I Reap Souls In DC

True Colors

10 advance chapters in my Patreon.



Chapter 11 True Colors.

(General P.O.V)

Cheshire landed on the wall behind a stack of yoga mats and flipped onto the ground, twirling her Sais.


Sportsmaster backed up, going for the hockey stick behind him.

"You stupid girl."

He ground out.

"Sportsmaster, Cheshire, we need to leave. I will incapacitate him while you create a boom tube."

Manhunter's form ballooned out as he changed shape. A second later, a White Martian was standing in his position.

All three of the villains were facing a different Davian, one who sent a shiver of terror down their spines. He was crouched low on the ground, grunting as thick white liquid came out of his nose, mouth and ears, covering his face. Purple light pulsed out, an aura around his form.

His eyes flashed inside the quickly materializing mask. They were cruel, dismissive but most of all, angry.

"This was not the plan, little girl!"

Sportsmaster grabbed the Fatherbox out of the air before using it to open a boom tube to the side.

Davian in his hollow form leaned forward, his fingers, lengthening and changing to thin needle like claws.

He took a step and blurred forward.

Clang! Cheshire jumped in and tried to block the claws from getting to her father, but the collision sent her spinning back. A cry rang out as both her arms were slashed by what seemed to be invisible winds.

Her shoulder clipped Sportsmaster and sent them both spiralling to the ground. Davian took a leap and came down on the both with his claws at the ready. A form tackled him out of the air, smashing onto the glass mirror above the treadmill. Both landed on the aforementioned machine and jumped away from each other.

The White Martian sank to the floor while trying to send telepathic attacks Davian's way. The masked Davian opened his mouth, creating a spinning energy attack then sent it flying towards the floor.

Sportsmaster dragged Cheshire behind a weight bench. There was an explosion of concrete, revealing sections of the floor below the training room. Something sped up out of the ground from Aden's back.

The White Martian shifted his form into a rubber like state, wrapping himself around their target.


The White Martian yelled into Sportsmaster's mind.

"Open the portal!"

The previous one had deactivated after Cheshire had crashed into Sports Master.

Davian flexed but found himself immobilized.

"Calm Down! Calm dow..."

A scream tore out of Davian, drowning the White Martian's words.

Sportsmaster activated the Fatherbox, aiming the boom to appear over Davian and the White Martian. The latter held on tight, before levitating towards the portal. Reiryoku begun to boil inside Davian and in a mighty jerk, an explosion of power slammed out of him, ripping the Martian into numerous pieces, patches of flesh that fell to the ground lightly smoking.

Above his mouth, a cero formed that he aimed at the center of the boom tube. On the other side, was a courtyard. This courtyard was part of a compound in an island belonging to a very special group. The League of Assassins.

The boom tube manifested right before Sensei who was busy meditating. He cracked his eyes open before they widened further. Sensei immediately ducked to the ground, avoiding the ball of purple energy that sped out of it. The ball landed on the side of the cliff overlooking the League of Assassins' headquarters.

The resulting explosion was massive, shaving a side off the cliff. Boulders and rocks fell on the buildings under it, destroying many of them.

The Boom tube disappeared, leaving a stunned Sensei as he got to his feet. Behind him a contingent of Ninjas landed. Sensei scowled, shaking with rage.

"Someone will pay for this."

He promised.

The masked assassin stood in the center of the room, her twin sais glinting in the light. Cheshire faced down the monster infront of her with a panicked expression underneath her mask. He had just killed the White Martian! Sweat dripped down her forehead, falling into her eyes.

She breathed out, trying to use her training to stay focused. To keep the fear at bay. The explosion had drove a bar through Sportsmaster's side, her father shifting his body to take the blow meant for her. It was almost touching before the man groaned,

"I'm...charging you 2 mil for the save little..."

Cheshire chopped at his neck, sending him to dream land. Then she hit a few pressure points to slow down his blood pressure. She couldn't administer first aid because of the danger Davian posed.

Cheshire tapped at her ear piece.

"Romeo One, we have a...major problem."

She informed whoever was listening on the other side.

"What happened?"

A deep voice asked.

"The asset went out of control. The Martian is dead, Sportsmaster's out of commission too."

There was a sigh on the other end. Almost inaudible.

"Can you still incapacitate him?"

Cheshire looked at the boiling energy surrounding Davian. His clothes were now burning away, the purple Reiryoku surging up, filling him with a rush that made him screech in anger, claws extending further out. Then Cheshire looked down at the pieces of the White Martian lying around.

She narrowed her eyes.


There was silence for a bit.

"Lethal force permitted."

The voice simply instructed and Cheshire bit back an angry response. How the fuck did he expect her to fight something like this with only her Sais? Fuck it, at least she would get to go all bloody.

