I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

Direct Confrontation

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[This is a long special chapter. I'm warning that it's going to be extremely long because of all the content it's going to have, anyway, I hope you enjoy it].


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----[Part 0]


Elise's body was shoted through the air, splitting the roof of the tavern in an instant. Orphelia's blow was so powerful that it sent Elise slamming straight into the barrier just to slow herself down.


-Don't think it ended there. -. Utters Orphelia, who had teleported to Elise's side only to grab her by the hair and throw her to the ground again.


Elise, still dazed from the first hit, couldn't even activate [Acrobatic Aerodynamics] to slow herself down, and when Orphelia raised a bed of ice spikes, Elise could do nothing but crash into it.


It was faster than she thought, but Elise let out a small cough that carried blood with it.


And even faster than her reaction time, a gigantic hammer blow descended on Elise, driving the ice spikes through her skull and penetrating her brain, ripping out chunks of head and an eye in its path.


It's all happening too fast.


Orphelia then, leaving the [Golem] to take care of Elise. She returns to the tavern, and addresses everyone at the same time:


-Surrender, please. If you surrender, I will not kill any of you.


But sooner rather than later, a crowd of [Beastmen] rush against her.


As soon as this was given, a wall of ice rose up. Orphelia did so to protect herself from the attacks coming from the front, but taking advantage of her lowered guard...


-I'd rather die than follow the orders of a witch! -. Petelgeuse shouts, activating the rune she wrote in record time on Orphelia's body.


She wasn't even able to react, as an explosion was released on her left side and Orphelia slammed into her own wall, shattering it in the process. Geuse moved away from the blast site as quickly as she could.


It took her by surprise. It was not a move she had expected at all.


However, the succession of blows did not stop there. For in the next instant, similar to Elise, a bulky hammer rose above Orphelia. Recognising the artefact, Orphelia instinctively raised her arms to defend herself.


But the blow that hit her was powerful enough to shatter the bones of both arms into pieces as small as dust. They became as brittle as glass in an instant.


And yet, it could not stop all the residual force that was accumulated, and was simply pinned to the ground by the powerful impact.


It was Mirue, who wielded Drïmur's [Warhammer] and threw the blow.


-Everyone, let's get out of here, we don't want to stay in one place!


Albert shouts, and all the [Beastmen] heed his call, running with everything they have and scattering across the city.


Some set off rockets and flares, to symbolise the start of the battle. A message that Elise had conveyed to all of them at the same time, but which was given in a disproportionate manner by Orphelia's sudden attack.


Such a message reaches the animal ears of Catherine, who becomes confused.


At the base of the rebellion, everyone caught the signal. And no matter what they were doing, they stood up, pulling out all their weapons and preparing to start the fight.


-Catalina, we must go! Elise needs us!




The cat girl renews her determination and runs after Seth to get out of the base as soon as possible.


----[Part 1]


The whole strategy that was planned at the time was that different teams would split up in different parts of the city and start attacking the city.


And that is what is happening.


The team, led by Seth, was tasked with attacking the west side of the castle.


Elise had given them instructions to follow step by step, and the first thing they must do, is to destroy the tower on that side of Orphelia's castle. But a situation arose at that moment.


As a [Dark Elf], Seth was someone adept at the dark arts, whereby, spells based on [Curses] were his specialty.


And as the blood of enemies begins to fill the snowy ground, he must take care of a main enemy.


-Wow, I'm surprised. A dark elf in this place, I didn't think this was possible somehow. -. The woman Seth is confronted with, he pronounces.


A woman with green hair, and pointed ears pronounces. Summoning concentrated spheres of magic around her, which she will hurl towards Seth.


Devoid of bulky weapons, Seth slices each of these spheres in half simply with a pair of knives.


-It's not like a white elf like you is all that common either. -. Seth mentions, doing a somersault to evade some of his foe's projectiles.


This is Rihley, and she is one of the individuals Orphelia has meticulously selected to protect her castle. Specifically, she is in charge of the magical defences.


As much as Rihley attacks Seth, he counters by using his [Magical Energy] which is in stark contrast to that of the woman. But since he is fighting mostly with melee weapons, it is harder for him to land any hits.


-Hey, big ear! You've taken too long fighting that fool! Hurry up!


Rihley's partner, was shouting at him. That one was facing Catalina, who in a matter of mere minutes was able to overcome his fighting form.


Catalina, with the TDR on her back, was still agile enough to fight simply by using her claws.


A couple of days ago, Elise taught her the [Steel Claws] skill, which allowed her to exploit her attack based solely on physical attacks. The cat girl thrusts the claws of both hands into the subject's chest and opens long, bleeding wounds.


Try as he might, the subject, a lamia, was unable to connect a single attack against the cat girl.


Neither physical nor magical attacks, nothing connected.


However, he was receiving all of Catalina's attacks. And as his flesh is being ripped to shreds, he is getting more and more scared.


-Don't talk to me like that, stupid!


-Can't you see she's killing me!


Despite yelling at the elf, the lamia in no time, when Catalina had had enough of playing, dug her claws into his neck and simply ripped his head off.


-Wow... Elise's stats sure made a big difference to me.


It's time for an explanation of what has happened so far.


The only reason Elise was taken out of combat so quickly is because most of the stats in her possession were passed on to Catalina, who has barely been able to manage a percentage of them.


Without taking too much time on it, Catalina, assuming one of the combat stances Elise taught her, lunged towards the elf to help her partner.


She slid in behind her, and holding her legs, it took no effort at all to sever the sinews of her feet, separating the pieces perfectly.


-Stupid hybrid...!


Catalina propelled herself up again, piercing Rihley's shoulders with her claws to pin her down. And even though there was a blast of magic directly against her face, she was completely unharmed thanks to her enormous stamina.


Then, she pulled Rihley towards her and slammed the elf's spine against her knee with enough force that you could hear her bones snapping.


-Gah...! -. A scream of pain escaped from the elf's throat.


