I Reap Souls In DC


Chapter 13 Revelations.

11 chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)

"Oh god, thank you! Thank you!"

The guard said profusely, as Batman dropped him off outside the docks. Already, there was a cordon around with authorities preventing the news reporters from going in.

The paramedics carted the man away for a check up as Harvey Bullock ran forward. There was a tension between Batman and the police after Jim's death. Not all of them were as trusting of the caped crusader as he had been . However, Bullock could understand that this was neither the time or the place.

"What's the situation?"

Harvey asked the Dark Knight before he could go back in.

"Move the cordon further back. The fight might spill out into the main streets."

Then Batman slinked into the Darkness, vaulting over the entrance before he started running on top of the containers, trailing after the fight that was happening.

"You heard the Bat." Harvey turned to his officers.

"Move the goddamn cordon."

Raven took a few steps back, sea water sloshing around her knees. Her shield was pushing against one of Davian's hands. The hollowfied teen screeched as his claws and sword landed multiple slashes on the shiped of darkness, steadily pushing back the gigantic figure. Sparks flew from the point of contact and every blow that Raven tanked seemed to grow in power.

She gritted her teeth and held on to the spell. This guy was relentless.

"Raven! Now!"

Deadshot shouted from the top of Raven's construct head. Raven slapped the ocean with the flat side of her sword, causing a tide to rise up headed for their target. Then on an ice platform near Raven's feet, Killer Frost submerged her palms into the water, flash freezing it and the tide that was now covering Davian.

Raven then yelled, spinning around for momentum before slapping away the frozen chunk of ice holding Davian with her shield.

"Stay down!"

Raven shouted at him.

Davian's form bounced across the ocean surface, covering a distance of more than 2 kilometers due to the force behind the blow.

"Move in!"

Deadshot ordered but Raven was already taking large steps deeper into the ocean. The ground shook from her advance. Only for a massive shockwave to explode out of the water, sending forth a beam of pure spiritual energy that could be seen and felt for miles.

All around the country, supernatural entities turned to face Gotham. The spectacle gathered the attention of both good and bad forces. At ground Zero, Raven's large figure was thrown away, feet rising off the water. Her body landed on more containers, further destroying shipments and liners.

Killer Frost managed to create an ice slide under Deadshot's falling form, saving his life in the process.

The real Raven groaned from the middle of the huge Avatar. The strain on her abilities was immense. However, she knew that there was no one else to hold it back. She stumbled back up, pushing off the destroyed docks.

Her eyes widened from within the Avatar when something fast and hard struck her on her chest. Raven jerked her real body to the side as Davian burst straight through carving a hole on the left side of her Avatar's burst. Then he blasted out of her back, further destroying the construct.

The darkness lost cohesion and Raven cried out in pain as she tried to regain control and failed, getting hit by the backlash. The spell destabilized, causing her to revert back into her normal form, falling from the sky and headed to the murky waters of the Gotham coastline.

The Hollowfied Davian looked up, body tensing. A few figures grew bigger in the skyline of Gotham. No longer was he concerned about the falling Raven. He fully turned to face what it knew was the real threat.

Meanwhile Batman swung on his grappling gun, managing to scoop Raven out of the free fall before landing roughly on top of a blue container. Deadshot immediately turned one of his guns Batman's way, the other was aimed at Davian who was floating in the sky.

"Step away from her Bats. You know I can shoot accurately even without line of sight."

He warned.

"You should be in Belle Reeve, Floyd."

Batman stated, secretly tapping at his wrist device while holding onto Raven.

"Yeah well, decided I needed some fresh air. Now let her go."

Deadshot insisted.

Batman narrowed his eyes while the Marksman clenched his jaw, eyeing him from the corner of his eyes.

"I won't tell you a second time, Batman."

An engine roared and Deadshot ducked onto the ground, evading the barreling vehicle that zoomed above him. Deadshot rolled away and begun shooting at Batman, cursing the while mission in the first place. Things had changed.

Batman spun with Raven in his arms, hiding behind the Batmobile. A sheet of ice covered the corner of the vehicle as Killer Frost arrived and begun to try to kill Batman. The three of them begun their fight.

Over in the sky, the figure of Davian screeched as it held up it's sword. Spiritual energy begun pouring out of the weapon in a torrential wave.

The figures fast approaching, turned out to be some of the members of the Justice League. Captain Atom, Lantern Stewart, Canary who was shrouded in a green environmental suit by the Green Lantern, Superman and Shazam. The rest were on console duty, handling other cases or in the case of Wonder woman, watching over the Flash to get rid of the mind control.

"The amount of energy I sense in that weapon is enough to take out half of Gotham if he misses."

Captain Atom informed the others.

"I sense it too."

Superman agreed with a serious look on his face. His gaze swept across the burning docks.

"Let's split up. I'm on damage control, we need to put out those fires before they expand. The rest of you, try to stop him."

Superman said, changing course for the docks.

Stewart looked at the others, a little of his military experience leaking out with his next statement.

"With the threat of that attack he's charging, talks are out. We need to take him down. Hard."

Stewart said, moving in fast.

"Canary and I will distract him while the two of you try to incapacitate him."

