I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 31

Lithos was a simple team leader.


He only ever really asked the people under him for simple orders and he wasn't the kind of leader who yells at those under him when he's stressed, he considers that stupid- childish. And not to mention bad for morale.


Instead, he takes out his anger on the “clients” that the family decides to “talk to” because they couldn’t “pay rent”.


He's also not the kind of team leader who likes to see his men go out of control.


“I- I really don't know-”




Lithos cleared his throat and the unnamed grunt- but he swears that the thug introduced himself at some point, - stopped moving.


From Lithos’ perspective, the grunt was like a statue, one that seemed to have frozen halfway through grabbing something- or rather, someone.


Now saved from the man who was about to grab her, the woman stopped shivering and meekly turned to Lithos.


“Sorry,” she said, scared.


Though instead of the thug in front of her, the woman’s fears were directed at Lithos himself rather than the burly man who had threatened her seconds prior. Rightfully, her eyes went down to the pokeballs hanging on the magnetic belt on his hip.


Lithos stepped forward with a carefree smile, “hello,” he said in greeting, preferring to treat those not connected to his job or the family as unneeded wastes that could go about their day.


… after he's done asking his questions.


“I am Lithos,” he introduced himself, “as you can see-” he gestured at his black turtle neck and noticed that it was his “civilian disguise” rather than his uniform, “- sorry, you probably didn't,”


Lithos turned to the thug, “turn around,”


Nodding, the grunt did as told and when the woman saw the stylized R on the back of his jacket, her eyes widened and she was about to step backward into her apartment when Lithos reached a hand out to grab the door, she tried to pull, but the door didn’t budge, “sorry, we just want to ask a question, it's not really that big of a deal, and when we're done, we'll be on our way and rest assured, we'll leave you and your family alone, you have my words,”


It was rather lengthy, but explanations often are and the woman seemed to have gotten the memo that Lithos wasn’t here to harm her. She nodded, “u-uhm- okay, what do you want to know?”


“Like I said, it's not a big deal, but have you seen a girl with green hair pass this place by?”


Lithos’ question was admittedly very tame and straightforward, there was nothing complex about it, and if the woman says that she hasn't seen a girl with those kinds of features, then she clearly hasn't.


She would tell the truth, Lithos was sure of it, she had already seen their emblem after all.


“I- I really haven't seen anyone like that.” The woman shook her head, “I'm sorry,”


Lithos nodded, “oh well, thank you for your time,” he turned to the two thugs handed to him by the executive managing Goldenrod and jerked his head to the side, “let's go,”


They left, and when they were ways away from the woman's room, the thug who had been shaking her spoke up, “she clearly knew about her,” his deep, cracked voice borne from smoking was already irritating to hear, and adding his stupid words alongside it only made Lithos feel pissed, “I don't know why you didn't push-”


“Zip your mouth,” Lithos bit the words out one by one, his own, smooth voice turning into a deep growl, “I don't see how your stupid feelings matter here,” he turned back to the thug with a glare, “if you wanted to rape someone, consider doing it in a non-public, non-league funded apartment building, otherwise, keep your pants up and your emotions clear,”


“I didn't-”


Lithos didn't go fast, no, he walked slowly, and in response to seeing Lithos casually make his way towards him, the man who was wider than him by a good margin stepped back, all his muscles meaningless to the chrome colored aura emanating off of Lithos, “tell me, how many times do you think have you stepped out of line?”


That was a trick question- once was already enough.


“I-” the thug couldn't finish because Lithos was already holding his hand, he screamed when the much smaller man crushed it with a simple squeeze of his grip.


“Apologize and I'll let this slide,” Lithos stared at the man clutching his hand. The thug was kneeling, his face red and his breathing ragged.


“I- I'm sorry fuck-” Lithos cut him off with a slap and his shocked expression stayed for a scant few seconds before he calmed down and bowed, “I'm sorry,”


“There, was it so hard to control yourself?” Lithos turned away, “you could have done that from the start, you could have clamped your mouth shut and kept your words to yourself- kept everything to yourself, why bother to talk?” He turned back to the thug glaring at him, the man's eyes widened into fear when Lithos met his gaze, “see? You could have seethed in silence and not- not whatever stupidity that was earlier,”


Lithos turned away while shaking his head, “I swear if we weren't in public Consti would have eaten you,”


He heard shuffling behind him but nothing came, Lithos let it be, well aware that someone like the thug couldn't dream of bruising his skin even if he tried his hardest to hit him with a metal bat.


