I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 661: Reaping What One Has Sown

In the Changbai Mountains in northern China, several extraordinary individuals were standing on a snowy peak, gazing into the distance.

"Do you see it, young lady? That land has been shrouded in evil aura. It is a breeding ground for the Evil God. If this land is not purified, and the evil leaks out, the entire planet will likely be devoured by the Evil God."

A Shinto priest from Japan spoke with a voice as hard as iron, his expression grim and his tone hoarse, easily instilling fear in others.

The Catholic nun, Mirda, looked towards the land pointed out by the priest. It was where South Korea was located. In her vision, that land was almost covered by a crimson light. This was the ability granted to her by God, allowing her eyes to see through evil and perceive all sins.

Of course, this ability in the world of San Soliel was simply the spell 'Detect Evil’.' Louis could naturally make the transformed nun see whatever he wanted her to see.

Although among all the supernatural powers that appeared on Earth, only this nun was not played by Louis' avatar, she was still under his control.

"I see. That is a land shrouded in evil light, where disgusting sins are breeding and consuming innocent people."

The kind-hearted nun closed her eyes and made a voice of pity, praying for those innocent people.

"With gains come losses. God is not a slave to humanity, nor will He do things to satisfy human desires. Young lady, you must learn to choose, learn to give up some things, and let more people be saved. Ignorant hypocrisy and kindness are not what God desires."

The old Chinese immortal smiled and comforted Mirda.

From the personalities and actions of these extraordinary individuals, one could see the different religious beliefs and cultural differences they adhered to. For example, the old man from China liked to follow the doctrine of the golden mean and would not deliberately offend anyone. On the other hand, the Shinto priest from Japan adhered to the ancient Shinto belief that prioritized gods, treating humans as slaves.

The monk from Southeast Asia, who believed in primitive Buddhism, was even more typical of the mentality of ‘not my business, so I don't care’. Although they all belonged to the side of good, they were definitely not hypocritical or fake.

"Thank you for your guidance. God has also revealed to me the principle of reaping what one has sown."

Sister Mirda took a deep breath, calming herself down. She looked towards Seoul again. From this peak of Changbai Mountain, she could see intense killing intent not far from Seoul. This was because North Korea had allowed the armies of China and Russia to station troops, ready to enter South Korea at any time. On the waters west of South Korea, China had also deployed heavy troops.

They shared a common belief: those monsters must not be allowed to enter their territory. No one could afford such a huge loss!


Just as the ground began to shake in Seoul, earthquake research institutes around the world also detected the source of the earthquake.

At the China Earthquake Administration, many workers were working overtime. Since China had learned about the Burrower Beneath from the United States, they had been monitoring the Seoul area. They even sent a high-ranking military official to oversee the operation.

This kind of man-made, or rather, creature-made, earthquake was definitely a first in Earth's history and was enough to be recorded in the annals of history. Naturally, it needed to be observed carefully. Perhaps people could even find a way to predict earthquakes from it.

Even with today's level of technology, humans cannot accurately predict earthquakes. Once an earthquake occurred, it was already too late. Especially in countries like Japan, which were in earthquake-prone zones, the earthquake research institute was even more tense, hoping to find the secrets of earthquakes in this possible man-made earthquake in Seoul.

"Commander, seismic activity has been detected in the Seoul area!"

At the China Earthquake Administration, many workers were working nervously when a worker suddenly shouted.

Immediately, a leader took the main seat and asked, "What are the details?"

"According to our detection, the epicenter of this earthquake is underground in Seoul, with a depth of only four kilometers. The magnitude is currently estimated to be 4.8 on the Richter scale, but the amplitude is increasing, and it has already exceeded 5.0 on the Richter scale..."

The Earthquake Administration could not detect the exact magnitude of the earthquake in real-time, but they could give a rough estimate.

Generally, an earthquake above 4.5 on the Richter scale was considered a moderate earthquake.

"The magnitude is still rising. It has now reached 6.0 on the Richter scale!"

The worker continued to report loudly, and the entire Earthquake Administration became busy. People whispered to each other and worked on their instruments, quickly tapping on keyboards.

The leader of the Earthquake Administration explained to the military representative, "When the magnitude exceeds 6.0 on the Richter scale, it can already be called a strong earthquake. This kind of earthquake is enough to destroy residential areas within a radius of 100 miles."

"Moreover, the most frightening thing is that the epicenter of this earthquake is only four kilometers deep, and such a depth of the epicenter could not cause such a large-scale earthquake. What's even more deadly is that the epicenter is actually underground in Seoul. This can be said to be unprecedented in the history of earthquakes. Even the great Tokyo earthquake of the past had its epicenter more than a hundred kilometers away in the Pacific Ocean!"

The leader of the Earthquake Administration looked grim.

This kind of terrifying earthquake, no matter where it occurred in the world, was enough to destroy everything.

"From the depth of the epicenter, the magnitude, and the position of the epicenter, it can be concluded that this is not a natural phenomenon. There must be some mysterious force at work. The monster you mentioned before, indeed has the ability to cause such large earthquakes!"

"Commander, we must not let these monsters enter our borders, otherwise, it will be a cataclysmic disaster!"

After hearing the report from the Earthquake Administration leader, the military high-ranking officer nodded resolutely.

"Rest assured, our soldiers will absolutely not allow these monsters to enter our territory. Even if we risk an international dispute by entering South Korea, we will not allow these monsters to continue to exist. With Russia's cooperation this time, the other three major powers also understand the gravity of the situation. We will ensure that nothing goes wrong."

The military commander said firmly.

However, this high-ranking military officer was also somewhat troubled. To be honest, the biggest problem China faced was that neighboring countries always liked to play tricks. South Korea's people believed in cults and were digging their own graves. China didn't care, but because South Korea was so close to China, the antics of this neighbor made China uneasy, and could only find ways to clean up after them.

"Report!! The latest detection results show that the Seoul earthquake has reached a magnitude of 8.5 on the Richter scale. This is an extremely rare earthquake in the world!!"

The worker's shout quieted the entire Earthquake Research Institute.

The leader of the Earthquake Administration swallowed hard and said, "The energy released by an earthquake of this magnitude is equivalent to 85 million tons of TNT, exceeding the yield of the Tsar Bomba, the hydrogen bomb tested by Russia!"

"There have been larger earthquakes in human history, such as the Great Tokyo Earthquake a few years ago, which reached a magnitude of 9.0 and released an energy equivalent to 4.7 billion tons of TNT, but never before has there been an earthquake with such a high Richter magnitude centered right in the middle of a city! "

"Are you saying... Seoul is finished?"

The military high-ranking officer also swallowed hard. He didn't understand Richter magnitudes, but he understood the unit of TNT equivalent. This was like Seoul being hit by a huge Ivan, although the two had completely different ways of causing destruction, he could roughly guess the predicament Seoul was facing now.

"Yes, Commander! Seoul is finished!"

The leader of the Earthquake Administration affirmed.

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