I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 28: In Which Mistress Turns Me Into A Magic Item For Her Exclusive Use

“Close your eyes, Sasha,” Mistress said sweetly and softly into my ear. I had no idea where we were in the city, other than it looked like we were going into the poorer areas given the architecture, which usually followed a more practical style I might’ve called brutalist if it wasn’t so colorful, even in the light of the moon… I wondered if she could read my visual input in addition to my internal narrative, but I closed my eyes regardless.

“Good girl….” I heard her feet move faster, and faster, and the wind whipped past my face with increasing intensity… ah. She must be picking up speed. Maybe she just wanted me to close my eyes so I didn’t watch the world blurring past, that could be kind of disorienting even if you were in control of it, in my experience. I inhaled, exhaled, tried to slowly relax against her and trust her to keep me safe… certainly, if she wanted to harm me, she could have, but she just wanted to own and possess me and keep me by her side… there should be something a little fucked up about how I understood that, but I tried my best not to think about it, I didn’t want her to get annoyed at me for thinking wrong about things.

“…Okay, here we are… keep your eyes closed… that’s a good girl.” There was a bit of breathiness in her voice, she must have pushed herself. I felt the caress of silk against my cheek as she wrapped something around my eyes and the back of my head… ah! She was blindfolding me. I tensed a little, and she petted my head, slowly and gently lying me down, and I clung to her as best I could until I felt the soft bed beneath me, and let myself relax onto it… she really wasn’t wasting any time, was she?

She groped my breast and stroked my arm, a soft rope, perhaps, looping around my wrist a few times… wait! “Are you tying me up, Mistress?”

She tickled my belly a little, and I squirmed and laughed helplessly. “You know I am, pet. You said I could do whatever I wanted with your body, right…? Last chance to go back on that.” She leaned in close, and said softly into my ear, “I know you want to just surrender to me.” I shivered, very aroused… walking in with Valentine and immediately submitting to her to protect both of us had kind of left me desperately needing her approval and love… or maybe she was twisting my mind around…?

“Why would I twist your mind when you’re so easy to control with just your body?” ...which wasn’t saying she wasn’t, I noted, as she slid her fingers down my pants again, making me moan… if she could make me cum instantly, she could probably slide pleasure and maybe other emotions into me easily enough….

“Um…” I could go back on my word, but Mistress would be disappointed in me, and whatever she said, we both knew she was in total control here… there was no one else I could run to or hide behind, she was the entirety of the law of the world the two of us shared at the moment. I just wanted to be a good girl and have her cherish me, was that so wrong…? She was trying to take my thoughts and feelings into consideration, at least….

“My… my body is yours Mistress… do whatever you want with it.” I meant it with all my heart, even if I was scared… there was nothing I could do other than trust in her mercy.

“That’s my good girl….” She kissed me softly on the lips, stroking my cheek, her tongue tracing against my lips as she started to pull her own away, and then finished tying up my arm, slowly, almost deliberately… then my other arm… then my leg… then my other leg… but I was a good girl and just laid there, shifting my body in place to help her bind my body further. Soon I was spreadeagled, still in my laced blouse and pants… I wondered exactly what she intended to do in this situation, it would probably be pretty hard to fuck me….

“Oh, no, we’ll get to breeding you in a second, my impatient little slut.” She ran her hand around my belly, and for a moment I had what felt like a premonition of my belly swelling with her child, growing larger, feeling my breasts grow larger and fuller and my body change as it prepared itself to bear and nourish a child… was she doing that?

She laughed softly. “Yes, that one is me… hardly subtle enough to think of as your own, is it?”

That was hardly proof of anything, but I slowly relaxed, and the thought faded, her hands moving up to untie the laces on the front of my blouse, shift them aside, the front of my body open to her, which she immediately took advantage of, groping my breasts and lightly tickling my belly and under my spread underarms, causing me to laugh and whimper and squirm under her touch.

“Can you endure a little pain for me, pet? I can take it away from you, even put you to sleep, but I think it’s such an… intimate experience, getting your body totally devoted to someone else’s use like this… it would be a shame for you to not be aware of it.”

“I’ll… I’ll endure a little pain if that’s what you want, Mistress….”

“Good girl.” She laid her hand softly on my abdomen just above my slit, and I felt a sudden stab of pain like a needle a little further up above that hand, and my body starting to tense… I panted softly as I tried to relax despite the needle going into me, apparently… what was she doing?

“I’m tattooing you, my cute little slut.”

“...what? Like…” I tried to think of the location. “Like, a womb tattoo?”

