I, the strongest poisoner, am called the living king of hell by the empress

Chapter 38

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Wu Zhao glanced at Gao Yang first, and then said to Wang Zhong, "General Wang's departure has a bearing on the millions of people in Guanzhong, and I am fully aware of their grievances."

"When General Wang returns home in triumph, I will reward you greatly."

Wang Zhong clasped his fists and said, "Thank you so much, Your Majesty. I will definitely live up to His grace!"

Soon, Gao Yang smoothed over the entire disaster relief idea. All chicken and duck owners must be named and recorded. After the officials discussed the details, the matter was finalized.

Soon, the entire Daqian government machine will be in operation, fully cooperating with Guanzhong disaster relief!

Wu Zhao's heart felt like a big stone suddenly missing.

"Go down, the disaster in Guanzhong cannot be delayed. Follow the strategy of Yuan Wailang from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and all departments will cooperate together!"

"The rest of the people will go down, and the member of the household department, Wai Lang, will stay."

Wu Zhao gave the order, and all the officials bowed and resigned.

Wang Zhong took a deep look at Gao Yang. When he passed by Gao Yang, he whispered, "Huangkou kid, I remember you. Just wait for me."

"I will definitely avenge this!"

In response, Gao Yang just showed a simple smile and saluted Wang Zhong, "My lord, Gao Yang, I wish General Piaoji a safe journey and a triumphant return!"

Wang Zhong's mouth twitched and he walked away.

I was cheated today!

Not a single chicken or duck in Chang'an City can escape.

Otherwise, he will still take the blame for failure to provide disaster relief.

When the ministers left the hall, they also took a deep look at Gao Yang.

Some neutral courtiers showed a friendly smile to Gao Feng before leaving.

They made up their mind in their hearts that this guy from Duke Dingguo's mansion was a bit ruthless and would not be provoked unless he had a serious enemy.

He even warned the dandies in the house not to provoke Gao Yang.

Wang Zhong walked all the way out of the palace and arrived at the military camp.

Directly ordered five thousand soldiers and horses.

Five thousand soldiers are gearing up, all of them elite.

As soon as they heard the order, they thought there was a war coming, and everyone stood up straight with murderous intent.

After all, there has been no war for many years. This is not good news for their soldiers!

When there is war, it means there is an opportunity to make meritorious deeds and change one's destiny.

But then, Wang Zhong issued an order to collect chickens and ducks.

Five thousand soldiers: "???"

It took them a while to realize that they were not the protagonists this time, but the chickens and ducks... were the protagonists?

It's really off the mark.

But military orders cannot be violated.

For a moment, horse hooves trampled across the city of Chang'an, dust was thrown up, and the markets and farmhouses in various places were jumping like crazy!

Even the fighting cocks held by some dudes were forcibly recruited.

"Old General Wang, this is a cockfight, please show mercy!" A dude wailed.

But Wang Zhong was unhappy at first, and said coldly, "Your Majesty has decreed that not a single chicken or duck in Chang'an will be left alive!"

"Fighting cocks are also chickens, and they have stronger fighting power and eat more locusts. Take them away!"

Following Wang Zhong's order, there was only a heart-wrenching cry.

The dude knelt on the ground and wailed, "I have raised you for two and a half years. Because you giggle every day, you named me brother!"

"Brother, I can't live without you!"

Today's Chang'an City is destined to be very lively.

Under the imperial power, no one dares to disobey.

at the same time.

In the Imperial Garden, inside a pavilion.

Wu Zhao said coldly, "Gao Yang, you are so brave!"

Wu Zhao's eyes fell on Gao Yang, with profound meaning.

All the officials knew about Wang Zhong, let alone her.

With her help, she successfully deceived Wang Zhong and even warned Shangguan Wan'er. It must be said that her desire for revenge was quite strong.

Gao Yang raised his head after hearing this.

After the officials in the Imperial Study Room dispersed, he followed Wu Zhao, always lowering his head and looking at Wu Zhao's long legs with admiration.

"What is my crime?"

"Old General Wang proposed this bet himself. His Majesty couldn't come in person to eat the locusts, so I proposed that Old General Wang do it for me!"

Gao Yang looked closely at Wu Zhao's face, which was 70% beautiful and 30% majestic. Especially the noble temperament around him seemed to emanate from his bones.

"Your Majesty clearly knows that everything I do is for Da Qian and for Your Majesty!"

Wu Zhao's phoenix eyes fell on Gao Yang, and he said amusedly, "You mean I wronged you?"

This was the first time she summoned Gao Yang alone, and she found Gao Yang a bit interesting.

Not only did he not show any of the timidity or fear of his peers when he met her, but he was chatting and laughing happily.

If guided well, he can really be a pillar of talent!

"I was wrong."

When Wu Zhao spoke,

, Gao Yang said immediately.

Wu Zhao was a little surprised and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, but I know that Your Majesty said that I was wrong, so I must be wrong."

Gao Yang slapped him directly in the face.

Wu Zhao smiled angrily, then picked up a cup of tea and said, "You are a smart man. You understand what I mean, so I don't need to say more."

