I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#20 Metamorphosis (3/3)

The Book of Conquest, a narrative-writing guide to recreate events that would give the most heart-throbbing experiences to the matched partners.

Among some of them, blood was used with dramatic effect. Of course, the presence of blood in an aggressive scenario pushes one’s danger senses to its limits. It’s meant to stimulate the mind to listen, touch and feel more attentively. 

But this comes along with the drawback of potentially traumatizing someone, especially when they witness it along with criminal activity. This is why from rank F to S, I never involve my Cupid targets with such risky experiences. The sole reason blood could be used to such effect, was to make the act of “Grey” more convincing.

That’s right. Grey Ashburn, or the Outlaw as I’d advertised while I masqueraded around town over the past few years, controlling the underside of the city as one of its most notorious crime consultants. He made his exits with carnage, and became synonymous with violence.

Gangs feared his name, yet they never could tell where he came from. Like shadows, no one could catch his trail.

That was the urban legend that I had created. But really, I wasn’t interested in gang management, or even to earn dirty money.

Grey’s reason for existence was simple. A deterrent.

Grey is used at ultimatums, when the point of “danger” needed to be put across. It is the act of de-escalation, or sometimes, the conflict-ender.

And for what reason had I pulled such a bloody act before this girl?

…Yurea Vayne.

Her case was a messy one. An initial gesture to help a couple get together had been ruined by misbehaving bandits.

But to come to this place in the middle of a clean-up operation. 

 Well, it saves me some trouble, I believed.

Yurea may not know this, but she’s currently under Enceparesis, a newly discovered, hereditary condition that triggers off a delayed reaction to stress. 

From the slight twitching of her forearms, to the unnatural sinking of her eyelids. I could tell from my time researching about the human brain, that these were the first few symptoms to eventual, permanent damage within the body.

Imagine a human swallowing a rubber balloon, but the balloon inflates slowly with each breath… to a point where the body pops and explodes.

Well it’s not that graphic, but something similar is going to happen to her emotions. 

Yes, skipping the genius science behind it, the main point was that Yurea Vayne cannot be left alone like this.

In order to break her out of that delayed state of stress, I had to reintroduce the same level of stress back to her within a short amount of time.

This is called reactive stress impulsion. To put it simply, a new feeling of crisis would overwrite the delayed stress, fizzling both together at once.

To set this up, I prepared cutting edge “flesh androids”.

Enter Medicat-340 and 341, our state-of-the-arts automatons used for medical practice in operating theatres. Just one model alone sets hospitals tens of millions!  Anyway, the plan roughly went like this: I decapitate one of them, allowing Medicat-341 to enter the show. He was the embodiment of justice, who was going to stop me, and escort Yurea away from danger.

Of course, to make it more convincing, I was going to slash it here and there, puncturing some of the life-like ‘flesh’ in there. The blood from the packet bags attached to artificial blood veins were going to be used for splash effects. 

Yeah, I’m going to beat it up a little, and then pretend to get overwhelmed before making my escape.

It’ll be the perfect lesson to detach herself from her unfaithful boyfriend,  the afternoon assault incident, and the witness of dark side dealings of the one whom she thought had saved her.

Yep, this is perfect. I mapped several possibilities in my mind, and started planning the aftercare of getting Yurea a new boyfriend. Can’t forget about my duties as a cupid!

Ah, she’s about to arrive, I hear Meguri informing of Yurea’s arrival through an earpiece.

The stage was set.

And the act begun, this time not out of a way to help a protagonist with their romantic route, but to save a person’s future.

Still… who prepared the combat modules on the Medicats? It’s a little overtuned just for a performance… 

I actually had to get half-serious as the automaton was definitely throwing hands. But just as planned, I “decapitated” Medicat-340, and had Medicat-341 join a beat late. 

Yet, something unexpected happened.

Eh? Ehhhh?? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!

Did she just… stab Medicat-341?! To think that she poked the veins so accurately that blood began to burst out in volumes! 

Shit… even the AI was unable to comprehend the situation. Medicat-341 simply fell on one knee, gripping the knife away from the girl with widened eyes.

“A…ahh… I… no, this is… no… it’s your fault…!” Yurea’s pupils shook, her breathing erratic. But her next movement was quick. 

“G-Give it back!” Yurea snatched the knife back, pulling it right out of the automaton’s throat. 

“A-Aaugckk….!” Blood began to burst out even more, as the automaton’s voice began to turn garbled like a drowning person.

“Haaah… haaah… haahhhh…”

Yurea retreated in a hurry, as she watched the bloodied knife in her hands. Her dress too, were stained in crimson.

The girl’s hazy eyes slowly turned to me, and there, I felt a strong chill from her gaze.

…Perhaps I shouldn’t have gotten involved with this girl, was the thought that crossed my mind at that moment.

