I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

The Lich

[Part 1]

This is a story from the past. A story that was never told to anyone and that vanished like the soul of the only man who knew it.

Several centuries ago, there was a [Magi], a man of unknown origins whose appearance was so short, yet so significant in driving the world since then.

Such a sorcerer, who was branded a [Heretic] by the [Gods] themselves, was marked with a curse that was to prevent him from continuing to exist before he achieved his last great work.

He travelled, all over the world, and collected the [Magical Stones] of the monsters that he himself had defeated. Until he arrived somewhere in the lands of the west, which is [No Man's Land], and built a dungeon with all that was left of his power.

Even though he knew that to build it would cost him his life, the man who imagined beautiful landscapes, the man who made possible those things that seemed impossible, and who, moreover, has been the greatest sorcerer on record, that same man sacrificed himself for a purpose.

"To give back to the world that which I stole from them"
. That was the purpose of the sorcerer of an earlier age, who sought to give a taste of his own medicine to the [Gods] of this world.

And in the shadow of that man... was a girl. A young apprentice who followed him everywhere and witnessed first hand the beauties of this world thanks to that man.

As a reward, and the ultimate gift, the sorcerer gave that girl full access to his secret library, anchoring it in a separate space in the dungeon. The girl accepted the gift.

But what the girl did not know was that the wizard also gave her this knowledge for a purpose. The purpose of her being able to help the last gasp of the world for its survival.

A thousand years have passed since then.

[Part 2]

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┈┈┈✦Warning: Multiple threats have been detected. Caution is advised.

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As soon as the light at the end of the road became my reality, that message came into my head.

I open my eyes, and immediately, to break my disastrous fall, I completely brake myself using [Acrobatic Aerodynamics]. I manage to land.

At that point, my threat signal goes off, so as soon as I can, I take a long jump to the left. Avoiding the blow of a gigantic tail. It was a lamia.

Wow, that was a strong attack.

- - -

┈┈┈✦Gorgone Lamia: Level 78. Possesses a powerful poison for which you possess no natural antidote.

- - -

Well, then all I have to do is not take a single attack.

Or so I pretended, because the next second, I was lifted into the air. It grabbed me by the neck, and lifted me up with its big wings.

It is a monster in the shape of a woman mixed with a bird.

- - -

┈┈┈--✦Harpy: Level 80. With their wings they can reach speeds between 180-200km/h.

- - -

Oh, that might be a problem. I grab its legs, and by simply applying a little force, it's more than enough to make the grip loosen. I waste no time, and propelling myself from there, I do a somersault to get on her back.

At that moment, I grab her by the wings, and begin to pull with all the strength I possess.

-Kaaa! -. The harpy lets out a cry of pain as a result.

And yet, I don't stop, and I kick the harpy's back, finally ripping the wings from her body. Her blood danced through the air, as we both fell to the ground again.

As this happened, I noticed the next threat.

A group of monsters, small and green-skinned? goblins. They charge with blowguns and small bows. Weapons so rudimentary, I am shocked that they are still alive.

They shoot at me with their darts and arrows.

To avoid being hit, the moment I hit the ground once more, I crush the head of the harpy I was riding and run towards them.

I only required small movements in my run to avoid such attacks, but because I wasn't seeing the whole picture, I was forced to use [Recreation] for the first time on this floor.

The metal screeches violently. And the other weapon is the first to give in to such a strong impact. Without taking much time, I cut off the head of this enemy that attacked me.

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┈┈┈✦Hobgoblin: Level 62. A superior stock to ordinary goblins. They have more analytical thinking.

- - -

Oh, so the surprise attack wasn't for nothing.

I kick the corpse to the front, dragging the goblins in front of me, only to take a small turn to the side and slash the sword handle into the face of a goblin who wanted to stab me.

The small stone knife in his hand came loose, and reacting as fast as I could, I grabbed it in mid-air and stabbed it into the eye of the next closest goblin.

I was then able to take down two at the same time, before some sort of goblin sorcerer attacked me from a distance with [Fire Arrows]. I barely make an effort to cover myself, I don't really need much.

