I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 15

Virah waved her legs back and forth as she sat on a swing, and her seat moved along with her.








In front of her were her classmates, most of them were playing around and doing whatever, some were battling while others were looking for opponents to fight.


None of them bothered with Virah though, the past month where she and her Weedle repeatedly beat everyone who challenged them had been a sign that she shouldn't be messed with when it comes to Pokemon battles, even if she only had a "weak” Weedle for a starter.


Even the rich kid with a Pidgey she tutored avoided her now, on account that he didn't want to get his Pokemon embalmed in string again.


Virah heard shuffling next to her and she already knew who had taken the other swing without even looking. Moments later, Whitney's voice entered Virah's ears, “you look restless,” Virah didn't reply, “is it about the whole ranger's exam again?”


Whitney had toned herself down when interacting with her, and Virah didn't know the reason behind it but she was nonetheless thankful that the otherwise energetic pinkette had decided to go along her pace instead of sweeping her along like in the past.


The development wasn't unwelcome and Virah thought that as strange as it was, such a thing was part of friendship and a part of her also told her that Whitney didn't go mild around her but instead, it was her who had changed, and that she was now used to Whitney's high energy.




Virah turned and met Whitney's eyes, “I'm going to start saving,” she said unprompted, “which means that I'm going to have to uh, I guess start asking the breeding center for vitamins again… or something,”


Virah finished her reply with an uncertain shrug.


“That's good isn't it?” Whitney mentioned.


“It is,” Virah couldn't help but let out a nod in agreement, she pressed her legs together and weighed her right arm on her knees. She rested her chin on the palm of her hand, “I think it's necessary, I already have a bit saved up before this so I think I can buy a decently sized trainer bag by the end of our school year and even get myself camping supplies,”


“Why do you need camping supplies?” Whitney asked in confusion.


“Because I want to spend time out in the wilderness?” Virah said with just as much confusion lacing her tone.


Virah knew that Whitney, being as rich as she is, would most likely not spend a single night out in the wild and simply just travel across the routes in a single day, going from city to city on her journey but Virah wouldn't do that because she wanted to find the best possible Pokemon for her future team.


“I know, but can't we just sleep in my tent?” Whitney's reply threw Virah for a loop.


“What?” She said, dumbstruck.


“I said we can sleep in my tent?” Whitney tilted her head, “together?” The pinkette added as if that was what confused Virah in the first place, at Virah's continued stare, Whitney looked away and pressed her fingers together, “it's big enough for the two of us…”


“I- you want to travel with me?” Virah was now very confused, why would Whitney even want that?


“Uh, yeah?” Whitney replied, she tilted her head, "I thought that was the plan?”


“I-” Virah paused and bit her tongue before she could voice out her denial, first off, this was an opportunity, and that is also why she decided to be friends with Whitney- so she could leech off of the much richer girl. And second, Whitney could be a very big asset during Virah's journey, and it's not just because she's rich enough to buy food for the two of them either, but also because Whitney is a future Gymleader.


Whitney can spread Virah's name just by being around her, and influence is never a bad thing.


“I never knew that was your intention.” Virah caught herself and said that instead of outright denial.


Whitney laughed nervously, “well, I guess I didn't say did I?” She sighed in relief, then shot Virah a side glance, “well, do you want to go on your journey with me?”


“Sure, why not? I think it'll be great,” Virah smiled, hoping that she didn't sound to casual just now.


Whitney, who had no concern for something like that, visibly beamed, “great!”


“I'll probably tutor moves for your Meowth as we go along,” Virah said for better incentive, “is that a good idea?”


“Since when has that sort of thing been bad?” Whitney replied.


“Great, uh, you don't have to pay me, I think it's good if you just buy me meals?” Virah offered.


Tutoring for food has never crossed her mind- probably because she's not like her seniors back in the breeding center… or at least not like them yet. - but she thought that it wasn't such a bad idea, especially if it didn't make her feel guilty for eating the potential food Whitney would buy for her.


