I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#15 Imprint

Growth is an ever-continuing cycle in life.

A baby is born, and begins learning the utterances of little cries of wants and needs—how she likes to be treated, talked to, held, and comforted.  The infant grows into a toddler and starts learning how to crawl next. Movement and coordination begins to develop, as the toddler attends preschool and experiences intellectual, social, and emotional changes.

Such phases in life continue to shape and define her, as the girl continues to grow up in society, eventually becoming the serious yet dependable character she is today. On her second-year in high school, Yurea had completely filled in the shoes of her upperclassman, and succeeded the student head role of Yandere High's disciplinary committee. With her undertaking came many reforms. For better or for worse, the school had seen unprecedented change over a short amount of time. 

Yet, that was simply another phase that she would eventually outgrow. Yurea had always thought of this at the back of her mind: "What comes next?" "How can I be better next time?" These thoughts were hardly influenced by her sense of responsibility, but by a tenacious desire to obtain 'true independence'. 

Away from the cocoon that was her school years that protected her from harm. She knew her reforms were not accepted by everyone. There were many people Yurea had offended from tightening down on school rules. Adolescence was something that could not be chained down, and it creates the opposite effect and viewed harshly when opinions that seemed too fastidious were accepted and implemented.

Yes, that was another one of Yurea's hidden insecurities. One might wonder, if she'd reached out to Tom partly for that reason. 

This cocoon was fragile, ugly and most importantly, unmoving. It hung on a thread and at a standstill, seemingly unable to change or progress. Yet it was only a matter of time before it undergoes metamorphosis, and the butterfly finally spreads its chrysalis wings for the world. 

...However, Yurea seemed to have been stuck within that cocoon for a long time. 

Had she lost the feeling of change? As I had laid eyes on her data on my wristwatch, the roadmap of Vayne slowly fixed itself into place within my mind.

I see... 

One of a mental age that has outgrown her peers; Naturally her gait, behavioural patterns, interests and dislikes became more apparent to me as I studied her profile. It was easy to see the root of the problem.  A cracking relationship couldn't be fixed simply from Tom, because concessions had to happen from both sides. While it was unfair to Yurea herself, the problem of cheating had came from a part of her own role as a girlfriend. With a serious, studious and 'boring' personality that would never introduce spice into a relationship, all that's left is the novelty of being confessed to first, and even that washes away quickly.

"They're like complete opposites."

It's a wonder how the two even agreed to a relationship in the first place.

To put it simply: Tom being the sporty type, would've never conceded to being tied down by his mundane girlfriend that would never try anything new. Tom was the picture-perfect high-school student enjoying his three years, someone who was experiencing growth. Such was the irony for Yurea, who had stagnated past her own maturity to see past her own shortcomings and expectations. Given responsibilities that were well above her own peers, the girl had probably lost the definition of 'fun' in the process.

If normal means could never get Yurea's heart beating, then the fastest solution was to put her in a fight-or-flight mentality. Yes, give her a reaaal good scare, where Tom would take the place of thrill that she should seek. And with that as a foundation, Yurea would become more willing to try out new things in the future.

At this point, I involuntarily let out a big sigh. 

I messed up. The plan wasn't perfect, but I had treated it nonchalantly.

Scaring for the sake of invoking a sense of crisis, in other words a way for the couple to secrete endorphin and in turn, hormones. It was supposed to be a safe and reliable way to get two people closer. At least that was Plan D-13: Outsourcing the intimidation role to the local thugs part of a Yukuza gang that our company had recently exchanged a partnership with. Unfortunately. It had been wishful thinking on my part. In hindsight, I should've been more cautious of employing such lawless individuals into my plans. I wonder, I've been cutting more slack ever since I've moved in with my little sister. 

In any case, as I saw the situation develop unfavorably, I flipped the script immediately. The thugs were unusually violent than planned, and the couple was clearly aggravating them even more.

"Meguri, give me that."

Bzzt- The static buzzes around my collar once again. 

"Yes boss. The play-pretend clothes, yes?"

Meguri my assistant, who'd probably seen everything through the cameras installed in the school, spoke disinterestedly.

W-When you put it like that. This girl......

"...I'll have a talk with you later."

There was a moment of silence. 

"Roger, Kyou-sama."

Does she really get it? I'm the employer, you know?  

"Alright, please do it quickly."

"If there is nothing else, then I will proceed with the dispatch."

A package fell from the sky as I continued my musings in annoyance, a black carbon-fiber suitcase that opened up on its own. I pulled it up closer to my body, where the clothes had fixed themselves onto me with the use of nano-bots woven into the material. Additionally, eyeliners, hair extensions, colored contacts and minor accessories were all being attached to my body just as quickly; The entire process took no longer than a few seconds. 

