I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 50: In Which Wren And I Are Brought Deeper Beneath

Zince suggested she put us all in a cell in Princess Asperia's personal dungeon for our own protection-- it was, after all, the best magically and physically guarded place we could easily get to. She assigned Valentine to guard us, handing her the key to our cell, and we trudged down a long stairwell, and walked in to see a pale dog-girl with white hair sitting in a chair -- perhaps sitting was an overstatement, she was at a weird angle in it, with her feet up against the wall. Seeing us, she pushed off the wall with her feet and the seat with her hands, spinning in the air and landing in front of us, with a finger pointing at Valentine's nose as her red eyes flickered over each of us in turn.

"Okay, security check. Everyone put your arms up."

Wren kept her eyes focused on her, furrowing her eyebrows, while I looked over to Valentine-- who already had her arms up and an easy grin. "She's legit. Hi, Warden."

Warden sniffed at her armpit, than mine and finally Wren's as we complied with her request. She looked over to my somewhat confused expression, and smirked. "I need to know people's smells so I know who's here... don't spread that around, though, I just thought you should know how amazing I am so you feel secure when I guard you, Miss Sasha."

"...Miss?" I didn't feel I deserved that.

"You're my Princess's guests who I have been assigned to guard, as long as you're here, so I must address you politely." Her tone felt more flippant than polite, though. "Let me show you to your room."

The room was surprisingly nice, of similar quality to the one I had upstairs... well, perhaps the fashion was a bit antiquated, as far as I could tell-- wall tapestries looked fuller and with simpler and bolder figures, even if they looked of good quality. The various tables, too... more focused on ornate feet of furniture, when they had it, straight lines rather than curved ones... I didn't know quite which generation this sort of style came from, but I had seen enough furniture to know it certainly wasn't quite up to date.

She tossed a little bell to Valentine, who caught it. "Ring it once if you need something, twice if it's urgent, and three times if it's urgent and life-threatening. If you abuse the bell, you lose bell privileges," her delivery was a bit vacant, this was something she had said a hundred times and didn't really care enough to not sound like a memorized line she was barely paying attention to.

"Yup! Thanks, Warden." Valentine was all smiles, looking down at her affectionately... she reached for her hand, I assume to kiss it, but Warden pulled away and shook her head, blushing spectacularly given her pale skin. "Not while I'm on duty, show some decorum!"

Valentine laughed easily as Wardn slammed the door shut, and set the bell down on a little table near the bed, before sitting down on it herself, right against the headboard.

Wren placed the sword she had taken from our assailants on a slightly larger table, and looked over between me and Valentine uncertainly. I took her hand and led her over to sit in Valentine's lap with me, and she tensed a little as we sat down, biting her lip.

Valentine petted her head. "Relax, cutie-- I'm not going to bite you." She leaned in a bit closer, lowering her voice. "Unless you ask nicely, of course."

"Val's a sweetheart. Well, don't trust her with any secrets you don't want Princess Asperia to know... but other than that, she has your back. I think she likes all cute girls."

"It's not my fault there's so many cute women and girls," replied Valentine with a grin.

"I am supposed to remain loyal to our Mistress, not...." Wren squirmed a bit. Feeling aroused just by being close to the huge gladiator, perhaps?

"Look, Mistress Eve specifically said we could do whatever. If you really want to show your devotion to her, just don't let anyone else make you cum, and whatever else you do is probably fine."

"Yeah! Want me to edge you two?"

Wren stared wide-eyed at my words, then made some small incoherent noise at Valentine's, wrapping her tail around herself.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at the tiger-woman. "Aren't you supposed to be our security detail?"

Valentine blinked. "...your what?"

"Our guard?"

"Oh! Yeah. But like, I can switch from pleasuring girls to fighting in a moment's notice. Actually, from anything to fighting, really? It's a little harder if I'm being pleasured or tortured, maybe, but basically I am always ready to fight."

I reached up to massage her shoulder a little, and a deep rumbling purr ran through her body for a moment. "Don't you get tense, being ready for fighting all the time?"

"No, I'm relaxed... much as I like other things, I feel like fighting is kinda my default state at this point? Bit like Warden, I guess."

I blinked, and petted and massaged her arm and shoulder more, trying to get her to purr more. "...she's ready to throw down all the time?"

Val considered this for a moment. "Well, that too, but she was raised to be a prison warden, and our noble Princess rescued her, but she still just wanted to be a prison warden. It's... her natural state, I guess? Even moreso than fighting is for me."

Her purring was making Wren squirm a little... well, I guess it was like being on a huge vibrating chair, only the chair was a huge beautiful woman who could absolutely destroy you, but just wanted to make you happy.

I nodded slowly, furrowing my brow. "I guess it's more convenient to leave her like that than try to undo all her trauma." I looked over to the squirming Wren guiltily. Is that what I was doing? I kept on petting Valentine, as much to make Wren squirm as to make Valentine happy... I just wanted to make both girls feel very good.

Valentine frowned a bit at my reasoning, though, her purring ceasing for the moment. "Hey, she's not the only warden here-- she can visit us upstairs most any time as long as she doesn't leave the cells unguarded. Just, she doesn't always... she's a little uncomfortable when she's not in her natural habitat. She's recovered a lot, though, from what Zince says-- used to be she was utterly subservient, and now she has a lot of ego. She's an amazing prison guard, and she knows that. I think that's cool."

