i sold arms at hogwarts

Chapter 3 Once upon a time, there was a little kid 1

"First-year students need to prepare...three sets of plain work robes and a...magic wand?"

"It's all basic equipment, Harry."

"A pair of dragon skin gloves...Hagrid, are they really dragon skin?"

"It can't be penguin skin, right?"


On the subway, a child named Harry was communicating loudly with a giant man wearing a floral dress and fluffy hair, as if no one was watching.

Others looked at this weird pair curiously, and when they heard the incomprehensible words, they just thought they were doing performance art or filming a movie, but they didn't know where the camera was hidden.

"I also want to buy a crucible... Can these things be bought in London? Hagrid."

"Of course, as long as you know the way."

"Where are we going to buy it? Oxford Street?"

"No, going to Diagon Alley."

"Diagon Alley? Where is that? Are we going to Diagon Alley now?"

"No, we have to pick up one more person before going to Diagon Alley... He, like you, will also be enrolling in school this year."

As he spoke, Hagrid took out a pitiful little piece of paper smaller than his hand from his dirty coat pocket and held it in front of his eyes to look at it carefully.

"Well, we should get off at the next stop," Hagrid said.

"is it?"

Harry put away the acceptance letter, looking forward to and nervous about the person he was about to meet.

Want to meet similar people?

What kind of person is he?

Could he be as magical as Hagrid?

Harry's mind was in a mess, and he didn't come to his senses until Hagrid told him to get out of the car.

After going around in circles, Harry followed Hagrid to a residential street.

Harry continued walking along the street, and after a while, Harry saw a very strange person.

It was a man who looked to be about the same age as him, but taller.

He was standing under the early morning streetlight, holding a teacup in his hand and drinking something. There was a complete tea set on the suitcase next to him.

When Harry saw him, he saw Harry.

At the same time, Hagrid also noticed this strange boy.

"Muggle Expelling Curse? Are you Remy Barrett? I didn't expect you to have mastered magic to this extent... By the way, I'm here to take you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is you Admission notice." Hagrid stepped forward and said.

"Thank God you're finally here. The tea I've been waiting for is getting cold."

Remy took the letter with relief and quickly opened it.


Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore. (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizards Association, and first-level magician of the Order of Merlin)

Dear Mr. Barrett:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

Semester is scheduled to start on September [-].

We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Sincerely, Vice-Principal (Female) Minerva McGonagall


"I'm afraid I won't be able to reply to Professor McGonagall before July 31st. My teacher won't let me play with the time turner." Remy said.

"That thing is indeed dangerous...but why are you standing here instead of at home?" Hagrid asked doubtfully.

"Forget it, my parents didn't tell me when they moved, and I'm too embarrassed to stay in other people's homes, so I have no choice but to wait here."


After Hagrid shrugged, he suddenly remembered something and quickly pushed Harry.

"I forgot to introduce you to him. He is Harry, Harry Potter. Maybe you have heard rumors about him." Hagrid said.

"The Boy Who Lived turned out to be you. I thought I would go find you when I got to Hogwarts! My name is Remy, Remy Barrett." Remy stretched out his hand and said.

"Thank you." Harry shook hands with Remy, but he was a little confused: "But what do you mean by the Boy Who Lived? I don't quite understand."

"Haven't you heard the legend about yourself?"


Harry shook his head.

"Can you tell me what they say about me? Why do they say I'm the Boy-Who-Lived?"

"How do I say this?"

Remy scratched his head, then picked up the kettle, poured two cups of black tea, and handed them to Hagrid and Harry respectively.

"There once appeared in the magic world of the country a little brat who wanted to rule the entire magic world..."


Hagrid, who had just taken a sip of tea, immediately spit out the tea.

Fortunately, he was tall enough, so even though he was facing Remy at the moment, he didn't sneer at Remy.

"Ahem...we generally call him the Dark Lord here," Hagrid said.

"Oh, there's this little jerk called the Dark Lord."

Hagrid: ...

Well, as long as you are happy...

"He calls himself Voldemort."


Hagrid's eyes suddenly widened and he quickly reached out his hand to cover Remy's mouth.

"Remy, don't call him by his name directly. He has cast a spell on his name. He can know it as long as someone says his name," Hagrid said.

Pulling Hagrid's hand away, Remy rolled his eyes angrily: "He just knows, if he knows, what can he do if he knows?"

What if you know?

Hagrid was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, Remy stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky: "Voldemort, I'll circle you like a cross!"

Silence, silence for three full seconds.

Three seconds later, Remy calmly poured himself another cup of tea: "Look, that little brat didn't do anything to me, right? Am I still alive and well now?"

Hagrid: ...

Harry: ...

Do your family members know that you are so fierce?

"By the way, where did I just say?" Remy asked.

"There is a little... Dark Lord named Voldemort who wants to rule the entire magical world." Harry reminded weakly.

"Didn't it take me so long to start talking?"


"Well, in short, that little brat wanted to rule the magical world. Your parents did not give in to him, so he wanted to kill your parents. When you were one year old, he killed your parents, but with them You survived together, and the little jerk has disappeared since then."

Remy said quickly.

"That's why people in the magical world call you the Boy-Who-Lived. Some people think it was you who defeated that little brat, so they call you the savior."

Hagrid listened silently, speechless in his heart.

It's obviously a majestic and impassioned epic, but when it comes out of your mouth, it sounds as ordinary and lackluster as if you were fighting with a gangster?

"In other words, my parents were killed by that person named Voldemort?" Harry asked.

"It is said that it is, but I didn't see it with my own eyes... Hagrid, where are we going now? Diagon Alley?" Remy asked.

"Ah, yes, we are going to Diagon Alley to buy the items you two need for school."

Changing the subject following Remy's words, Hagrid took the two of them to the subway station after Remy put away the tea sets.

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