"After all, during this period, General Wang was at fault first, so this is even."

"But General Wang is old and he has paid a huge price for me this time. Some things are just enough."

Gao Yang lowered his head and smiled, "I always respect the old and love the young. General Wang is already old. Even if His Majesty doesn't say anything, I won't be in trouble."

Wu Zhao glanced at Gao Yang with a strange expression, respecting the old and loving the young?

She didn't notice this at all.

Shangguan Wan'er even looked away, barely even looking.

Wu Zhao didn't want to delve into this issue. Gao Yang was a smart man, so he could just hammer it out.

"Do you know why I left you alone?"

"I guess it's a matter of 50,000 chickens and ducks. This is also a big burden. Your Majesty is worried." Gao Yang said with a smile.

Wu Zhao was a little surprised, but quickly nodded sadly, "Yes, recruiting is easy, but after the locust plague in Guanzhong, what should happen to these 50,000 chickens and ducks when they return to Beijing?"

"If a large amount of money is invested in the capital, the price will definitely fall sharply, but I can't confine it in the palace, right?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "This is not difficult."

"The people in Chang'an raise chickens and ducks and are not willing to feed them in large quantities, so these chickens and ducks are on the thin side. But when they arrive in the Guanzhong area, there are a lot of locusts to eat, and all of them will become fat and strong."

"I specifically emphasize that it is recorded in the book, and the recruitment is also a loan. The skinny chickens and ducks are exchanged for fat and strong chickens. This transaction is not a loss."

"Secondly, the disaster is urgent and the incident happened suddenly. Therefore, after the chickens and ducks are cleared out in Chang'an, the nearby cities are still unknown. This is an opportunity. Your Majesty can send people to purchase a batch in time and put it into the market at a high price!"

"If the locust plague in Guanzhong is serious, we will continue to send it to Guanzhong. If it is not serious, we can sell it at a high price."

"In Dagan, where pork is cheap, the common people eat most of it, but wealthy families feed on chickens, ducks and other game. If we don't slaughter them all, how long will it take?"

"In this way, the cost will be reduced, and then the loss will not be much."

When Wu Zhao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.


"This is a great plan!"

She looked at the palace maid in green behind her and said, "Do as Gao Yang said and send people there quickly."

Several maids quickly turned around and disappeared into the palace.

After the matter was resolved, Wu Zhao looked at the Imperial Garden and suddenly asked, "Do you think this locust plague is really a punishment sent by God?"

When Gao Yang thought about it, he realized that Wu Zhao was overthinking it.

He laughed and said, "This is pure nonsense. Rather than being punished by locust disasters, it is better to say that droughts and floods are punishments sent by God."

"It's just a biological phenomenon."

Wu Zhao glanced at Gao Yang one more time, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

"I don't believe in the so-called punishment from heaven. I believe that man can defeat heaven!"

When Wu Zhao said these words, there was a domineering look in his eyes.

Gao Yang couldn't help but take a second look, "But I must remind your majesty that biological control and human intervention can only reduce the harm of locust plagues, but locust plagues will still happen. This is unavoidable. The real difficulty is never locust plagues. , but there is no harvest after the locust plague.”

"Your Majesty must be prepared for disaster relief!"

When Wu Zhao heard this, he sighed and said, "I should know what you said."

"It's just that there have been locust plagues over the years, whether it's a major locust plague or a small locust plague, the court's disaster relief efforts have been extremely costly, but have had little effect!"

"Due to layer upon layer of corruption, less than 30% of the food for disaster relief reached the people. Even though emperors in the past dynasties ordered corrupt officials to be punished, the effect was minimal. However, the court had to provide disaster relief, otherwise the casualties of the people would be greater. "

"Gao Yang, do you have any method to prevent official corruption?"

As he spoke, Wu Zhao stared at Gao Yang closely. This answer had troubled her for a long time.

Whether it was severe drought, floods, or locust plagues, the imperial court provided disaster relief almost every year, but the food that actually reached the people's hands was too little.

Part of it is wear and tear on the road, part of it is corruption.

And under the layers of corruption, even sending a censor to monitor is useless. A huge chain of interests has long been formed!

Shangguan Wan'er also looked at Gao Yang with her beautiful eyes. She also wanted to get the answer to this question.

In response, Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, greed is human nature. This is human nature and cannot be completely eliminated."

Wu Zhao was a little disappointed when he heard this.

She gritted her teeth and said, "If I

What about the decree that those who embezzle relief grains will be skinned and scalded? Can severe punishment curb human greed? "

Gao Yang shook his head, "Your Majesty, let alone embezzling relief grains, even if Your Majesty ordered that those who embezzled 60 taels of silver would be skinned and scalded, or even executed in the street, it would be useless!"

"The greed is still greedy."

Wu Zhao clenched her fists when she heard this.

"Then can I only watch them embezzle relief grains?"

Gao Yang thought for a moment and said slowly, "Greed cannot be eliminated, but I do have a few ways to reduce the embezzlement of relief grains."

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