I Want to be a Superstar

v2 Chapter 66 - Toronto Raptors love

Happiness came too suddenly, sometimes it was unexpected.

This is true for Raptors and Colangelo.

Name: Ye Si

Birthday: September 9, 1987

Height: 1 meter 93

Weight: 85 kg

Field position: defender

Template: The combination of Reggie Miller and Allen Iverson

Advantages: cunning, comprehensive technology, eager to score, excellent off-the-ball running, excellent offensive creativity, ability to independently create shots, weird and flexible shooting speed, excellent basketball IQ, excellent competition awareness, full of Confidence, leadership ability at critical moments, gambling awareness, strong psychological qualities, selflessness, winner mentality, admirable professional ethics, willingness to create opportunities for others, excellent training enthusiasm, speed and penetration throughout the game explosive force

Disadvantages: Not a real point guard, too aggressive to make him want to jump shots, the shooting choices are extremely bad, the pass choices are extremely bad, nor is he a real shooting guard and does not have NBA level ball control Breakthrough ability, excessive scoring relies on fast attack and shooting, comprehensive technology but not good enough, poor confrontation ability and consciousness make people doubt whether he can adapt to NBA-intensity games and defense, lateral movement is slow, misplaced defense is insufficient, college games are difficult to match His talent made a comprehensive evaluation, too thin.

Evaluation: A gambling with a huge risk, under the excellent goals that can be selected, the management is not recommended to use high-quality resources to gamble.

Looking at Yes’s scout report, Colangelo nodded and accepted the scout’s suggestion.

This year’s draft, the Raptors had a goal early in the morning, the Italian, Baggnani.

Bagnani led the European team to defeat the Raptors at the age of 18, which surprised the Raptors.

Colangelo is a newcomer to the Raptors this year. After watching various games of Bagnani provided by Raptors scouts, he also accepted the love of Raptors scouts for Bagnani.

In order to get Bagnani, the Raptors have been planning for several years.

Waited for Bagnani to leave Europe.

Is just a sudden top pick, disrupting the Raptors’ plan.

According to this year’s draft form, it was a loss to pick Bagnani with the top pick.

This year’s NBA draft has six hot players, except for the first Yes.

After Aldridge, Adam Morrison, Terus Thomas, Brandon Roy, Bagnani, the prospects are similar, and they ca n’t even close the gap with Guy and others behind them. See the needs of the team.

Other teams are still unable to fully see the advantages of Bagnani. As long as the Raptors have the top five draft picks, there will be no competitors!

He now needs to maximize the chance of using this top pick.

Under the guarantee of getting Bagnani, get more benefits!

“Brian, Houston Rockets want to trade our No. 1 pick with the No. 2 pick plus any player other than Yao Mai!”

Rockets any player except Yao Mai? What is there to say?

“Reject, say we love Yes, welcome him to watch snow in beautiful Toronto”

To the extent that those teams are now squandering for Yes, you want to get Yes at no cost.

“Brian, Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics has applied to Danny Angie for a deal!”

Paul Pierce applied for the transaction? Not surprisingly, Pierce hated his good friend Danny Angie.

“Brian, Danny Angie used Paul Pierce and No. 8 as the main body to trade our top pick and Chris Bosh!”

“Reject, say we love Yes, welcome Yes to light Toronto’s snow peak with his miracle”

Old man, are you killing me, am I so stupid?

“Brian, Portland Trail Blazers are willing to trade their No. 1 pick with their No. 5 pick and Zach Randolph as the main body!”

No. 5 sign Garandov?

Colangelo was a little bit tempted.

No. 5 should be able to choose Bagnani, Randolph is also a combat force.

Thinking of Randolph’s reputation as a “rotten tofu” data brush in recent years, Colangelo shook his head.

Randolph’s strength is good, but his character and style are not enough to achieve his ambitions in the Raptors.

“Reject, say we love Yes, welcome Yes to bring Toronto’s hurricane to blow Toronto’s snow more beautiful.”

Yes has no limit in this year’s charm, no matter whether Yes will become a parallel in the future, now, he is the object of many teams willing to gamble!

The Raptors don’t need to participate in gambling, just sit on the bank and make a profit without losing money.

The Raptors can happily rob the teams that are interested in Yes as long as they do n’t reveal Bagnani as their real goal.

Is like a bull a month ago!

“Brian, Seattle Supersonics is willing to use their fourth pick and Rashad Lewis as the main body to trade our first pick!”

No. 4 sign Galashad Lewis?

Bosca Bagnani Lewis’ lineup …

Very attractive!

“Brian, refuse it?”

“Refuse, be gentle, say I sympathize with Seattle’s determination to get Yes. Yes is a miracle in Seattle forever. I can’t bear to break up Yes and Seattle. But Snow Night in Toronto also longs for Yes to light up. Say hello to Mr. Rick Sander. Ray Allen has done a great job this season. “

“Brian, Rick Sander is not stupid”

“I’ll ask, what if I agree?”

Has the best quality resources available now, sit and watch the NBA surge.

Brian Colangelo was somewhat able to appreciate how cool the Bull General Manager John Parkerson was a month ago.

The 2006 NBA Draft lottery ended. The Toronto Raptors got the top pick. The entire NBA team wanted to get Yers.

Launched transactions one by one with the Raptors, and each one was rejected by the Raptors.

Raptors now I want Yes, don’t bother me like this, people are moved to tears.

Raptors like this, Jerry West even looked a little bit wanting to laugh.

All teams in the NBA who want to get Yes are moving, and he wants to get Yes, but he knows that he and the Grizzlies have no chance.

“Master, do you like snow?”


He is a demons, most southerners have a different vision of snow.

“Do you like Toronto?”


“What about Houston?”



Hurt …

Yes knocked on Curry’s head with a knife, and the No. 30 University of Washington player squatted on the ground with a painful hug.

“Stephen, your real leather!”

I know that the boss of Yes has been in a bad mood by the Toronto Raptors general manager, and I dare to say so.

“In the United States, Yes boss only loves Seattle?”

“That is of course, when the boss Yes hides his talents, only Seattle will never leave him. He is also willing to give everything for Seattle if he goes to other cities …”

“Master did not mind before”

“That was before. Yesterday, Supersonic General Manager Rick Sander also came and said that Yes will be kept in Seattle. Supersonic can pay any price!”

The supersonic is willing to pay any price for Yesi, but the initiative is still in the hands of the Raptors ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Ye, let it be. “


This is the involuntary NBA, Roy sighed.

Ye’s affection for Seattle is too deep.

Is this the old hometown Ye said before?

If the Rockets Yao has the opportunity to leave Houston, will he leave?

Ye’s feelings for Seattle should be far above Yao’s for Houston, right?

Brian Colangelo was very happy to be chased by the entire NBA at this time.

But soon, an explosive news exploded the entire NBA!

“Brian, Timberwolves owner Grendale said in an interview that Garnett is planning a deal!”

Grenelle and Garnett finally could not bear the break? !

“Brian, Danny Angie is calling again!”

This old acquaintance is too annoying!

Want to come to me even for those Celtics chips? !

“Reject, tell him again, our love for Yes …”

“Brian, Danny Angie is not for Yes this time!”

Not for Yes?

Brian picked up the phone.

“Old man, do me a favor …”

Hung up Danny Angie’s phone, and Brian Colangelo was a little lost.


“I’m fine”

Danny Angie, crazy …

On June 28, 2006, Yesi and Roy received no surprises from the NBA Draft Green House without any surprises.

“Yeah, let’s go”


Will you leave completely this time?

Yes and Roy boarded the plane from Seattle to New York …

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