I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

Ascalon and The Ice Queen – Part 2

I had finally been released, and by this point, Olivia and the other vampire girl had finished arguing. And through that I learned a few things about her.

First of all, she was sealed with the entire [13th Floor], which means that there is no method to release her, since it is magic too ancient and archaic for our understanding.

Her name is Orphelia van Helsing, she has reddish hair and golden eyes, and she claims that her lineage comes from the third generation of vampires, being a sixth generation vampire. In fact, so far I've learned that there have been vampire generations or something like that.

So that puts me at about the twentieth generation. She's like my vampire great-great-great-great-grandmother. But at this point, our race is already extinct and we're probably the only two purebred specimens alive.

Of course, leaving aside that thing, the [Vampire Sword], that counts more as a weapon than an individual.

Somehow, she and Olivia managed to strike up a little friendship, but...

I don't know. It makes me kind of insecure knowing that now I'm not the only one of my kind.

And on top of that, she's the [Boss Monster] of this floor. Unlike Drïmur, she doesn't hesitate to use her authority to neutralise any kind of threat. It seems that Maxwell gave them a direct shortcut to the system to intervene with things on the floor they rule.

From what she has told us, this particular dungeon is very special. Each floor brings with it a whole different world, which is why there is a difference between heaven and earth between 13 and 14.

I'm surprised I don't have access to that information, or even know about it by chance. There's no record of anything like that in the [System].

-I'm sorry for attacking you two with my golems. They are a very archaic self-defence system I created several decades ago. I had even forgotten they existed. -. Orphelia says in an apologetic tone.

To which Olivia only replies:

-No problem. I'm quite used to people attacking me by surprise.

Right now we are walking towards Orphelia's walled city. A city she founded in order to protect all the monsters that had reason and could live there.

That means this is the first [Safe Zone] in the whole dungeon. Of course, it would be better if there wasn't snow or ice that would freeze us in moments, but that's the least of it.

-I'm surprised that the blondie was able to destroy an octagonal ice [Ice Golem] with two attacks. That makes me realise how strong she is.

Orphelia said it with a half-mocking tone. And I don't hesitate to answer her for the first time.

-My name is Elise. Just Elise. Don't call me "blondie".

I didn't bother to look at her back the moment I said that and we kept walking. From my response now she seemed uncomfortable or something.

Even Olivia didn't dare say anything. My response was direct, cold and curt. It's not like I intend to become friends with her either, like I said, there's something about her story that I don't like but I can't say exactly what it is.

We kept up the pace until we reached the city gates. A pair of giant golems took it upon themselves to open the gate for us. The wind blew across our faces and blew our hair wildly.

Orphelia breaks the silence, turns to us and says:

-Welcome to Cocytus, the frozen city! The [Ice Queen] welcomes you with open arms, travellers!

Ahead of us we could see in the distance a large series of wooden buildings that are reinforced by some kind of barrier, probably heating.

The crowd of [Beastmen] in front of us is impressive, all wearing clothes appropriate for the cold, and in what appears to be the town square they are selling their wares.

Olivia's eyes sparkled with excitement, while I remained indifferent to it all.

We kept pace behind Orphelia, who was leading us into the city. The gates were closed shortly after we entered.

It doesn't take us long to reach the crowded area of the city, where slowly the [Beastmen] circle around Orphelia and bow their heads in respect. I can see she has them well trained, ha.

At some point we make a brief stop and it is Orphelia who takes the floor here.

-Dear citizens of Cocytus. Please welcome my guests. This is Olivia Cross, and the blondie is Elise. They will both be here for a few days, so I ask you all to be polite to them. Val, come here.

I'll ignore the fact that she called me "blondie" again and concentrate on what's going on. Orphelia calls one of her party animals to come over here, a [Bearman] who upon arrival prostrates himself on his knees before Orphelia.

-Say me, your majesty. -. The bear speaks our language perfectly. It is certain that he has learned from past generations thanks to Orphelia.

-Guide our guests through the city, I will be in my castle rebuilding the barrier. -. That is the order Orphelia gives to her follower.

To which the bear replies "Yes, your majesty".

-Uh, I don't understand what she said. -. But to my surprise, Olivia next to me mumbles that.

Oh. I remember.

"All languages will be translated automatically".