It's not like they're too powerful spells anyway. And my natural magic defenses are through the roof.

Anyway, I just went and broke his neck. I was even surprised at how easily I was able to do it. I could have continued on alone against the goblins, if it wasn't for something that set off all my danger alarms.

And before I could even do anything, the "earth" simply swallowed me up.

A viscous sensation enveloped my entire body... constantly pressing in from all directions. The walls constrict as I descend into this darkness.

Then, I activate [Valuation].

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┈┈┈✦Fungal Worm: Level 103. It is a colossal-sized beast that only stays in the deepest layers of the mycelium, its mind is interconnected with the fungal network, allowing it to better locate its prey.

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Oh, so I just swallowed a worm.

Well, I just need to use some [Recreation] magic to get out of here...

- - -

┈┈┈✦Most of the abilities have been blocked. The fungus "Lorynium Aspermicetus" has attacked the magic energy network, thus blocking magic and abilities.

- - -


Son of a bitch!

Fine. I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way!

I open my inventory, and pull out a green-bladed dagger I had stashed away.

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┈┈┈✦Elfic Dagger: Mythril. Weapon created from mythril and titanium, enchanted with elven runes that increase its damage and slashing ability. [Melee damage: 475. Cutting ability: 94.32% chance to cut through materials stronger than those that make up the weapon.]

- - -

To slow my imminent fall into the worm's gastric juices, I stab the dagger somewhere in its digestive tract, stopping my fall that way.

At the same time, I managed to wound the worm, which writhed wildly from the pain of being cut by my dagger. And it was all for one purpose.

- - -

┈┈┈✦Vampirism has overridden the block. Stats theft via blood ingestion has been activated.

- - -

The blood that had intermingled with the monster's slime was what I had to consume. I didn't really mind, I've had to drink from worse sources.

The bleeding increased, as the worm moved and caused it to cut more and more of its internal body. My stats are going through the roof. It doesn't surprise me at all that his level is in the triple digits with these stats.

And sooner rather than later, the worm had to regurgitate in order to get me out of its interior, where I was being more than life-threatening.

I was ejected into the air in a mixture of saliva, blood and gastric juices. I see my arms and legs, from where little bumps emerged, the fungus, surely.

I don't know how I'm going to get rid of that shit later, but now I have to deal with the bigger threat.

I pull something out of my inventory again, this time it's a crossbow I bought from Uldricth. I don't take long to load a single arrow, which glows in a light blue hue.

The moment I pull the trigger of the crossbow, this arrow shoots like lightning, both in power and sound.

This same arrow pierced through a single layer of the worm's skin, but did not pierce it, so I could not kill it immediately.

Now, it was time to fall. And just like that, the worm began to move, dragging everything in its path only to open its great maw now armed with an army of fangs.

He was looking to crush me inside him now, not just swallow me. I wouldn't have much of an escape if he managed to do something like that, since I don't have good armour to defend myself now.

But anyway, this is just what I wanted!

Now that I'm ready for this, I pull out the last set of items in my inventory to win this battle!

So, as the worm shoved me into the inside of its maw. A second later, its head exploded from within.

- - -

┈┈┈✦Explosive Runes. A magical incantation that can be used without the need to imbue magical energy or recite a spell with the power to generate an explosion. Use many at the same time, they will achieve a gigantic chain reaction.

- - -

The ashes of the papers flew around me, all my runes were burnt by the explosion.

Uldricth taught me how to do this kind of thing, [Runic Magic] to be more precise. It was already too rare that I could use magic without reciting, so I chose to hide this ability by using runes as a substitute.

It's a hell of a lot easier to remember a rune than an incantation. And you can literally use the rune wherever and whenever you want. But if you want more powerful results in combat, using recited spells is much better.

The worm died because as I reached into its mouth, I released about 70 runes at the exact moment it was about to crush my body with its fangs. Activating a few of them, which triggered such a violent explosion.

I didn't come out unscathed either, my body hurts since I've had this damn fungus stuck to my skin. I feel it's eating away at me bit by bit.

