I, the strongest poisoner, am called the living king of hell by the empress

Chapter 3

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Gao Yang's words suddenly rang out in the Jinluan Palace, and all the officials were startled.

They all looked at Gao Yang with wide eyes.

Just a few words made them feel chilled to the bone.

Give him a few taels of broken silver first, then let him go, and then see where he will go to his relatives and friends, and get rid of them all.

Even when the little boy suddenly appeared, he thought it was unreasonable, and he had to check under the bed, in the rice vat, and in the closet to see if there were any of his younger siblings.

When you strike, strike with a knife on the left and right chests. Be sure to kill him with one blow!


Too cruel!

Wang Zhong looked at Gao Yang with a horrified look on his face, his heart shaking wildly.

"The Gao family has been a general for a hundred years, and there are such insidious descendants?"

"If he is allowed to take power, wouldn't all the earthworms in the old Wang family be split in half?"

Not to mention Wang Zhong, even Gao Feng felt a chill.

These words actually came from his son?

For a moment, all the civil and military officials stared at Gao Yang.

Qin Zhenguo, the general of Daqian Youweiwei, said, "Your Majesty, what the son of Gao Shilang said is not unreasonable. If the little boy's father knew how to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, there would not be the disaster of annihilating the family now."

"The general agrees."

These words also brought Wu Zhao back to his senses.

She glanced over, with a look of interest on her beautiful face.

This question is neither difficult nor simple. The most important thing is that benevolence and righteousness are common, and there are too many talented people who are bound by rules and worldliness.

If he really wanted to avenge his family's destruction, let alone a little boy, I'm afraid all the ants in the enemy's mansion would be cut in half.

But just if that is the case, few people would choose to eradicate the roots in public for the sake of so-called benevolence, morality and reputation.

Not to mention someone like Gao Yang, who would first give a few taels of broken silver to see which relative or friend he would defect to, and get rid of them all.

Even when the little boy suddenly appeared, she just said it casually, without even thinking deeply about it as the person who asked the question.

But Gao Yang even noticed this. Who was the little boy protecting when he suddenly appeared?

Cutting the grass without eradicating the roots puts yourself and your family in danger.

In Wu Zhao's eyes, this was a very stupid thing.

This Gao Yang is a bit interesting.

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, but the spring breeze will bring new growth. If the little boy's father had ruthlessly determined to eradicate the roots, how could he have suffered today's disaster?"

"I am very satisfied with your answer to the first question."

Wu Zhao's first sentence was to the officials, and his second sentence was to Gao Yang.

Gao Feng looked surprised.

Is this scoundrel very satisfied with Her Majesty the Empress?

Although Gao Feng is a bit unbelievable, this is a great thing for Duke Dingguo.

Wu Zhao looked at Gao Yang and said calmly, "The first question is just a small test for me."

"But if you want to be an official like me and ask for orders for the people, it's not that simple."

Gao Yang looked at Wu Zhao, first glanced at the long legs hidden under the dragon robe, and then said, "Your Majesty, please give me a question."

"The common people are willing to do their best for Your Majesty."

There is something interesting about this empress. Instead of testing the Four Books and Five Classics, poems and classic meanings, she only asks these weird questions.

He was really curious about what Wu Zhao's next question would be.

Wu Zhao's phoenix eyes glanced at the officials, "This question is not only for the son of the minister who passed the exam, but all the dear ministers can also speak freely. If you satisfy me, I will definitely use it!"

As soon as this statement came out, some low-status officials' eyes lit up and they were eager to give it a try.

If he can be reused by Wu Zhao, he will surely rise to great heights!

Wu Zhao said calmly, "You are a tea merchant from outside. You have contracted a barren mountain in the remote mountains of the south of the Yangtze River. But if you want to grow tea, you must first open up the wasteland. However, the local people are extremely lazy. Not only are they unwilling to open up wasteland, even if they recruit several As a common man, he is extremely lazy at work. Seeing that the day of planting tea is getting closer, what should he do? "

As Wu Zhao spoke calmly, all the civil and military officials frowned for a moment.

This question is one of her finales, and those who can answer it perfectly must have amazing talents!

Her phoenix eyes swept across the court, and all the officials bowed their heads.

Even Cui Xinghe frowned.

This question is somewhat difficult to solve.

Tea merchants from other places went to the remote mountains in the south of the Yangtze River and contracted the barren mountains.

