i sold arms at hogwarts

Chapter 26 Ron, listen to me, thank you

"Your career is in the wrong place. You should still be in school at this point in four years' time. How can you usher in a small peak in your career?"

Remy frowned and scratched his head, looking extremely puzzled.

Hermione showed a proud smile: "See, your method of divination is not reliable at all."

Harry also smiled.

Just when Hermione was about to take her hand away, suddenly, Ron, who was sitting opposite, spoke.

"Will Hermione join the student union and become a prefect?" Ron said: "If it is four years later, we will just start fifth grade, and fifth grade can indeed run for prefect... My brother Percy is now Prefect."

As if a key word had been triggered, as soon as Ron finished speaking, Percy, who was sitting not far away, immediately answered.

"Yes, you can run for prefect and co-prefect in the fifth grade, and you can run for the boy and girl president of the student union in the seventh grade... But only the best students can hold these two jobs." Percy introduced, with a hint of pride.

Well, it’s not that subtle.

After listening to Ron and Percy's introduction, Hermione immediately looked at Remy in surprise, and the hand she was about to take back unconsciously returned to Remy's hand.

Remy smiled at Ron with joy in his heart: Thank you, you are such a good wingman. I give you full marks for this assist!

Looking at Remy's smile, Ron didn't know what was going on, and only had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

His instinct told him that he shouldn't have spoken out just now, let alone said those words.

"What the hell, what's with this inexplicable feeling of regret?"

After thinking for a long time, Ron decided... to continue cooking.

Opposite him, Remy, who was holding Hermione's little hand, continued to read Hermione's palm.

I have already watched two of the three major storylines, and there is only one love thread left that I haven’t watched yet.

Remy observed carefully for a long time, and then he took a deep breath and smiled under Hermione's nervous gaze.

"It's not convenient to talk about the future of this line publicly. Come closer and I'll tell you quietly." Remy said.

Hermione quickly turned her ear to her, and then she heard Remy whisper in her ear.

"I think you will... marry me in the future."


See you in the picture!

And Remy is not indecent to Hermione. It is indecent to come back and not return. Before, Hermione kissed him without permission, and now he kissed him back. This is called a return, a return, a gift~

Hermione was stunned when she felt someone kiss her face, and then her face heated up rapidly.

"Nonsense... nonsense! How could I... you? You must be talking nonsense! I don't believe it!"

After lightly hammering Remy, Hermione leaned on the table in a panic and buried her head tightly in her arms.

Seeing Remy suddenly kissing Hermione, everyone around him was stunned, and then they all smiled.

At this moment, no one cares whether Remy's divination is accurate or not. Anyone who is not a fool understands that Remy is clearly a drunkard and not interested in drinking.

Many people even looked like they had "learned" and were eager to look at the person in their hearts.

The dinner went on for a while, and the auditorium gradually became quiet.

Many little wizards yawned and looked groggy.

Especially the little wizards who just entered school this year.

Seeing this, Dumbledore picked up a spoon and knocked on a gold cup, making a crisp and rhythmic sound. This sound can represent nobility to a certain extent, just like the collision of two high-end red wine glasses.

Well, it could also be the sound of a heart breaking.

With the knocking sound, all the food on the table disappeared, and Principal Dumbledore stood up again.

"Everyone should have eaten and drank enough. Before you go back to your dormitory, I want to tell you some things to note when studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"First of all, first-year students, please note that the woods in the school are forbidden forests. No one is allowed to enter without permission... Some old students also need to pay special attention to this."

As he spoke, President Dumbledore looked around at the students in the four major colleges, and focused on Gryffindor's long table for a while.

"Secondly, the administrator of Hogwarts Castle hopes that I can remind everyone not to cast spells in the corridors during class, otherwise it will be dangerous to yourself and your classmates."

"Also, students who are interested in signing up for the Quidditch team should register with Ms. Hodge before the second week of this semester. Don't miss it."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore glanced at Remy, feeling a little hesitant.

After thinking for a moment, Dumbledore continued: "Finally, I must solemnly inform you that there are some new changes in Hogwarts Castle this year. If you don't want to suffer an unexpected and painful death, please be sure not to enter the corridor on the right on the fourth floor. "

Beep, beep, beep, beep...

Remy's eyes lit up.

The code is received, decoded and set off immediately!

Target: The corridor on the right on the fourth floor!

"Now, let's sing the school song together!"

Dumbledore waved his hand, and pieces of music appeared in the air and floated towards many young wizards.

“Everyone can choose their favorite tune!”

"Get ready, sing!"

Following the order, everyone sang happily, helplessly or listlessly.

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Please teach us knowledge,

Whether we are bald old people

Or a child with a broken knee,

Our minds can accept

some fun stuff.

For now our minds are empty, full of air, dead flies, and trifles,

teach us some valuable knowledge,

Give us back what we have forgotten,

You just do your best and leave the rest to us,

We will study hard until it turns into dung.

The rhythm is non-existent, the singing skills are non-existent, and even the out-of-tune performance is non-existent.

Because everyone's music is different, different accompaniments are intertwined, and there is no key at all, so how can it be out of tune?

Remi didn't even sing it, just read it once because he couldn't find the key.

After the Weasley twins, who had the slowest tempo, finished singing the school song with the funeral march, Principal Dumbledore happily announced that the prefects of each house would lead the new classmates of their respective houses back to their dormitories.

This was a relief to everyone, including the professors.

The previous school song session was really chaotic.

The little Gryffindor wizards all got up and followed their prefect Percy out. Remy was about to leave but found that Hermione didn't get up, nor did she sing the school song before.

"Are you asleep?"

Remy asked softly as he poked Hermione.

When Hermione didn't respond, Remy rolled his eyes.

"There is nothing we can do. At this time, it seems that I am the only boyfriend who can take you back to rest."

As soon as she finished speaking, before Remy could reach out his hand, Hermione stood up and walked quickly towards the door of the auditorium.

Remy smiled slightly, stood up and followed.

At the door of the auditorium, Remy saw the administrator of Hogwarts Castle handing Percy a piece of parchment on which was written the list of dormitories for this year's new students in Gryffindor House.

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