I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 92 – Could you .. Please don’t get involved with them?

Today it's been a few more days since we started building our house, after so much work, it was practically ready, only the roof was partially open, so today would be the day to finish the house.

"Aunt, do you want help?" I approached my aunt while she was carrying a large piece of wood that was already cut for use on the ceiling, even though it didn't seem so heavy, I decided to ask.

"You don't have to, you can rest now, or maybe you can go after some food? I think the meat is running out."

"Again? We went hunting recently, don't you think we're overeating?" It was not even three days since we had gone hunting in the forest again, it’s okay that we didn’t bring much, but I still think it was too fast.

"Don't complain, have you seen how many people there are? Just go hunting soon, call the others." She didn't even take my complaint seriously, well, whatever. I let my aunt continue her work, and went after the others.

I started walking through the new village and observing everything that had already been built.

The open space had already increased even more, and the number of houses was also gradually increasing, I could see that some people could even smile, unlike before.

But what was most satisfying to me, was that lake that was there, a small trail was created towards him, and normally I went to him when I wanted to rest, it is very relaxing to sit in his and observe nature.

Can I look like an old man saying that? I can ... But after everything I've been through, having a relaxing time like this is always good.

While walking through the village and watching the other residents working at their homes or also training their fencing using a tree trunk, I found Aethos among them, he was holding his sword and was hitting the wooden trunk.

He wasn't using much strength, he seemed to be training his fencing techniques more than his strength itself.

The only good thing I could find here was that he had a firm grip on the sword hilt, even though he hit the sword in the trunk, his sword didn't shake or move, and that's a good thing
But apart from this positive point, he awkwardly uses his sword, but I am not the one who will train him, I will leave this job to my aunt.

"Aethos, could you call the others? My aunt wants us to go hunting again." When I approached, he seemed to have been a little scared because of his concentration, so he unconsciously pointed his sword at me.

When he realized what he had done, he soon lowered his sword desperately, looking scared. Listen, I know it was unintentional, I will not be angry about it.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention." He seemed desperate to try to explain, nor did he seem like the usual calm person.

I was only able to smile bitterly since I was not angry and accept his apologies. I swear I feel a bit like laughing, this situation is a little embarrassing even for me, but it's still funny.

The people around us also looked at him as soon as that happened, but they soon went back to work as if nothing had happened. In fact, some people were laughing at him, which made him a little ashamed.

But after he realized that everything was fine, he looked relieved.

"Yes, I will call them." After that, he didn't even say goodbye and went after the other members of our small group. I didn't imagine he was afraid of me, this is really strange, such a big guy afraid of a child.

"Where is he at? Is it taking too long ... My dad still needs him?" I had already arrived in my room for some time, but I Oelf had not arrived yet, it was taking longer than I thought.

'Will I need to go there again?'

Toc ~~

Toc ~~

Toc ~~

"Miss, you wanted to talk to me, didn't you?" Finally, he had arrived after a long time, I went to the door, opened it and then pulled him to stop inside the room, I am sure that if a person saw something like this, he would think something strange.

"You took longer than I imagined, I was almost giving up waiting." It was already in the middle of the night, but since I had slept all afternoon, I still wasn't sleepy, then I will have to work to fix my schedule.

"I'm sorry, they took longer than I thought."

"Yes, my father is usually precocious, isn't he?"

"Wait, what?"

"Just forget about it, I need to ask you something. I could have asked my mom, but I don't think it would be a good idea to involve her in this." I went to the table and picked up the garment.

Then I handed the garment over to Oelf.

"So, what is this?"

"This is a piece of clothing that is linked to the person I'm looking for, so I wanted some way to track him. So I decided to ask you if there is any magic capable of doing this, knowing that would help me a lot."

Oelf looked thoughtful, the longer he took to speak, the more I was apprehensive about his response.

"I think there is something like this, but I don't know how it works, you would have to ask your mother, if she teaches you I am sure you will be able to use it." He seemed to be feeling bad that he couldn't help.

So do I have to involve my mom in any way?

"Isn't there another wizard in this house who can explain that to me?" I asked Oelf, he was thoughtful again, and the first thing that came out of his mouth was a question: "Are you sure?" I didn't know what to answer.

"I did not understand. What do you mean."

"I mean, are you sure you want to have contact with some other wizard in this house? I wouldn't recommend doing that."

"It's because?"

"I just recommend that you don't get involved with them, please." He did seem concerned about me.

"Okay, so I'll have to ask my mom, won't I? Tomorrow I'll try to talk to her." Oelf seemed happy with my decision.

I never got in touch with magicians who work at the mansion, of course, I got to see some, but they always walked around with a black hood covering their faces, it even looked like a cliché movie about wizards.

Well, but he does seem to want me not to get involved with these people, I think it's best to trust him.



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