I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 99 – Kena.

After walking for a while, I approached my mother's room, she would be the first person I wanted to talk about it because she encouraged me to go after one of these monsters.


When I approached her room, a maid was going out with a cart with some dishes, but these dishes were now almost full, my mother doesn't seem to have eaten much today.


The maid didn't seem to care about Urushi when she saw him beside me, but it was just a pretense, I could see her hand sweating as she held the cart and dragged it away.


'She even forgot to say hello ...' This is really fun, I didn't think people would be so afraid, well, Urushi looks intimidating, I can understand that.


But now that the maid wasn't here, I opened the door slowly and found my mom sitting on the bed as usual, but this time she wasn't sewing anything.


'She's really thoughtful, is it about that?' The conversation I had with her outside came to my mind, she knows who attacked those people who were in the forest, but I still don't want to pressure her.


"Mom, are you okay?" I approached her bed, Urushi followed close behind, she already seemed to have noticed his presence, but she didn't look scared.


"Yes, I am, come here." She opened her arms inviting me for a hug, and of course, I went to her and gave her a strong hug, and after she kissed me on the cheek, she released me.


"I saw that you didn't eat much today, are you okay?" The maid's cart had some dishes almost full, so it's normal to think that she ate almost nothing.


"Don't worry, I look great." She showed her arm and started to strain the muscles in her arm, which to be honest, she had more muscles than I imagined, is she cheating?


Well, of course not.


"Firstly, I came here to see you, and secondly, I came to show you that I got an animal, oversized for having talked about it before." I bowed my head a little and thanked her.


"Don't worry, that's what I'm here for, isn't it? To help you." No, you are not here for this, you are here because you are my mother and I want you by my side, you do not need to help me at all.


"Of course not, you are here to keep me company, not to help me." That was true, I wouldn't want her to worry about helping me with anything, I would feel bad.


"Well, since this is what you want, I will keep you company." She was smiling at me and motioned for me to lie on the bed with her, of course, I didn't deny that, I threw myself on her bed and lay down beside her.


She was stroking my head while I continued to lie next to her, it felt so good that I stayed there longer than necessary.


Urushi was looking at that scene, seeming to understand what was happening, because he was quiet and admiring the scene, he is a smart dog, isn't he?


After spending some time with my mother, I left the room and walked around the mansion for a while, just to show that Urushi was not a violent wolf, but even so when I approached people, they ran or shouted, it was a pitiful scene.


Only a few people did not run or shout when they saw me with Urushi, they just thought of him as a cute dog, some even asked to pet him, of course, these people were in the minority.


'Well, I think I will start my hunt tomorrow, for today I must rest.' I already hunted, went back to the house, and made an invocation, I'm a little tired, so I gave up going to the forest again.


I would rest for today and leave tomorrow, it would be better this way. I also remembered that I hadn't eaten anything today, so I went to the mansion's kitchen.


When I got there, I found some maids cleaning the bowls, some cleaning the floor, among other things, and one of them noticed me, that was the chef of the mansion, her name is Kena.


The maids also noticed Urushi, but they seemed calmer than usual, especially Kena, she approached without fearing him, she didn't seem scared.


Kena is a woman who has been working here since I was born, so now she is a little old. She already had some gray hair in her short hair, but she still hadn't lost her charm.


That it was her deep red eyes, it was such a beautiful color that I confess to being a little jealous of her.


I had never seen eyes like that, only in people who used lenses, so it was a huge surprise to find someone with eyes that color, and when I asked her why her eyes have that color, she herself said she doesn't know.


Apparently, sometimes people are born with different colored eyes, but there is no special reason behind it. I wish I was born with eyes like that.


"Kena, I'm hungry." I approached her with a tearful face, really acting like a child.


"Why, Miss Anne, didn't you eat today?" She looked a little confused, but she also had a warm smile on her face, what a kind woman.


"I didn't eat anything, could I eat anything? Please ..." Again acting like a spoiled brat.


"Of course, I will prepare something for you, all right?"


"Yes ~~"



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