I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 9: No More Passivity.

Chapter 9 No More Passivity.

(General P.O.V)

"Our asset is on site, just waiting for the green light."

In a room with multiple screens, a man with an eye patch on one of his eyes spoke up.

"Excellent. We should avoid mistakes from here on out. Our first plan was a catastrophic failure."

A female voice stated from one terminal.

"The Batman, as always, intervened."

Another voice intoned.

Deathstroke leaned in.

"I told you to let me take him out."

"No. He is still necessary for our plans. However, maybe a lesson on who not to mess with is in order?"

The new voice was elegant and well spoken.

"I agree."


"Sounds like fun. I'm in!"


A multitude of voices pitched in.


The first voice said.

"Deathstroke, inform the handler to be ready for both Assets' extraction."

"Red Dawn has proven to be... difficult."

Deathstroke answered.

"Difficult even for you?"

The female voice wondered.

Deathstroke rubbed the pommel of one of his swords.

"Not if I kill him."

He responded.

"No, nothing that extreme. He just needs to be...reminded who he's working for."

The first voice instructed.


"I have visual on the target. Boomer move in."

Deadshot spoke into his comms, lying on the rooftop of a building overlooking the tin roof club.

"Roger. She's moving across the street. I'm following."

Boomer adjusted his beanie and shrunk into himself, walking quickly after Harley Quinn as she strolled into an alley next to the lounge.

There were crowds of people all around the sidewalk and entrance, waiting to enter the high class establishment.

"I don't understand why we have to hang back."

King Shark complained, sitting inside an ice cream truck, outfitted with a wide range of communication and surveillance tech. The truck was packed at the end of the street, far from the view of the club.

Raven looked him up and down at his large form.


She deadpanned.

"I'm big boned."

King Shark defended himself.


Raven replied in a monotone.

"So, what's your deal?"

Killer Frost, who was on the driver's seat, enquired from Manchester Black. The latter was flipping through a magazine, feet placed on the dashboard on the front passenger seat.

"Fuck off."

He said in a bored tone.

"Someone's in a pissy mood."

The ice meta commented sourly.

"I have a bomb on the back of my head that I can't remove because even trying to disarm it with my power is a no go. So excuse me, if I'm not chipper, darling."

Manchester responded, staring at her with annoyance colored across his face.

"Hey, both of you, play nice." Deadshot's voice came through the comms.

Manchester threw the magazine out of the window of the car.

"Just because you're comfortable with being Waller's lap dog, does not mean you can order me around, Deadshot."

He then growled out.

Deadshot narrowed his eyes, shifting his rifle from Harley to the Ice cream truck. Manchester appeared in the interscope.

"Just one pull and you're dead, Black."

The master Marksman warned him.

"Do it."

The British supervillain fearlessly replied.

"You're not faster than a bullet."

Deadshot shot back, finger on the trigger.


"Wait! Deadshot, I lost sight of her, mate!"

Boomerang interrupted in a hasty tone.

He picked up speed towards the alley while Deadshot cursed and panned out his view, trying to locate the missing clown. Then he felt claws on his neck.

"Not so fast, hot shot. This kitty has claws." A female voice said, adding a purr closer to his ears.

"Very sharp ones."


Boomerang called out through his comms.

Raven and Killer Frost shared a look.

"Maybe we should..."

Of course that was when the truck tilted on its side, shaking as thick green vines broke through the asphalt and wrapped themselves around the vehicle.

The windshield groaned and cracked. Screams rang out as civilians begun to run away from Poison Ivy as she revealed herself.


Boomerang looked back, trying to contact the team through his ear piece, but the only thing he heard was grunts of exertion.

"What in the hell?..."

Boomer contemplated signalling to Waller. Two taps on his ear piece and he would be speaking with the loud, fat, murderous cunt.

Boomer blinked, getting his ears blown up due to her loud voice did not sound fun.

The others could handle the vine bitch, Boomer instead pulled out a boomerang and decided to go inside the dark alley.

(General P.O.V)

"There was a ping from the Watchtower."

Batman informed Martian Manhunter, fingers flying across his wrist computer.

"Something is wrong with the communication devices, I can't get in touch with the console. Keep an eye on him as I go and check it out."

Batman informed Martian Manhunter in a growl, leaving for the Zeta tube at the end of the room.

"Of course."

Martian Manhunter responded, casting a thoughtful look at the screen separating their prisoner and him. Davian's shoulder's were slumped, he was still passed out.