Orphelia turns to look at us with a small smile and says:

-Val will guide you through the city. I hope you find our city comforting and when night falls you will personally report to my castle. I will have rooms ready for both of you.

-See you, Orphelia! -. Olivia replies, in high spirits.

There is no point in my saying goodbye to her as well. It's perfectly all right. And Orphelia interprets the look I give her in the same way. She turns and continues on her way.



I suddenly felt a pang in my head. I put a hand to my forehead out of reflex.

- - -

[You have blocked the "Suggestion" skill automatically]

- - -

A system message...

Suggestion? Who the hell tried to do this?

Even if I try to locate the source of this ability with my eyes, there's no one looking in my direction. Damn it.

-Something wrong, Elise? -. Olivia comes up to me asking that question.

Unable to do anything for myself, I have no choice but to answer her:

-It's all right, don't worry.

-Come with me, Lady Olivia and Lady Elise.

I should mention that being called "Lady" makes me feel in a higher stratum, I hope my face doesn't reflect my thoughts on the matter.

The bear... Val, gave us a tour of the whole city, explaining how their economy works, and how technologically developed they are.

They work by barter, anyone who swindles someone will be punished by law, although he didn't mention what kind of punishment he will get. And in terms of technology, they are average, they haven't really advanced much but they have a sense of the reality that surrounds them, a lot of the things here like carriages and homes were established by Orphelia.

They often trade with monsters from the surrounding floors, the [Floor 12] and [Floor 14]. I'm afraid they still don't know what happened on the 14th because they haven't turned against me or something...

We were told some of the rules of the city, like not to leave where we're staying when the lights go out and not to get involved in things that don't concern us. I must say that those rules are decent for dealing with outsiders and I'm not particularly against it.

Well basically that was it, as I dozed off a bit while this guy explained the history of this floor and how the foundations of their society were laid, which I honestly found very boring, Olivia was the one who paid attention to every detail.

After a few hours, probably. The bear let us go our own way around the city, so that we could see individually how they live as usual.

Olivia went around to do some sightseeing, and I, on the other hand, decided to go to what seemed to be a tavern where the [Beastmen] frequent to go. It's quite crowded, I could tell.

-Welcome to the "Frozen Drink" tavern!

The cheerful cook's voice greets me from the doorway as I enter. According to Val, this is the best cook within the first 20 floors of the dungeon. I'm impressed at how intelligent monsters have developed in this place.

As I enter, I notice that unlike the outside, this is an extremely warm and cosy place. I am surprised that I can maintain this internal temperature.

I walk inside the tavern in search of a seat. There are not many empty seats.

There is a small space in between two of them, a Bengal Tiger and what appears to be a boar, and I go and sit on the stool in between them.

What appears to be a barista attends to me as soon as I take a seat:

-Oh, so you are Lady Orphelia's guest. My name is Petelgeuse, but I'm usually called Geuse.

My face froze when I saw that the barman is a bloody [Lizardman]. My entire thought process came to a standstill at that very moment.

-How come you don't die in the cold? -. I let out the thought I considered keeping to myself.

But it seems ridiculous to me, it certainly affects logic. It's a reptile, and it doesn't seem to be related to the [Ice Attribute] so I find it curious how it survives, to say the least.

-Haha! You're very perceptive, it's the first time someone has asked me that.

-First time? Anyone with a bit of a brain knows that it's impossible for you to live here, where the hell are you from?

-I'm from the deepest place on [Floor 9], also known as the "Magma Pit". I came here to have a different job opportunity, when you're an old man like me you don't have much choice.

-I'm so confused right now! How did you get here without dying?!

-That's a family secret. For now, what are you going to order, miss?

Changing the subject, the barman offered me a menu, containing all the things that are served in this place.

At first I couldn't read what it said, but in a matter of seconds, the letters changed until they became legible to me. Wow, the [System] takes translations seriously.

All the things served here are normal meals. Different from what I'd expect from a restaurant for... no, they're not monsters.

They're [Demi-Humans] to put it accurately.

-Miss, if I may, I recommend the jacket potatoes. They're the chef's specialty. -. The tiger on my right says that.

-Ah, thank you... -. I thank quietly.

I haven't eaten potatoes for a long time. In fact, my meals lately consisted of various types of meat. No basic grains, no sides, just meat.