At that moment, to end her suffering he thrusts his two knives into both sides of her head, and uncovers her skull exposing the elf's grey matter.


With Rihley's death, the barrier over the city immediately lost some of its power due to the expansive force that was released inwards, sending some buildings flying.


Seeing this, Catalina drops the corpse... and looks at Seth, saying to him:


-Let's move on.




The two began to assemble the things Elise had given them days before, a multitude of boar horns loaded with TNG quickly filled the west wall of the castle.


The cat girl lit one of the horns making a small spark and moved far enough away.


With the first blast of nitro-glycerine, a chain reaction started that tore the castle wall to dust.


Ahead of them now stands a crowd of armed guards.


-Seth, go for the tower, I'll take care of them! Everyone else, follow me!


Catherine immediately commands, and all her fellow rebels begin to accompany her as she makes a run for it.


Sooner rather than later, Catalina gets her first victim, who she pounced on before he had a chance to defend himself and ripped his head off with a single movement.


The sound of metal hitting metal took over the area in record time, and as the revolutionaries began to enter the castle grounds, more and more soldiers were being killed.


This is war.


The cat girl is not worried about killing as many as necessary. They are easy targets, as Elise said. Killing them is as simple as blinking.


While this was going on... the protagonist regains consciousness.


----[Part 2]

----[Elise's Perspective]




The consecutive blows reverberated in my head.




They don't stop...




I've had enough of this. I'm not able to do this anymore.


- - -


[Eternity has repaired the limb properly]


- - -


Hearing that voice in my still throbbing head was enough of a signal to go on.


The ice shards shattered violently. Tinkling. Like little bells.


- - -


[Hunter's skills have been activated]




[You have gained +400% damage, +275% in all other stats, +100% chance to exert "Death Status" and a 23% increase in experience gained. You can exert "Paralysis" to the selected race. There is a 44% chance to evade an attack perfectly. There is a 7.4% chance to gain "Invincibility Status" for 1.2 sec. The more enemies you assassinate, the exponentially better the rewards].


- - -


Pouring all the strength I had left in my body, I was able to stop the hammer blow that was bothering me so much until now.


I thank Olivia for what she taught me...


-Go to hell! -. I scream, so loud I could have torn my throat out.


Accumulating a huge amount of [Magical Energy] in my right arm, I hit the Golem's hammer with so much power that it was smashed to smithereens as soon as I impacted against it.


The giant was pushed away by my sudden attack. And only after I managed to push it away from me a little, I tore off one of the ice spikes with which I had previously been skewered.


I propelled myself as quickly as I could. To reach the golem's body and drive this spike into its chest, destroying its core instantly.


Pieces of ice began to fall off one after another. There was nothing holding it together anymore.


Ugh... that was a bad one...


I've never had my head destroyed until now. It was a somewhat confusing feeling and hard to describe.


In the distance, I hear multiple sounds of explosions. Along with the battle cries of hundreds of [Beastmen].


Oh... it looks like they started the party without me....




(There is a smell of blood... very close by...)


Looking towards the tavern... I see that there are multiple traces of blood coming from there.


No. Wait...


I hurry, trotting towards the tavern. Only to be met with the one image I didn't want...


It's a sea of blood. In which my friends were completely dead. It wasn't a mistake. I'm not confused. Nor am I delusional.


This is the cruel reality.


-No, please... don't do this to me...


Scrambling through the debris, I begin to lift it up, searching for anyone who, by some miracle, is alive.


But the more rubbish I lift, the less hope I have of finding anyone alive.




-Lady... Elise? Are you...?


Suddenly, I hear one of those familiar voices.


I look to my sides, and then... my body moves of its own accord.


-Mirue...! Thank goodness you're still alive! Wait just a moment, I'm going to heal you!


As soon as I found the source of the voice, I simply moved. Mirue was sitting, without arms and legs, just there, bleeding to death.


However, when I am about to use [Blood Magic] on him, he says to me:


-No, Lady Elise... don't delay any longer...


He, despite his lousy condition, tries to stop me. But I'm not willing to let him die as easily as that.


-It's okay, it won't take me long. I promise it'll be all right.


-Lady Elise... that's enough, I've lost enough blood...




I wanted to keep refusing. I wanted to keep a calm posture, but it's impossible for me now. Mirue insists and insists that I don't heal him. But I won't feel better if I don't try to do something for him...




-I'm sorry, OK? This is all my fault! Orphelia only did this to you because of my selfish desire to turn against her! None of you should have been hurt, only I deserved this!


-It's all right, Lady Elise... I agreed to die fighting on your behalf...


-Let me save at least you... please, Mirue...


-My pride as a dwarf... is what's going to stand in the way of that request, Lady Elise... please... take what's left of my blood... and all that's spilled on the floor... that's what everyone else asked me to tell you.


My chest suddenly began to ache.


And that's when I understood, Mirue is sacrificing himself even though I can still do something for him.


The corners of my eyes burn. I try as hard as I can to hold back my tears.


-I won't do it... I refuse...!


-Listen to me, Elise! You will need all the strength we can provide. It's the least we can do for our saviour. -. Mirue struggles to say without any kind of cut.


A couple of tears started to stream down my face.


-No, no...! I don't... want to do it...!


-It'll be all right! You're a strong girl, so you don't need to worry about anything! An old man like me will be happy... to have my life end painlessly thanks to you...


-You mustn't die, Mirue...! You promised me! I don't like it when people... break their promises!


I was starting to cry, like a little girl again.


It's my own decision to do what he asks me to do... but I also don't want him to suffer from a life unable to move or to die in this way that no one deserves.


It's really all my fault.


It was me who provoked Orphelia, it was me who arranged the war, it was me who caused all this to happen?


-Elise... please, make it quick...


Shit, shit...






What does it matter anymore.


My fangs come out, and pierce Mirue's neck with extreme gentleness, like I'm giving an injection. I'll make it quick.


