i sold arms at hogwarts

Chapter 23 Hogwarts Shampoo Room

Hogwarts Great Hall

Dumbledore is the Headmaster

Ten professors are sitting behind the stage

The four major colleges are lined up on both sides

Sort the house first and then take the seat. You are Dumbledore's little apprentice.

This Sorting Hat is outrageous and slovenly, but it has great power.

Snape, Head of Snake House, Head and Vice-Headmaster of Lion House

Snape, strong in potions, loyal and cold-faced

The vice-principal is a cat lady and is selfless in class.

Flitwick, the headmaster of the Eagle Academy, is a duel champion who cannot be judged by his appearance.

Sprout managed the badger yard and was good at growing and cooking.


A little wizard whose name was called walked to the high stool and put on the sorting hat, and the sorting hat sorted the people. Remy was watching and humming the jingle he made up in his heart, and thought he was better than the one the sorting hat sang just now. That song is much better.

At least he didn't criticize anyone, unlike the Sorting Hat, who praised three houses but only criticized the Snake House - although there was some teasing in it.

"Remy Barrett."

Is it coming to me so soon?

They didn’t come in the order of queuing, so why did we have to queue before?

Formalism, bad review!

Shaking his hair, Remy walked out of the queue to the high stool and sat down.

Behind him, Principal Dumbledore suddenly became energetic, and he looked at the back of Remy's head with bright eyes.

Next to the dinner plate in front of him was a gun that Professor McGonagall had just given to him.

Dumbledore was a little surprised about this gun, but after all, he had already been vaccinated by Nico Flamel. He was just surprised that Remy brought the gun to Hogwarts and used it!

"This old guy tricked me again...but which college will you be assigned to?" Dumbledore thought curiously.

Before the gun appeared, Dumbledore felt that Remy should be sorted into Ravenclaw House, but now, he was a little unsure.

It seems that both Gryffindor and Slytherin houses are possible, especially Slytherin house.

If Remy went to Slytherin House, where strength is paramount, he would probably turn the place upside down with his abilities, right?

Thinking of this, Dumbledore suddenly had a headache.

After Remy sat down, Professor McGonagall, who was holding the Sorting Hat, turned slightly to look at Dumbledore. After receiving Dumbledore's nod, she gently placed the Sorting Hat on Remy's head.

The huge hat instantly covered half of Remy's face.

"Let me see what qualities you have and where you should go..."

The voice of the Sorting Hat that was speaking suddenly stopped.

What does it see?

It saw a magic supplies store called "Remy's Aid" opened in Diagon Alley, and there was an endless stream of people going to shop.

It saw that in this store, Remy was happily introducing a handful of magic items called magic guns to customers, and shouted that these items were much easier to use than magic wands.

It saw boxes of magic items called magic grenades stored in the warehouse, and magic missiles on the shelves next to them.

It saw that in the deep basement, something called a magic nuclear bomb was being tested!

It sees...

"Azkaban!!! Dumbledore! Imprison him in Azkaban immediately!!!"

"Now! Now! Now! now!!!!"


Does Hogwarts have this house?

Is it newly established?

Or a hidden academy?

Some little wizards who didn't know what was going on asked the people around them in low voices, while some little wizards who knew what Azkaban was looked at the Sorting Hat in surprise. They didn't understand why the Sorting Hat asked Dumbledore to send Remy into it. Azkaban is not a nice place.

However, what surprised them even more was that when Remy heard the Sorting Hat's shout, he jumped up with a cheer.

"Wuhu, take off!"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Sorting Hat. I have long wanted to go to Azkaban to catch a Dementor... Principal Dumbledore, have you heard this? Mr. Sorting Hat sorted me into Azkaban. Come on, send me there quickly!"

Dumbledore:  …

At this moment, Dumbledore felt that his future was gloomy.

A student with an unimaginable magical power, a fondness for dangerous firearms and the courage to use them, and a longing for Azkaban. God knows how much trouble he will cause at Hogwarts.

With a subtle sigh, Principal Dumbledore stood up and stretched out his hands to press down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Sorting Hat, although I asked you to make a joke with this student of my old friend, your joke went too far."

"Officially sort Remy into another hospital."

Dumbledore took a deep look at the Sorting Hat, with a warning in his eyes, warning it not to talk nonsense.

Seeing Dumbledore expressing his stance like this, the Sorting Hat sighed helplessly.

Although it has ideas, in the final analysis it is just a magic hat. Since Dumbledore doesn't support it, it can't do anything about it.

And it can't disobey Dumbledore's decision.

Apologizing to Remy, the Sorting Hat asked Remy to put it back on

Remy, who was overjoyed, reluctantly put on the Sorting Hat again, and then the Sorting Hat made a buzzing sound, and he didn't know what was wrong with it.

After waiting for a long time before the Sorting Hat sorted him out of a house, Remy suddenly became impatient.

With so many people watching in the audience, how could he step down if this continues?

"Have you thought about it carefully? If it doesn't work out, just sort me into Gryffindor and Ravenclaw..."




I dare you to hesitate for a long time and wait for me to randomly say a college name?

Different from Remy's speechlessness, after hearing this Gryffindor call, Harry and Hermione, who had not yet been sorted, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Although they didn't know exactly what happened, they knew that Remy wouldn't be fired—at least not yet.

clap clap clap...

Amid applause, Remy wordlessly took off the Sorting Hat and handed it to Professor McGonagall, then walked off the stage and sat down at the Gryffindor table.

Although he was the No. 3 student assigned to Gryffindor, he did not sit next to the older students, but sat in a middle position that was neither close nor far away.

Otherwise, this place is more spacious, and the pressure of competition will be much less after the food is served.

After a while, several more young wizards were assigned to Gryffindor, but as Remy expected, they did not sit next to him.

Until Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor House, she hesitated for a long time, and finally sat down next to Remy - but one person away.

Remy smiled slightly and moved his position next to Hermione.

Hermione was sitting so close, wouldn't it be a bit silly for him not to take the initiative?

As expected, Hermione did not object to Remy's arrival. Instead, she took the initiative to start a conversation about the ceiling of the auditorium.

After chatting for a while, suddenly, a burst of warm and unprecedented applause and cheers broke out around them. It turned out that Harry Potter had come to the Lion Court.

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