I suddenly became the villain and I liked it


The process went smoothly. Melanie is now assigned to my private dorm.

“What are you doing?”

My maid and I entered but Melanie was still standing by the gate. With my words, she stopped being in a stupor and ran towards us.

“S-sorry. I just never thought I would be here.”

“Get used to it. Since you have chosen to be my underling, you have no choice but to follow me.”


We arrived at the living room area. Melanie and I sat while my maid was preparing refreshments.

“Sylvia, it is only us here. Feel free to sit.”

“I will sit when I feel like it, mistress.”

Sylvia was still standing up.

“Melanie, I have something to show you. This is something that must never be shared to anyone else.”

“W-what? You don’t need to show me if it’s that important.”

“No, this is your test. Now, come over here.”

I stood up and Melanie stood in front of me. Without a moment’s hesitation, I slapped her. She stood shocked.

“Did that hurt?”

“Huh? Wait. It didn’t. Why?”

“Do you know the magic inside people’s bodies?”

“Yes. It was explained to me before. People are innately born with magic, there are two types. Specialized and generalized.”

“Correct. Now, what is the difference between the two?”

“Specialized users can only use their own type of magic. It cannot be replicated by anyone. I am classified as a specialized magic user.”


“Generalized magic users have a system. Everyone who is generalized has access to this system. The system determines the potential of each person and what type of magic they can use.”

“Correct. You are very knowledgeable.”

“Yes! I made sure to read a lot. All I did before was reading.”

“Now, please share your magic.”

“My magic is shadow. I can travel through shadows. I have been training to control other people’s shadow but its too hard. Oh, I can bring other people with me but only one person.”

“What are the conditions for you to use it?”

“The only condition that I know of is that I need to see before I can travel. As long as I know that there is a shadow there, I can travel to or from it.”

“Can you stay in the shadow?”

“Yes. I can stay in it for a while. My current maximum is one hour. Other people can’t stay though. They always get removed after I bring them in.”

“How about items?”

“It acts the same as a storage bag. So, items don’t expire while inside.”

“Make sure to use that power for me, is that understood.”


Hmm, now how do I explain to my maid her magic?

“Maid, how about you? Do you know your magic?”

“Of course, mistress. My magic is generalized.”


“Huh? But the person who tested me said that I was generalized.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Melanie, have you seen people cast generalized magic before?”

“I have. Why?”

“Then, watch my maid. Sylvia, cast a fire spell.”

My maid breathed in and she shows an expression of anger as she casts fire.”

“Done, mistress.”

“Now, cast a wind spell.”

She stops the fire and her expression relaxes as she releases wind.

“Melanie, do you understand?”

My maid looked confused as I asked Melanie.

“Oh! She is slower than generalized users.”

“Give us the explanation.”

“Generalized users can use their magic instantly. As long as they will, it immediately happens. When Miss Sylvia used hers, it looked like she had to do something before it was cast.”

“Sylvia, does Melanie need to use an honorific for you?”

“No need, Mistress.”

“Good, both of you can address each other however you like.”

“Understood, mistress.”


“Now, back to topic. Sylvia, do you understand what she said?”

“Not really, mistress.”

“Then, when you casted the fire spell. What did you do?”

“I felt an intense emotion. Like I was angry.”

“What about the wind spell?”

“I relaxed myself.”

“Correct, so that means your magic is based on your emotions.”

“My emotions?”

“Melanie, you saw her face when she was casting those spells right?

“Yes. I saw her expression change.”

“There you have it my maid. You are a specialized user who turns your emotions to magic.”


Both of them exclaimed the same time.

“Now, let me ask you something else Melanie.”

“Magic users can only be hurt by what?”

“Other magic.”

“Correct, now why did my slap not hurt you earlier?”

It took Melanie a few minutes until I see her realize.

“You have no magic?”

“Correct. A magic users magic flows throughout their body and their equipment. Nobody can stop that and they have no reason to. It is the greatest protection a magic user can have. This is a grave secret that you must keep.”

I smile at her. She shivers.

“I-I understand. I will keep it a secret.”

“Good. Now you know. That is all for the talk of magic. I do have something I want to clarify with you Melanie. Why me? The prince would have been a better choice.”

“Oh, um, the prince is always surrounded by his three friends. I just didn’t want to be awkward in being with them. Besides, I feel more comfortable with girls.”

“I see.”

“Also, my father told me that I should improve myself. Being timid is bad in being a noble. So, I decided to try to be with you. Since from the rumors, you are very different from me.”

“And what if I decided to hurt you?”

“I-it was a calculated risk.”

Very brave, I like her. Hmm, so she wants to be a bit more outgoing.

“I see. Then I allow you to watch me. Feel free to learn or reflect to whatever you see. Do take note that I am selfish and if I feel like, I will not hesitate to use force. Especially yours and my maids.”

“Got it.”

“Also, Sylvia, I will allow you to interact with Melanie as you see fit. Do not ask me on what to do when you are talking with her. The same goes for you Melanie.”

“Understood, mistress.”


And with that, our discussion ends. This is the first step to improving my maid.

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