I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 7. Taskforce X

10 advance chapters in my Patreon.



Chapter 7 Task Force X

(General P.O.V)

"Quite a group we have this time, mate."

Boomerang commented,

"Is that...a shark?"

"King Shark."

Deadshot corrected him.

"And from the looks of those teeth, the Shark part is well earned."


A heavily built man with a Russian accent spat out, getting to his feet.

"I told you that the next time we saw each other, I would tear you limb from limb."

He threatened with a vicious look, fingers tightened into massive fists.

Captain Boomerang whistled.

"And here I thought I was your only friend."

Deadshot stretched his neck.

"Kgbeast. Still salty about Yugoslavia?"

"You left me."

Kgbeast said, walking forwards with aggression.

"After you cut a deal with the fucking mob."

Deadshot shot back, his own face hardening.

"Face it, you betrayed me first. You can't blame me for returning the favor."

He added.

"Argh...all this testosterone is going to make me gag."

The female voice that was the source of the statement, had them all looking her way.

Captain Boomerang smiled.

"I'm loving this gig more and more."

Killer Frost sneered at him, showing him the middle finger.

"Bite me, Aussie."

Laughter broke out from King Shark.

"She's feisty. I love that."

"This better be a nightmare or else I'm Killing all of you fucks."

A voice with a British accent groaned as the owner came to.

"Oh you have got to be shitting me."

Boomer said in a nervous tone.

"Manchester Black."

Deadshot followed up.

"Wow, this must be one hell of a mission if Waller managed to pull you in."


The tall, handsome white man wearing a black trenchcoat over a t shirt with the British flag emblazoned on it, asked.

"That's who I have to kill?"

A slow smile worked it's way onto his face.

"Good to know."

"Count me in."

The final member of the team, told him.

It was a girl, dressed in a purple costume with a hood over her head.

"Who let the goth girlie in? She barely looks 17."

Boomerang asked.

"Hey sweetheart, where's your mom and dad?"

He walked closer, bending on one knee.

"I wouldn't do that Captain Boomerang. You are staring at arguably the most powerful thing in this entire complex."

Amanda Waller's voice came from the intercom system placed on the corner of the room.

"Open it up."

She gave the order and a section of the room withdrew into the wall, revealing a heavy set black woman dressed in a blue office attire with white pearls on her neck.


Deadshot nodded.

"Deadshot, I would say it was good to see you but we both know that would be a lie."

Waller replied.

Deadshot smirked.

"Trust me, it's mutual. I'm waiting for the day when you won't need me to come and clean up your messes."

Waller's smile widened.

"Nonsense, and keep you away from Killing bad guys in service to your nation?"

"I think you mean your own self interest, Waller. But I'm not complaining, you can call me anytime if its about shaving years off my sentence, Love."

Boomerang told her.

"Argh. Kissing ass."

Killer Frost rolled her eyes.

"You should learn a thing or two from him, Ice Queen. I hold your lives in my hands, after all."

Waller threatened.


Kgbeast spoke up.

Every eye turned towards him.

"Oh this is gonna be good."

Boomer said, rubbing his palms together. Waller made eye contact with the mercenary and stood aside, showing him the door.

"Please, step over this line and see if you won't die. It's going to be particularly...explosive."

Kgbeast looked at everyone gathered and sneered.

"Bunch of cowards."

The Russian merc spat.

King Shark bristled at the insult.

"No one calls me a coward!"

"Wait, big guy."

Manchester held out a hand to stop King Shark from pouncing on Kgbeast.

"She is not fucking around."

He touched the inhibitor collar on his neck.

"I might not have access to my powers now, bit I know people, she's going to kill him."

The rest watched Kgbeast's next move. He walked forward, eyes set at the entrance.

"You wouldn't go to all this trouble just to kill us."

He stated with confidence.

"Are you willing to bet your life on that?"

Deadshot asked but received no answer.

"Fuck. What if he's actually right?"

Killer Frost asked just as Kgbeast made it past the entryway.

"3, 2, 1...Boom."

Captain Boomerang's countdown coincided with a beeping sound on the back of Kgbeast's head.

"Wait I..."

He had a fearful look on his face as he tried to turn back.

A small explosion rang out and chunks of brain and bloody meat went flying out.


Killer Frost gagged, looking away. If she had followed after him...she would be dead too.

Raven's eyes widened. Even after all she had seen, the casual brutality was surprising to her.

The rest looked unperturbed.

"Can't say I didn't see that coming."

Deadshot commented.

"Now then, any more questions or should we get down to why you're all here?"

The room had gotten somber. The notion of having a bomb on the back of their necks was...disturbing.

Manchester Black frowned in thought. The Inhibitor collar would come off eventually, what was stopping him from using his abilities to remove the bomb? He then looked back at Waller's unimpressed face. She did not look the least bit nervous to be standing in a room with killers.