A complete transformation. I have totally become a different person. 

Phew, as expected of me. This technology has not been announced to the world yet, but when it does, things will surely get busy in various ways. 

When my makeover was complete, I assumed my 'serious and moody face' and dashed straight towards the glasshouse. 

The guy whom I had supposedly planned all of this for, was laying unconscious on the ground with foam in his mouth.

Tom has proven to be irredeemable till the very end. 

I offered a silent prayer, feeling less guilty now. 

...Well, it's probably a little too late for this guy, but before it becomes a mental scar to Yurea, I needed to make the girl forget about today's incident.

Or, to "imprint" a different impression of what she thought today, I needed to play the good guy in place of Tom, just this once. But since it isn't within my role to improve her impression of me, I kept myself in line of what she hated the most. A delinquent through and through.

Once the situation was defused, I would leave discreetly without my real identity being noticed. 

"B-Boss?!" One of them cried as they turned to see me through my dramatic entrance.

Don't call me Boss! You're revealing my identity you idiotsss! I threw a retort at the same time I did a punch.

Good grief, these guys can't read the situation at all.

They were all knocked out without much effort. As I watched the pile of unconscious thugs on the ground, I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows. I didn't have to worry about leaving them here. My people who will be arriving the scene will take care of the aftermath well. 

Despite so, this left a bad taste in my mouth. Should I scrap D-13 after all?

...I'm seriously understaffed to be working with hoodlums. As expected, this plan needs some tweaking before I can reliably use it again. Hmm, it's probably safer to 'restructure' the mafias around this region huh.

Looks like I'll be pretty busy tonight.


That feeble voice called out to me. Naturally it came from Yurea.

I turned to look at the girl. Tch, those guys can't even do their jobs properly. 

I said to fake your hits, damnit.

Her injuries weighed on my conscience, so I quickly treated them with one of our company's fast-healing agents. When it seemed like her injury wouldn't leave actual scars, I heaved a sigh of relief. All this time, Yurea's gaze remained on me.

I knew what she wanted to say, but I pre-emptively dodged Yurea's questions with cryptic answers as I left. Of course it felt bad leaving her without a resolution to her heart, so I left her a contact. If she ever finds the burning desire to know, the number will lead to Meguri's team who will follow up for me without disclosing my actual identity.

When all of that was done, I relayed the situation to the school staff, who then called off the rest of the day in light of armed trespassing on school grounds. The teachers had done so to prevent the spread of information and further panic within the campus. The students celebrated for a quick release while remaining intrigued by the situation. But as for the instigator of this whole event, I was simply too tired to attend the latter half of school.

As I waited at a back corner of the school roads for my ride back, I felt a presence coming up from behind.

"Quite the commotion you've caused today, Kyou."

Dressed in that same black-leather office wear with skin poking out of the seams, my homeroom teacher clicked her heels towards me unhurriedly. Erica, my personal assistant, seemed a little amused about something as she sported a mischievous smile towards me.

I sighed visibly.

"You're here, Erica."

"You mean, Representative Director. Haven't you been slouching a lot lately? Leaving me alone in America like that without a notice, isn't that way too cruel?"

"I do believe you were also paid a sum that's reflective of your capabilities. Besides, the company has many hands you could use even with me gone. You don't need me around to make all the decisions." I snapped back.

Erica pouted and leaned towards me, her cleavage bounced and suspended within that tight chest area.

"You know that I handle work alone, let alone things you've entrusted me with."

"I'm glad you're taking your work seriously. So, how did you manage to find me this time?"

Erica smiled impishly without saying a word. Scary... this woman's scary...!

"You know, the two cats back home have been asking about you. They're asking why you've left without taking them along."

"That, well..." Those two aren't exactly aware of the definition for 'personal space', or common sense for that matter. Even if Yandere High was a rather wealthy private school, personal bodyguards that would even follow you into washrooms weren't exactly commonplace.

As we exchanged few back and forths and caught up with the state of affairs, a black sedan arrived and stopped before us. The windows rolled up, revealing a grey-haired butler manning the wheel.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting, Kyou-sama and Erica-sama."

I waved the formalities away and entered the back seats with Erica joining suit behind me in silence. I stare at this change in Erica and chuckled inwardly. The two faces of this woman were always interchangeable and flipped with a single switch; The aura of professionalism that she always exudes in the presence of others, and the lackadaisical one when we were in private... The sides of this woman reminds me of the many unstable facets of emotions that adults carry, which I can never fathom or control.

I wonder, how would I even approach her love life as a cupid? Such a meaningless thought came to mind as we drove off into the distance.


Steven, is that... a wormhole?! That... it is! Our only way out of this barren planet! This time loop!

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