“Haa… haaahh… haah… N-Now, Grey-sama…!”


“F-Finish him before that man escapes!” She smiled shakily as she slowly hobbled her way over to me.

What… are you talking about?

“…No w-w-witnesses, right?”

She spoke to me as if this was normal.

With this, I am on your side, right? It almost seemed like a dog returning with the ball and awaiting praise from its owner.

No… what is she saying?

Her eyes were shaky, as if seeking emotional support.

…That’s right. In her mind, she had attempted murder.

She is looking for reaffirmation for her actions. She’s seeking comfort. 

This isn’t right. All hairs were standing on end right now. It’s telling me this girl is bordering on psychopathic. But… maybe I had triggered it? Her latent madness was brought forth because of the excitement that I had introduced into her life.

…I grit my teeth, and cursed myself.

Then, in the coldest voice I could muster, I spoke.

“...What are you doing?”

“Hhhiihhh… I… I… G-Grey-sama… I… was…”

Perhaps frightened by my glare, Yurea lost strength in her legs, and fell onto the floor.

“Do you want to be a murderer too? No, you already are close to a murderer, aren’t you?”

Yurea trembled, only muttering “Ah’s” as the knife fell out of her hands. It clattered onto the ground, and I went forward to pick it up.

The girl continued to look at me, as I inspected the bloodied knife.

“And Grey-sama…? What…” I raised the chins of both Kasumi and Kokomi who were standing right behind me. They revealed uncomfortable looks as I manhandled their faces.

“...You want to be slaves like them too?”

“...Nngh…” A deep blush appeared on Yurea’s face. I soon realized what had happened; a-a-a puddle of liquid slowly formed underneath her?!

Eh… What is this response? Why is her eyes even more entranced all of a sudden…

Everything seems off the rails about this girl!

Shaking off the weird mood in the air…

“The police will arrive in 4 minutes. What do you think will happen to you when they arrive?”

Yurea, who'd heard my words, hurriedly crawled forward. I had half a mind to take a step back… but as the persona of Grey, I wasn’t supposed to be fazed by this.

Her hands eventually reached my feet, and she hugged one of my legs with a desperate look on her tear-filled face.

“...P-Please, take me with you!”

Sh-iiin. The sound of a blade was drawn behind me.

“Boss, give me a word and I will end her life immediately.”

Shit. What is this bloodlust behind me? 

I hurriedly raised a hand to stop them, and then continued.

“...You think we’re just playing around? We are killers. I don’t understand, why do you want to follow me?”

I lowered myself to a squat and met her eyes.

“Ah, is that it? Just because you think I saved you… you seem to have the illusion that I’m the good guy? …Hehehe… ahahahaha!!!” I laugh dramatically, as I’d practiced all the time before a mirror. 

“Look, you fool, if it wasn’t any more obvious, we are—”

“—No, I think I know.” My words were interrupted as I flinched from the pair of resolute eyes staring back up at me.

Her shaking had completely stopped. From here on, it seemed like she was going to speak her feelings.

“I know. But, I’ve fallen.”

She slowly stood back up, and tears filled her eyes. Eyes that looked half-broken, and half-expectant.

“I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“...Say what now?”

“...I would like to… know more about you. If it’s you, I think I can…” She approached slowly, and for the first time, I took a step back.

“...maybe get you to open up more about your real self.”

“You still seem out of your mind. Is this the adrenaline talking? I’m going to let you walk away, so if you just—”

“—Touch me.”

“Boss, please let me cut her into sashimi.”


“Touch my chest, feel my heartbeat. My feelings for you… are genuine.”

“...Girl.” I sighed.

Her eyes were full of conviction. 

“You… seem eager to want to join me, and our organisation?”

“I don’t care about anything else. I will listen only to Grey-sama.”

“...Either way, you’ll be joining our organisation if you want to follow me. In that case, here’s a chance to prove yourself.”

“Please tell me.”

“One. Keep today a secret. Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t, because the moment you—”

“—Okay, what’s next?”

“... …Two. Live a normal life until the end of your high school years.”

“A normal life…?” Her eyes spoke to me, as if questioning that condition.

“Don’t be mistaken, being part of the organisation also means to be able to be indiscreet. You have to learn how to live a double life to avoid the eyes of the authority.”

Yurea looked at me, ascertaining the truth behind those words, before nodding.


“Remember, we will be watching you closely, so don’t get into any more trouble until graduati—”

“—G-Grey-sama is going to watch me closely…”

“...My associates are.” I held out both of my arms out wide, both pointing to them, and to stop them from drawing their blades a third time.

The twins have been twitching ever so slightly during the entire conversation.

“If it wasn’t painfully obvious. You’re not ready yet. I’m going to have you live out your normal high school life properly.”

I lectured Yurea high-handedly, and turned my back away from her.

