I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 111 – I told the whole truth.

"So, when are you going to start telling me the truth? I can't stay here all day waiting for this, thanks to you and that girl I have something serious to solve." My aunt was starting to get impatient.


And to be honest, I was so afraid to tell her about the reincarnation that my voice was not coming out.


I started to feel a lot of sweat running down my whole body, I was shaking and I was starting to get sick of nervousness, I never thought I would feel it again.


The last time I had such an uncomfortable feeling was when I was born here or had those nightmares daily. But even then, I couldn't compare that to those things that happened.


Even though it's difficult to say, it doesn't come close to torture, does it?


"I...I .." I tried to say something but my voice didn't come out, I started to sweat even more. I just wanted to tell her at once that I was a reincarnated person and that I knew Michelle from another life.


But how stupid can that look in her eyes? Not only stupid, but it can be something scary for her since she took care of an unknown person for so many years.


"Okay ... I get it. I'm going to wait for you to calm down a little but be prepared for this conversation until the night comes. If I keep forcing you to talk here, you'll end up passing out, I've never seen you sweat so much before."


"I'm sorry."


"Don't worry, I'm sure there is something very strange going on here, but forcing you to speak wouldn't be the best choice. So ... When you're comfortable you can tell everything, okay?"


"Listen ... I can tell you now but promise me you won't be scared or you will hate me, okay?"


"Do not tell me..."


"Just promise me, please."


"..." She remained silent and didn't seem to want to make that promise, and that made me even more apprehensive, I started to imagine that she would be thinking about my involvement in the attack.


"What I have to say is not about the attack, I didn't even know it was going to happen, it's even worse than that."


"Even worst?"


"Well, how would you react if a person you love is not really what you imagine?"


"Hmm, that's a curious question. It depends a lot, if the person I love is actually a horrible person, I would honestly feel bad."


"I understand..."


"But what do you mean by that question, are you telling me that you are a horrible person, is that it?"


"I will not deny this, to some extent this may be true since I have hidden it from you for years." With my sentence, my aunt seemed surprised, but soon after she became a little uneasy and started to pressure me about it.


"What did you hide, tell me soon." I started to sweat even more, but I was calmer than before, at least I was able to say something. Interrupting my aunt's questions, I decided to say it all at once.


"I actually stole your niece's body, that's what I mean."


"What?" My aunt released my shoulders with my absurd statement and then looked me deeply in the eyes, seeing her face so close, I couldn't help feeling great guilt.


If I hadn't entered your niece's body, at this point they would be a real family, but I stole your 'Family' and your 'Happiness'. When I realized this, the feeling of guilt started to eat away at me, something I had never felt in all these years.


Not when I slept with her, or when my aunt took care of me. In none of those moments did I feel guilty for stealing the place that would belong to her real niece.


But now that I was having this conversation, I was almost going crazy, it was like the feeling of guilt and sadness mixed.


With my tears streaming down my face, and the way my lips trembled when I tried to continue my story, my aunt realized how badly I was feeling.


She approached me with an expressionless face and hugged me with all her strength.


"I'm sorry ... I'm sorry ..."


"Why are you apologizing? I still don't understand."


"I just ask you to forgive me for deceiving you, you took care of a stranger for so long, I stole the place of the person who would be important to you."

"What are you saying? You didn't steal anyone's place, you are the person who is important to me."


"I stole your niece's place, I shouldn't be here, I should be dead, you still don't understand? How can you still hug me in this situation? You took care of an adult all this time, don't you think it's disgusting? "


"I didn't take care of an adult, I took care of my niece. Even if you are someone else, you are my sister's daughter, you came out of it, you have my blood. So don't think that I will hate you for something thus."


"But ... But ... I can't stand this anymore, being reincarnated was like a punishment for me, I went through situations that no conscious person should have to go through, it was like I was in hell."


"I understand ..." My aunt hugged me even more tightly.


"Everything in this world is hell for me, you know? I am suffering since I arrived in this place, there were moments when I just wanted to die."


"I understand..."


"I just wanted to rest in peace, it wasn't my intention to steal your niece's place, I should have refused that proposal."


"I understand." I hugged her and cried on her shoulder. Unlike me, she was smiling, as if everything she was listening to didn't have much impact on her.


"Why are you smiling? I'm not the person you thought I was, I'm admitting that this world is hell and I wish I didn't come to this place, why the hell do you keep smiling like that?" I moved away from my aunt, but she continued with her soft smile on her face.


"You know, I always found your way of talking and acting kind of weird, so deep down I knew there was something wrong, but I didn't think it was that absurd. But I said before, I don't care about any of that."


"What do you mean, you don't care? Everything you lived with me was a lie."


"Of course it was not a lie, you are still a child, and so is my niece. You are a very special person to me and especially to Benjamin, so don't say it was all a lie, you would be offending his memories, no It's?"




"So even if you already lived another life before you got here, or whatever it is, there is probably a reason for you to be here, isn't it?"


"I have no idea..."


"You don't know, but surely there must be a reason. So even though you reincarnated here, you are still my niece and I will continue to love you equally, okay?" My aunt opened her arms again.


Running up to her, I hugged her tight, it wasn't like the previous hug. This hug was even more welcoming, it seems that a great burden had been lifted from my conscience. The person most important to me now knows who I am, and she accepted me.


This is probably the only happy moment I have had since I got here.


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