I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 84 – Hunting group.

Today it's been a few days since we arrived at this place, and after so long, things were looking up. The open space was quite large, and during the entire work another well was found, but much larger than that other one, this one really looked like a lake.

The bottom could also be seen, but it had a small hole deeper than the rest of the lake, which seemed to be where the water that filled this place came from, that place was an unlimited source of water.

So when this "lake" was found, the previous water hole was closed with a lid made of wood so that there would be no accidents, but even so I was not comfortable with it.

Another thing that had already advanced was the construction of some houses, we were using the wood that was cut to start building the house. Actually, I wasn't helping much, because I had never built anything, but I did what I was asked to do.

My aunt was taking care of that too, so when I wasn't trying to help her, she left me in charge of hunting food together with other people.

They were people I didn't have much contact with, so it took me a little getting used to, but we kind of formed a hunting group. A group made up of five people, three women and a man beside me.

The three women who were with me lived near my home, but I had never talked to them, but they were kind people. The man did not like to talk a lot, but he had also seen him before, he hunted with some people, the only thing he told me was his name.

His name was Aethos, he was a very ordinary-looking man, he had nothing special, just a few scars on his face that made him look a little scary.
Of course, I wouldn't say that in front of you.

Now the three women who were in the group.

The three women had different names, one of the women was called Loriel, she looked like the other two women, they were blondes with green eyes, the only thing that changed drastically was their hairstyles and their clothes. Loriel, for example, wore a worn dress in white color with brown details, it was a simple dress.

Her hair was very different from the rest of the women, it was well-groomed hair with very well done braids, it was very beautiful hair.

The second woman was named Allia, her appearance was similar to that of Loriel, but her hair was short and had the ends cut disproportionately, it seemed to have been cut by an amateur hairdresser.

Her outfit as well as Loriel's was worn, but she wore knee-length trousers, completely black, and baggy pants at the bottom of her legs. His shirt was simple, light gray in color, with no special details.

The last woman in the group was called Merilthir, she had the most complicated name among them, and she was also the woman with the strongest personality. He had long hair up to his waist, but because of the lack of bathing, he was in a deplorable state.

Her clothes, like Loriel's, consisted only of a dress, but she wore a green dress with some white details, a little flashy outfit, but because of the dirt on her clothes, the white was already starting to turn brown.

These were the people who were part of my group, I must say that I was very satisfied, all of these people were very confident when it came to the use of a sword and also a bow.

But most of them used a bow better, especially Loriel, she could even hit a bird flying in the sky if someone asked, or so she said.

I was even scared when they spoke to me of all their dexterity using a bow, it was certainly for this reason that my aunt chose her to be part of this group.

When I joined the group, Lucy started to be by my aunt's side during work, and she managed to do what she wanted most, which was to help with some things, so I thought it was okay to leave her with my aunt.
She also said that it would be okay to leave Lucy with her, so I wasn't worried about it. I think Lucy can take care of herself, too.

"So are we going out to hunt again?" Loriel approached with Allia, and right behind them came Merilthir and Aethos, looking a little dejected and tired.

Even though I was part of the hunting party, they were also helping with the construction, I think I should follow their example and help my aunt a little more.

"I think so, the meat is already getting a little scarce," I responded and got up from the floor, placing my sword that was next to it in its sheath, I was sharpening it before they arrived.

The four of them treated me like the leader of the group because of my aunt, I don't know if I liked that very much, but just because they didn't treat me differently because of the color of my hair like other children did, it makes me very satisfied.

After getting up, I walked over to where my aunt was working and told her we were leaving, the four of them were right behind me.

When I approached, my aunt looked at that and just smiled. I didn't ask why just joined the others and headed towards the forest.

"Today we are going to do like that day, but this time we are going to do everything more quickly, the amount of meat we took before was not enough." I decided to animate them in some way.

Loriel and Allia agreed, the other two were quiet. I hope they follow me and do nothing wrong, the first time they did very well, but that tired face of them scares me a little.

You are part of the hunting party now, you should stop building and save your strength for that, you idiots.



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