They moved past one apartment after the next, all asking the same question- ‘have you seen a green haired girl around here?’ and they got the same answer of no every single time but then finally, when they reached the 4th floor, the first person they asked had an answer.


“You mean Virah?” The man looked middle aged, though his graying hair told Lithos of his true age. Whatever his specialty was- Lithos sniffed and noticed an odd scent coming from the man’s room- Grass. It was Grass.


Lithos stopped sniffing the scent of drugs wafting out of the apartment and nodded, “her,” Lithos didn't know if that was the name of the girl but if the man recognized her, then it was a good start, “do you know where she lives?”


“Why?” The man asked, “I don't think she has any friends…” the man's eyes narrowed, “do you want to hurt her?”


“I assure you, we only want to talk to her, we are from the breeding center she works at,” Lithos’ smile was reassuring.


“Oh, then she's on the 17th door, you can't miss it,” the man grinned, “girl's quite nice, she's also a pretty good move tutor, she taught my Oddish how to use Sweet Scent, sponsoring her is a good idea,”


“Yes, sponsor, we’ve considered that,” Lithos said with a smile. He turned to the two thugs following him, “let's go.” They walked til they got to the 17th door and once there, Lithos stepped away, “break it down, make sure that it's silent,”


With a grunt, the thug whose arm he didn't break stepped forward and kicked down the door in a way that broke the bottom hinge off but not the top one, then he grabbed either side of the door and pulled- it came off easily and soundlessly.


“Good job,” Lithos nodded and walked forward. He unclipped one Pokeball from his belt and tossed it inside the room, a Scizor materialized and looked back at him, “go first, attack anything you see, don't show mercy,”


“Scizor!” The Bug/Steel Type nodded energetically. It walked forward, its steps incautious and bold.


Lithos followed after his second Pokemon, his expression stoic and it didn't change when a purple blur attacked his Scizor head on and struck its leg.




“Don't-” Lithos raised his hand to stop the Scizor from retaliating but his pokemon had already moved and in an unexpected show of speed, the Ratata moved away from his Scizor's Wing Attack, “huh,” Lithos said in amazement, “a Ratata, dodging you?”


His Scizor scoffed and glowed silver- then before Lithos could tell it not to use Bullet Punch, it turned into a blur that struck the Ratata's ribs, causing a crunch to echo out, the sound made Lithos wince.


“You fool,” Lithos glowered at the Bug/Steel type and the Scizor stared back, unwavering, “I told you to stop but you kept going-”




“I know it used Hyper Fang on you, I saw it happen with my own two eyes,” Lithos moved past the growling Pokemon and inside of the empty room, “she isn't here, disappointing,” the rocket team leader said with a hum, “well, we can capture the Ratata at least,”


He neared the wheezing Pokemon on the ground, noting that its sides were already red and blue from the hit. It was also dented, it's like his chest had twisted after it was caved in by his Scizor's attack. Fortunately though, with how weak the Pokemon in front of him is, all it would take to put it back to full health was a Full Restore.


And Lithos had plenty, and he was more than willing to use one towards such a prodigious Ratata but he also admired its conviction, and he bent down towards it, “I can heal you,”


He got a wheezing cough in response followed by a glare, “I take it you said no?”


The Ratata slowly nodded, Lithos returned the gesture, “very well,” he stood up to leave but then stopped, “well, I can offer you something other than a full restore, what do you want?”


“R-ratata,” the Pokemon replied weakly, then pointed a shaking hand towards the only bed inside the room.


“That's what you want? For me to put you on the bed? That’s it?” Lithos asked and only got a nod in response, the Ratata had already spent the air remaining in its lungs to give him its previous verbal answer, “if you want,”


He lifted the dying rodent and it kept its eyes open as Lithos carried it, a feat of endurance like no other, and when he placed it on the bed, it crawled till it reached the pillow on the head and then… stopped breathing.


Lithos closed its eyes and walked away, impassive of the scene, so the Ratata liked the girl- that could only mean the girl liked the Ratata back. Lithos hummed, “let's go, also, leave one of our emblems somewhere in here,”


Virah would chase after him, much like the rest of the people Team Rocket wronged and Lithos would welcome her with a Bullet Punch much like her rat.

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