i sold arms at hogwarts

Chapter 28 Fanatic - Remy

"I know that there is a special law in the wizarding world that controls items in the Muggle world, but it is obvious that the people who made this law do not understand the Muggle world, so there are many loopholes in this law."

"The current definition of a firearm in the wizarding world is: a strange weapon made by Muggles that can fire bullets after being used."

"At the same time, there are only two crimes against firearms in the magic world, one is the crime of possessing firearms, and the other is the crime of using firearms."

While talking, Remy came to the suitcase and squatted down, then took out a rifle and placed it on the table, then took out a bullet from his pocket and stood it up next to it.

"So when I kept the gun and the bullets separately, neither the gun nor the bullets met the legal definition of a firearm, that is, they were not legally a gun. So I did not possess a firearm, and naturally I did not commit a crime. Yes." Remy said.

Ron looked at the rifle, then at the bullets next to him, at the bullets, then at the firearms next to him, and his eyes gradually began to spin.

He has been knocked unconscious.

"But... you have used a gun before, and there were bullets in the gun at that time!" Seamus said.

Remy nodded, then shook his head: "This is about the definition of possession in the law. Possession can be understood as continuous possession, that is, possession of the item needs to be maintained for a period of time. Only when the condition is determined to be possession. And I didn't do it for more than ten seconds in total before, so I didn't meet the time condition of possession, so I still can't be arrested for the crime of possessing firearms."

The four looked at each other.

Although they didn't fully understand what Remy meant, looking at Remy's confident and calm demeanor, they felt that what Remy said was probably true.

"But... you used it!" Harry suddenly said: "Doesn't this constitute the use of a firearm?"

"you're right."

Remy nodded, then shrugged nonchalantly.

"But unfortunately, there is a law in the wizarding world called the "Minor Wizards Protection Act" that will protect me. Therefore, even if I use a firearm, as long as I do not cause significant harm or loss to others, I will still not be locked up. Top At best, it would be like today's Professor McGonagall, confiscating firearms and criticizing and educating people."

Crowd: ...

Does this mean that the laws of the magical world can no longer stop you?

What you really want is the next Dark Lord, right?

No, you should be called the Gray Devil. The Ministry of Magic doesn't even have a reason to arrest you!

"I think I should write a letter to my dad and tell him. My dad works in the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts at the Ministry of Magic, and that's what he's in charge of." Ron whispered.

"You can write now...oh, I forgot about the owl."

He quickly stood up and took out both his and Harry's owls. Looking at the two owls that were still alive, Remy and Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, no, no, I just said it casually. Don't worry, I won't..."

"I'm serious."

Remy interrupted Ron.

"It takes time to change the law. When the law is changed, I will definitely no longer need these things - my goal is to create magic guns that can shoot magic and are 100% made in the magic world!"

Hearing Remy talk about his goal, Simo's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he became a little confused.

"I have seen my mother use magic. Looking back now, it seems that the power of magic is not as powerful as a gun." Seamus said: "Why do you want to make magic guns? In order to legally use guns in the magic world?"

"Of course not."

Remy smoothed his hair and pointed to the gun on the table.

"I once conducted an experiment with my teacher. Not to mention this automatic rifle, even a powerful heavy sniper rifle can be blocked by entry-level protective magic."

"Even if the fired bullet is hit by magic such as a disarming spell - although the probability is very low - once it collides, the bullet will stop instantly and fall to the ground, without any power at all."

"I also conducted experiments with a whole piece of dragon meat with dragon skin. Even armor-piercing bullets cannot penetrate ten centimeters of dragon meat. If it is an ordinary 5.56 mm bullet, even a single shot can penetrate a thicker dragon meat." Even the skin cannot penetrate it.”

"And the fresher the dragon meat, the less damage the firearm can cause. I guess it's because fresh dragon meat contains more magic power... It's a pity that the teacher doesn't allow me to go to the dragon farm to experiment with live dragons, otherwise maybe I would have Unlocked the Dragon Slaying Warrior achievement."

Everyone took a breath of cold air, slaying the dragon?How dare you think about it!

But at the same time, the four of them were overjoyed.

It turns out that the most common protective magic can withstand firearms. I decided that I must study hard when I learn protective magic in Charms class!

"Okay, you guys can rest first. I will keep my voice as low as possible." Remy said, then turned around and continued to disassemble and clean the gun.

Hearing what Remy said, everyone suddenly felt sleepy again. After watching for a while to get over the novelty, the four of them went to bed one after another.

It’s just that everyone dreams about Remy and the Gun at night.

This is not a good dream.

Early the next morning, when they saw the display wall next to Remy's bed filled with various firearms, the four of them were heartbroken.

"Is there any mistake? Isn't this too outrageous, Remy? What is he going to do? Shooting shop in Hogwarts?" Seamus complained.

"I can't figure out how he brought so much stuff to Hogwarts," Neville muttered.

Harry did not participate in the complaint, but walked to Remy's bed and pushed Remy who was sleeping soundly.

"Remy, wake up, we should go to class." Harry said.

"Well...what classes are there today?" Remy asked drowsily, rubbing his eyes.

"This morning is the History of Magic class. I heard that the professor who teaches History of Magic is a ghost."

"I'm not interested. I won't go...ah, no, I'll go after I wake up."

Crowd: ...

Want to skip class on your first day?

Is what you said yesterday true?Are you really here to deduct points from Gryffindor?

We are Gryffindor, not Gryffindor!

The three of them all looked at Harry immediately, and the meaning was obvious: you have the best relationship with him, you find a way.

Harry nodded bravely, and then continued to push Remy.

"Remy, we have just arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Hurry up and get back to bed after class."

"It's your first class, wouldn't it be inappropriate not to go?"

"Be careful when the professor calls you a parent."


To put it bluntly, Remy, who had been bothered by the noise, had to reluctantly leave the warm and soft bed that was so attached to him.

Get up, change clothes, wash up.

Remy, who was in a state of confusion throughout the whole process, didn't even know how to get to the restaurant, let alone enter the classroom. He had no memory at all.

He maintained his firearms until dawn last night and didn't sleep long at all.

After entering the classroom, Remy was so sleepy that he fell asleep.


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