I quickly access my inventory and look around for anything... I don't have anything of great value!

I discreetly access the [Shop] and buy anything... a [Mythic Class] sword is enough, right? As soon as that thing is in my inventory, I take it out and put it on the bar.

-I want everything on the menu in exchange for this sword! And if you've got it, give me a whole cup of rice too.

Geuse is stunned and then holds the sword in his hands. I didn't check that thing before I gave it to him...

-Hey, Mirue! Come take a look at this sword! -. Geuse raises his voice, probably addressing a co-worker.

Entering the bar is a Dwarf. Really, a [Dwarf]. From what I hear, his name is Mirue. That guy receives the sword from Geuse and makes a small bow to her, bowing his head.

You can tell he's very old... if things are as I think, then he must be a weapons specialist, right? Dwarves do that in all the fantasy stories out there.

Mirue then pulls the sword slightly out of the sheath... and I can see his eyes suddenly start to glow.

-Don't fuck with me! This sword can buy the whole restaurant! Miss, are you sure that's all you want?!

Like I said, I didn't take the time to check it out or anything. I really don't care about that thing at all.

-Ah, yes. Why? What could you offer me in return other than food?

-I myself can offer you a unique artifact in this world! -. Mirue affirms.

Good, you have my attention.

Noticing that he's caught me, Mirue pulls out from him inventory one of the many things I wouldn't expect to see...

-How the hell did you get this thing?!

My exclamation was totally justified as I didn't expect to find that amongst all the crap I see on a daily basis. In front of me, the dwarf placed a black sniper rifle with green detailing, large in size, even larger than the sword itself.

-This thing? It's just a thing that lights up.

-No, no! Where did it come from?! Did you make it?!

-Not at all. This was found by my family 200 years ago in a mine. We found no use for it other than that, miss.

Honesty is in his words...

-You've caught a big fish, Mirue. Hey, Albert, start preparing everything the lady asked for, the deal's done! -. As if reading my mind to know I would accept this, Geuse yells at the cook.

I grab the sniper rifle with both my hands, and sure enough, it's real. It's pretty sure the dwarves had no idea how much power they had in their hands.

If I can make this thing shoot again, it's going to be a very powerful addition to our equipment. I can easily wipe out entire hordes of enemies if I can get it to fire magic instead of ammunition.

I also want to ask a few questions though.

-Mirue, where do you come from?

-From [Floor 25], it's a large reserve of minerals and precious stones that we export all around the [Dungeon].

25th Floor, huh...

-Do you have a family member who knows blacksmithing? Or do you know about it yourself?

-My family is in mining, but... I have a friend who has a workshop on [Floor 19] if you're interested.

-Don't you have a direct way to go there? Please, I'll pay you with whatever you want!

-I'm sorry to say no, Miss. Let me ask you, you're just visiting, aren't you? Where are you headed?

-Ah... I'm currently climbing the floors with a companion, so I can't take too much time here. She wants to get out of this dungeon after I dragged us together to [Floor 14] a few days ago.

When I finished saying that, all the listeners stiffened their expressions.

Then, Geuse asked me:

-Do you know how to perform [Chaotic Magic]?

-Uh, yes. Why the question?

-So you're the girl of the rumours! I should have guessed it when you're an outsider!

-Huh? I thought there were no rumours about me?

I must have been wrong about that. Well, that's what happens if I didn't meet enough [Demi-Humans] until now.

-The whole dungeon knows about you! You're the one who took Lord Drïmur's title as "Number 20"! You've caused quite a stir in the last few days among the sapient monsters, they told me you gave the best of all battles to honour him! -. Is all Geuse exclaims in response.

Mirue puts a hand to his beard and says:

-Ohh, then that justifies some things.

-Why do you say that, Mirue? -. Geuse asks.

To which the dwarf replies back:

-A client told me that a girl with golden hair and vermilion eyes was the one who made Lord Drïmur succumb. Who would have thought that someone from the "Top 20" would come to our shop? This is an honour, Lady...?

-Elise. My name is Elise.

-Lady Elise. Whatever you require, I will be happy to serve you.

-The same with me, Lady Elise.

Both Mirue and Geuse offer me a short bow.

Well, I think I'm going to enjoy my stay here to some extent.

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Author: I'm sorry for publish until now, I was very busy this last week

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