I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 33: In Which I Wonder If It Counts As Megalomania If You’re An Immortal Princess

Princess Asperia laughed softly as she looked down at me, caressing my cheek as she thrust her pussy down onto my cock, enveloping it in her warm folds and squeezing softly as I moaned.

"I was starting to wonder if maybe your Mistress had sort of failed at training you, Sasha... but if you're that eager to fall into mindless submissiveness rather than think about moral complexity, I suppose she succeeded in some aspect." She starting riding me, moaning softly and adjusting her hips to take my shaft exactly in the spot she liked best as she used my cock as her sextoy.

I whined softly, unsure how to respond to that... not quite what I was hoping for when I asked her to utterly dominate me....

She traced her fingers over my lips as she thrust her hips down against mine over and over, "It's true, though, isn't it, puppy? When left with a simple of choice if you want to retain power or hand it back to the girl who was once your slave, you hesitate to even make that decision, because you're too scared of having power."

"I..." ...fuck, what if she was right? I used to confidently make decisions that I thought would help people, and now I was just hesitating, unused to having power in my hands. Even if I had made mistakes before, and doubted myself, I hadn't been like this....

"It's okay puppy, you can just leave all the decision-making to me, all right? I brought that little charm you like if you just want to not understand words for a while... do you want that?"

"No, I...! Fuck...!" It was harder and harder to form words, she was smiling down at me in possessively as she thrust down, and I moaned louder, just trying to focus on the sensation of sex as she groped my breasts, moaning and arching my back as I got closer and closer-- and then suddenly, she stopped, my cock hilted inside her and twitching, needing a little more stimulation to cum.

"Please...!" My hands started to move up to her hips as if of their own accord, ready to take hold of them and finish myself off with her body, but she tapped me on the nose, and I hesitated, looked up at her.

"Shhh... shhh... you wanted me to take control, darling, and I want you to hover on the edge of cumming." Just the softest little squeeze of her pussy on my cock, enough to make me moan but not enough to make me cum, and I whined softly, relaxing back on the bed and doing my best to submit to her desire.

Physically, I could be completely in control of the situation if I really wanted to be... heck, I could whisk her off to some remote room, imprison her, and use her as my sex slave for the rest of my life like Sasha had been doing to me... but that's not what I really wanted, or at least, the very small part of me that found that part appealing was a part of myself I hated, and I knew I couldn't enjoy that for long.

I whimpered softly, feeling like my ears and tail were slumping, but of course, I didn't actually have ears right there now, or a tail at all.

Princess kept on bringing me to the edge and then stopping right as I got close, and I became a whimpering, quivery, teary mess, gripping onto the bed beneath us, my strength causing my fingers to sink into and rip at the fabric a little as I did my very best to stay obedient to her will, tried my very best not to hurt her with this body that was so uncomfortably powerful.

"Mmm, yes, such a good puppy... regardless of if you're fiance or my slave, you'll really just be my cute little obedient pet, won't you, such a cute pup, yes... do you want to cum...?

My body tensed up and I whined desperately. "...please!"

"Mmm, no, bad girl. Try again... you tell me it's up to me if you get to cum or not... your Princess's pleasure is more important than yours, isn't it...?"

I whimpered, but nodded a little. "...I... your pleasure is more important than mine, Princess! Make me cum or not... my body's yours!"

She suddenly started thrusting her hips again, my cock -- which had been attenuated to the slightest pleasure -- suddenly spurting out my cum as I screamed, hands ripping at the mattress and structure of the bed, until it half-collapsed beneath us.

She smiled down at me calmly despite the wreckage I had just caused, the bedposts wobbling what looked like a dangerous fashion, but I was too overwhelmed by submission and sensation to care, and as she traced her fingers against my lips, I obediently licked at them, tried to suck on them.

"Mmm, that's my good girl...." Princess sounded quite pleased, and I felt like my tail would probably wag, although it was strangely absent as I panted and stared up at her, body trembling beneath hers.

She leaned down to kiss me softly, circling a finger around my nipple and then pulling on it softly. "Is that what you wanted, puppy...? Just to be my good little submissive pet...?"

I felt dazed, and my body felt good, and I nodded. "...yes... thank you, Princess...."

"Now... you're going to be a good girl and clean up after yourself, aren't you?"

She straddled my head and pressed her pussy down against my face, and I licked eagerly as my cum flowed out of her and into my mouth, trying to pleasure her as best I could, and her movements became more frantic and selfish as she used me lips and tongue to get herself off, which she wasn't too far from, but unlike with my orgasm, she had no heitation for it. Her fingers gripped my hair and her hips trembled against my face as I thrust my tongue inside her, and she cried out in unashamed pleasure, keeping her pussy pressed up desperately against me until her orgasm fully finished, then slowly pulling away.

