I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#1 The Modern Love Cupid

My name is Tachibana Kyou. Ah, my name isn't that important actually. You don't have to remember it.

But just know that I'm a genius.

You may think I'm bragging, but that's the simple truth.

I own one of the few conglomerates in this country that is completely self-sufficient. I just sit as the head and collect the yearly earnings that goes up to in astronomical digits. Skipping the things I did to establish that empire, needless to say... only a genius could pull this impossible feat off. That's right. I am a genius. An astounding genius, a one-in-a-billion genius. 

There are individuals out there who become successful just because. Through a little bit of effort, true geniuses can become anything they want to be, but at the same time, they also mature just as quickly.

That is what I am, a teenager who has obtained too much that materialistic things have become too stale for me.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just an old uncle in a teenager's body.

But if there's anything that excites me any more, that is... love!

Love makes the world go round, oh how true this phrase is, it has become my creed, what I embody and stand for. 

After all, one becomes beautiful, both heart and body after experiencing love. Everyone does, that is what humans instinctively crave for. It is embedded within us on a genetic level. Imagine what the world would be if everyone shared love. Imagine hate fading into nothingness, mankind embracing their light. Conflicts will cease, wars will become obsolete... Everyone will move towards a brighter future!

Aaah, love is a wonderful thing. But sadly, there are not many people who still spread its message.

People crave for it, yet they don't seek it on their own. Instead, they would choose to bury their heads under their smartphones, tapping away into a virtual reality that hides their loneliness.

I understand, I understand it all.

This is the problem of a modern society, in this first-world country that we live in.

No one puts in the effort anymore. They raise their standards so impossibly high from the influence of society that their expectations would always fall short. Love... is diminishing. The birth rate declines, and so does the population. 

It's a sad truth. 

...So, who will stand up to this barren wasteland, and fight? Who will shepherd these lonely lambs towards a more fulfilling future?

Who else, but me!

I am a genius. I studied human psychology, researched those impossible expectations, and eventually came to a conclusion.

Adults are too busy and too dulled to feel their spring anymore, children are too young to understand the complications of love. Then there was only a way left.

High school.

High school was the perfect place I could to cultivate the seeds of love safely.

This was the most volatile phase in a person's life.

For high-school students, they must feel like this was the most mundane part of their lives. Unlike how novels and manga have painted it, the truth about high-school life is disappointingly bland. The only thing that passes as interesting is their co-curricular activities, and even then it would be cutting it. I mean, there are also the social rejects who are unable to fit into these types of 'events'.

And maybe there would already be couples formed during this time, but their relationships are feeble, superficial, and filled with unconscious distrust towards each other. They get together only through a temporary period when hormones are unstable, and would soon leave each other because of a small argument. They start to see how petty, how ignorant the other was. 

...This wasn't love. This was just immature infatuation. A superficial desire for attention. After all, they think getting into a relationship is some sort of a status symbol, a way to stand out and become popular.

...Such trivialities. Our ancestors would be ashamed.

But all is not lost. It is precisely of the volatility of teenage relationships that opens up a box full of opportunities! 

After all, these kids just need some guidance. They need a sense of direction as they tread through unfamiliar territories. 

That is where I come into play.

I will become the matchmaker. But not just any matchmaker.

The MODERN matchmaker! I pick my subjects carefully, nurture them and bring them together when I feel that they are ready. However, this wasn't all! I don't want the people I pair up with to feel disappointed with reality.

See, an ordinary romance? That's too boring! Their love becomes more grounded when they get a one-in-a-lifetime experience, unique to them! That way, the couple would look back to those days and reminisce about the old days, strengthening their bonds even deeper.

And what would excite them the most? Of course, the things you would see in a shoujo or shounen manga, hot-blooded, cool, captivating romance! I will make all of their impossible expectations a reality.

Because I'm rich, and a genius! I will stop at nothing spread the arrows of love!

For I am the modern love cupid!


Today is the first day of school, again.