No, she had to have a countermeasure for that. It would be better if he simply waited for a chance to read her mind, maybe control her into disarming it.


Waller finally said after no one spoke up.

"Pull up the mission."

She gave an order and a different section of the wall, slid away to reveal a wide blank screen.

"Convicts, welcome to Task Force X, you jump when I say and bark when I say. Moving on, I introduce to you your target."

The screen came on and showed an image of Davian.

"Gotta say, I'm not impressed. Guy looks like the type you'd find in a Drive In."

Boomer said.

"I assure you, Convict, Davian Mabuz is not what he seems from the outside."

Waller waved her left palm near the screen and the image changed to show something else.

Davian, shirtless and holding a huge sword that undulated with a certain power. He had on an intimidating mask that covered his face. 

Boomer frowned as Deadshot crossed his hands before his chest, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Killer Frost whistled.

"Hello, snack. I love a man with scars."

At her comment, King Shark begun staring at his body.

"I have scars."

He told her but she ignored him.

"That mask...what is he?"

Raven spoke up.

"We don't know."

Waller answered.

"What we do know, is that he has the capability to level an entire building simply by changing into this form. Which is when he loses his mind."

'He's like me.'

Raven realized. She had to always keep a tight lid on her emotions.

"What do you want with him?"

Raven followed up.

"That's for me to know and for you to watch your mouth before I snap a finger and paint the walls with your pretty little head." She threatened, then swept her gaze across the room.

"Your mission, your only mission, is to bring him back to me, alive."

Waller ended her statement with a commanding tone. 

"That building, the skyline behind it, it's Gotham isn't it?"

Deadshot asked.

"Oh I see it now, the smog."

Captain Boomerang added then his face changed.

"Fuck me."

He turned to Waller, 

"You're sending us straight towards the Bat?"

"Not my problem Convict."

Waller replied, turning around to leave.

"Get in, find who I sent you to find and get out. Deadshot, you're team leader."

She threw over her shoulder.

"Oh goodie."

Captain Boomerang said in envy.

"What? No clue? Come on Waller, you usually give us more than that."

Deadshot told her.

"Harley Quinn."

She responded.

"She might know something. Get to her and Manchester will extract information that might help you find the target of your mission."

"Waller." Manchester Black called out, eyes narrowing.

"This is far from over."

Waller smiled.

"Careful now, Convict. Don't forget what you are, my hunting dogs. Stray and I'll put you down."

With that warning out of the way, she stepped over the line.

"Send them to sleep."

She ordered and the door closed.

Gas begun to pour inside the chamber.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The next time I woke up, I was still tied up on the chair. My body stiff and aching. 

'Fuck, so it wasn't a nightmare?'

At least the bruises on my elbows and hands, including the chipped nails were cleaned and my hands bandaged. I swept my gaze across the room and found myself alone.

My bindings were still tight enough to hold me in place without being too constricting to cut off blood flow to my palms and fingers. I strained my legs and sighed in disappointment. My feet could just barely reach the floor.

I was also not as groggy as before, and based on the fact that I could feel the refreshing after-taste in my mouth of water, it was clear to see that the Bat had fed me some medication. That was the only reason my head was not throbbing like before. I still had a headache however, which warranted a trip to the hospital but, it wasn't as bad as before.

Now that I was alone, this was my chance to leave.

"Superman, If you can hear me..."

"He can't."

A voice stated from behind.

It was unfamiliar. Not Batman's.

"Who are you!?"

I craned my neck to try and see, only managing to catch a glimpse of a green cape before I felt the darkness creep on the edges of my vision. I went unconscious for the second time.

This time, something was waiting for me on the other side.

(General P.O.V)

"Did you get anything?"

Batman asked the Martian Manhunter.

They were infront of a console with terminals showing different camera feeds of a passed out Davian.

"Negative. His mind is shielded from my mental probes. I've tried breaking through but it's impenetrable."


Batman punched the table in frustration.

"You don't really need confirmation, Batman, so what is this really for?"

Manhunter asked the Dark Knight.

"A hunch. There is much more going on here. I feel...I feel like I'm on the verge of seeing the bigger picture. Jim's death, the fact that his body was never found and the kid," he motioned with his chin towards the high tech interrogation room. A chamber that was strong enough to withstand a nuclear blast and had an energy field that hid it away from most forms of detection.

"He's a victim as well. I can tell..."

Batman removed his cowl, rubbing his eyes.

Beep. Beep.

The Dark Knight accepted the call coming in through his wrist computer.

"Yes, Alfred."

"Sir, you have been gone for 2 days. Dick and I have been worried sick, you didn't even bother to check in."

Bruce sighed.

"Its been a busy 2 days, Alfred. Status?"

"We might have a problem. I'm sending over the footage."

It only took a few seconds for the data to arrive.

Batman opened the file and immediately growled.


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