I Unintentionally Became Her Kitten


I will start with this story, because I’m not one to beat around the bush. IE: I want you to know what’s going to be coming, pun absolutely intended. My name wasn’t important anymore, I was now simply her ‘Kitten,’ sometimes even her ‘Kitty.’

Right then, I desperately wished she would just call me her pussy.

Alisha was a slender woman. She had some curves, her boobs were notable and her ass was round, but she was always avoiding drawing attention to them. She came home, looking exhausted as she climbed the steps up to her bedroom where I’d sat up on top of her sheets and pulled my legs under me to kneel. In full disclosure, I was trying to hide my shame. All day, there had been that gnawing urge to touch, and more specifically to be touched but this was Alisha’s house, not mine. And I didn’t want to sully its purity with impure things.

Well… as much purity as her house could have considering it had probably seen at least a few murders, probably by her hand, too. Because she was the big boss of the Takeno family: a mixed ethnicity crime family that had mixed reputations, though I didn’t get involved in any of that for a long time.

On that particular night she took a shower as soon as she got home and threw her red dress into a garbage can. I knew better than to ask why or who had gotten on her bad side. More importantly, she was walking around in nothing more than a towel. It was large enough to wrap all the way around her but… quite short. She dropped her soiled underwear, which was lacey and delicate looking, next to the trash and seemed to hesitate, staring down at it for a long moment before she bent over to pick it up. Her ass swayed up in the air as she did so and the towel rode up enough I averted my eyes, feeling my cheeks burn intensely.

When I glanced back, she was looking at me with the soiled underwear in hand.

“Are you feeling okay?” she asked.

I nodded, avoiding her gaze.

“You’ve been quiet,” she observed.

She dropped the panties into the trash can and let out another sigh.

“What a day,” she mumbled as she went to the door on the other side of the bed.

Now the towel was starting to slip down so her cleavage was very visible. She was getting dangerously close to a wardrobe malfunction—or maybe wardrobe catastrophe was more accurate.

I guessed this was her room, and maybe I should have left so she had some privacy. This was the first time I’d seen her walk around in a towel; usually she got dressed in the bathroom.

She opened the closet and disappeared into the depths. I heard shuffling in there as she rummaged through the racks of clothes.

I looked down at my hands again and resituated my legs under me. The comforter beneath me was snow white and untouched by filth. The damp sweatiness of my legs and thighs was suddenly much more noticeable to me and I considered getting up and fleeing out to the balcony to cool off, but then when she sat on the bed, she might feel the warm damp spot.

I stayed like a statue there until Alisha came out again, holding a couple sets of pajamas. She tossed them on the edge of the bed and put her hands on her hips. I could see the straps of undergarments on now, so she’d at least put on those.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked. “you look flushed.”

She reached over and put a hand on my forehead.

I winced under her touch. There was still half a thought she had ulterior motives to caring for me. But she’d had more than enough opportunities. One of her underlings had even offered to take me off her hands for a good price given that I was ‘cute’ and ‘pure-looking.’

She had simply made a gesture to one of her guards who grabbed him and dragged him off into a car.

‘If they can’t keep it in their pants they don’t deserve to keep it,’ she had explained, to my horror. It was never my intention for anybody to lose any body parts. But it also cemented the fact that she cared about me.

“You’re warm but not feverish,” she observed before moving her hand to the top of my head. She ruffled my blonde hair making my brain whirl from the human contact.

“I’m okay,” I told her.

“Do you want some privacy?” she asked and turned back to her pajamas.

“Huh?” I managed.

She pondered her selection for a long moment, surprisingly intense in choosing what she would wear to sleep in.

“To masturbate,” she explained as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

I stared, open mouthed as she picked up one of the sleep shirts and examined it in the orangey glow of the pink salt lamp. (There was an overhead light but never in my time here had I seen it get turned on).

“You’re allowed to masturbate,” she elaborated. “It’s a normal human thing. I might as well ask you not to piss in the house, you know.”

“But--- That’s—“ I lost my words.

She put down her shirt and came closer, leaning up on the bed. “You’re a human being,” she said carefully before running a hand across my cheek. “As much as I tease you about being a cat, you’re still a complex person.”

“It’s--- weird,” I said.

Her hand hesitated just beneath my ear, sending uncertain butterflies into my stomach.

She gazed into my eyes and I was locked into hers. They were gold in this light, and her hair shone a similar orange. In reality both were almost silver.

“I want you to be comfortable,” she explained.

“I—I don’t need-- to—to do naughty things to be comfy.”

She smiled sweetly at me and leaned closer. “Is it really naughty if I give you permission?” she whispered. “Or maybe it’ll be naughty unless I help you.”

My insides roiled as her lips started to gently kiss along my jaw line, following a path to my ear.

“Would you like that?” she breathed.

I was trapped in the intensity of the moment. Every hair on my body was standing on end as my heart raced. I would be lying if I told her I didn’t want that, and she would know it, too. You didn’t bullshit Alisha Takeno, that was for sure.

“Yes,” I whispered. My breath hitched after the admission. Was this happening? It didn’t quite feel real.

Her lips gently ran back along my jawline to my lips where she began to kiss me. It was slow and sensual, but passionate as her tongue bumped against my teeth until I let it in to explore deeper.

She huffed against me as the towel dropped from around her and she pushed me back onto the bed. I laid down and opened my eyes to find her observing me.

My chest rose and fell as she did so.

“Have you done this before?” she asked and drew a finger down my neck to the hem of my shirt, making my muscles shudder all the way down.

I shook my head, my lips were so flushed I didn’t trust them to form coherent words.

“I’ll be nice and gentle then,” she said and slid her fingers under my shirt. They explored upward leaving tingling sparks in their wake until she came to the bottom of my bra. It took more force to make her way under and finally touch my breast.