As their conversation lulled into a comfortable silence someone came in and ruined it-


“So you're the one who taught her Meowth Feint Attack?” Virah turned to the boy who had a Magnemite- Calvin, she now remembers, - and nodded, thinking that he would ask her to tutor his own Pokemon something too but instead, all Virah got was a haughty scoff, “well, tutors are just idiots who pretend to teach Pokemon-”




“No, it's fine,” Virah cut off Whitney who had cut off Calvin. The pinkette didn't have to be offended for Virah, as she's more than capable of doing that herself, “you did lose to a Pokemon I tutored, didn’t you? What does that say about you?”


“Hah, you think you're so much better than me when all you have is a Weedle?” He scoffed, “anyone can catch a Weedle in Ilex Forest-” but not breed them until they're as good as Nitro, Virah silently thought instead of retorting. Calvin continued, “- and yours isn't so special, even if everyone here loses to it, when it's put out in the real world, it'll just lose over and over again,”


The Pokeball in Virah's hip shook and she rubbed it soothingly, she narrowed her eyes, “really now?”


“Yeah,” Calvin huffed, “the Magnemite that my father caught is stronger than that farce of a Pokemon over a hundred times,”


Virah met Whitney's eyes, who shook her head. She looked away from the pinkette and faced Calvin and locked eyes with him, once their gazes met, Virah felt a click at the back of her head, “do you want to battle then?”


The schoolboy raised his hand and thrust his Pokeball at her, it had an electrical sticker at the top of it, “sure, why not? You'll lose anyways,”


Virah got up and handed Whitney her lunchbox of earned Pokedollars, “how much do you have?”


“1700,” Calvin said proudly.


Virah smirked, ‘that's 600 less than mine,’


“I'll bet that much then,” Virah said with narrowed eyes, she smirked when Calvin faltered, “or are you so scared of a Weedle that you don't want to bet that much?”


“As if!” Calvin's bravado came back and he snorted, “I'll bet all of my Pokedollars since you'll lose anyway!”


“It's a battle then,” Virah nodded.


Unlike Whitney who has been openly staring at her in concern all this time, Virah did her best to hide her anxiety. This was her very first “all or nothing” bet and knowing that she was the underdog only made her more anxious.


Really, she wasn't sure if she could keep all the money she earned throughout lunch but at the same time…


… Virah felt thrilled at the thought of the upcoming battle.


What might as well be a life and death situation was pumping her up and the heights of her excitement was like never before.


She was shivering by the time she took her place opposite of Calvin in the battle court and her opponent mistook it for fear, “if you think you can back away now, don't think about it!”


Oh, he didn't have to worry about Virah backing down, because she wasn't thinking of running away, quite the opposite actually.


Calvin smirked, “You wanted this!”


Virah ignored him and faced her friend, Whitney, as usual, took the role of referee and she raised both bets, “trainer Virah and trainer Calvin Tanner, do you two wish to proceed?”


Whitney shot Virah a pleading look, but Virah smiled and shook her head at her.


Whitney sighed but nodded, mouthing, ‘I trust you,’ and when both Virah and her opponent voiced out an agreement to her prior question, she continued, “this is a standard fight so no restrictions apply, all moves are valid,” she announced much more confidently, “the bet is 1700 Pokedollars, do both parties agree?”


“Yes,” Calvin said with a confident smirk while Virah only nodded, “awwww, too scared to speak?”


Virah raised an eyebrow, “no?”


No more banter came when Whitney raised her hand, and the two of them followed by raising their Pokeballs, “battle-” a pause, then her hand sliced through the air, “-start!”


Virah threw out Nitro's Pokeball and ordered him to use- “String Shot!” - when he was nothing more than a red, transparent silhouette.


On the other side of the ring, the Magnemite manifested in a similar manner and Calvin, being the pathetic copycat that he was, did the same thing as Virah- starting the fight with a status move, “Thunder Wave!”


Virah swept her arms, “hold your String Shot and dodge it! Go to the right of the Magnemite and then fire your String Shot!”


Opposite of her, Calvin shouted a reactionary response, “hold your attack Magnemite and fly high! Fire it at the Weedle when you're sure of hitting him!”


In the end, both Pokemon failed to land their attacks.


Virah scowled, so he was just gonna keep copying her was he?


Fair enough, a trainer was always adaptable and mirror matches at the elite level were worse than whatever this pathetic copycat was doing.


He'll learn soon enough why Virah had 2300 Pokedollars and he only had 1700.

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