I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#13 Yurea Vayne (1/2)

[Yurea Vayne]

A pathetic figure lay prostrating before me.

An excuse of a man who calls himself my boyfriend.

A week ago, it would've tugged on my conscience and I would forgive him in a heartbeat.

But now? This... philandering... Dick?!

If it wasn't for a chance meeting at the nearby mall, I wouldn't have realized a thing.

Being played around under my nose like this. If I ignored this, how many more times does he plan on belittling me?

Am I the only one serious in this relationship?! I think to myself in a fit. Yet even after finding out his first transgression, I was still hesitant on leaving him. Haaah, the figure of my deceased mother surfaced in my mind.

It only made my mood even worse. Before I knew it, I had started to spill insults towards Tom.

"Like I said, it's not like that... Yu-chan~"

Tom tries to explain himself desperately.


"Y-Yurea-san... listen to me, that day was a mistake. I—"

Of course he would say that. He just wants to keep his convenient woman around.

His buttery voice that still wants to downplay this accident as a simple 'mistake', it irks me. The subtle body language that tells me that he would definitely be forgiven this time too. It irks me, it irks me! My grip tightened, and I felt my nails press deep into my palm. I can't believe how shameless this guy is.

If I'd known how he really is, I would've never dated him just from his looks alone!

"—Not like that? Then what was with that woman I saw you with yesterday? Care to explain yourself?"

"A-Ahhh~, N-Noel's... she's just a friend..." His eyes began to swim about.

I felt a strange emptiness in my chest, and a second later I flared up completely.

Huuhhhh? Friend? That kind of intimacy you share with kisses and hugs in broad daylight, you call a friend?!

My eyes turned cold. To think that I fell in love with a bastard like this.

I want to choke the past me that confessed to such a scumbag.

Aaah, I don't care anymore. This guy, I should never get involved with him anymore.

"...I'm leaving."

"W-Wait, don't go please, I... I'm sorry okay? There, I said it! Will you forgive me yet?"

My anger hit its limit, I raised my hand up in a fit.

SOrrY? You... you think forgiveness is... an entitlement?

"...You... you had the audacity to say that?! Do you have any idea—"


"—Ooh, what's this, a couple fight?"


A trio of shabby-looking men entered the glasshouse.

They look like delinquents, no... they are not even students in this school?!

"Wh-Who are you guys?!" Tom shouted as he stood back up in astonishment.

Click. The door closed shut.

He must've realized that the situation was a little strange. The atmosphere turned tense all of a sudden, as we're both trapped in this place with these outsiders.

The school announced visitors beforehand through the PA system, so if the students were not informed about it...


A chill ran down my spine. These guys, they don't look like good people.

I quickly hid behind Tom, and glared at those men. Their bodies were covered in tattoos and piercings. It was intimidating, at least to high school students like us.

What was their purpose?

Was it that? There was a recent report about the circulation of certain drugs within the school.

Are these people debt collectors? Or are they from a gang trying to collect protection fees?

My mind ran wild with imagination, but I quickly cleared my head. It's at times like this that I have to err on the side of caution.

These people were dangerous. I could tell from their body language that they had taken lives before.

The most important thing is to call for help! While Tom is keeping them distracted, I'll phone the security guard and—

"—Aaahn? Us? What do you think we look like?"

Vulgar laughs came from behind the man who seems to be the leader.

And then the thug at the back received a signal from the leader and nodded. He looked around one of the potted plants nearby, and suddenly smirked.

"Ooh~ There it is, there it is~ It's really here huh!"

Rustling for a few seconds, he fished out a small remote with a big red button.

"And pach-iin~ Here we go!"


Nothing seemed to have happened?

The leader shared glances with the other thug and he quickly opened the door and left for a brief moment.

The idea of escape or calling for help never entered our minds for some reason.

It was as if we were being stared down by a pit snake.

The guy returned fairly quickly and gave the leader a thumbs up.

"It's working. The outside is properly hidden-suu!"

The outside... is hidden? Somehow, the implication of those words made me shiver once more.


His eyes suddenly turn to me.

"Wellllllll, if you must know... I came for little Yurea-chan here~"

Ah... my bad premonition was right.

I felt my legs tremble as his eyes looked as if they were licking me all over.

"Boy, you understand... right?"

"Ghh... y-you ossan! You think you'll get away with this ruckus that you're causing?! If you do anything to us, the other students outside will find out!"

I shot a look at Tom, he's reliable at times like this. I felt a shimmer of hope in my heart.


But my small expectations were crushed immediately with the next few words.

"Oh, the outside? Have you heard of a one-way mirror? Kekeke, the one that makes things outside seem ordinary, but on the inside where it's completely soundproof..."

Tom audibly gulped.

"...We're free to do whatever we want?"


A sinister smile plastered on the leader's face, as he turned to gaze at my thighs as if he was licking it all over.

"Y-You're lying! Look, th-there's someone over there! Even if they can't hear anything, as long as I move my body like this...!"

Tom flailed his arms frantically as a pair of female students walked towards the direction of the glasshouse. 

But the thugs did not seem to have any intentions of stopping him.

"H-Hey!!! Helpppp, heeeelp!"

His actions slowly weakened, as he realized something.

"N-No way... it's true?!"

"Kekeke, now that we've given a proper demonstration, how about going to the main course immediately?"


With a snap, the two behind him sprung forth in an attempt to apprehend Tom.

"H-Hey, don't fucking touch me, ossan—!"

