I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#17 Metamorphosis (1/3)

"That is all for now. Thank you for your cooperation, Yurea-san. If we require further assistance from you in the future pertaining to this case, we will drop by again."

A middle-aged guy in a suit smiled amiably as he left his pen on the table. It seems like he's gotten enough information from me as the direct victim of the afternoon break-in incident.

"Ah, here is my name card. Please do not hesitate to call us again in the event you feel like something dangerous is about to happen again, okay?" 

I nodded nonchalantly and picked up the card held out to me by a woman just as smartly dressed beside the male detective. They seemed to be assigned to this case together.

"What's wrong?"

"...No, nothing. It was getting late after all. I was just thinking the crepe store across the streets is probably closed by now."

"Ah..." The detective who called himself Mr. Okoshima looked a little guilty as he scratched his head with a wry smile.

"Well, that's right isn't it. Sorry for taking so much of your time, Yurea-chan. It's just, this was a very sensitive case after all. The police have to make sure there were no loose ends to this incident." The woman with auburn, wavy hair, Satsuki Minoshita explained.

I nodded once more. Disinterest. Well, I do understand that the police was merely doing their job, but my mind was inevitably drifting back to a state of apathy.

"A girl walking home alone this late on the streets is pretty dangerous. Tell you what, how about we give you a ride home for today? Your parents would feel safer that way." The man offered.

Parents... huh.

I glanced out of the windows, watching the last few students leaving under a backdrop of vermillion cast by the sunset.

"...Thank you very much. I'll take up the offer then."

... ... ...

... ...


Over... Over...

—Your life is already over!

As a hand stretched out menacingly towards me, I felt a nudge from my side.

My eyes opened in slight panic, as I saw the female detective Satsuki look at me with concern.

"You looked like you were suffering in your sleep,"

"...I'm fine, thanks..." Sighing tiredly to myself, I rubbed my face with both hands to clear my head.

"You certainly don't look like it..." Okoshima looked at me through the rear-view mirror and frowned.

Was my complexion bad? I couldn't tell. I sat my palms on my lap, and realized they were slightly shaking.

Pretending to be fine, I looked out of the car windows and watched the city life pass me by. The two adults seemed to have something more to say, but decided to respect my privacy and continued driving in silence.

It was probably better for me to stop thinking about what happened today. And so my eyes gradually moved to observe the people and stores by the streets. As the car drove on for a few minutes, something caught my vision. 

I calmed myself down, and opened my mouth.

"Stop here."

"Hmm? Over here? But..."

"I've just remembered I needed to buy some groceries for tonight's dinner."

These two still seemed a little hesitant, and so I continued my push.

"Don't worry about me, my house is just a block away. I'll be fine I promise."

Okoshima slowed down the car and parked by the roadside. He exchanged glances with his partner, and eventually nodded.

"Alright. But remember, if anything happens do give us a call." He reminded sternly.

"I got it. Thank you for the ride, have a safe trip." I alighted, and bowed politely.

The two slowly drove away after a brief pause.

And making sure that the car was out of sight, I turned my heels and began to walk briskly.

I was sure... I was sure of it.

Before I knew it, I had begun to run.

Finally I stopped before a small, inconspicuous entrance. It was a flight of stairs in between two stores, so small that you would miss it if you weren't consciously looking for it. This was where I thought I saw him.

No, I saw him.

The guy with those cold, red eyes.

He seemed to have walked in with two other people.

I took a deep breath, and mulled over my decision in my head.


Clearly dangerous.

I shouldn't be involved in this.

If I take this stairs, I have a feeling that I'll be entering a world that I shouldn't.


—Somehow, my heart began to burn.

My body begin to move on its own, seeking the intangible feeling and answer that I needed.

One step. Two steps... before I knew it, I had already ascended up close to the second floor.

And at the corner of my eyes, ...eh, twins? They seemed like bodyguards keeping watch before a glass door. Seems to be an office of sorts.

The two were completely identical to one another; Apricot-colored hair girls, dressed smartly in what seemed to be a butler attire.

They looked like foreigners.

I had only seen them from the back while the car drove by, but if I remember correctly... these were the two who were accompanying that person.

What is their relationship with him?

I didn't know anything. And so, I took a step forward to—


In the exact moment that I blinked, the twins had left my field of vision.

A sharp dagger had closed in onto my throat. 

And another right before my left eye.

Before I could mutter a word, a chilling syncing of voices came from behind me.

""Who are you.""

""Why are you following us?""

My heart froze in an instant. Nevertheless, I bit my lips and tried to speak.

"...I... don't k—"

"—I saw you in a car moments ago." One of them spat out coldly, as if to deny my excuses.

No way. These two remembered my face... from a passing car? They had their backs turned, right?

"If you do not give a satisfactory answer, do not blame us if we dispose of you here and now."

D-Dispose?! These people... were they also part of the mafia or something?

"Big sister, Master will be annoyed if we act on our own again. Let's just tie her up and—"

Suddenly, I had an epiphany. 

"L-Left... pocket..."

"Hmm? What are you getting at?"

"I-I was told... if I wanted answers... he gave me a card."

There was a sudden silence behind my back. Seems like I'm being searched.

"Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department..."

"N-Not that one! Look ...deeper!" I blushed.

I endured another round of searching while twitching sensitively. 

"...Why did you keep it down there."

Seems like I've suffered immense humiliation under the hands of these twins, but at least it seems that my identity was somehow verified.

The daggers had left the vicinity of my body, and I was allowed to face the two again.

As I looked at them more carefully, I realized that they were truly beauties to match. 

"...Yurea Vayne."

"Tch... You've been allowed to do what you want."


"But if you're planning to enter, you're responsible for yourself past this door."

Saying so, the two returned to their posts before the glass door.

Somehow, their gazes on me became even colder. I have a feeling that they're still viewing me as a hostility, but it's a little different this time...


Even after this nail-biting encounter, my footsteps didn't slow down one bit.

Soon, I came before the glass door.

"... ..."

What was I planning to do after getting involved with the mafia anyway? I had never seen myself as someone who partook in heroics. 

Why does the identity of that man, or these girls matter? I have never went out of my way to satiate my curiosity either.

I was a simple girl. Adorned with academical results. A pride of the school. I thought I would continue to live my life this way. Holding the expectations of society. I wanted to graduate safely like that and become a government worker. Having a stable career, earning a normal salary. Meet a normal guy, get married with two kids and retire by the countryside with my spouse when we turn old.

Instability was something that I detested the most.

...Or so I thought.

But despite the rash, illogical, and dangerous nature that my decision would bring, why.

Why is this happening? My chest... it's pumping so quickly. I've never felt more alive than I've ever been.

Is this my true self? Is this what I've chased after all along?

This unbridled feeling of... something.

"Then... I'm going." I said to no one in particular.

I took in a deep breath, and pushed the door open impatiently. Many more questions bottled up inside of me. And the answers to all of that was about to be revealed. Whether it would be the catalyst for something good or bad, I could not tell. 

I stare at my hands once more, and realized they were trembling again.

They had been shaking out of excitement all along.

Steven, it's been 10 years. We've finally slain the demon king, and saved the world! Finally, finally! Come on, let's return to the kingdom ...and get our passes back home. Steven, are you listening? ...Steven?

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