I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 64

The chainsaw girls were screaming…..


“You are the worst! You are the enemy of every woman!”


“Beast! You sex fiend!”


Issei then looked at me, possibly looking for acceptance, I smiled and gave him a “thumbs up”, to which he looked delighted.


The girls on my side were horrified to see what Issei did.


“You approve of this debauchery?”, said Xuelan even though she was in pain.


I just shrugged and said, “It works”.


Then I heard a sound from the transceiver I have on my ear.


[Ise, Akira. Can you hear me? It’s me.]


It was Rias.


“Yes! Both Ise and I are safe! More like we are doing well right now!”, I answered.


[That’s good to hear. But Akeno’s preparation is also completed! I want you two to move accordingly with the plan!]


It’s time. I and Issei looked at each other and nodded. Then..




Issei and I went to the central entrance while ignoring the girls who are down on the floor.


“Are you running away!? This location is supposed to be a crucial place!”


Raiser’s servants become shocked by our actions.


Yes what they said is true, that’s why we are taking advantage of it to destroy some of them.


Issei and I leaves from the central entrance.




An instant flash. Then—.




A huge lightning falls down onto the gym with a sound.


When the lightning stops, the gym that is supposed to be in front of us gets wiped out.


“Take”, Akeno-san’s voice was heard.


When I turn around, I can see Akeno-san with a smiley face that is flying through the air with her black wings spread. She has her right hand raised upwards. And her hand is sparkling with electricity.


[Raiser Phoenix-sama’s five [Pawns] and one [Rook] retires!]


Grayfia-san’s voice who is the arbiter echoes through the battlefield.


This was a success, however I knowing what is to come, activated my magic sense immediately and scanned the area continuously, I also had my scared gear ready.


Well that attack was magnificent. It’s different seeing it in real life as opposed to seeing it on screen. Akeno really deserves the title of “Priestess of Thunder”.


“We did it Akira”, said Issei happily as he grabbed my shoulder.


I smiled at him and said, “Yes we did it”.


[Everyone, can you hear me? Akeno did a perfect attack and finished it. With this, the first phase of our plan is completed.]


I can hear Buchou’s voice from the transceiver I have in my ears. She sounds really happy.


[That lightning takes time to charge it to use for the second time after she uses it. So using it continuously is impossible. Though the enemy still has a greater number than us. We will also head out as soon as Akeno’s demonic-power recovers, so I will leave the rest to each of you till then. So please move on to the next phase!]


Continued Buchou.


“Yes!”, we said and moved on.


Then I suddenly felt a presence in my “magic sense” and an attack coming our way. I grabbed Issei by the hand and jumped towards the right avoiding the attack in the nick of time. I am lucky I thought of developing this power.




A sudden explosive sound is heard on the place I felt the attack. There were smokes coming from there. We narrowly missed it.


I looked up to the presence detected by “magic sense” and see a shadow up in the air flying with its wings spread. It’s Yubelluna Riser’s [Queen].


She said, “Tch I missed. You got lucky. When you hunt a prey, the best time to take them down is when the prey accomplished something because that’s the time when the prey is the most vulnerable. It’s enough for us to “sacrifice” many of our pieces in order to take down one of you. Your group has a small number of members to begin with. That alone will be enough to give a huge damage to your group, right? Too bad I missed but I can do it again”, as she raised her hand to attack.


I could  hear Rias on the transceiver saying, “Akira, Issei what happened? I could hear a loud explosion”. But I ignored it. Now is not the time.


I immediately thought to myself, “Sacred Gear power up”.


[Power Up!] x 18




[Dragon sword]


I powered up and the Dragon sword appeared in my right hand. I immediately clicked my left hand to activate another technique I have been practicing. Something I took from Issei though I have though of a simple magic circle for it and so I don’t have to touch my opponent’s clothes to activate it, I can just click my fingers who aiming at the opponent with my eyes. Yes it’s “dress break”.


Yubelluna’s clothes ripped and she quickly stopped her attack and covered herself saying, “Kyaaa”.


I took his opportunity to use all of my wind magic on my legs and wings and rush towards her and stabbed her on her chest between her boobs. The sword penetrated between her cleavage and went out from her back.


Surprised and in pain she shouted, “ARRRGGHHHH”. And then she was covered in light and disappeared.


Then I heard Grayfia-san’s voice…


[Raiser Phoenix-sama’s [Queen] retires!]


I gave a sigh of relief. I didn’t have a time to retort due to all the tension. After she retired I said, “HEH SO much for ‘Bomb Queen’ ”.


I could hear Issei talking to Rias through the transceiver, “Buchou we were attacked by Riser’s [Queen]. But we are ok. Akira saved us, he also defeated Riser’s [Queen]”.


I could hear Rias almost shouting in anguish, “Defeat? What? Akira answer me. You went ahed and faced a [Queen by yourself, it’s dangerous, you should not do that. Are you ok? Are you hurt?”.


I replied to reassure her, “I am ok Buchou, don’t worry. She attacked us out of the blue but I managed to avoid it in time. And I attacked her knowing I will win, don’t worry, I haven’t got a scratch and as you must have heard the announcement , she’s retired”.


Rias was quiet for a second then answered, “It’s good that you are ok but promise me never to do something rash again. At least tell me before you do it”.


I replied with  a smile, “I promise”. She then replied, “Good. Then go according to the plan next”. “Yes”, I replied. Well to be honest I don’t think I have to rush like this later on and since  I will get stronger rias won’t be worried later anyway.


Then I heard Akeno’s voice, “Ara ara you took down a [Queen] by yourself, that’s great but it’s also very dangerous, what were you thinking?”, she sounded worried.


I smiled and said, “Don’t worry I knew what I was doing”.


She then said with a mischievous smile, “But that move just now, I never though YOU would do something like that, it seemed like it’s something Ise-kun would do”.


I looked at her and then at Issei who screamed, “Yes that’s right you stole my move”.


I contained my laughter and just smiled and said, “Stole? That’s not a very good thing to say. Yes the idea was initially yours but I developed it independently and as you can see I don’t need to touch my opponents to activate it”.


Issei defeated muttered, “That’s true…”.


I continued, “Besides the objective of me developing this move is different from yours. You developed this so that you can see girls naked. I developed it so that I can distract my opponents during battles and gain advantage. Our motives aren’t the same”.


At this Issei became quiet.


Akeno-san on the other had a smile on her face as she said, “Ufufu I see, that’s your excuse…..”.


I defended myself saying, “It’s not an excuse it’s the truth”. And indeed it was, since in this world I can do that kind of move without any consequences, you bet I would use it to my advantage to win battles. I intend to use everything in my disposal to win.


Akeno just smiled and said, “I see…”.


She didn’t seem convinced but I didn’t press on.


Anyway with this we have a real victory. With this our chances of winning have increased. Yubelluna cause a lot of problems for Rias in the anime, now that she is out, those problems won’t occur.


With this we including Akeno made our way towards the sports court and we would be meeting Kiba and Koneko on the way.

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