I swung my greatsword at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Exam Week and the Trapboard

6 month.

Exam week is here.

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick showed concern for John.

"Mr. Wick, your body has recovered?"

John smiled and said, "Thank you, Professor, for your concern. It's much better now."

Professor Flitwick said in a high-pitched voice with lingering fear: "You are really very lucky, that evil bastard casts the death curse on you very weakly."

Professor Flitwick wished he had been there at the time, he would definitely let that shameless thing taste what it means to be a dueling champion.

In the spell test, Pineapple tap dances.

John completed the assessment perfectly and gracefully, which satisfied Professor Flitwick.

The second exam was Transfiguration class, and John provoked Professor McGonagall's care again.

This child has suffered too much. First, he was insulted by Malfoy at the beginning of school, and later he was hijacked by someone with the Imperius Curse and also got the Death Curse.

But God took care of the child and let him survive.


John pulled out his wand and pointed at the mouse in front of him. After a burst of changes, the mouse turned into an exquisite snuff bottle.

"Perfect, very good transformation spell."

Professor McGonagall applauded generously.

Then came potions class, concocting a potion of forgetting.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, Professor Quirrell was unable to come due to sick leave, and Dumbledore personally invigilated the exam.

This made John a little uncomfortable, because Dumbledore always liked to greet him with his probing gaze and playful wink.


History of Magic was the last and easiest for John.

Although the tedious course taught by Binns makes people drowsy, fortunately this course is the only one that can be quickly mastered by both Muggles and wizards.

The history of the Goblin Rebellion is easy to memorize, as long as you know how to memorize it by rote.

After writing the name of the old wizard who invented the automatic stirring crucible, John could finally relax.

"Wick, are you all right?"

After the exam, Malfoy leaned over.

John still remembered that Draco Malfoy's name appeared frequently in the mountains of condolences in front of his hospital bed.

This local tyrant's attitude towards John has changed a lot now.

"It's much better. I haven't thanked you yet. You have sent me a lot of condolences."

"It's just a small amount of money." Malfoy turned his head rather arrogantly.

John thought to himself that you are not a little lolita, why are you pretending to be arrogant.

Taking out some of the inexhaustible condolences from his pocket, John asked the other party if he wanted to eat.

Malfoy took one reluctantly, and Goyle and Crabbe almost didn't fight as if they had never eaten.

This made Malfoy couldn't help scolding the two, and John saw a beautiful girl with blond hair.

Daphne Greengrass.

She came over pretty, and asked with concern in her words: "I heard that you have been hit by the Imperius Curse, I really can't imagine who would do that."

John rubbed his left hand, which was a little sore from writing, and said with deep approval: "I guess he is a desperado, otherwise he wouldn't have entered the Forbidden Forest."

This beautiful girl is Slytherin's court flower, accompanied by Pansy Parkinson.

There are more Slytherins around John, and under Malfoy's spare no effort to publicize, this problem child who started fighting at school has changed too much.

When the crowd was almost gone, John looked at Malfoy and said sincerely, "Draco, I think we should be considered friends."

Hearing this address, Malfoy was slightly taken aback. He glanced left and right at the two followers around him, and pretended to be calm and said, "Oh? Since you asked, then I'm reluctant... John."

Calling each other by first name is an acknowledgment of the relationship between the two parties.

John smiled slightly, and it seemed that he had taken a step forward in his Slytherin leadership.


Going to Hagrid's hut, John received a letter from Hagrid, telling himself that the unicorn sent a thank you gift.

"Unicorns are intelligent magical creatures, and being grateful doesn't seem so difficult to accept."

John came to Hagrid's hut, Hagrid was sitting on a big chair outside, saw John coming over and hastily put down the pea pods in his hand.

"Great John, you're fine."

Hagrid heard Harry talk about John's recovery, but he was still full of concern for John.

Giving John a bear hug, Hagrid put John down and said, "Wei sent the horns she took off to thank you."

John was taken aback: "Weiwei?"

"The name of that unicorn, unicorns have their own names, but they won't tell others easily."