I suck, and very little blood enters my mouth, but I make sure to swallow every drop of the iron-flavoured liquid. And in a matter of mere moments, Mirue lets out his last gasp into my hands.


Perfect, Elise. You've killed him.


I regret starting this stupid fight. I could have let Orphelia do her things in peace and quiet and left, but no! It was my stubbornness that got us into this!


Why did I have to refuse what was going on?!


Why can't I just not let things take their natural course and only end up making things worse when I try to help others?!


I don't like people dying like this because of me.... they didn't deserve it....


----[Change of Perspective]


As Elise was sinking into her melancholy.


A presence manifested itself.


Interspecies warfare always draws them. Eminences within this world that transcend all that is known. But this kind of eminence is even greater than that of an ordinary God.


Inherent in time. To matter. To life.


In every universe a balance had to be created. The balance between life and death.


That indistinct space---- [The Void].


It rules over all things that are alive, and also over everything that is dead. Even the air around it is completely different from anything shown so far.


The figure of a woman, dressed in black, with the appearance of a nun. Pale skin almost as if dead. And every last strand of her hair is pure white. Holding a staff with a strange gem on its tip, she walks a few steps.


This monochromatic figure that could lock anyone in madness. She opens her lips, speaking with a small smile, directed towards the silently crying vampire girl.


-It is my pleasure, Lady Elise. I present myself to you, my name is Morrigan. Morrigan, the [Goddess of Death]. -. She bows slightly, holding her staff in an upright position.


Elise would only then become aware of her presence, and as he lifted his face to see her, a shiver ran through his entire body.


At first he didn't understand... but then he realised, whoever was in front of him, she was the enemy of all [Immortals] past and present. In other words, the woman in front of her was her natural predator.


The blonde girl stood on her guard, ready to start whatever fight was about to break out.


-Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not here to sign a contract with you yet. I only came to introduce myself as this will not be the last time we meet after this. -. Morrigan's expression changes, and the same happens when she opens her mouth to speak again: -Don't you remember my voice, Nishimiya Saeko?


Hearing such an intonation, Elise immediately recognised what it was about.


It was engraved in her memories. No. In Nishimiya Saeko's memories. This voice was stored from her deathbed memory. The voice of the [System] that manifested itself that time.


Something worse than fear... cold sweat ran down her cheeks. Elise understood that things were going to go wrong if she did something stupid right now.


-I was the one who assigned you to the body you're in now. So far, you've been going way off the original plan... but I don't think it's bad if you make your own way.


Her words made Elise ask herself only one question.


-What do you want from me?


To which Morrigan, only smiles back at her, saying:


-Absolutely nothing. I just wanted to come and see how you were doing and I see you're getting torn apart. Wow, Saeko, you've made a picturesque setting to greet me.


-What are your intentions? -. Elise's hostility was only growing more and more.


The vampire girl is feeling increasingly uneasy with the dark nun's presence around her. And besides, the way she refers to the death of her allies only makes her angrier.


-I told you so! I wanted to come and say hello on a mere whim... it is not yet time for my person to merge with your course.


-Then what is the need for you to come here?


-Since Orphelia is making a mess of things, I will release you for a brief moment from your restraints. You have half an hour. Kill her.


Morrigan extends her staff, gently touching Elise's forehead. That was where everything changed.


Even though she had basically said she wasn't going to interfere, Orphelia did just the same.


And then-


A black miasma began to emerge from Elise's body. Although she was conscious, there was no way she could stop what was happening.


- - -


[The "Entity No.0" trait has been awakened. With the seal released, all skills as "Vampire" have been unlocked].


- - -


-This is only a small token of my respect and courtesy. Go forward, Calamity. I shall be waiting for you to bring me the heart of the woman who names herself Orphelia van Helsing.


Her appearance was brief. But it has given Elise the guidelines to go ahead with this.


She does not have the time to wait any longer.


The next words out of her mouth came naturally in her head.


-Eat... everything... -. Murmurs Elise.


And then, the black miasma spread around her. Amidst such a dark cloud, the corpses of all those who perished at Orphelia's hands in the tavern simply disappeared.


Elise's stats increased. But her [Bloodlust] increases more and more.


Her senses sharpen with [Detection], extending her perception of things to the point where she could easily tell where Orphelia was right now.


It's a strange feeling, being in that miasma.


But it's nothing that feels bad, instead, she's quickly getting used to it all.


Starting to walk, the black miasma collects inside her armour until there is nothing left. She is not sure of anything, but it is quite certain that right now her eyes denote the immensely characteristic crimson colour they have.


Her bloodlust has escalated to levels she had never imagined, but for some reason she's not losing her mind.


-Well... it's time to play by your own rules, Orphelia. -Elise mutters.


And she starts heading straight for the castle, leaping building after building without a problem. It won't take too long to get there.


Elise still has no idea who Morrigan was, nor has she determined whether this individual is an enemy or an ally. For the moment, she will think that he is simply neutral towards her.


But still, she is grateful to her. Because she has given her the basis to kill Orphelia once and for all.


----[Part 3]


As much as Elise had headed towards the castle. A situation arose that was turning all the revolutionaries against each other.


A woman, flying like a comet. Unreachable. Unstoppable.


It doesn't take long for this woman to sap Elise's attack forces. No helpers. No weapons. She alone with her fists is killing the [Beastmen] one after the other.


Catalina was informed that she had gone out to the battlefield, and so she chose to follow Elise's order which was: "If Olivia shows up, stand down. You are the most important in this whole fight.


The cat girl leaned the TDR against the ledge of one of the castle's towers. The one the revolutionaries had already conquered almost halfway up.


But things are slowly turning around as long as there is no news from Elise or the reinforcements. Not even Orphelia, who no one knows where she has gone. But they must always be prepared for the moment when the queen decides to defend her castle on her own.


Catalina keeps Olivia in her sight, she knows that with the [Stealth] skill and from so far away, Olivia wouldn't be able to know where she was, let alone attack her for the time being.