There are three difficulties in this.

First, the foreign tea merchants were unfamiliar with the place and did not have much support except money.

Second, the local people are lazy by nature, and opening up wasteland is hard and tiring. Unless they pay big wages, it will be difficult to recruit people!

Third, even if workers are hired at high prices, people will be passive and slow down.

Wu Zhao not only wants to solve this matter, but also wants an optimal answer to demonstrate his ability.

This question is very challenging.

Wang Zhong didn't know the twists and turns, he said directly, "Your Majesty, how difficult is this? If no one wants to work at one times the wages, then double or triple the wages!"

"With a large amount of money, are you afraid that the people will not respond to the reclamation?"

Wu Zhao shook her head, "General Wang is wrong. Since we are merchants, we should value profits. Although the people will respond to triple the wages, won't the cost increase significantly?"

"Moreover, as I said, even if the people work, most of them are lazy. Tea merchants have no roots in Jiangnan and are difficult to control. Why is this?"

Wang Zhong's face changed when he heard it.

He was still thinking too superficially.

"I am not thoughtful enough, but your majesty, this question is too difficult."

"The local area is poor and remote, and the people are lazy by nature. If the wages are not increased, how can the people respond?"

"And laziness is human nature. The local area is poor and remote, and the people must be even lazier. This passive sabotage is simply difficult to curb!"

"There is no solution to this question."

When Wang Zhong said this, all the officials nodded.

This is exactly what they thought.

Wu Zhao's face was cold, and her body was filled with a strong majesty.

She said lightly, "Since it is to select talents for the country and the people, how can it be too simple? There are many government affairs that are more difficult to handle than this in the world of Daqian. Are they all ignored?"

"I dare not!" Wang Zhong knelt down hurriedly.

At this moment, under the strong majesty around Wu Zhao, all the officials bowed their heads.

Wu Zhao continued, "For this question, it is not difficult to open up wasteland and cultivate land, but it is very difficult to complete the opening up of wasteland at the lowest cost and the fastest speed."

"My dear Cui, you are the top scholar in Daqian. It is said that you wrote poems at the age of eight and read the classics at the age of twelve. You are one of the four great talents in Chang'an. Your literary talent is amazing. Do you have an answer?"

Wu Zhao asked lightly, her eyes fell on Cui Xinghe.

Cui Xinghe frowned, then shook his head with a wry smile, "Your Majesty, I haven't thought about it yet, but give me another stick of incense, and I will definitely give Your Majesty a satisfactory answer."

Although the plan in his mind is better than Wang Zhong, it will definitely not satisfy Wu Zhao.

He needs to think about it again.

Wu Zhao's eyes are cold, and she just said lightly, "Then my dear Cui, think about it again."

Then, she looked at a gray-haired scholar.

"Mr. Zhou, you are a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, a giant in the literary world of our Zhou Dynasty."

"Do you have any solution?"

Mr. Zhou was startled, then shook his head in embarrassment.

"This old minister has not come up with a better solution yet."

What he thought was similar to Wang Zhong, that is, to add money.

But this was obviously rejected by Wu Zhao.

The coldness in Wu Zhao's eyes became stronger, but it was not revealed.

Finally, she looked at Gao Yang and said lightly, "Gao Yang, do you have any solution?"

Gao Yang shook his head, "I have to think about it too."

Although he was unhappy with Cui Xinghe, Cui Xinghe was a top scholar after all.

What's more, this Mr. Zhou was not simple either, a great scholar of the Hanlin Academy and a giant in the literary world.

They all had to think about it. If he blurted it out, it would be too offensive.

Although he was unhappy with these two people, there was no need to make enemies in public.

This is not in line with Gao Yang's behavior in his previous life.

Wu Zhao raised her lips, "Oh?"

"You revealed my edict to seek talents. I treat you differently from others. If you can't think of it, I will punish you for deceiving the emperor."

"Where are the Black Ice Guards?"

Wu Zhao said majestically.

Outside the hall, several imperial guards with knives walked into the hall with cold faces.

Gao Feng trembled.

The crime of deceiving the emperor would bring disaster to the entire Gao family.

Is the Gao family's century-old foundation destroyed just like this!

He was about to stand up and apologize when he heard a voice behind him.

"Your Majesty, I suddenly thought of a few strategies that seem to be able to solve this problem."

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