panic in his eyes.

The gunfire intensified out of my range of vision.

"Jefferson! Get off your ass and help us! Jefferson!"

The senior guard yelled. I heard the telltale signs of a gun being cocked before a scream followed his words.

"Fuck you motherfu... argh!!"

Something smacked onto the bars of my cage, splashing red liquid across the vomit covered ground. I looked down and it turned out to be a hand holding onto a gun. The guard who had been huddling behind the table looked at the gun and then at me before raising up his weapon my way.

What the?

"No no no no... I'm not gonna pick it up! Don't shoot! Don't fucking shoot!"

I raised my hands up to show him I was harmless, knowing in his current state, all logic had been thrown out of the window. Then his eyes went unfocused and he brought his weapon up to his temple and pulled the trigger, blowing his brains out.

I gulped.

This was DC.

Mind control.

It was easy enough to know what was happening. Along with Harley laughing like a mad woman and Firefly's cries of 'let me out Man', whoever had attacked the truck had managed to shut down the inhibitors and a few bars were not enough to keep someone like Killer Croc locked inside.

He had gone on a rampage.

There was a final gutting cry and the last of the guards, the senior one flopped onto the ground outside my cell, a chunk missing from his neck.

"Ptew! Taste like day old bacon."

The deep voice I had heard before commented.


I was locked inside the truck with other killers. My next move was clear enough. I moved slowly and grabbed the hand holding the gun outside the bar and dragged it in as quietly as I could, taking care not to be noticed.

Footsteps rang out inside the truck as I tried to ply the fingers off the handgun.

"Hey copkiller, what you doing?"

Harley asked in a sing song voice but I ignored her.

There was the sound of metal getting bent and torn off before it fell onto the ground in a loud clang.

"Bout fucking time, you walking eyesore." Firefly said.

I was getting better at recognizing them by matching the names the guards had called them with their voices. There was at least one more guy in here with us that I didn't know. He must have been the one with mind control.

"Firefly firefly..." The deep and gravelly voice from before tutted.

"Have I ever told you how fucking annoying you are?"

"Hey what are you...let go of my hand!"

There was the sound of a crunch, a very familiar noise that I identified as an elbow getting broken.


Firefly's cries were pitiful.

"Shut up. I haven't forgotten what you did to a few friends of mine during one of your fights with the Bat. You're going to die Firefly."

"No Croc... please...I..."

There was an audible snap and then the sound of vomit.

"Hahahaha, Holy Shit Waylon you just tore his head off!"

Harley commented while pressing her face onto the metal bars.

"Too much gore for you, your majesty?"

Croc asked the other convict. They didn't answer, only the sound of their vomiting could be heard. I finally managed to get the gun off the dismembered limb, quickly getting acquainted with it. 'I might need it soon,' I thought.

It wasn't a regular handgun but luckily it shared enough similarities that I could cock it and point it before me, waiting.

"Hurry up and get me out of here, Croc!"

Harley yelled.


Killer Croc answered in exasperation.

"Oh and can you see my bat anywhere?"


Croc answered, along with the sound of another cell being torn open.

There was a tap from the wall.

"Hey, psst. Listen Copkiller, I don't like that you killed Gordo, but I also don't think that you should die. You talked to me even though you called me Clown, which I totally am not. So here's the deal..."

I leaned closer to the wall.

"Gordo and Waylon have a past. He's helped him and a few of the street folks out one or two times during winter."

My eyes widened.

"Which means..."

"He's coming for me."

I muttered.


Can't wait any longer. I stopped leaning on the wall and breathed out. Then I pointed the gun at the lock and pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang. The kickback was not as forceful as I was expecting though.

The door refused to budge. I shifted my feet and aimed the gun slightly at the corner. The second shot dug into the lock and tore off a section of the metal. The door swung open and I immediately ran out.

The instant my foot was on the other side, I slipped on the patch of blood on the floor and I fell onto my back. Breath left my lungs from the slam but I recoverd quickly out of necessity. The fall had turned out to be a blessing in disguise as a large scaly arm had passed above my head, tearing off the corner of the cell in one single swipe.

I didn't think, I rolled away clumsily as my hand came up, aiming the gun at the huge hulking monstrous form of Killer Croc.

The fear was there, driving my actions as I pulled the trigger.

The resounding crack rang out along with his head getting knocked back. Killer Croc growled, the sound sending a fresh wave of terror down my spine. I quickly got to my feet, tightening my hand on the gun and refusing to show I was scared. Guys like Killer Croc loved it when you shit your pants.

"That didn't do a damn thing."

He told me, his eyes looking at me viciously.

It took a second for me to take in the scene outside my cell and understand the chances of getting out of here were incredibly slim. Different parts of the human body were strewn about haphazardly, both belonging to the guards and a middle aged man whose held was lying near my feet. And the thing responsible for all this was looking at me like a meal.

Apart from Harley, Croc and I, there was another dude sitting inside a cell with a small smile on his face. He was at the furthest corner, which was weird until I realized his play. He was the reason why the transport truck had been attacked. He knew that he was being rescued and was sitting away from the middle of the truck because that was where...

Oh so that's how it is.

I turned the gun towards Harley's cell and put a bullet through the lock. She didn't even flinch, merely giggling and saying,

"Nice shot."

Then the gun was quickly pointed back at Croc's face.

"I didn't kill him, man."

I told the angry and hungry metahuman.

"Don't care. Gordon was good people. Any last words kid?"

He took a step and I shot at his feet.

"Incase you didn't notice, I'm a pretty good shot. I can have one in your eye before you close the distance between us."

My tone was steady, my aim unwavering.

I spared a quick glance at Harley. She looked exactly how I thought she would, dressed in an orange uniform, pale skin and blonde bleached hair fastened together in pig tails.

"Hey Quinn, you mind talking to your friend and telling him to back off?"

Harley laughed at my words, ignoring me in favor of looting through the dead bodies of the guards.

"She ain't going to intervene, the Clown and his crew stay out of my way and I do the same."


Something light, landed on the roof of the truck. More gunfire started ringing outside the vehicle. Any second now...

I subtly moved back from the middle of the truck, still keeping a careful watch on Croc. So far my threat seemed to be keeping him at bay.

"There's nowhere to run."

He liked his bloodied lips. Any second now. I reached the other wall of the truck and prayed I wasn't wrong. I had been given another chance at life, at redemption. I wanted to avoid death for as long as I could.

Here goes nothing.

"Fuck you, Groot."

Then I pulled the trigger, aiming the gun at his face.

Croc snarked and jumped at me, clawed hands pulled back and ready to rip me to shreds. Right that second, the metal ceiling to the armored truck caved in, following an attack from purple energy blasts. The roof fell on Croc and buried him onto the floor in a timely intervention.

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