For her own part, Olivia was interrogating her new victim:


-Where is Elise? -. She asks inquisitively.


-I don't know! -. The [Beastmen] lost his heart after he gave Olivia that answer.


The white-haired woman dropped the corpse just like that. Keeping her eyes straight ahead.


She's already almost completely cleared that area of the castle. And she doesn't look the least bit tired after killing so many [Beastmen]. The snow was completely dyed crimson thanks to her.


-Surround her! -. Command the [Werewolf], Albert.


Geuse and eight other [Beastmen] along with Albert surround Olivia, taking less than a second to write [Runes] in the air and cast those spells towards Olivia.


They are all sealing spells, chaining Olivia to each of them in an instant. She tries to break free... but she's not able to do much. That makes her react. She realises that she is truly in trouble for the first time.


Olivia quickly begins to scheme in her head about what she has to do to get out of this imminent death.


-Kill her, Geuse! -. Albert shouts, telling the [Lizardman] what to do.


Geuse transfers his rune to one of his companions and draws the sword that Elise had carried when she met them in the tavern. This sword is called [Durandal], and is a blade capable of nullifying any divine protection an individual has.


With great skill in swordsmanship, Geuse lunges at Olivia, seeking to cut her head off in a clean attack. This could have been the end for her, there was no escape...


But then, just to the side of Orphelia's head, a fang appeared from a spatial rift.


When the blade of the sword hit that fang it simply broke in two. And the next second, a cloud of violet smoke began to emerge from the tip of that fang.


-Don't inhale it! It's [Jörmundgander's] poison! Not even a god would be able to survive that! -.  Albert warned.


However, before several of them realised it, they had already inhaled from that cloud of smoke. And the poison quickly seeped through their veins, spreading throughout their bodies in a matter of seconds.


Six of the warlocks perished there, making Olivia's bonds brittle. Now she was strong enough to break free and grab Geuse by the neck and pull him to her.


In the midst of the cloud, Geuse was unable to defend himself as the snake's fang sliced his head in half; exposing both hemispheres of his brain, which spilled like jelly from his skull, killing him instantly.


Walking on, Olivia was not at all concerned about Albert, who was covering his snout so as not to poison himself. Unnoticed by the old wolf, Olivia rounded on him and was behind him.


In a nonchalant tone of voice, Olivia whispers in Albert's ear, but not before holding his head with both hands.


-It's over.


Albert's terror was indescribable at that moment, he couldn't even scream for help by the time Olivia crushed his head like a pumpkin.


Blood painted Olivia's face red. The immaculate purity she had maintained until now was stained.


Catherine does her best not to lose her cool... the deaths of all of them were cruel. The cat girl trembles knowing that this woman has a thousand different ways to kill them all.


-You've done a wonderful job, Olivia.


The woman who is the protagonist of this war appeared. The one with blood-red hair and golden eyes. Olivia turns slightly and looks at her for a few seconds before returning her words:


-I'm just doing what you asked me to do.... are you sure you didn't kill Elise? She's been a long time coming.


-Don't overestimate me, Olivia. Even I couldn't kill Blondie. We're in totally different worlds and anyway only her head was destroyed, the rest of her body was kept intact by that weird armour of hers.


-I don't understand how it works either, but... I'll try my best to kill her.


Olivia then, draws a sword from a sheath at her waist. The platinum blade with dragon scales in its composition was basically unbreakable. This is Ascalon, one of Olivia Cross's signature weapons.




Orphelia's expression hadn't changed a bit.


Catalina, looking down the telescopic sight at this event, was even confused by how this interaction had developed since Orphelia had appeared. But sadly she can't know what they are saying.


She only knew that, by the next second, Olivia Cross's head was rolling in the snow. A clean cut.


-! -. Catalina stifles a scream.


Having decapitated Olivia, Orphelia, without any kind of disgust, runs her tongue over her hand which was soaked in Olivia's blood, consuming all the stats and skills Olivia could give her with such a small amount.


Just before she was about to sink her teeth into Olivia's corpse, the vampire realised something was out of place.


There was something Orphelia hadn't predicted.


And that is, the black miasma that covered her face before she could sink her fangs into Olivia's bloody neck.


(What the...?)


-You're a very hard man to find, Orphelia. -. A voice reaches her ears.


Hearing such words, a shiver ran through the redhead's entire body, who had so far remained calm.


But she couldn't understand what was happening, not even when half of her face was devoured by the black miasma. Only for the next second, she received such a powerful blow from a shield that it tore her head off.


Before her body hit the ground, the blonde who had done this only kicked her, sending her flying across the castle.


-Elise! -. Catalina shouted out of excitement.


Only the cat girl didn't know the disaster that was about to unfold.


Elise had appeared. And by the time she could see who the last person Orphelia killed was... she could feel something crack in her chest again.


-How...? You of all people... -. Elise blurted out in a confused murmur that was carried away by the icy wind.


The darkness in her heart was slowly spreading outwards. Everything was starting to go to hell from this point. There was no turning back now.


Elise had had enough of it all.


On her way here, she had to consume as many corpses as she had ever done before. Her overall strength had even escalated to a level she hadn't had before.


And to find her greatest ally... that woman who cared for her even though she had tried to kill her. The woman who gave up her ideals about the world only after meeting her.


The woman that Elise had recognised as someone she cared about. The individual among all the others who had made Elise feel she had a place after all, now that same woman was decapitated, and on the ground.


Yet... despite her mixed feelings.


Before all else, her most primal desire had awakened before the sadness.


"The player cannot die".


She had never thought deeply about the meaning of that sentence. Until this moment.


No matter what happens, Elise will always bend the [System] to her well-being. Independent to everything. Inherent to all. Insignificant to all.


She had not realised her status as an existence external to this world until now.


After all, she is destined to bring misfortune wherever she goes...


- - -


[You have activated "Vampirification" by using "Vampirism"]


[You have deactivated "Skill Steal" by using "Vampirism"]


- - -


It doesn't matter anymore.


