I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 144

Virah sat down on the sheets Whitney placed around their lamp, next to it was all the electric kitchenware that Virah had accidentally purchased back then.

The appliances lack of reliance on fire to cook stuff was now proving useful because smoke and caves don't mix well.

As per usual, Kitten was their group's chef and the Meowth, it seems, was cooking some kind of soupy steak made from Girafarig meat, a curious thing that, coupled with the stoney walls surrounding them, reminded Virah of the Slowpoke Well back at Azalea.

The poison specialist stopped checking on her Zubat's health and hummed, "isn't Girafarig meat psychic?"

"No?" Whitney turned to her, "I don't think so," the pinkette shrugged, "or at least not, you know, their ribs and stuff, I think everything above the collar and around its tail is bad however, since those can apparently get you high, in a bad way,"

"I see," Virah nodded, "that makes sense,"

So Psychic Types had actual body parts that were so infused with their energy, they basically have the same effect as Slowpoke Tails, except worse. It had some semblance to a defense mechanism, specifically that of Poison Types who warn others they shouldn't be eaten due to coloration.

A Girafarig with a black and yellow body would most likely also warn other Pokemon that they shouldn't be eaten, including Poison Types ironically enough.

"Thanks for that," Virah looked away from the stewing meal and went back to checking on Jet.

Her Zubat was, for the lack of a better term, doing somewhat fine physically, and that's after Virah made him recklessly use Brave Bird during the battle against Bugsy. Nothing was out of the ordinary when it came to his wings, head, or torso.

That must have been Ho oh giving them leeway, because a Zubat risking his health like that with a move is never a good idea, it's why Brave Bird was considered advanced after all.

In the worse case scenario, Jet would get crippled from it because of overuse and in the best case? It would stunt his growth.

Virah popped a few pills of Iron from the bottle on her hand and handed it to Jet, "eat, I don't want your bones to suddenly become brittle because of my desperation,"

Her Zubat munched on them without question, he then tilted his head, "Zubat?"

"Hm?" Virah stopped putting sitrus, oran, and cheri berries on her mixer, "yeah, that was a desperate move, Brave Bird shouldn't get used by you until you're at least a Golbat, or in the process of becoming one,"

Come to think of it, the last few days before he evolved would be the best time for him to constantly use the move since it would make him physically adapt to Brave Bird's usage as a Golbat, but that's for at least a few more months so she didn't think she needed to worry about that for now.

Still, she should probably make him a few recovery shakes in preparation for that time, and also watch out for any change in Jet's coloration, she already checked his jawline, which was starting to split, but it was still small, and it didn't even allow Jet to open up his mouth any further than he already could.

Virah finished the recovery shake she was currently working on and handed it to Jet, who gulped down the fibrous liquid with abandon, "calm down, there's more than enough for you,"

Jet finished it all without much fuss and then happily exclaimed, "Zubat!"

"Yes, yes," Virah rolled her eyes, "it's delicious, but you shouldn't drink it so recklessly for one stupid reason,"

After her Pokemon's check up and subsequent training meal, Virah asked Whitney the time it'll take for their dinner to finish cooking.

"It probably won't finish in a while since Girafarig meat is way too gamey and tough, Oddish leaves and pecha berries will still take a while to make it tender, why?" The pinkette looked at her.

"Nothing," Virah replied, then she shook her head, "actually, I'm going for a walk, maybe find some Zubats to compare the notes I have on Jet's, that kind of thing,"

"That's what Eggtech is telling you to research now? Compare your team's notes to other Pokemon of their species?" Grene asked her, "isn't that a whole lot more simpler from the ones they were asking you before?"

"Yeah, and simple isn't bad, I've been stumped with work lately so…" Virah sighed.

Honestly though, she was surprised that Grene looked away from the Aura book she has been reading lately, the poison specialist shrugged, "they probably want to see if any of them could be used for breeding, and besides, Eggtech will probably give me more work once we're back in proper routes,"

"You're hoping for more work?" Whitney asked, slightly concerned.

"No, no! Nothing like that!" Why would she even want that?! "It's just you know, I do agree with Grene that this kind of research is more basic compared to the ones they wanted me to do before,"

Whitney frowned, "well, I thought simple was better and you were stumped?"

"I… know that," Virah looked away, "it's just, it doesn't feel right, you know? Eggtech is so prestigious that I don't think this kind of work is something they should be giving,"

"To… their sponsored trainer?" Now Whitney just sounded confused.

"I mean, yeah?" Virah said, "even I'm not exempted from that kind of thing,"

"I guess," the pinkette sighed.

Virah decided to finish the conversation at that moment, "well, see you Whitney,"

"See you, Virah," Whitney waved.

Virah only smiled in reply before turning around and walking into the darkness beyond their well lit camp, she released Nitro and Diox, her two remaining, somewhat recovered Pokemon, as compared to Jet, none of them strained themselves during the fight.

Virah kept her eyes on the ceiling as she walked, Aura flaring within them to spot Pokemon despite the darkness, Grene had told her that the first thing she should watch out for when using Aura perception was the difference in power of Aura.

And how would could tell, apparently, was how "wavy" the energy looked, the more flickering of the fire-like ball meant that the Pokemon who has it is stronger.

Thankfully, Virah had things she could use to compare the power levels and accurately gouge it out.

She looked at the Bug/Poison T.E that Nitro had and then up at the Poison/Flying T.E a Zubat hanging from the ceiling above her and sure enough, the difference was like light and day.

If she would put it into words, then Nitro's Type Energy was like a forest fire, with plumes of flaming tongues sticking out of the ball and silhouette of pillars just beyond the inferno.

Meanwhile, a wild Zubat's was like a campfire, basic, flickering, perceptible, sure, but not strong.

Virah, at the thought of that, wondered what a Champion tier Pokemon's Aura was like?

She probably won't get to see it for a while, Virah grabbed her notes and asked Nitro to web up the Zubat, now, time for work.

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