I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#6 Sukuoka Harua (2/2)

A letter came to her house a few weeks ago, informing her that she had been accepted.

Along with an invitation for a speech to welcome the first-year students as their representative. Of course she hadn't gotten it just randomly, Harua was a model student chosen for having the top grades for the entrance exams.

Standing before the student body?

She felt that it was a good opportunity. 

Harua wasn't the type that was concerned over her own high school debut, but she had accepted the invitation to speak because she was able to let the boy know that she had came to the school successfully, and if possible, she wanted to have a clear view of the students so she could find the boy.

Returning to the present, Harua was already standing on the stage.

Ready to give her speech. Her speech filled with some drivel on how happy she was to be accepted into this school, but also the personal message she wanted to convey at the end of it.

...Yet, contrary to her initial mental preparedness before she stepped up onto the stage, her restless eyes remain uneasy and unconfident as countless of eyes fell on her. Like a sheep before a pack of wolves, her confidence plummeted before she could even speak.

...She had taken up the invitation to be in the spotlight without thinking deeper about it, but Harua realized then... that her insecurities never left her. She had been quiet for so long, that she began to feel anxious speaking to a mass of students. 

The expectations grew into a burden, one that she found herself unfit to shoulder.

Am I really good enough? Will I deliver the speech properly? Such negative thoughts probed her mind incessantly.

It was then... 

"Harua-chan!" She hears a voice,

Looking at where the voice came from, her eyes widened.

It was the boy, and another unfamiliar guy who was standing beside him. He was giving her a thumbs up sign.

If she remembered correctly, that was... Rintaro Einichi, a guy who sat next to her once in her previous school.

It was a negligible affair.

She wasn't even looking at the guy at all.

Instead, Harua was transfixed by the charm of the boy who had grown into a young adult.

"You can do it," That was the message she saw in the boy's eyes. 

Her body trembled, her spine shivered in delight. Her secret parts felt warm, as if coveting something more... physical she'd always dreamed of in her fantasies.

Ah, he looks so cool in a gakuran! The childlike-him was cute, but this grown up version simply couldn't be compared!

It was like comparing ice-cream to steak. And right now, she was really hungry for some meat.

The thoughts that sullied her already ravished mind was her only sustenance in the abyss.

I want to leap down and into his arms, I want to feel his warmth...

Her heart was pounding, even more than ever. It was as if the world had turned white... with only the two of them left in her eyes.

But... yes... this wasn't the time yet. There were plenty of opportunities now that they were in the same school together.

Right now, there was something Harua needed to do. Impress the boy.

She wanted to satisfy the boy's expectations who had brought her into this school, no, exceed it!

So that this time, she would appear much more mature than her past self, and have the boy infatuated with her.

This was the reason for their fateful meeting after so many years.


"That's right, Harua... you can do this."

The girl takes in a deep breath, and held the mic.

"Attention, everyone."

The girl's clear-pitched voice spreads throughout the hall, and the teachers and students all stopped what they were doing momentarily.

Seizing this moment, Harua continues with a firm conviction in her eyes and delivers her speech.

As if her words had some kind of bewitching spell cast on them, Harua's charisma overflowed as she delivered her speech, rendering the hall silent and in awe.

"...and with that, I wish everyone a good year ahead, and open a fresh new page in our high-school life with me!"

Applause. Thunderous applause filled the hall, with some whistles mixed in between.

Satisfied with her own performance as well, Harua smiles and looks at the boy tenderly, who appeared rather satisfied with the result.

"That's right," She whispers amorously under her breath.

"Starting today, let's begin our high-school life, filled with new memories together, ne~ Kyou-kun~"

No seriously, no more chapters.

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