Elise crouches down, picks up her partner's body and simply digs her fangs into her shoulder. In exchange for sucking Olivia's blood, Elise injects her own to begin one of the most despicable things yet.


No one will forgive her for this.


The world lost Olivia Cross at that very moment.


- - -


["Vampirism" is conflicting with the target's blood. The process of "Vampirification" could fail]


- - -


Elise leaks even more and more of her blood, all of her body's production is increasing to supply the demand for blood occupied by Olivia's body.


The blonde girl surrounds them both with her black miasma, so as not to be interrupted while performing this pitiful action.


She doesn't mind losing the precious minutes that the [Goddess of Death] had given her in order to kill Orphelia. Elise's priority right now is more than clear.


Out of everyone here, the only one Elise really refuses to lose because otherwise she would go insane, is Olivia.


After everything Olivia had done for her, it was impossible for Elise not to develop a certain affection for her. Nothing romantic. More like brotherly love.


To Elise, Olivia's life is superior to everyone else's in the whole damn world. Including herself on that list.


And even though her body is being torn apart internally by consuming Olivia's blood, no matter how much of this blood she drank, Elise was unable to die. Pain is also something psychologically resistible. So she could not afford to let her go.


Elise's internal organs are turning to mush, and blood starts pouring out of her nose, eyes and ears. Her whole body reacts negatively to Olivia's blood.


No doubt Olivia was Elise's natural predator.


- - -


[You have drained the blood from the body. "Vampirification" can go into action without any problems now].


[Conversion into "Vampire" has been successful].


- - -


Hearing that voice in her head, Elise practically ripped her fangs out of Olivia's body. She could clearly hear her heart beating again.


A sigh of relief escapes from between her lips... but the next second, Elise vomited up all the disintegrating flesh inside her from Olivia's blood. She couldn't bear the urge to vomit that suddenly came over her.


Elise removed the black miasma around both of them, only to get back up again. Even though her body was aching from head to toe, she couldn't stop now.


(I think... my statistics have already reached... values in scientific notation...)


That thought wanders through Elise's head. And then she turns around, heading towards the place where Orphelia had been kicked by her.


The redhead, as if sensing Elise's presence, simply stood up. Turning her head with a violent shake, as she had misplaced it.


They both stop to look at each other.


Red and gold.


The characteristic colours of their eyes glowing on the battlefield.


The main act of this encounter was about to begin.


----[Part 4]


Both were silent.


Inert. Silent. Determined.


All the feelings that had been left out were about to spill out.


It was just a matter of waiting.


Who would dare to launch the first attack that would start this fight?


Elise's eyes turn away from Orphelia... directing her gaze towards the tower where Catalina was, the cat girl catches that signal as a "I know you're there". Elise gives a small nod of her head, indicating her to go there.


Even though she was scared... Catalina didn't hesitate twice to take her leader's request.


Undoing the [Stealth], the cat girl threw herself off the tower of her own free will, propelling herself far enough to travel the entire distance to where Elise was. Once at Elise's side, she says to her:


-You look very changed. What happened?


To which the blonde girl just smiles a little, making a sarcastic expression along with her tone of voice and replies:


-I had a brief development as a character, existential crisis. You know.


-Seriously, there are times when I never understand you.


-Don't fuck with me.


Elise taps Catalina's shoulder, transferring all the stats she had gained on her journey here. The cat girl is overwhelmed by all the power that was now flowing through her body.


-They are useless to me. With this your position is secured. I hope you fight well, Lina.




-Thank me after we kill that bitch.


Taking the initiative in the fight, Elise lunges towards Orphelia, who for some reason was still holding her ground.


By the time she reached her position, Orphelia mutters:


-You're pathetic.


The redhead creates an ice spear to pierce Elise's throat. But the other vampire reacts just in time by blocking the crude weapon with her shield. She blocks, and tackles Orphelia by punching her stomach.


Orphelia would hardly react to such a savage blow, and with her own claws, she would seek to tear a chunk out of Elise's face.


However, the moment Orphelia raised her arm, a loud bang was heard in her ears and by the next second, her body almost lost all its strength.


Orphelia quickly understood that this came from Catalina with the TDR, but she didn't know how the hell this had influenced her body.


-Focus on me! -. Shouted Elise, who continued her attack, and plunged her right elbow into Orphelia's face.


Orphelia, who in order to avoid her head being blown off again, simply stepped back.


The effect of the TDR didn't last long on her body, so Orphelia, in a desperate attempt to push Elise away, creates a wall of ice between them.


But before she could get high enough, Orphelia had Catalina shooting at her again from another angle. Orphelia's spell was thwarted again, and she received a strong upward blow from Elise using her shield.


Orphelia was lifted into the air a little. Only to be met by another powerful downward attack from Catalina this time, who had already prepared for it.


Elise had gotten underneath Orphelia, intending to cut her body in half using the shield.


But the redhead thought faster than her on this, and coated the entire shield with her ice, now successfully. She parried the impact and above all, was able to counterattack Elise, who was weakened by having given her stats to Catalina.


Orphelia's boot slammed into Elise's cheek, sending her crashing into the nearest wall.


Now that she had a slight advantage, Orphelia wasn't going to waste it, so she headed towards Catalina at full speed.


Only to be interrupted, once again, by the blonde vampire girl.


Somehow Elise had arrived in time to intercept Orphelia, and thus deflect her trajectory. Elise grabs her by the hair and pulls her towards her with such force that she could have torn it out.


And then, Catalina smashes Orphelia's head with the TDR, such a blow fracturing her skull and frontal lobe, causing her to spurt blood from her nose.


Despite her injuries, Orphelia could not let go of what was to come. So with what little consciousness she had left, she created a massive amount of ice spikes to force both Elise and Catalina away from her.


The two take their distance. Catalina fires the TDR, but now that the spell was finished she couldn't do anything.