“...I guess you could call it that? It’s purpose is fourfold: Protect you, protect the child or children inside you once they exist, make it so I can impregnate you very very easily, and no one else can, and lock your orgasms so you can only cum when touching my body or under my command.” Another sharp needle and I arched my back a little, panting, then I whimpered softly as I thought about what she was doing to me… permanently making me into a magic item of sorts, solely just to make me more correspond to her use… I just needed to utterly submit to her, and it would feel good to be hers, right? I desperately needed to believe that right now.

“That’s right, Sasha… all you need to do is utterly believe in me.” Another jab of pain, and then she rubbed that area, which helped me relax a little, recover… I could do this… I could get through this… even though my eyes were tearing up.

“Yes, Mistress.”

And so it continued, jab after jab of the needle as she petted and reassured me, and my did my best to remain still and relaxed and obedient as she enlaid that womb tattoo on my body, sealing my womb and pussy to be utterly her in every way that she could… I kind of semi-zoned out after a while, body tensing a bit and gasping and whimpering, but disassociated from the process, until finally there wasn’t another needle poke. My body was sweating, and my muscles were softly aching from all the tensing I had been doing, but each time she petted me I felt a surge of pleasure, not even sexual, exactly, it just felt really good. “Mistress…?”

“Mmm, there it is, I got the shape perfectly. You’re all done, pet. The tattoo was perfect, such a good girl staying so still for me.” She pushed her fingers gently against my lips, and I licked at them, sucked on them as she slid them into my mouth.

“...still. That was a lot more intense for you than I thought it would be… such a reactive girl….” She pulled her fingers out of my mouth and scritched behind my ears with both hands, and I moaned softly, it felt like heaven.

“Do you still want me to breed you right now, or should I wait for tomorrow morning for the good girl to recover?”

“...whatever you want, Mistress….”

“Mmm, tomorrow morning, then… I could fuck you right now and fill your womb with my seed in seconds, but .…”

“...that’s not how it works.” I don’t know why I said it, it’s not like scientific accuracy was particularly important with magic involved.

“...what? Scientific accuracy?”

“Oh, just… the womb doesn’t actually fill with cum, very few sperm actually reach inside the uterus, it’s not like, a flood.”

“...sperm?” The little thing inside cum that makes breeding actually work... I didn't know how to explain it.

“...is that how it works?” Mistress sounded both intrigued and a bit skeptical, but she was undoing my arms now, my limbs suddenly burning now that I was moving them into a different position… I hadn’t realized they had gotten so uncomfortable, I had been so focused on my abdomen… soon my legs followed too, and I laid on my back, totally relaxed… She turned me on my side, and snuggled up behind me, kissing the back of my neck, stroking my body softly… I was full on crying now, overwhelmed by everything, but Mistress petted and calmed me and murmured softly into my ear as she cuddled me close and relaxed.

“...you’re really good at aftercare, huh?”

“If that’s what you wish to call it… yes, I certainly wish to take care of you after you’ve done such a good job for me.“

“Can you get some water for me?”

“Of course, Sasha.”

Mistress was suddenly gone, and I was left in bed alone, without anyone to obey, whimpering softly as I nuzzled against the bed… why had I done any of this? But, it’s not like I had any better options… making Mistress happy was my own best chance for happiness, and she was trying to take care of me….

Before I could worry too long, Mistress was helping me sit up and raise the glass of water to my lips, and I realized I hadn’t thought of removing the blindfold, even when she was gone… I was that exhausted, or that resigned to my own helplessness. The water was cool and tasted wonderful as I drank it down then, and then sort of relaxed against her, and she wrapped her arm around me, snuggled me back down onto her side with her behind me, and I became aware of her hard cock pressing against my ass, and a little bit of arousal started to rise in me, and I wondered if that’s what she wanted.

“Mmm, no pet, I don’t want you to pass out halfway… I want you awake every moment for as my cock thrusts in and out of you and you become pregnant with my child….” Fuck, that was just making me hornier right now… maybe because I could hear how much she wanted it in her voice… I moaned softly, and she slid her hand down my pants again, then slid them gently off, leaving me entirely naked in her arms.

“Shh, pet… do you want me to make you cum?” I nodded a little. I may be overwhelmed, but I had been denied pleasure, and I wanted to be overwhelmed so I couldn’t think what she had just done to me. She pressed her fingers softly against my clit, and my body tensed a little and trembled as she made me cum again and again, not the biggest orgasms I had ever had, but so rapid, helpless against her touch, until I was just totally dazed, drunk in pleasure in her arms and moaning mindlessly.

“That’s my good little pet… just relax… you’re mine, and I’ll protect you all through the night.” I relaxed back against her… that’s all I wanted right now. Someone to protect me and keep me safe… maybe I had been drawn to Valentine because Mistress wasn’t around, wasn’t taking good care of me… but she had always watched out for me when she was my slave, protected me when I didn’t even know about it… I just had to utterly trust and obey her, and everything would be fine, she had promised….

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