I shuddered and a sound came from my throat unexpectedly.

She smiled again and her hand clasped the soft flesh. My nipple slid between two fingers as she gently squeezed and then massaged.

Another moan escaped me.

Her lips found mine again and quieted me down as she continued her groping. My back arched as I gasped against her lips. A finger had pushed the nipple in and was now making little circles practically inside my boob.

“You like it?” she murmured. “There’s so much of you I want to explore.”

Sweat beaded up under my clothes. Her hand pulled free from my bra and she pulled at the bottom hem of my shirt until I leaned forward and it came off in a graceful motion. The air was chilly against my bare skin as she looked down once again and then leaned over to plant kisses along my ribcage.

I found my hands holding her shoulders as she did so.

Once again her hands came up and this time tugged at my bra to get me free. It came off and was tossed somewhere off to the side as she swung a leg over mine and sat on my thighs.

“Alisha,” I gasped.

Her undergarments were still on as she began kissing again, her tongue diving deep into my mouth. Her crotch moved against my thigh and I felt the wet left behind through the thin material.

“Are you okay, my little kitty?”

I sucked in a breath before she dove her tongue back in explored along my gums, then my own tongue, which was fumbling around hers.

My lungs ached until I turned my head away to pant, eyes closed as her lips simply started kissing down my neck, then my chest.

Her tongue licked my nipple before she closed her mouth around it and sucked.

I groaned and clawed at her back, wanting more. Maybe needing was a better word. My groin was tight, swollen and dripping from desire. The lust was getting almost painful.

Her mouth trailed lower at my urging. I sat up on my elbows to see, confused just to find her hands starting to tug at my miniskirt. Her face was inches from my private area.

I squirmed, going to close my legs since I was sure there was going to be a smell but she put hand on my knee, gently holding it down before kissing along my thigh.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I don’t care about that, I want you to feel good.”

My heart was racing but very slowly I relaxed again and let her pull my skirt off, then my underwear.

The cool air hit the wet there leaving a cold shiver behind. Alisha kissed at my thigh again, working her way up to my clit where she finally opened her mouth and ran her tongue along the underside.

My fists balled up the covers.

“Tell me if it’s too much,” she whispered and licked me again. My body vibrated from the sensation. It overrode the panic inside and she gently pulled the nub into her mouth.

I panted, moaning and shivering as she sucked and licked the sensitive spot. My insides coiled tighter and tighter as the feeling got more and more intense. She paused briefly to slip out of her own underwear and spread my legs a little more before returning to it.

My chest heaved as I lost control of my body and simply let the pleasure wash over me. She sucked harder.

Ahn,” I moaned louder. My legs shifted a moment, trying to spread more as the heat intensified. “Ah~,” I couldn’t help it. No matter how much I fought it or how hard I bit my lip there was a certain motion she did with her tongue that made my insides turn inside out and the sounds came involuntarily.

I was getting desperate as the pressure kept building until I felt like I was going to explode.

She paused for a moment and I panted staring down at her as she shifted around between my legs.

Alisha,” my voice shook with a hearty pant.

“It’s okay,” she murmured and kissed my thigh. Her other hand was doing something then there was a look of relief on her face as a wet sound reached my ears.

Her mouth returned to its place but the rhythm was different now, more intense and I started melting into a puddle again.

There was a sudden surge and I gasped before letting out what was probably a scream and she sucked my clit into her mouth as I shuddered violently. My toes curled on either side of her and the waves kept coming. I moaned again as something in my insides pulsed madly then slowly eased back.

I panted, drenched in sweat as my body trembled.

Was that…?

Alisha pulled away and planted more kisses up my stomach, my skin responding to every tap with little lightning bolts, even more sensitive than before.

“It felt good, right?” she asked breathily.

She had one hand caressing my cheek but the other was between her legs, making those wet sounds.

I nodded and kissed her. Her surprise melted back into the passionate kiss she’d been giving me earlier but now I could taste myself in her saliva.

Her fingers were furiously rubbing as she furrowed her brow.

I tried to kiss her again but her face turned before I could. Instead I kissed at her neck, hungry for the feeling of her skin in my mouth. I nipped at the tender spots, enjoying the saltiness of her sweat and sucked her nipple into my mouth and suckled on it a long moment.

She panted before I felt her twitch, then she shifted suddenly and her mouth was on mine, pressing aggressively until my head sank back into the pillow.

She moaned and pulled away to kiss down my neck to my boob and sucked it into her mouth again, humping at the air as she did so, though her fingers continued to dive in and out of her opening.

I let her suck on my nipple. My body had calmed after the orgasm but it still sent a pleasant sensation into me wherever she touched. I ran my fingers through her hair, still damp from the shower and now sweat as well.

Another moan came from her before she buried her face into my neck and trembled with the force of her own orgasm. Her breath was hot against my skin as she came down.

She dropped her weight onto the bed right next to me and pulled me close.

I watched her hand pull away from her insides, covered in white goopy fluid.

She followed my gaze and offered it to me, shuddering as I licked at it.

It was mostly curiousity, but she didn’t taste bad so I sucked her ifngers in my mouth to clean them. I’d rather have traces of saliva in the bed than fluids and the way she was holding me so tight didn’t give me the impression she would be getting up to get cleaned up.

After I was done she pulled me close and tight and pressed her face against my neck.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” she said. “Too cute.” Her nose nuzzled against my skin.

I could just vaguely make out the shapes of our clothes tossed around the bed. On the far side of the room, past her couch and coffee table, the windows showed the balcony and beyond that the moon and stars casting light onto the trees.

It felt safe here. Which was surprising given the person who was currently starting to snore against my skin.

A murderer, a mob boss, and apparently now… a lover.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.