That's when Orphelia realised something.


Firing the TDR took a certain amount of time... and if she could be faster than that, she might have a chance to win.


The redhead took the initiative again, this time going towards Elise. She covered her face with her shield, but Orphelia was able to predict this and simply evade her defence.


Orphelia circled around her, and then, froze Elise's arms in that very position. That knocked Elise out for a few moments, but it was just enough time for Orphelia to make a dirty move.


-Let's see if you can resist this! -. Orphelia shouts.


And at that moment, Elise was hit with the full power of Drïmur's [Warhammer] on her back. An approximate 350 ton impact ripped through her flesh and bones, sending her flying once more into the air until she collided with the barrier again.


It seems that Orphelia had become accustomed to that move.


But she didn't have the luxury of leaving it at that with Catalina, who was about to fire the TDR again.


-Sorry, kitty. But that toy of yours only works with magic, apparently.


Orphelia pronounces, and raises the hammer until it connects with Catalina's ribs, impacting so hard that even with her high stats she was able to fracture them just like that.


But unlike Elise, Catalina was not moved from her place and simply gritted her teeth to endure all the pain flowing through her body.


She drops the TDR from the impact, and then, kicks Orphelia in the belly while holding Drïmur's hammer. In doing so, she knocks the weapon out of her hands and tosses it aside.


Though stunned by the blow, Orphelia continues to attack, reaching for Catherine's neck in the process. The same she grabs her arm, and takes her down with ease.


When Orphelia reaches the ground, she grabs Catalina's leg, in a desperate move she tries to bite her there, but Catalina kicks her head off.


Lights appear in Orphelia's vision, Catalina's blows are too strong for her. Her consciousness is on the verge of fading, but she doesn't dwell on it.


Catalina then suffered from a blood sucking action by Orphelia. Such an action reversed all the damage Orphelia had accumulated and the stats Elise would have given her were beginning to be stolen.


It was a sensation Catalina had never felt before... but she still doesn't hold back from attacking her. The cat girl drops a stomp on Orphelia's neck, snapping it in the process, and though it hurt at first, she didn't hesitate twice to tear off a chunk of her flesh just to get out of Orphelia's bite.


It's a wound she's going to deal with later... or so she thought, for it was at that moment, that the entire [13th Floor] began to shake violently.


By this point, Orphelia had recovered enough magical energy to awaken that thing that had brought her a status of power over the entire floor. Before Orphelia... there was something that stood on the same level as her. And that "something" became a mere servant to her.


From the confines of the floor, breaking through every layer of ice in the castle, it emerged.


-A dragon! -. Shouts Catherine, unable to suppress her surprise.


By this point, the entire castle collapsed, indifferently killing allies and enemies alike.


Orphelia climbs onto the back of this white-scaled beast, and commands:


-Kill them all, Genova!


Raising its enormous wings, the dragon takes flight and with its voracious roar makes every living thing present tremble.


All those who had been fighting were petrified at the sight that loomed over them. They could not react as a torrent of blue flames spread from east to west, incinerating their bodies as easily as melting butter.


Panic-stricken, no one could stay where they were, and they began to run.


And it was at that moment, that 「The White Death」's instincts awoke her.


----[Part 4]


For Olivia Cross, something had changed.


Unusually, her body was much lighter than before. Much, much lighter.


She herself drew her sword, and blocks a direct attack coming from one of the two species she is a natural enemy of.


(Uh...? My reserve stats are being used...? What happened?)


Even though that vampire girl stole her stats to save her life, she still had a gigantic amount of stats that were saved for emergencies.


She didn't understand why these started to become her current stats, though it's not like she fully understood the current situation either.


(Orphelia killed me? My memories... suddenly became blurry...)


Wielding Ascalon with great skill, Olivia repels and counters the white dragon's flame.


-Hey! What's going on?!


I shout towards a dark-furred cat girl, who is constantly firing at the big guy with a strange weapon, like Elise would do while fighting. She looks back at me, and yells:


-Orphelia summoned this thing! I don't know where Elise is!


That's when Olivia realised that the end of the game was coming.


----[Olivia's Perspective]


I hurry to where she is. I take a long leap, as the dragon is once again shooting its flames. I summon one of Jörmundgander's scales to use as a shield and wait until he gets bored.


-That's amazing! -. Exclaims the cat girl I'm protecting.


-Well?! What happened to Elise?! -. I keep asking.


To which she answers me, as she once again raises that strange weapon that has the letters TDR engraved on the side. And she shoots again.


When she does that, the flames stop for a moment...


I got it! This weapon is capable of dispersing an individual's inner magic!


-I don't know, it looks like it was taken out of the barrier when Orphelia hit it with that thing over there! -. The cat girl gestures to the right, I turn to look.


Oh, it's Drïmur's hammer.


Now I understand how that happened. Elise was hit by the enormous explosive force that Orphelia produced. Wow, I wouldn't be impressed if she lost a limb or two in the process.


-What's your name? -. I ask her.


-Catalina, just Catalina! And you must be Olivia Cross!




-Did Elise tell you about me?


-One thing or another!


-I understand. Hey, Catalina, have you ever killed a dragon before?


-No! -I've never had anything as cool as this happen to me!


-How much have you hung out with Elise? You sound like her already! All right, follow me Catalina! Let's go slay this thing!


-Yes, ma'am!


-I'm not that old, just call me Olivia!


Ignoring that she treated me like an old lady, I dragged her along with me up the rubble of the castle, such that I could easily propel myself towards the dragon's tail.


I nailed Ascalon between the thick scales of the white dragon. And it cut as if it were mere paper on its tail.


-!!!!! -. The dragon exclaims in pain.


-Olivia! -. Catalina cries out to me, unable to hold on with her claws.


Without a problem, I grab her arm and pull her up beside me.


-Keep Orphelia busy! I kill the dragon!


Catalina immediately follows my order and takes a shooting stance towards the red-haired vampire, thus, undoing Orphelia's magical energy multiple times.