Once the Dark Knight had left, Manhunter opened his palm to reveal a rectangular device that was flashing with lights and letting out various different sounds as it activated.

A boom tube manifested next to him.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"...so the call came in and we managed to make it there within a few minutes. The rest you know."

Gordon concluded with a sigh, removing his glasses and wiping them on his shirt.

He was leaning on his gravestone, seated on the ground as we faced each other.

"I still can't believe that Batman has you locked away. Basic police procedure state you should be in processing. It's the law. There is nothing legal about your imprisonment."

"Batman is not a cop. He's not subject to your rules or procedures."

I answered.

"Besides, he's just lost you. It would make sense if he went off the deep end."

I shrugged, understanding but still mad about the whole thing. I wasn't going to just let it go. You fuck with me and I returned the favor. Thats how you built a rep as someone you don't want to mess with.

I could see that despite my words, Gordon still felt as if something was amiss. Maybe he was right. Maybe he was wrong. We wouldn't get to find out while stuck in my inner world.

We were silent for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, I stood up, having made a decision. I had been too passive. Content to let things sort themselves out. I hadn't truly fought for myself. That changed now.

"Gordon, we have to find a way to let Batman know I'm innocent."

The police commissioner looked up and ran a hand across his hair.

"And how will we manage that? If you were right, then it means I'm stuck here in this..."

"Soul form."

I helped him, channeling a little Reiryoku into my eyes.

It was hidden from his gaze but I could see a chain that connected to his chest. His soul chain was about 4 feet long, and the chain links were steadily dissolving into nothing. Gordon didn't have long.

"I just need to convince him that your body might still be alive. In that case, all we would need to do is get you there and I'm sure I can bring you back."

I insisted, a plan already forming in my mind. I could see his soul degradation by channeling Reiryoku into my eyes, maybe that was the key to all of this.

"What if...my body is not the same?"

Gordon asked a question I had been trying to avoid considering. His voice was soft and almost...weak.

"We both know Pyg's M.O."

Gordon insisted, a flame of resolve burning in his eyes.

"I won't be brought back as one of his playthings."

He spat out.

"I can't let...I can't let her see me like that."

He choked up.

"You mean your daughter."

I sighed, crouching before him, establishing eye contact with the man I was quickly growing to like. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You're a good man, Commissioner Gordon."

I smiled reassuringly.

"And we can't afford to have good men give up. Not in a place like Gotham."

Gordon blinked.

"Now, time is running out."

I told him getting to my feet once more. A feeling of dread occupying my mind. Something was happening. It felt as if there was a blade at the back of my neck, waiting for a signal so that it could fall and take it off.

"...not ready."

And then there was that voice again. I held out a hand for Gordon to take. He stared at my calloused and rough palm before grabbing onto it and standing up as I pulled.

"How should I convince Batman?"

I questioned.

"You can't."

Gordon replied, adjusting his glasses and patting his breast pocket for cigarettes. I knew because there was a time I had a smoker phase.


He muttered, folding his hands on his chest.

"You can't convince him."

He reiterated.

"What you can do is feed to his suspicions. He's a detective. One of the best I have ever come across. He doesn't view things in absolutes. If one single detail is off, he will pull on that small thread and unravel the whole thing."

"So we stoke that fire."

I said in understanding.

"Yes. But if it fails, tell him this code, '6-4802 Bravo Whiskey'. Its a phrase we have just in case an unlikely scenario happens."

My speculations pointed to the Scenario being, in case Batman's real identity was ever revealed to the public. The backlash would be immense. It made sense that Bruce would have measures in place.

"That should give you a chance to talk it out."

Gordon finished, stepping away as my body lit up in purple.

I was ready to leave. The hour or so we had been stuck in conversation had been enough time for me to regain my stamina. I concentrated on the pull. The ebb and flow. I could feel something rise up from the bottom of my feet, to my legs, my belly, torso and finally my head.

A rush unlike any other invaded my body. I felt... powerful wasn't the right word. I felt immovable. Taking a deep breath, my eyes and ears seemed to change. I could see clearer, hear better. It was... incredible.

I could finally see what was past the mist that covered the graveyard. Unsurprisingly, it was just more mist and more gravestones.


Gordon whispered from my front, staring at my body in awe and fear.

"I...I can feel your power."

He added.

I looked down at my hands. The scars and rough skin.

Then I clenched them. No more. I couldn't rely on anyone's goodwill right then. If Batman wanted to act like an asshole, then I would show him that he had never met someone like me.

I had power now. I was no longer weak. A smile worked it's way to my face. And I was going to fucking use it.

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