There was no objection and Black Canary along with Stewart moved on ahead.

Shazam and Captain Atom flanked their sides, increasing their speeds to cut off any of Davian's escape routes.

A construct that was a device sharing similarities to a choker, appeared on Canary's throat. She faced Stewart with a questioning glance.

"That's a mega sound relay device." He answered.

"It is used by Mongul in Warworld to announce and commentate the death battles. It should help you go louder, much safely without bursting your throat apart."

Then the Lantern fully focused on the figure they were quickly approaching.

"Ring, anything on the energy analysis?"

"Negative, John Stewart. The database lacks any related information concerning this new type of power. I advise you approach with caution."

Stewart's frown deepened.

"Yeah." He added.

"We need to stop this. Fast."

There was nothing he hated more than having no or little information.

"Let's do it."

Canary replied, getting ready.

20 meters away from Davian, and Stewart had to clamp down on his fear with willpower. Those eyes, they spoke of mindless rage and negativity. It was enough to make him falter. He wasn't facing a regular foe, there was something different about this one. Stewart felt it in his guts.

"Hey, don't hold back."

He told Canary, uncharacteristically serious.

"Only up until he's down."

She agreed on condition.

"Ring access comms: Superman, Shazam, Atom, brace for impact. This is going to be a big one."

He then turned to Canary.


Stewart took a sharp corner before they could collide on Davian, The latter reaching out to swing his weapon at the two, only for them to split around him.

Then Canary activated her metahuman ability, aiming it at Davian. The air was ripped apart as a sonic scream, much more devastating than anything Black Canary usually used, blasted out of her mouth, hitting Davian point blank.

The eyes underneath the mask went wide. The whole space was trembling. Davian's own body was trembling. The hand holding the sword was thrown back, the sword sent sailing away towards the ocean.

'told you ...not ready..."

The clothes Davian wore were completely shredded, leaving him with only a modest pair of torn pants around his groin.

The pressure blast completely threw the debris of the destroyed dock away, necessitating the need for Batman, Deadshot and Killer Frost to stop fighting and save themselves.

Luckily, Canary had aimed the impact of the sonic scream towards the wide expanse of the ocean. So while the resulting wave was massive, enough to reveal the ocean floor, it wasn't too unmanageable. Superman dove in and used his ice breath to freeze a major part of the water before it could impact the shores.

Killer Frost helped as well, momentarily taking a break from fighting Batman to blast out chilling winds at the incoming Tsunami. The wave of water shifted states, becoming an ice wall. When she was done she looked behind her and heard a whisper,

"5 minutes, then I'm coming after both of you."

Back in the air, something had gone wrong.

Davian had initially tried to endure the sonic blast, placing a hand infront of him to shield himself, but the shockwaves threw him back. The horn above his head cracked slightly. Spiritual Energy begun leaking out of the crack in a shocking amount. The Canary cry while not lacking in power seemed to be scarily effective against this brand of an opponent.

Green metallic clamps enclosed Davian's body fully, leaving only eye holes in the massive metal coffin. Green Lantern and Canary floated down towards the coffin.

Canary rubbed her throat as the choker disappeared.

"That was not pleasant."

She commented, making Stewart chuckle.

"I know. Luckily it's over."

The rest of the League quickly arrived.

"Green lantern, well done. You guys didn't even need us to intervene."

Shazam commented with a smile.

"It was all Canary."

Stewart praised her.

"Wow! that attack was wild, Black Canary."

Shazam added, making the blonde superheroine smile.

"Now then..."

Stewart begun before he went silent. All of them did in fact. There was a sudden hum as the color pallet of the whole world went bleak. There was a feeling...a dawning horror that sprouted from deep within their souls.


The voice was angry, deranged and most of all sadistic.

A pulse escaped out of the metallic construct holding Davian captive. A pulse that brought with it a fresh wave of Spiritual Pressure. This one was full of malice, painting the sky a deep purple.

The effects this time were more devastating. Black Canary and Green Lantern immediately passed out, both falling off the sky.

"Warning! Insufficient Willpower detected!"

The ring on Stewart's finger blared out.

Captain Atom and Shazam on the other hand, could not move. With wide eyes, Shazam allowed himself to fall towards the coffin. He landed on it, feeling his arms flail like noodles, not able to leverage his immense strength.

Luckily that hadn't been the plan. All Shazam wanted was for this to end.


A streak of blue Super hot bolts of mystic lightning fell from the sky, briefly covering their position. The shockwaves were enough to throw Captain Atom away, helping the former marine to break out of the spell and do something.

He flew after Canary and Green Lantern, managing to grab both before they could impact on the surface of the ocean. Another body fell towards the sea at fast speeds but Superman was there to save the young boy.

His eyes blinked in shock at the fact that Shazamz one of the few heroes who could actually give him a ran for his money, was actually a kid. He managed to bring him back towards the destroyed docks and over the massive ice wall.

Passing over Batman to give Billy over to the parademics, Superman established eye contact with the Dark Knight.

"You and I will need to have a talk after this, Batman."

The Dark Knight looked back unflinchingly, then turned his attention to the purple energy covering Davian's last position.

"Let's save the city first."

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