"—Shut up!"

A fist swung towards his face, but with Tom's quick reflexes he was able to dodge by a hair's breadth. Taking advantage of his momentum, he even returned a straight jab at one of them.

"Fuck! You bastard!" The thug spat out. But just as he was about to retaliate, the leader stopped him.

"Well, calm down. Looks like we have a boxer here~"

The leader eyed Tom with a condescending gaze, and his eyes... they lowered down to his... legs? His smile widened insidiously.

When I did the same, I realized that Tom was... shaking. Even with his edge in punching techniques, the person himself doesn't think that he has the slightest chance of winning.

Seeming to have picked up on that subtle body behavior, the leader offered.

"Tell you what boy, I'll give you a choice. Either you stay here, or she stays here."

"Don't listen to him!" I whispered beside him as I returned a forced glare.

I doubt he's planning on letting us go. After all he's not going to risk a report if either of us manages to escape from here. Tom must've known this too if he's thinking rationally. At the very least, I can see that Tom is properly maintaining a cautious stance while that guy speaks.

But how do we get out of this encirclement?

If it's Tom, he should be able to handle one of those thugs at most. Physique and height wise, Tom had the weight class and strength of a grown adult too. Although I don't condone fighting as part of the disciplinary committee, I know Tom frequents a boxing gym so I was confident that he could hold his own in a fight in the case that they turn aggressive here.

The only problem is that he would be distracted if I was here. 

In this case, ...we should...!

"Oi oi, our patience isn't infinite, you know? Unless you want an 'accident' to happen, you should choose before these gets all over on your faces~"

Ah. The-They brought weapons. Carving knives! A choice that's made in bad taste.

"Fuchimaya here isn't a good artist, so you'll have to forgive him if the 'drawing' turns out to be disfiguring, yeah?"

They snickered amongst themselves, as if relishing in our fear.

"T-Tom, listen to me, I have a plan—"

"—A-Arrrghhh!" Completely out of my expectations, Tom suddenly lunged forward towards the trio!

My mind blanked for a split second, and then I immediately realized what he was trying to do.

Tom... Even if it's to protect me, you shouldn't be...

... ...Rash?

"Where are you... fucking going!" The thug who was punched earlier returned the favor and socked Tom right in the stomach.

"Gu-haa!! H-Hey, you said you would let one of us go!"

"Oi oi, get a load of this boys~ This guy doesn't seem to understand a joke~"

"A-A joke?" Tom's face paled.

"Did you really think... we would let our prey get away?"

"...A..aa..." Tom fell unconscious. Probably out of extreme shock. A faint trace of wetness could be seen in between his pants.

"AHAHAHAHA, what is that! This guy's a total coward isn't he?! Compared to you, jou-chan~" The leader suddenly broke into a frantic laugh.

"Still... kukuku... looks like your dearest boyfriend chose to desert you in the end! Is that your man?"

N-No... he probably ran to get help.

Yeah, that must be it.

Tom didn't abandon me.

He wanted to call for help!

...Yeah. I'm completely deluding myself. Tom was a proper asshole, through and through.

I was abandoned.

A pit plunged deep into my stomach.

"Now, jou-chan. We have a client who wants to purchase your body, but well... it doesn't hurt if we... inspect the merchandise first, right?"

"Kekeke, that's right~ how about you come accompany us big brothers for a little while~"

As the three grown men approached me with their shadows overcast, fear began to crawl into my mind.

A similar incident flashed before me.

Vayne, let's play~

Hey, you want to help your father right?

The sight of my father cowering in the corner, afraid to take action gave me a nauseating feeling.

In the end, all men are the same.

Men are... always so unreliable.

I have to... on my own...

Ouch! You little fucker, you bit me?! You want your father dead, ahhh?!

It's all the same. In the end, I just have to rely on myself!

"Uunghhh!!" I tossed sand that I'd picked up stealthily from earlier.

It blinded the leader who was trying to grab my arm.

"Graahh! Sand?! You bitch!!"

Not wasting the opportunity, I kicked the man straight in the groins.


"This bitch! Hold her down!" The other two quickly ran forward and pinned me down.

As expected, it was impossible to resist the strength of two grown adult males.

I felt the disparity in strength between genders clearly.

"L-Let me go! I'll call the police!"

The audacity to do this so openly! They won't get away with this!

They won't... right?

"Fuck, this lass... quiet... DOWN!"

"A-gaaa!" I was punched in the gut. I gagged.

Fear began to overrun me at that moment. The reality of the situation begin to kick in.

Dangerous glints appeared in their eyes. As I watched the two men, and the leader recovering with a face filled with rage...

I realized that bad things were about to happen to me.


"IYAAAAA!!" My school blouse was ripped apart. The buttons fell off somewhere onto the grass patch.

"Keep still, you bitch! How dare you do this to me?!" My hair was pulled roughly. 

It hurts!!

"No, noooooo!" My screaming turned frantic. Someone must be around! This was the school!

Somebody, someone! Help me! HELP!

"I wasn't too serious about this, but you've done it now... Don't blame me for this!"

"Your life is already over!"

As he screamed with lustful eyes, I closed my eyes shut.



The sound of glass shattering could be heard from behind me.

My eyes opened wide from the sharp sound, and I turned slightly behind me.


"...How many years have it been Steven, do you still think anyone's alive after all this time? ...Haaah. ... ...Hello? Can anyone hear this transmission? Over."

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