Then an idea came to her. She didn't need to fight with the intent to end this, she only needed to fight to draw attention to them.

Cheshire stepped forward, fully revealing herself through the smoke and dust that had otherwise covered the entirety of the room.

It only took a split second for her to be noticed by her opponent. Davian immediately jumped at her, hand pulled back and ready to rip her to shreds.

The room was filled with various exercise equipment, giving the assassin plenty of options to evade Davian's attacks. She flipped over a treadmill, narrowly avoiding a wide beam of cero that blasted through the machine and out into the surroundings, which turned out to be a warehouse near the docks, thankfully far from civilians.

Davian charged again, swinging his claws in a wide arc. Cheshire dodged to the side, sliding under a weight bench and kicking it towards the similarly masked individual. He split the bench apart with a single swipe of his long nails, separating it into numerous pieces, but it gave the masked assassin enough time to launch a counterattack.

She leaped onto a set of parallel bars, twirling around them to gain momentum. With a fierce cry, she launched herself at the main character, her sais flashing in the light. He parried her blows with ease, almost too aware of her next moves. However the assassin was too skilled for him to hit.

The fight continued, the two combatants trading blows and dodges around the room. Davian's attacks were wild and uncontrolled, but they packed a punch that could shatter stone. Cheshire's movements were graceful and precise, her attacks aimed at the former's vulnerable spots.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Cheshire saw an opening. Davian had overextended himself, leaving his body open for a split second. The assassin seized the opportunity, driving both her sais deep into his chest, then she jumped away, avoiding another uncontrolled cero that smashed the wall before him into non existence, revealing the ocean air.

The sais plunged through his lungs slowed him down and Davian stumbled back in sudden agonizing pain. He groaned, falling to his knees, his shoulders slumping. From a perch on the ceiling, Artemis landed, breathing heavy and her body in pain.

She had avoided direct attacks but the shockwaves produced by a single swipe or the powerful energy cloak surrounding Davian had managed to take it's toll on her as well. Her hands were burned, slashed and her muscles ached.

"You're a stubborn bastard, aren't you?"

She commented, blood dripping down Davian's mask, through the gaps in the mask's teeth.

"I apologize for the rough treatment handsome. But you know how it is..."

She grabbed the handles of her Sais, aiming to remove them when her hands were grabbed by Davian.

Cheshire's eyes widened behind her mask, establishing contact with the purple and cruel glint in Davian's eyes. Purple light begun to gather before her target's mouth.


She understood what was about to happen. The cero would leave nothing but ashes of her body. Cheshire tried to push him away.

'... little kitty has claws...'

Her eyes widened in shock at the voice that came out of the mask.

She slammed a kick on one of the Sais, hoping the pain would distract him enough that she could extricate herself.

It started low. A screech of not pain as she had expected but one of savage sadistic glee. The purple cero grew to the size of a marble.

'I...I am sorry, Artemis.'

Cheshire's last thought was seeing the faces of her broken family. Her mother, sister, hell, even Crusher.

The cero shot out...

"Azarath metrion Zinthos!"

A female voice announced, diving in from the hole on the wall with a dark aura covering her fists and eyes.

In response to her chant, a black dome appeared over Cheshire, covering her entirely and protecting her from the cero. However, the attack proved to be a little too much and an explosion of both purple and darkness washed out across the entire room, shaking it's foundations.

The pressure blast slammed onto Raven, pushing her out of the air. She shook her head, standing up from a wrecked container that she had fell upon.

She landed on the ground as a few more feet descended from the sky. Manchester Black had used his powers to levitate them the rest of the way after the Truck had been decimated by vines. That particular... altercation had almost led to one of them getting their heads blown up. King Shark had gone bloodthirsty for a few seconds there, after being hit on the nose with a baseball bat by Harley Quinn.

"Hope we were not too late to the party."

Deadshot told her, cocking his wrist guns.


Raven informed them as they watched the smoking hole in the building.

"He's not alone. I sense two more minds inside."

Manchester told Deadshot.

"I say we charge right in and kill every last one of them wankers."

Boomerang growled out, nursing a broken jaw.

"No, we're not Killing anyone if we don't have to."

Raven denied that idea, though the rest did not look particularly bothered by it in the first place.

There was a growl from inside the building and then in a spectacle that left them wary, the whole thing exploded in a haze of glory, flames burning the debris of the building as a figure appeared in the sky. Gone were the Sais plunged in his chest. Davian looked whole now.

His mask was fully formed and on his back was a massive scissor-sword. His short silver hair, extended past the shoulders, rippling in the wind by an unseen current. The orange prison uniform was mere strips of clothing that did nothing to hide his toned body. Spiritual energy gathered around him like a vortex.

"We. Are. Fucked."

Killer Frost stated. 

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