“Get good grades, make friends, and get a boyfriend or tw—”

“—I won’t have another boyfriend, if it isn’t Grey-sama.”

“This bbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiitccccchh!!!” “Killllllll!!!!!!!”

I hurriedly stuffed Kasumi and Kokomi’s mouths. Turning slightly to cast her a glance before I left, I narrowed my eyes and declared,

“Do not follow me. Do not look for me. Remember the rules. Break any, and you’ll never hear from me again.”

The door to the empty office building closed.

Yurea, now left alone, ruminates silently in her mind as she clutches the knife in both hands again. She was a second-year in high school, which means… as long as she endured for one more year… But can she really wait for that long? The passion in her heart seems to be aflame even now. Can she really live ‘normally’ now, having tasted such a feeling?

BANG! The door was busted open again.

The shuffling of feet could be heard.

“Room clear!”

“Room clear!”

“One target spotted!”

“Target secured!”

She was soon surrounded by armed policemen. They were still wary of the knife on her hands, but appeared to not take any actions except asking if she was alright.

“Yurea-san!” A familiar face ran up to her in spite of her bloodied appearance with a knife.

“...Detective Okoshima… and Minoshita.” The knife fell out of her hands.

Tears began to fall out of her eyes. Seeing this, the middle-aged man gripped his knuckles hard. It had reminded him of his late daughter, and thus he decided to confort the girl.

“Don’t worry… it’s all okay now.” He opened his arms out for a hug, but… Yurea froze… and even took a step back.

Seeing this, Okoshima suddenly had a thought.

The man grimaced, “Of course, I should’ve been more sensitive… How about Satsuki here.”

Satsuki Minoshita, his partner in investigating the school assault case, nodded and gave her a hug. This time, Yurea didn’t dodge it.

“You’ve had it hard… it’s alright now… the police are here… you’re safe…” She patted the girl’s back and whispered soothingly like a mother would.

“Looks like… I’m not needed here, haha…” The male detective smiled wryly.

“I’ll go help with the red tape then. Satsuki, I’ll leave the girl to you.”


For a victim of such a big case, mental care was extremely important to avoid lasting repercussions. Understanding this, Okoshima and the armed personnel soon distanced themselves from the two to respect their personal space. 

When they were far enough, Yurea heard a whisper in her ear.

“You can stop pretending now.”


“Remember. Until graduation.”


The female detective’s arms gripped her body even tighter.

“...You bitch. Don’t get too conceited.”


“You’re just one of many. If you understand, then stand up and leave already. Hug me any longer, and I'll put a bullet in your head.” Satsuki’s bangs hid her facial expression, but the words that were spoken calmly, seemed to contain a large amount of rage.

Yurea released the hug, and smiled at the female detective, completely unfazed.

“...Many? Unlike you. I don’t mind it… the order that I’m in.” The girl chuckled. To some who were slightly attentive to the two, they were slightly astonished by how fast the girl had recovered.

“As long as I receive some of his love and attention… I’ll give everything to him.” She continued speaking, entranced as she faced the ceiling. Her dark eyes swirled with thick emotions, and the feeling of depravity slowly crept into her thoughts.

“...I’ll do anything for him… Grey-sama, who’s shown me a different world… Even after a year, he will only be the one for me… he must be...”


As the night ended, so did the girl who once lived within a cocoon. Amidst blood and gunfire, what emerged was nothing as beautiful as a butterfly.

To seek that thrill in her heart, Yurea was determined to pretend to be amongst the butterflies... so that when the time comes, she could live her life in the glow of a passionate fire. Self-destructive, combustive and one-sided.

He’d escaped this time, but this love of hers will never be drowned out. If her life was the cost to see her path through, then Yurea wouldn’t mind being burnt at all.

 As long as she was loved, the girl would continue to be drawn, attracted, obsessed and intoxicated. That’s right, just like a moth to a flame.

Vol 1 -  End



Hi guys! Sin here. I guess I should write something nice for my readers here at the end of a volume.


It's been such a long time. But we've made it! Some of you may know me as a perfectionist, hence why I've always stalled on my chapters. Two years, was it? Gahdamn, but can you blame me? My writing quality hasn't been up to par lately, but I figured I'd put a close to a rather popular (?) story of mine.

This isn't the end, of course. Cupid will be one of the closer works I'll be paying attention to starting next year. I've left stories vague on purpose because these are all concepts that I really want to finish properly with the ideas I had. Speaking as a reader, I do understand the pains of an inconsistent upload schedule. So here's a promise to you guys. 1 chapter at least, among my works.

Cupid, RE, and Clones. These 3 works will be my main priority.  So well, if you've not read any of them... give it a try!

For my ardent and faithful supporters on Discord. Thank you. Thank you for sticking with me as a community for so long (despite my hijinks). Special thanks to these comments too, thanks for the anxiety: https://imgur.com/a/eLfKXPq


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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