My cock, still sticky with my cum and her love juices, had become half-hard again while she rode my face, and I looked up at her hopefully.

"Mmm, I should really get back to the others... do you want to come with me and switch back with Sasha so you can be her obedient little helpless plaything again? ...or should I send in some other slaves to fuck you... or for you to fuck, I won't judge... as long as you're nice to my harem and don't hurt them, you can fuck whoever and however and whenever among them you want, they'll all be eager enough to submit to my fiancée."

"You... they don't have the right to say no?"

"I mean, they're pleasure slaves, puppy, they wouldn't even think of saying no. I have friends over sometimes to play with them, too. I make sure all my girls are as happy as I can reasonably make them, and that includes you, but at the same time, they're here to pleasure me. It's a symbiotic relationship." She smiled down at me. "Is that so bad? Isn't that what you wanted just a moment ago, not even having the right to say no? To have all the responsibility and power stripped away from you, just to serve and be appreciated as a sex toy?"

"Um, well... momentarily...?"

"Did you hate how I treated you when I had absolute power over you?"

I looked away, feeling my face heat up. "It... it wasn't too bad. But... why do you even want to end slavery?" ...oh, right. She was immortal, within her lifetime basically didn't mean anything in particular.

"Because I can have more than enough power without slaves... I'm sure I'll have a harem even when it's eventually all theoretically voluntary or political prisoners or what have you. And while animalfolk aren't even legally human, Blood Hunt will always be an issue I have to worry about... I'll need to outlaw that spell, sooner or later... and then, of course, I'll have the gratitude of the animalfolk, who will now suddenly have a lot of power and very little guidance." She smiled down at me, and stroked the top of my head. "Besides, it will make my cute fiance and our cute little pet happy, to end slavery, won't it? That's worth a lot in itself, I'd really like to get it entirely done within your lifespans, if possible."

...because we were powerful playing pieces... well, I did think she thought we were cute. "...So it's all about power?"

Princess laughed softly. "Only about power? No, of course not only... but power, pleasure, politics... why differentiate too much? I will rule and live as long as I can, and enjoy myself as much as possible. That requires that the realm does well overall too, of course. And that none of the groups that would tear me down become too powerful. And that the people both love and fear me. Every action I take is for my subordinates as well as myself... that is the meaning of being nobility. Of having power over the lives of others that one wishes to keep. Slavery of a more powerful group held down primarily by the lynchpin of a single piece of artificery is an inherently unstable system, in the long run."

She reached over and held my hand. "Sasha, if I had had to, I would've killed you. You know that. I'm very glad that I didn't, and we can be on the same side, you're adorable and funny and sweet and your strange perspective on life is genuinely useful at times, and you're so very submissive, I love that, because in the end there can only be a single ultimate ruler-- and that has to be me. The primary problem with a monarchy is that the ruler quality you get is pretty random, with an immortal ruler, this is no longer an issue."

I opened my mouth, then closed it again.

"I'll bring peace and happiness to so many people, with relatively few sacrifices, because I am kind and care about others... but without the desire for power, that dream won't come true, will it?"

"...you're not going to talk about killing your sister right after we had sex, are you?"

She laughed at that. "Oh, no, no, not at all-- I was merely going to imply it. So how're you feeling?"

"I... I think I'm the only one who might have a chance at talking things out with Adeline. Er, well, Princess Adeline. So I should stay in this body for now."

"But later...?"

"I don't know. I need to get closer to Eve, well, that is, get closer to Sasha. See if I can trust her. Her mind is seriously fucked up."

"Yes, well, Mind Magic users generally are... you do still think she's more or less sane though, right?" Her eyes hardened slightly, and I suddenly got the panicky feeling that she would end Sasha if she thought she was a threat, now that she didn't have any specific use for her, and stuffed my doubts into the back of my mind.

"Of course! The only reason she got upset with you is because she saw your attempt to control her as backstabbing. She even handed power over to me when she thought it would make me and her survive. That's not exactly someone mad with power."

Princess Asperia smiled and nodded, relaxing a little. "That was my read too, but you know her better. And you still love her, don't you?"

"I... maybe? It's complicated. I care deeply about her, but at the same time... I don't know. She has issues, yeah. And now I have feelings for Valentine. I... think I'm even starting to care about you? I never had a wandering eye when Sasha was my slave... well... maybe it was more that she was good at getting into my vision when she saw my eye wandering. I'm not good at the whole relationship thing even in the normal one-on-one sense, I think, and now my feelings are getting needlessly complicated along with everything else."

Princess Asperia patted me on the shoulder reassuringly. "We'll have plenty of time to figure it out once we remove Princess Adeline from being a threat."

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