I Tried Becoming a Cupid, But Why do the Girls I Find Always End Up As Yanderes?!

#9 Anastasia Aurora (1/2)

"Mm... mm..." 

A little butt poked out of a row of shrubberies. The sun cast down on the orchard field was protected by what seems to be a shade hanging over the little figure rummaging through the plants.

"Yosh! I got tit'!" The voice of the little girl cried out cheerfully, as she slowly made her way out in a reverse crawl.

"Baul-jii! Look, I told you I saw a flower here!"

"I understand, I understand so please come out properly, young miss..."

With her faint white cheeks stained with crumbles of soil, the little girl's appearance certainly didn't give off the impression of a 'young miss' as the butler had described. If anything, she, whom everyone would call "Anastasia-sama" in this estate, was what one would refer to as a tomboy.

She was Anastasia Aurora, a lively little girl who would turn six this year.

"There, Baul! It's so pretty, isn't it!" 

In Aurora's hand was a beautiful, lavender blue flower she'd plucked.

No, it's your smile that's the prettiest in this garden, Anastasia-sama.

Of course the butler, Baul Tressford, a British manservant who'd been hired by the Anastasia family as their sole daughter's caretaker could not utter such words. Bringing the umbrella closer to the little girl as she finally made her way out, he smiled wryly at the dirtied dress she was wearing.

With a brief eye gesture at the surrounding maids on standby, the young miss was changed quickly in a new, pastel yellow summer dress.

"Mmn. So... what is this?"

Baul leaned closer to inspect the flower, as he adjusted his monocle.

"Polemonium caeruleum. This is a flower that grows under the shade. I'm surprised you managed to find it amidst all of these flowers, young miss."

"Aren't I amazing?"

"Yes, but we need to have a little talk about plucking flowers on a whim like this. You still have a piano lesson to attend, young miss."

"Ehehe..." The little girl smiled cheekily, having been reminded of her misdemeanor.

"It's not a problem. I'll go now~" She hummed with skipping steps, as she deftly removed her slippers before entering the mansion.

"Young miss seems to be in a good mood." Baul smiled as he followed after her from behind. After all, he would be in trouble himself if the young miss were to loiter off somewhere again.

"Yes, you see... I'm going to give this... Po... Pokomo...? E-Eh, this flower!"

Having given up on its name, the little girl continued, flustered.

"I'm going to give this to Papa!"

For a brief moment, just a little, Baul's body flinched.

Perhaps it was the enthusiasm that's worn out his old body, or something else entirely... Baul's expression seemed a little sad for some reason.

That's right, isn't it. It was the Don's birthday today.

"Dear me, to think this old man has forgotten... Then I should be wrapping this properly, shouldn't I? Since it's going to be a gift from the young miss." Baul patted her head with a tenderly look.

"H-Hmph...  it's nothing special. I'll go now."

Having handed the flower to Baul, the little girl runs along the corridor and reaches the door to the room where a soft piano tune is being played.

She stops briefly, and turns back at Baul. With her frown downcast, she stammers.

"But... I don't mind if you take good care of it while I'm gone... because, I want Papa to be happy when he receives my present."

The butler smiles, and nods.

"This Baul Tressford will take good care of the young miss' gift. Please, enjoy your piano lesson."

"H-Hmph. You better."

As soon as her figure left, Baul signals for the maids.

They replaced the flower with a newer one that was freshly plucked, and placed it in an expensive-looking glass case. After all, the one Aurora had picked, was in fact a completely dried up flower.

Wrapping it up, Baul took the case and waited for the young miss outside the room.

All of this effort, was just a little push so she would... Aurora would eventually grow up from this.

It has been already a few months now, and it was unhealthy for a little girl like Aurora to remain this way. The way she saw this world, and its colors were different from other children her age.

Beyond being colorblind at a young age, he knew that something else was plaguing the little girl's dull red eyes.

Because Baul knew, that man... Aurora's father was...

Knock knock.

Hearing what seemed to be a soft grunt in her ears, Aurora ecstatically pushed open the double-eaved doors, and rushed inside.


"Un, are you busy?"

"...That's great! You see, I uhm... I have something to give you."

"What is it? Ehehe... you see... it's... this!"

Sitting on the lap of the chair, Aurora took out the periwinkle encased in a beautiful glass case.

"Ehehe... I'm glad... Papa likes the gift. Then then, let's celebrate!"

With those words as the signal, the door opened again, and a maid entered with a trolley pushing a large cake.

"Waahh, Papa look! It's so big!"

"Guess I have no choice... I will eat together with Papa, ehehe..."

The maid left the room, where Baul was waiting on the outside.

When she made eye contact with him, the woman shook her head as if to indicate certain helplessness.

"How long will the young miss act like this?"

"...I don't know... but, at the very least... she-"



"-I know the situation with my little girl cannot continue on."

The servants jolted at the sudden appearance of someone unexpected.


"That is why... I'm planning to have her go experience the outside world soon."

The woman dressed like an elite socialite, placed her slender fingers on the closed doors, and leaned her head against it. She was tired.

Tired of seeing her child like this. She wished she would play with her playmates normally without scaring them away every time.

Aurora would, if left alone like this, turn into someone worse than a problem child.

"...This is the only way she can... move on from her father's death." She said so while holding back her own tears.

Surely, her husband's death must've affected her too, perhaps even more so than Aurora.

"Baul, it's been tough on you." She spoke to the butler.

"...Not at all. If it means keeping the young miss company..."

"You must know she looks up to you as a father figure. I hope you continue by my little girl's side from now on. I trust you."

Baul looked a little sad for a moment, but he firmly nodded and made a fierce conviction in his heart.

"Yes, mistress!"


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