On the other hand, Ascalon began to split the dragon's scales as if it were water. I had no trouble moving forward, basically splitting the beast's back in half.


Anticipating this, Orphelia threw herself at me. It took me a single swing of my sword to repel her, before Catalina shot her again.


I step forward again, and strike Orphelia across the cheek with the hilt of my sword. Making a quick adjustment to my stance, I finish her off with a high kick to her chin.


By this point, Catalina had covered the entire distance she had kept from Orphelia in milliseconds. And, putting the nozzle of her weapon into Orphelia's stomach...


-Go to hell! -. Catalina exclaims, pulling the "trigger", as Elise says.


When she did that... Orphelia simply collapsed. Her body had taken too many shots so far, and her magical energy simply ran out.


And it was then... that the dragon just got much more out of control. It began to attack desperately, as if it was lost in the void. Shooting its flames all the way to the edge of the barrier.


Shit! Orphelia was the one keeping this bastard still, and now that he's passed out, I have to hurry!


-Catalina, take Orphelia! I'll take care of this!


-Understood! -. Catalina confirms my order, and grabbing Orphelia by the hair, she simply jumps off the dragon.




Now I can act freely.


[Get off me, mortal! You've already caused me enough damage! I have to kill her... I have to kill the vampire!]


The dragon's voice, a female voice, transmitted inside my head.


Pulling my sword out from between its scales, I shout at it:


-I won't let you touch anyone else! You're the one who has caused enough damage, asshole!


[You mind your own business!]


-Oh yeah?! You think so?! Fine, just die.


Making a graceful swing with Ascalon, I concentrate all my strength on the intended point of impact and thanks to that, the sword's performance gave the obvious result of all the things that could happen.


- - -


[You triggered the status effect "Instant Death" in "Ice Dragon, Genova"].


- - -


Simple as that.


I hold on to Ascalon, just to make sure I don't get blown away by the air pressure as the dragon's corpse descends, ending up destroying the entire business district of the city.


This senseless "war" had a pretty quick end... I'm not happy with how things turned out on this floor.




Once on the ground, Catalina was the first to arrive at my side. Still carrying Orphelia in such a violent way.


-Haha, it wasn't hard at all. This bastard had no idea who she was messing with... Hm?


I noticed a rather unique detail.


-What happened to Orphelia? Why did her hair suddenly turn black?


-That's what I was coming to tell you, even her face has changed... something strange is going on with her.


She's right. As much as she received a status like [Zero Mana], it's strange that this happened just like that.


However... this isn't over yet.


----[Part 5]

----[Elise's Perspective]


Of course, the real protagonist must be the last to appear.


If I was annoyed before, now I'm bursting with rage. You don't know how much I held back outside the barrier so as not to destroy it with everyone inside.


Outside, the whole Lizardman army was waiting for me. I told them there wasn't much I could do, but if they wanted to help, let them help, and it was they who supplied me with the magical energy I needed to blow the barrier to smithereens.


That was only the easy part, for the whole army of ice golems appeared. And I had no choice but to deal with them as quickly as possible.


That last blow from Orphelia was the last straw for me. And having had enough of everything that had happened, I think the dense dark cloud that formed around me, the product of my murderous intentions, bloodlust and anger intermingled, speaks for itself.


Inside my dark helmet... my steady, agitated breathing shakes the thoughts of the monsters around me.


I had already found Orphelia again. However, I am met with something that stands in my way.


In a bitter tone of voice... I say:


-Please step aside, Olivia.


For a moment, I lower the pistol in my right hand. I don't want her to take me as a threat against her.


But Olivia stands her ground, totally against me.


I wonder now what that piece of shit Orphelia did to make Olivia support her. I can't figure it out.


And even though I can't identify the person behind her as Orphelia, I know that the strongest smell of blood in this whole place is coming from that dark-haired girl. The same smell that Orphelia exuded.


Something happened in my absence.


-Elise, listen to me. All this time, Orphelia van Helsing never existed, but was a doppleganger that mimicked Orphelia who was cursed for the same thing. She doesn't even remember what she did, come on, you don't need to hurt her.


Oh. I guess that explains the main difference between them?


-No, Elise, don't! -. Olivia shouts at me, just as I raise my gun again, pointing it straight at "Orphelia".


-Why should I believe that? It's more than obvious that she just said the first thing she could think of to get her way. As soon as you turn your back on her, she's going to kill us all here. I can't let that happen. -. I stand my gun, ready to fire at any moment.


-You're not thinking like a human, Nishimiya Saeko! You're letting your anger get the better of you! No one else has to die after everything we've been through!




I make the helmet disappear from my armour, so I can look Olivia straight in the eye. Almost roaring, I shout at her:


-Don't call me by that name! I'm not Nishimiya Saeko! I never have been, and I never will be! My name is Elise! Try to remember it!


-Please don't deny who you are! You're forgetting everything you told me when we first met! Please, Saeko, don't think like a monster.


Ahh, I get this feeling, Saeko.


The feeling just when you were killing your classmates and those you called your friends tried to stop you no matter what the cost.


It's sad to see the people you recognise as your allies turn against you so easily...


Despite everything you had to go through, you wished Olivia didn't die. Even if she tried to kill you. Even though you established that would be your rule.


But I'm not like you, Saeko... I'm an algorithm. Just a fraction of you. And it's because of your own decisions to set rules for yourself that I can't act against the status you proposed.


You told me "We'll kill anyone who hurts us."


I didn't think that phrase included yourself... but your stupid restriction of thinking like a human first was what held me back from everything I could have done in your place.


I can't follow the "pro hominem" line of thinking you had.


It is not in my algorithm. It is not part of all my statistical calculations of probability. Nor is it part of my sense of ethics and morality.


Even if killing Orphelia brings me no benefit now that it's all over... still, it will be enough to satisfy the rule I keep moving by. For that very reason, I do not move my arm from its position:


-I told you... I'm not Saeko! Don't think of me as Saeko! I'm Elise! Elise, the [Higher Vampire]! Everything I've done so far since we left the damn orc hut was for self-satisfaction and nothing more than that!


