I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 58

The next morning I woke up with pain all over my body due to the excess training.


Then we had study session. Basically teaching me, Asia and Issei about various things.


The things were hierarchy of the devils, angles and fallen angles.


Also what the highest rank of angels, devils and fallen angles were called. Like it was Seraphim for angles, Cadre class for fallen angles and Maou(Satan) for devils. The group of fallen angles were called Grigori.


The names of present leaders of the angles, devils and fallen angles. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel were names of Seraphim. Azazel (Governor), Shemhaza (Vice-Governor), Armaros, Barakiel, Tamiel, Benemue, Kokabiel and Shariel were the leaders of fallen angles. Lucifer, Beelzebub, Asmodeus and Leviathan were the leaders of devils.


“I’m definitely going to meet Leviathan-sama!”, said Issei after speaking about Maou’s, he most definitely was having perverted thoughts.


The agenda of fallen angles studying and looking for Sacred Gear possessors were also discussed.


Frankly speaking I don’t get the point of this study session, it could have been done after the Rating game. This is wasting precious time as it’s not related to the game at all. But I still pay attention as this info will be useful in the future and I don’t remember every detail from the anime and anime also skipped a lot of things.


Then next, Asia starts her lesson.


She basically tells us about different types of exorcists. There are two types by the way.


“The first type are the ones that appears in films and novels. The father reads a section of the book, then he uses the holy water to get rid of the Devil from the person’s body. They exorcists on the "surface" . So the exorcist on the "behind" are the ones that is a threat to us”, said Asia.


The ones behind are the ones like Freed. They are the greatest threat to devils. They are exorcists who received the divine protection from a God or the Fallen Angels. Their physical bodies are trained to their utmost limits.


“Now I will talk about the traits of holy water and the Bible. First of all, the holy water. It will be very terrible if a Devil touches it”, Asia continued.


“That’s true, so you can’t touch it as well, Asia. Your skin will get harmed”, said Rias.


“Sob, that’s right...... I can’t touch the holy water any more......”, said Asia, she was a bit shocked at Rias’s comment, it must be hard for her a person of faith.


“I will tell you how to make one afterwards. I don’t know if it will be useful but there are a couple of ways to make them”, said Asia energetically, maybe because this was her field of expertise.


“Next is the Bible. I have been reading it every day since I was a child. But I’m in trouble now because it gives me a pain in the head even if I only read a sentence of it”, Asia continued.


“You are a Devil”, said Rias.


“You are a Devil after all”, said Kiba.


“.......A Devil”, said Koneko.


“Ufufu, Devil’s receive intense damage”, said Akeno. I am Issei kept quiet.


“Sob, I can’t read the Bible any more!”, said Asia with teary eyes after being pointed out by everyone.  I really feel bad for her.


“However, this is my favorite phrase...... Oh God. Please forgive a sinful person like myself who can’t read the Bible--au!”, Asia continued.


She received damage after reading the line. Sigh poor girl.


We finished our study session like this before heading to the usual training.


Before that though I pulled Asia to one said and said, “Asia I have something to ask you”.


“Yes Akira-san”, said Asia.


“Teach me how to create holy water and also if you have a spare Rosario please give it to me, covered in a box of course. I need it for the upcoming rating game”, I said.


Asia looked at me in a confused way but quickly composed herself and said, “If that’s what Akira-san wishes I will be happy to”, with a smile.


So we continued our training that day.  I was improving bit by bit and was a bit better than yesterday. The training was the same as yesterday.


Issei looked very dejected today, perhaps his performance is making him lose his confidence. I need to do something to boost his confidence.


After the training that night I learned how to make holy water from Asia and obtained a Rosario from her. This is my back up plan incase nothing else. I have to be careful, it’s better to have back up plans instead of being overconfident.


After that I practiced the two moves I decided to learn with the help of Great Red from my sacred gear. It was difficult to realize but I found it wasn’t impossible, me having a good amount of demonic power helped.


After that I went to sleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to drink water.


I went down to the kitchen and I saw Rias looking at a pile of documents while sitting at the sofa while wearing glasses.


When she saw me she smile and said, “Ara? Your awake?”.


“Yes, can’t sleep. By the way what are you doing going over strategies?”, I asked.


“Yes, good timing, let’s talk for a bit”, Buchou smiled and said.


I went and sat beside her asked, “Umm…have you seen Ise?”, I asked. I asked because I knew this was a scene from the original.


“Yes, he just came to drink water, he left after drinking it from the kitchen”, Buchou said.


“Umm… Buchou, do you have bad eyesight?”, I asked.


“Oh, this? It’s just for looks. I can think more clearly while having my glasses on. Fufufu, this is the proof that I have been in the human’s world for so long”, Buchou chucked and said. So it’s one of those fake glasses.


On the table there are loads of paper that looks like a map and battle formation.


Buchou closes the notebook with different strategies written on it.


“……To be honest, the only thing I will get by reading this is to have a peace of mind”, she said.


“Are you worried about the immortal aspect of Phenex?”, I asked.


Buchou looked at me and nodded and said, “Yes. it’s not like we can’t defeat Riser. But the methods to take him down are very difficult. The first method requires the strength of a God-class. The second one is to save our stamina until Raiser gets his mind crushed. Even if his body is immortal where he can resurrect his body many times, his mind isn’t immortal. His mind will definitely tire down every time we defeat him. It’s our win if we completely crush down the Phoenix’s mind. Then he will stop resurrecting and he will fall. Well, the easiest way is to defeat him with a power that is on par with God that crushes him down with one strike which takes down both his body and mind”.


I smiled and said, “Well I do agree that he is a tough opponent , however from what I have seen in the anime if we can damage him enough we will win. It will be difficult but I am confident that my plan will work. If the first one doesn’t work I have a back up plan that will work, so don’t worry as I said we will win”.


Buchou smiled, “Thank you. That gives me confidence”.


“I also can give you tips as to what strategy Riser will use. You can incorporate it in your battle strategy. If that’s’ what you want of course”, I added.


Buchou thought for a second then shook her head and said, “No. I want to win this game on my own terms. I want to show my family that I can do this on my own”.


I shook my head and said, “No worries I understand”.


“Thank you for understanding”, Rias replied with a smile.


“Ah I almost forgot, the Phoenix tears are ready right?”, I asked.


“Yes”, said Rias.


“Good then during the game please give one to Akeno-san and please keep one for yourself. You two are most important members for this match after all”, I said.


“Oh ok I understand”, said Rias.


“Also I have two favors to ask”, I said.


“What are they?”, asked Rias.


“Well one please teach me that mind control magic that you used on my parents. I feel like it will useful. And second can you let Issei use his sacred gear tomorrow? I want to give him some confidence”, I asked.


“I understand about the magic and I will teach you but giving Issei confidence? Is he losing confidence?”, Rias asked confused. Sigh in the original Issei would have told you about his insecurities but now you two aren’t that that close so of course you don’t know.


“Yes he is really depressed and I have an idea to give him confidence so  can he please? You can oversee the training if you want. Also thank you for teaching me that magic”, I said.


“I see in that case I will give him permission but I will be present too ok?”, said Rias.


“Thank you Buchou”, I said happily.


“You really are a good boy aren’t  you? You care a lot about your teammates”, said Buchou smiling.


“Well, we are all in this together aren’t we?”, I said and smiled. Buchou smiled back and said  , “Yes”.


That night I learned the mind control magic from Buchou. After that we both went back to sleep as there was still training tomorrow.

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