Hagrid took out the horn from the house. The spiral horn exuded a shimmering light. Unlike the one that Quirrell sawed off after killing him, this horn was full of holy breath.

It's as beautiful as if it was painted with pearls.

John took the horn, which was far more precious than a snail's ass.

Tom came out of the hut, followed by Fang, the licking dog.

The big dog Yaya showed Tom the posture of a younger brother, while Tom held his head high, unaware that the big dog beside him could bite off his head in one bite.

"Well done Tom, thanks to you for bringing Professor Kettleburn, of course, Yaya is also doing very well, leading the way."

John stroked the two dogs. Tom came to find Yaya that night, and let Yaya take him to Professor Kettleburn and hand over John's letter.

Professor Kettleburn has been devoted to the study of magical animals, so his home is near the Forbidden Forest.

John told Professor Kettleburn that many magical animals in the Forbidden Forest have been harmed in the tone of his patrol in the Forbidden Forest, and Professor Kettleburn will consciously go to the Forbidden Forest.

John also sent letters to several other professors.

But there was no statement, only that outsiders were found in the Forbidden Forest.

I just don't know why Professor Snape didn't come to the Forbidden Forest. If he was there, Quirrell would never escape.

After getting the horns, John was also thinking about alchemy. After asking Hagrid if he had other materials, he successfully harvested a large basket of various magical biological materials collected.

Even the rarest acromantula venom is in it, you have to know that just a small test tube of acromander venom is worth 100 Galleons.

Hagrid is really a hidden rich man, and this money is just like picking it up.

Hagrid wanted to invite John to drink tea, but at this time three little ones came running outside.

"Hagrid, I have something to ask you."

The three little ones ran so fast that their little faces turned red.

Harry asked hurriedly, "Do you remember the night you won Norbert at poker? What did the stranger you played with look like?"

Hagrid didn't know why, so he said casually, "I don't know, he won't take off his cloak."

Seeing the astonished expressions of the three little ones, he explained to the big guy: "There are always some weird guys visiting the Pig's Head Bar. That guy might be a dragon seller. I haven't seen his face clearly. He's wearing a hood."

Harry's heart was pounding, and his instinct told him that he was getting close to the truth.

"What did you say to him, did you mention Hogwarts?"

Hagrid frowned and recalled vigorously, "Maybe I mentioned it, yes, he asked me what I do, oh yes, I said I was a gamekeeper here, and he kept buying wine for me...he also made Since I don't have the ability to deal with a fire dragon, I told him that I can control even Lu Wei submissively, and a fire dragon is nothing to me."

Recalling the wine he drank, Hagrid was still a little unsatisfied.

When Harry heard the fire dragon, he confirmed that the other party was the one who wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

Hagrid also said loudly that Lu Wei likes to listen to music, which undoubtedly confirmed the other party's identity.

When it was too late to react, the three little ones turned around and ran away.

Hagrid was annoyed and terrified. John came out of the cabin and said helplessly, "Hagrid, maybe you can try to control your mouth."

"John! Great, you have to help me."

Turning his eyes to John for help, John lifted up a basket of materials with difficulty and said, "Okay, but I have to put the things back in the dormitory first."

If John's guess is correct, the three little ones have already figured out how to get into the trap.

If he had to enter the trap, he might face Voldemort, and John didn't want to fight a battle he wasn't prepared for.

Instead of going to the dormitory, he came to the Room of Requirement, and took out a basket of materials to carve himself an amulet.

After all, I have the Marauder's Map, and I can monitor the movement of the three of them at any time.

At night, the three little ones started to move.

John glanced at the half-finished amulet and quickened his pace.

Finally, after the three little ones entered the fourth floor for a while, John completed the amulet.

Putting on the amulet, John took a bag full of potions for himself.

He made up his mind that if he failed, he would use potions to poison Voldemort.

At the same time, he brought his own big sword, and he was ready to go. When he reached the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor, it had already been opened.

Lu Wei with three heads was staring at him, and John threw out a box of music boxes.

Lu Wei fell asleep, and John just walked into the trap door.

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