I doubt I can remove it conventionally... I need help for this.

I guess I can go to Uldricth. Maybe he knows what needs to be done to get this crap off me.

I pull the rune Uldricth gave me from my inventory, and proceed to activate it. Immediately, the [Teleport] door appeared in front of me.

[-Where do you think you're going?]

At that instant, my thought process stopped. A voice played in my head, and added to that, a greater signal of threat has entered my instinctive detection field.

It is a new sensation. A new enemy.

Something I hadn't seen before.

The door in front of me came undone, and then, I can see a somewhat childlike figure, like the physique of a teenage girl walking in my direction.

The silver robe that girl is wearing covers her face from a distance.

Those monsters that came close enough to her to hit her a little, simply perished in her position. All of them, killed by the green mist that emerges at her feet.

-I suppose you can hear me, since you froze immediately. -. She probably used some spell to clear her voice, as I could hear her even several paces away.

She is not... a [Goddess of Death] like Morrigan is....

She is different.

Very different.

I can tell from the fact that she uses a glove to cover her left hand.

It's nothing like some chuunibyou trash or some cliché anime. On the contrary, I wish that was the reality right now, but there's something in me... something in my head screaming for me to never let her uncover her left hand.

The pain I feel, is only outweighed by the intimidation that is being emitted against me right now...

-You were very bold to murder someone else's pet, vampire girl. I'll give you credit for being strong, nothing could scratch the worm until now.

Although her tone of praise sounds genuine, I can't help but feel intimidated by her.

She's so relaxed... because she knows she's in control of the situation.

-A vampire, coming all the way to the dwelling place of the true [King of the Undead]. So, tell me, what is it that you intend to be here, [Vampire]?

King of the Undead... there is only one type of monster that is capable of saying that, and it is one of the most terrifying monsters that exists in this world.

I had only heard rumors of its existence, no one could verify that an entity like 'it' could exist in our dungeon... but assuming that there have been dragons of very high power here, it was basically impossible.

No one knows where the legend originated from. They have no idea how or where this entity originated.

But if it exists, I, as a vampire, am completely vulnerable against it. There's absolutely no way I can beat it, because, unlike the [Gods of Death], this creature is totally and completely my apex predator.

It's even different from Olivia, with whom I had the condition of taking blood in order to die. This thing can kill me any time it wants to.

-What's the matter? Biting your tongue? Or why are you trying to pretend you're not afraid? It's no use playing brave. You're nobody. And someone needs to teach you a lesson.

Her tone became mocking... but I was incapable of answering her yet...

However, she's getting closer and closer. I have to answer her at least once...

-No... I already know, that I am nobody... I have nowhere to go... my only goal is to get out of this dungeon... -. I answer her, doubting even myself.

My objective? What the hell am I saying?

But... it seems that she took it seriously, because...

-To wreak havoc and destruction? To seek to destroy the human race in revenge for your ancestor? Or, is it that you wish to die like all the others who came before you for the same thing?


No, I...

-None of that... I hadn't even thought too far ahead. I know I'm a vampire. But despite that, I want to live a quiet, full life. I don't want to have altercations to the extent of war or genocide... ever again.

I learned that after what happened on the [14th Floor]. I don't need to get into any unnecessary fights if I can solve things by other means. No one should die for my sake. No one should kill for my sake.

If I decide to kill someone, I will do it without batting an eyelid. But I don't want a bloodbath to be made by innocents just because of my whim, not again.

-Is that what "Saeko" decides or what "Elise" decides?


-I'm Elise... just Elise... I don't really have an idea of what Nishimiya Saeko would want for our life... Is that enough for you?

-No. -. She utters.

Now she's right in front of me, and breaking down every kind of defence of me. This girl... no, [Lich], raises her left hand, now devoid of that glove, and gently touches my forehead.

-You still don't understand. You're not Saeko. Neither is Elise. You're a stranger to yourself. So, you'd better go learn it for yourself.


The moment that skeletal finger touched my forehead, my body collapsed. My consciousness was suddenly torn away and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

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