After perfecting my love techniques in my previous schools, I have compiled them into a book that has now become something of a guide that helps me bring couples together. Although I'm still researching on the territory of adults, I haven't neglected to continue my initial mission. I jump from school to school to preach the message of love, and my younger sister Mari just so happen to be in the one I'm going to this time.

Today, I have transferred to a new school, Yandere High, to bring the joy to a fresh batch of youthful adolescence.

This time, I thought about trying out a new type of love I have been thinking of spreading for a long time.

Harem relationships. Wouldn't that be interesting? Wouldn't that be every guy's fantasy?

"Now, that's not a bad idea if I do say so myself!"

The difficulty might be a little higher than usual since it's against the society's norms, but screw society. They're just shackles that bind us from exploring many other lines of love! Taboo? Morally wrong? These conceptions mean little to the modern Cupid.

Yes... Surely nothing will go wrong if it's in my capable hands! I can turn a harem into a possibility!

Well, it's time to go to school. I wolfed down my breakfast and prepared my attire.

Leaving the front porch of my house with a bread in my mouth... 

Hold on, let's not use this one. It's too obvious. Let's hold on a bit longer about what image I should go for in this school.

That's right. Image was important. The first step to becoming a successful modern cupid, was to create the most ideal image that could facilitate bringing people together. Depending on the targets, I have to assume many identities. Sometimes, I become a sleazy douchebag that picks on people, sometimes a perverted friend who always have that one notebook of the class girls' measurements. I could also become the bookworm nerd that sits at the side of the windows, or I could become the sporty, outgoing jockey who's very open to everyone.

Like I said, depending on the situation and personality of the love targets, I have to act a different personality to create these flags in the first place. That is why, I cannot become the main protagonist in their love stories. I have to become... the perfect side-character!

I finished the bread quickly, and began walking along my new neighborhood with skipping steps. I've just moved in here, so it was kind of exciting to see the fresh surroundings. A playground, supermarket, some vendors... 

...Well, if you're living in the city, most of the essentials remain the same.

Honestly, it's not very exciting. 

I chose a place near the school, so it took me less than a few minutes before the school eventually came to sight. 

"Ooh, nice... nice..." 

There are blossomed sakura trees along each sides of the straight path to the school. I took out a new notebook and jotted down some details. This could be used for an event. I also have to study how long they're going to be around for. 

I quickly kept the book when I finished, and slid to the side. I observed the students passing by while maintaining a low profile. 

"...Mm..." I used my hands to frame a rectangular view.

There were many opportunities right now, but I decided to be patient. After all, to maintain my 100% success rate, I had to research properly first. 

"Hm?" At the corner of my eye, I saw a boy who's trying to climb a tree.

What is he doing...? Ah.

A cat is stuck at the top. 

Oho? He's trying to bring the cat down. Good potential, good potential. I memorized the guy's face as one of my potential candidate.

Not too shabby... A little on the rougher-looking side, but just barely passable. Actually now that I look more closely, his chiseled chin might score him a few more points with the girls huh.

I watched him for a bit, and thought I could at least make some preparations for the future. 

I looked around the guy. It looks like some people had noticed him, but they were just walking ahead without a second glance. They definitely seem interested, but... as usual, they're not putting in the active effort to pursue romance.

...So cold, what a wasted opportunity...

But well, that's how it goes with new schools. This morning scene will change considerably within a few months if things go well.

In any case, that guy... He's still trying to fish the cat out of the tree. 


Yosh, I guess I should reward him a little.

...Of course, as a side character.

There were a few girls in view, but I carefully made my pick.

One of them seemed like she was deep in thought about something. She was a pink-haired girl, and seemed to sport a rather cute appearance. Chest... well decent. Her demeanor was kind of elegant, probably raised in a more traditional family.

I briefly pictured the pair together, and smiled.

Okay, I! Choose! You!

I did my hair, and prepared the introductory lines in my head. When I was ready to begin my first act, I ran over to the girl.

It's time to spread some love~

What the heck am I even writing.

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