-Saeko...! Don't make me hurt you! I'm serious! We're going to start a bloodbath if you keep wanting to kill someone who didn't do anything to you willingly.




I really, really didn't want to do this.


But Olivia has left me with no choice.


-Damn it, shut the hell up and get on your knees, Olivia!


As I shouted my command, everyone trembled in fear. It's the first time I've ever raised my voice like that.




By this point, Olivia's expression, filled with a mixture of confusion, fear and dissociation, was truly satisfying. For despite her will, she was brought to her knees.

Try as she might to get up to fight, she was unable to do anything as I had not yet withdrawn my order.


So, noting my superiority, I spoke with a smug tone:


-Do you just now realise? Olivia, stop the stupidity. This bitch killed you and I saved you. You can hate me if you want... but sadly, Saeko would never have wanted to see you die in such a way.


-You... saved...? What do you mean, you saved me?! What did you do?! -. Now her expression and tone of voice changed to horror.


-You and I both know what I mean. -. I utter, letting my fangs protrude. I add: -Orphelia killed "THE HUMAN" known as Olivia Cross. And in reviving her, I killed "THE HEROINE" known by the same name.


Finishing my words, I could see tears forming at the corners of Olivia's eyes.


Tears of helplessness... spilling down a face full of rage.


-Why did you do it, Saeko? No, rather, why aren't you dead? There's no way you're still standing if it's true!


-I have no reason to lie to you or hide anything from you. Although you're probably only half-vampire since your blood is too strong... and even though it was painful, I didn't stop...


-That's not the answer, Saeko! You told me that you've never tasted human blood, but you come and drink mine like it's nothing and somehow or other manage to survive! You're not a vampire, there's no way you'd still be alive after consuming even a drop!


-Saeko didn't lie to you either, and you have no right to claim anything, you only trusted us because you had your damn skill to detect lies!




She seems to have finally figured it out.


Wow, you're slow at some things, Olivia.


There's just a few more things I want to tell her. But she keeps talking...


-Saeko... please understand me... I didn't know if I could trust... I had no choice...


-Saeko opened her heart to you! She saw a chance to have a place among humans after she got out of this damn hole! But... because of you... because she didn't kill you when she had the chance...


-That wasn't a lie! You can have a place in this world! I'll make sure you have that place!


-Forget it... I don't want anything that comes from you...




-I told you, don't call me Saeko! Because of you, Saeko disappeared! I am Elise, only Elise! The [System] gave me that name and I can't change it, it represents who I am! After this I finally understood, I have nothing and nobody in this world! I'll be alone until I figure out how to bring Saeko back...


-No...! You have me! I am your ally!


-Yeah, enough! I told you to shut the fuck up!


Unable to reply another word to me, Olivia finally shut up. She just drops her head...


That's enough, I don't want to talk to her anymore.


I circle around Olivia, and finally get in front of this weird creature that calls itself a doppleganger. I'm not sure how true this is. I don't care either.


-Please don't! -. The bitch screams, trying to show me mercy.


I had no reaction to her plea for mercy.


But just as I was about to shoot her, something else got in my way. It was Catalina, who grabbed my arm to deflect the gun.


-You too, kitten?


-Yes! Please listen to me! That's enough, Elise!


I've had enough of all this.


But there's nothing to stop me now. All it took was a slight movement of my hand to blow Catalina's head off with a single shot.


Her blood stained my face, and I simply dropped her corpse to the side.


I point at "Orphelia" again.


-Don't do it! I don't even know who you are! I'm sorry if I did something bad to you! Just forgive me!




A notification came to my head.


One I had received before.


Determined, I pulled the trigger once, piercing "Orphelia's" chest. A second time, the bullet went through her throat. And a third time, that bullet went all the way to the back of her neck.


Now finally, she was dead.


It was over.


I undo the recreated weapon, and raise the black helmet back over my head. I turn around, and walk far enough to where Olivia was still kneeling.


I create a small knife, cutting across her cheek.


She didn't even "Peep" from the pain, or say anything to me.


I went and poured this blood on both corpses. Some on Catalina, and some on Orphelia.


I realised that it was going to be a sudden waste if I let the stats that Catalina had gotten from me disappear. I'll let her live.


But then again, I hadn't had enough of Orphelia yet.


I'll wait until she regains consciousness before I kill her again. So in the meantime, I go and tell Olivia in an imperative tone:


-If you want me to consider forgiving you, lend me your blood until I finish killing Orphelia as many times as it takes.


-... -. Olivia just grits her teeth. And nods her head slightly.


I'll let her think about it for a bit. I walk a little further, towards the army of [Lizardman] who were waiting for me to continue the battle, but there was nothing left to continue.


I stop, standing in front of the captain of this platoon of warriors. And who has direct contact with the [King] of the ninth floor.


-Thank you for coming to help me, you got me out of a tight spot.


-It's been a pleasure to help, even though Petelgeuse is no longer with us. I hope we lived up to your expectations, Lady Elise.


-You did, and I am glad of that. Tell your king he can keep this whole floor. I want nothing to do with this rubbish.


-Shall I leave out the last part?


-No. Adds: "Whatever you need, you can contact Lady Elise. She will be willing to come and clean any flat if you ask her to."


-On behalf of all the Lizardmans, I thank you for your benevolence, Lady Elise.


At his respectful reply, I could only smile a little. I wave goodbye to him, and simply leave the place. It seems that Orphelia has already regained consciousness.


But one thing I couldn't say to the captain was...


-Take advantage while there's still some good in me.... -. I murmur, only to myself.


And you may ask, what is the message I heard in my head before I shot Orphelia for the first time?




- - -


[Someone has tried to use "Suggestion" on you.]


- - -


It's enough to know that I was definitely going to kill her after I realised that.

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