i sold arms at hogwarts

Chapter 14 The Owl in Long Johns

Remy knew he had a lot of magic, but he didn't know how much, let alone how it compared to others.

Before buying the wand, Remy had always believed that the magic power he possessed now might be second only to Dumbledore and Voldemort, but he could surpass them and become number one in the future.

Now that he has tested two wands in a row, and even the well-informed Ollivander said that the magic he possesses is beyond imagination, Remy has a new understanding of his own magic level.

This made him feel very happy, and he simply accepted Ollivander's offer of one hair in exchange for two wands.


"Hey, hey, what are you doing? You don't want to pull out my hair directly, do you?"

Looking at Ollivander who stretched out his hand directly, Remy quickly backed away.

Just kidding, when he agreed to sell his hair, he didn’t agree to have his hair pulled out!

There is an essential difference between pulling out and cutting. Cutting hair will not make him bald, but pulling out too much hair may actually make him bald!

And it won’t get stronger!

"To use hair to make a wand, naturally you need full hair." Ollivander said matter-of-factly.

"Have you ever made a wand out of human hair before?"

"It's not human. I once used the hair of a hybrid Veela to help her customize a wand."

"Oh, then you can also customize the wand for me, and I'll pay for the rest."

Ollivander's eyes showed deep regret, but he still agreed to Remy's request.

After discussion, Remy pulled five hairs from his head evenly and handed them to Ollivander, then stepped aside and waited for Harry to finish picking out his wand for the big purchase.

After receiving Remy's hair, Ollivander carefully put it away, then took out a wand from the shelf and handed it to Harry solemnly.

"Come on, kid, try this one," Ollivander said.

Harry nodded and took the wand. The next moment, before he could wave it, BGM, fans, lights and other special effects suddenly appeared on him.

Needless to say, this must be the perfect dream wand for Harry.

"Sure enough, everything is destined."

Ollivander looked at Harry with a complicated expression and said.

"I once sold a wand. That wand used the tail feathers of the same phoenix as this wand. It can be said to be the brother of this wand. It was it that left this lightning mark on your forehead. "

"Really? What a coincidence." Harry nodded: "What kind of wood is this wand made of?"

"Holly wood, with phoenix tail feathers, eleven inches long, an extraordinary combination!" Ollivander explained.

Harry nodded, not knowing whether he understood or not before paying the money.

Seeing Harry choose his wand, Remy immediately waved his hand and asked Ollivander to recommend ten phoenix tail feather wands, ten dragon heartstring wands, and ten unicorn tail feather wands to him.

And he made an agreement with Ollivander that if he runs out, he will use an owl to buy more from him.

I had just selected all the wands (selecting based on appearance only) and was about to pay when a tapping sound came from the window.

Remy and Harry turned their heads and saw that Hagrid was here. He was holding a cage in his hand, and in the cage was a snow-white owl.

To be precise, it's a snowy owl (xiao).

"Harry, happy birthday, this is the birthday gift I prepared for you." Hagrid opened the door and squeezed into the wand shop with difficulty.

"Oh, really? That's great! ...Can I touch it?"

"Of course, it's yours now."

Remy blinked as he watched Harry happily take the cage and poke the snowy owl inside.

"Today is Harry's birthday?" Remy asked curiously.

"No, yesterday was Harry's birthday, but I forgot to bring him a gift when I picked him up yesterday. I only prepared a birthday cake for him." Hagrid said embarrassedly.

"Oh, that's good, otherwise I wouldn't be able to think of what birthday gift to give him because I have difficulty choosing in such a short period of time." Remy said.

"Hahahaha, it took me a long time to decide on this gift for Harry. It's very practical and cute, right?"

"Yeah, I think I need to buy an owl too. It's still very practical."

After walking next to Harry and teasing the snowy owl that Harry named Hedwig for a while, Remy followed Hagrid out to buy his owl after paying Ollivander the wand price.

Remi had no requirements for the owl's appearance, only its size.

Under the dual recommendation of Hagrid and the store manager, Remy finally... did not listen to their suggestions.

Hagrid and the owl shop manager both recommended the Eagle Owl to Remy. The Eagle Owl is the largest owl on average, and the Snowy Owl is also a kind of Eagle Owl.

But Remi ultimately chose a fishing owl native to Asia.

There is a big difference in body size between different species of fishing owls. Remy bought a hairy-legged fishing owl, which can grow even bigger than the largest eagle owl!

Moreover, its main food is fish, and there happens to be a large lake next to Hogwarts Castle, which may save a lot of feeding troubles.

With the owl in place, the three of them went to buy the missing essentials including dragon leather gloves, and then the three of them left Diagon Alley together.

As soon as they left Diagon Alley, Hagrid looked embarrassed and said that he had other things to leave first and there was no way to take them to the train station.

Remy immediately said there was no problem.

Hagrid gave them two tickets before leaving. Looking at platform nine and three-quarters written on them, Harry fell into confusion.

"Remy, do you think it's possible that these two tickets were printed incorrectly? I've never heard of a three-quarter platform anywhere," Harry said.

"Have you heard of magic before?" Remy asked: "Don't forget, we are going to a magic school, not an ordinary school."

Harry suddenly understood and quickly followed Remy's footsteps with the owl cage.

One person was carrying an owl cage, and the two of them had a high rate of turning heads along the way.

Remy didn't care at all about this, but Harry couldn't resist the curious and surprised looks.

"Remy, can your box hold owls? I mean, they won't suffocate in it, right?" Harry asked.

"Of course not, what? Are you tired?" Remy asked.

"No...it counts."

"Okay, then let me help you pretend."

Harry hesitated as he watched Remy only pack Hedwig into the suitcase.

"Remy, I think you'd better put your owl in the suitcase too...or we might not be allowed on the subway."

"The subway here also has this kind of rule? Okay."

Packing the hairy-legged fishing owl that had been named "Autumn Pants" into the suitcase, Remy took Harry into the subway station and headed to the destination: King's Cross Station through the subway.

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