I suddenly became the villain and I liked it

Lost memory

My mind is in disarray. Who am I? I hear a weird noise. Something sounds squishy, something moist. My vision is blurry, I cannot see properly.

“Remember this.”

A voice of a man speaks to me. Who is it?

“This is what will happen if you are weak.”

I do not understand. He points at something. My vision is blurry. I can barely discern what is happening. But I can at least notice that this is a human speaking to me and it is pointing at a moving mass.

“Look at that. That is something weak. It is the one at fault. It is the cause of your despair. Because you were spawned that you are experiencing it again.”

An unknown hatred. This thing that I cannot clearly see is my enemy. It is the one at fault. It is because of it that I suffer. Yes, this man is right. That is the enemy. The man walks to the mass.

“Look at me.”

My blurry eyes look at that direction. I cannot see them properly but it does not matter.

“This is what happens when you are weak.”

I see movement. I hear impact and I hear sounds.

“If you are weak, you will be taken, played, used then discarded.”

I experience it again.

“Do not be like this thing. You are strong.”

“I am strong.”

“Weakness is a sin.”

“Weakness is a sin.”

“You only need absolute power and absolute obedience.”

Absolute power and absolute obedience.

“Now, you will listen to me. Nod if you understand.”

The man talks to the thing. I hear the words but I cannot understand them.

“I can kill her anytime I want. I expect your full obedience. Nod if you understand.”

That hateful, disgusting mass moves.

“Good. From now on, you will not defy me. You will follow everything I say. You will be the perfect wife following my every will and command.”

The man leaves the things side and approaches me.

“Remember this.”

I listen to the man.

“You are evil.”

“I am evil.”

“You will follow all of my commands.”

“I will follow all your commands.”

“Everything you do is for me.”

“Everything I do is for you.”

“Now, transfer everything to me.”

“Transfer everything.”

“Give me your power. Always give me your power.”

“Give him my power.”

“I am your father.”

“You are my father.”

“That thing is your enemy.”

“That thing is my enemy.”

“Good girl. My child must not become that thing. Now, look at it.”

The man drags me towards the thing. There is a weird smell.

“Remember that. That is the price of weakness. That is the price of folly. Hate it, despise it, curse it.”

I stare at that mass that I cannot properly see.

“Now is your turn. Hit it.”

I raise my hands when suddenly the world cracks.

“Hit it. Hit that thing!”

The man’s voice fades as the world cracks and cracks until it finally breaks.

“Oi, are you okay?”

I open my eyes and I look at someone. She has red hair and golden eyes.

“Who are you?”

“I ain’t falling for that. You’re the one saying shit like I need your permission or something.”

My mind is a mess. My memories are a mess.

“Who am I?”

“How the hell should I know? Again, you’re the one going around with your whole worthy bullshit.”

“Where are we?”

“We’re in the special cave thing. Wait, are you seriously asking me? Who are you?”

“I do not know.”

“Huh? Are you shitting me? Maybe a little hit will help.”

She raises her hand. My mind reacts as I shuffle myself away from her.

“No please, I will be good. I will be strong. I will not be weak. Do not hit me.”

“What the-“

My head hurts. Argh, why am I so mad. I cannot be weak. Weakness is a sin. I face the ground as I raise my head and then swing down to hit the ground.

“Woah, woah, woah. Calm down.”

Someone puts their hands under my shoulders and pulls me up. I am too weak to resist.

“Let me go!”

I thrash around as I try to break free.

“I must be strong! Cannot be weak!”

“Alright, this girl is going crazy. Fine, I’ll hit you if you want to be hit so much.”

She turns me around and hugs me tight. It hurts.

“This is gonna sting for a bit so brace yourself.”

She butts her head against mine.

“Huh. It doesn’t hurt.”

The bump orients my thoughts. I recall some of my memories.

“Let me go.”


“I said let me go. Who gave you permission to hug me? Is this your confession?”

She lets me go and I land on my feet. My mind is still hazy but I remember things now. I am Athena Eterna and I am the villain.

“Tsk, you’re probably fine then. So, what the hell did you see?”

“See? What do you mean?”

“I saw my parents getting murdered again. When I saw that I had a feeling on what was happening.”

“What do you mean?”

“I already knew they were dead so if I am seeing it again, it means that something is showing things to us. Probably this weird cave, it’s probably your worst memory or something.”

“Okay, I get your point.”

“So, what did you see?”

What did I see? I try to remember but my head throbs, I fall on my hands and feet. I feel bile in my throat as I vomit it out.

“Woah, that bad huh.”

“I do not remember.”


“I know I saw something, something vile. Something that I abhor from the depths of my soul but I cannot remember.”

“Oh, I know that kind of thing. Someone once told me that when someone experiences something very bad, their mind makes them forget.”

“It is that bad? It feels like it is something important.”

“Well, you can think about it when we leave this place.”

“Right. I remember that we are in the secret cave.”

“Yeah. So, are you ready to go? That door has been there the whole time.”

“Fine. Let us go.”

I truly cannot remember what I saw. But it is something important to the core of my being. I prepare myself however I can as red hair and I enter the door.

This was supposed to be R-18 but I just didn't want to do it for this chapter.

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