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. I guess Princess is trying her best to make us happy as well as useful."

Valentine scratched behind my ears and nodded enthusiastically, starting to purr softly again. "Yeah. Someone has to do it, and it's best if it's a task that someone both enjoys and is good at."

"Yeah... I hope she isn't going to make Mistress Eve kill more people. That Mistress Eve is actually strong enough to say she's not okay with that."

Wren frowned at my words. "Why does she follow Princess Asperia's orders when she's mere royalty, while Eve is a goddess? And why are you implying Mistress Eve might be weak."

"Well... Eve may be the most powerful person in the world, magically and physically, but emotionally? She's been through some shit. Do you think torturing someone into being the perfect slave is something someone well-adjusted does on a whim?"

Wren nodded slowly. "...I suppose that makes sense. She's the only surviving god, after all of them were murdered by humanity. She must have been terribly lonely." She stared off into the distance with a slight frown... but then Valentine was petting her as well, trying to distract her from this line of thought, maybe... but wait.

"...gods were murdered by humanity?"

Wren nodded evenly. "Yes. Once upon a time, the gods ruled over mortals... but their rule was cruel and malicious... or so the mortals saw it. If they were like Eve, maybe their actions were misinterpreted... they were more important than mere mortals, after all. Against this cruelty, humanity rose up, and killed them all, taking their place as far kinder rulers over the other species."

"That's the story among the nobility, at least," Valentine commented. "The way I heard it, humans started enslaving animalfolk, and some of the gods opposed this, and then humans were like 'wait, gods treat us a bit like we treat animalfolk', and, drunk on power, killed them all. I think everyone agrees it was a bloody war, though. Gods were immensely powerful one-on-one, but there were far less of them, and most of humanity was allied against them."

"The way I heard it," said Wren, "the animalfolk pledged their loyalty to humanity in return for freeing them from the gods."

Valentine snorted as she rubbed Wren's thigh. "Likely story. The summoned were seen as heroes shortly before that time, they wouldn't be eager for the loss in status."

"That's...!" Wren sounded angered for a moment, then slowly relaxed as Valentine continued to pet her, staring off into space. "...well, maybe it's possible the stories I were told favored humanity... they did make it sound like killing off all the gods was justified, after all." She sounded skeptical, but... what she reflexively believed didn't fit with her certain Eve-centric view of the world, probably.

"Eve's not a straight up immortal goddess..." I realized I couldn't be a hundred percent sure of this. I had no idea of how any of this worked, really, nor of Eve's past beyond the little she had told me, which she one hundred percent could have been lying about. "...I think?" Maybe she had once been the slaver of the gods, making perfect little disciples.

Valentine started groping both of us more lasciviously. "Mmm, well, it's all long in the past... it's not like it matters too much in this moment... why don't we just try to relax and enjoy ourselves?"

"...okay... don't make me cum, Valentine... please...? I want to devote myself to my Mistress...." Wren's voice was moany and openly horny at this point.

"Of course," Valentine kissed the top of her head. "I just want to make you feel good, not to make you feel bad about anything... just trust me and relax... what about you, Sasha? Do you wanna cum?"

"I... literally can't cum without Mistress Eve's permission." I pulled off my dress and showed off the womb tattoo Eve had given me, which Valentine poked at curiously, making me squirm and moan, and Wren stared at enviously.

"Okay, one orgasm denial and one try to make you cum as hard as possible and completely overwhelm your cute little mind," said Valentine happily as she continued to grope us both with her large hands.

I cuddled up closer to Wren in Val's lap, and kissed her softly on the lips, although I didn't get anything back for a moment. "It's okay... I'm going to make sure you find a place you're comfortable in, one way or another, okay? You're a precious friend of mine."

"You have a crush on me," responded Wren, but then kissed me back more passionately.

"Look... maybe... I crush on a lot of people, I'm kind of a mess about it, really."

"Do you have a crush on me?" Val asked teasingly.

"...yes. Obviously. Does anyone not have a crush on you?"

Valentine purred as she rubbed the outside of my pussy gently with her fingers, teasing me still. "I'm glad. I like you a lot too, Sasha... and I'm growing to like you too, Wren. Your bladework is admirable, and your devotion is adorable."

I squirmed and moaned against Wren and she did against me, and then I started to grope her and her me, the two of us increasingly lost in pleasure. Sometimes Wren would whine needily as Valentine toned down things a bit to make sure she didn't cum, and then I did too, making my kisses more fleeting and my groping more general stroking and holding instead... well, at first, at least, when I could consciously think and control myself.

Soon enough, Valentine pushed me up against the edge of orgasm, and kept me hovering there indefinitely as she pleasured me, my body squirming against hers wantonly as I begged for release. I needed to cum so bad, but it was impossible, no matter how I begged or pleaded or touched myself or how Wren or Valentine touched me.

My body felt so good and needed to cum so bad, and only Mistress could do anything about it... I needed her, I needed her so bad right now, if I could just submit to her and beg her to pleasure me... even in my mental haze, I realized this was exactly why she had wanted this limitation... even when Valentine and Wren, two very cute girls, were doing their best to please me, I couldn't help but think of and be reliant on my Mistress... but hovering on the edge of glory like this felt so good too, and I wouldn't have gotten to feel it without her... I had never really known what sexual pleasure could be like before she took control of me, I was hers, I was pleading with her to let me cum, even though she wasn't here....

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